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The following communities are also interested in "real ale".
10 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in real ale. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
474 matches:
15minutefear - 15minutefear
561 - emma
__joker__ - __joker__
_gh0st_ - « Andy »
_skippy - skippy
_velvet_jones_ - Velvet_Jones
aaandy - Andrew
aca - Adam Auden
adelheid - Pepper
aegidian - Giles
ai731 - Jan
ajshepherd - Antony J. Shepherd
ak67 - AK67
alarmo - alarmo
alcina2 - Alcina
alexa_robinson - Alexa M. Robinson
ali_anarres - Ali
alidington - Atlas
alien_radio - alien_radio
alilloyd - peppered with spastic magic
alitalf - Andy
alonelyseagull - Xiola
altoclef - Aidan O'Hare
alucinaria - Lucy
alwaysgrowing - alwaysgrowing
amaterasu - goddess-to-be (or not to be)
andy_sheddinti - andy_sheddinti
andybear - Andy
andyd - Andy Davidson
anged - Ange
angelcure - angelcure
ap_aelfwine - ap_aelfwine
armagideontime - armagideontime
arodandrum - arodandrum
arricc - Fizzgig
ashekenaz - Ashe
asilver - asilver
astatine210 - Phil Hyde
atl - Adam
augeas - Giles Greenway
ax_deadparrot - Alex Stevenson
azekeil - Azekeil
baljemmett - baljemmett
bartsspace - Darren Owens
batty_butterfly - butterfloozie
baz_jermayne - baz_jermayne
beardedsolitude - beardedsolitude
bekithewitch - hoc volo sic jubeo sit pro ratione voluntas
belteshazzar77 - Daniel
bettiepolkadot - bettiepolkadot
biascut - very british, very lecker
big_daz - Biggus Dazzus
binkopf - Benn Thomas
blackannis238 - Sekhmet; Mistress of Dread
blackcustard - matt noircrème-anglaise
blackmetalbaz - Blackmetalbaz
blackworx - Bruce
blood_o_kings - Septic Angel
bloodnok - Ryszard
blue_condition - the wage slave at the end of the universe
blue_eyed_son - Mark Patterson
blue_jez - Drawing a Motel
bluthgeld - *Azr*
bmsok - bmsok
bohemiancoast - Alison
borange - Bob McAndrew
bowenw - Bowen Whiteoak
boxit - Boxit
boydonegood - Thomas Ythan Jones
bracknellexile - BracknellExile, Lazarus, Simon, Whatever....
brew_askew - Robert (EagleTalon)
broonie - Mark Brown
brvd_snvrvtrp - brvd_snvrvtrp
bwoy - Bwoy
cabbagemedley - Micklethwaite
callanish - callanish
camies - Chris
cammuppet - cammuppet
caomhinmaca - caomhinmaca
carakins - carakins
catyak - Cat Yak
cblgg1 - Geir
cerebros_vivos - cerebros_vivos
chalybeous - Glenn
chrisdreams - chrisdreams
chrissyh - H
chuckles_world - Charlie
chucknorrisjnr - chucknorrisjnr
cjwatson - Col
claidheamh_mor - Xander
claycarnac - ~NeMeSiS~
cobrabay - cobrabay
cornaidd - cornaidd
corpsie - Corpsie
countertony - countertony
cranialouch - aaron - slave to the creeping women of bamu rambi
crazyscot - Ross
croz - Mark/Croz
crx091081gb - crx091081gb
cx650 - Random Stranger
cyberinsekt - Dok
cymrujos - cymrujos
dagonet - Dagonet
daguillon2000 - Simon
damerell - David Damerell
dark_sprout - The Lord of all creation... Well the Trilobites.
darkpenguin666 - Dark Penguin
darkrider63 - DarkRider
darth_tigger - Darth Tigger
davey_boy69 - davey_boy69
de_gustibus - de gustibus
deano977 - deano
deathbypeaches - Liz
del_c - Del
dengar - Jools
deputy_pisshead - deputy_pisshead
dextress - dextress
dierne - Dierne, the not quite hidden
diffrentcolours - Carefully, Correctly Wrong
doctorbob - williamfrederickmillinship
dog_of_two_head - dog_of_two_head
doomslayer - The Hand Of Jimmer
dpash - JD
dr_hfuhruhurr - dr_hfuhruhurr
dragobaroque - Tom
draxil - JOe
drnikki - Freud
dua - Liz
duke_aldhein - duke_aldhein
dukeblack - Duke Black
duncang - Graham
eglantinedreams - Rose
ehrine - Ehrine
elderflower21 - elderflower21
ella - Turthi Sintit
emtave - Jude
eponymousarchon - George R. Watson, The Eponymous Archon
esoteroticist - somewhere between the coffee table and the ocean
estimate_lad - estimate_lad
etriganuk - Alan Fleming
eurmalian - Ben McCallum
everyband - Real Life Journal of a Fictional Prog Rock Band
evil_nick - Nick Metcalfe
eviltwinemma - Eviltwin (Emma)
evolvedlemming - EvolvedLemming
example22 - Example22
faith_rayne - Faith
fanf - Tony Finch
fantasyman - Dave
fatalistoddity - You've got to watch the Quiet Ones
fattyc - Greg Collins
fba - Stewart Tolhurst
featheredwings - featheredwings
fellcat - The Fell Cat
fenland - Fenland
feorag - Feòrag NicBhrìde
filecoreinuse - filecoreinuse
firedraken - Tam
fivelongdays - fivelongdays
fluffymormegil - Martin Read
flugelina - flugelina
fozzythemagus - The Magus
free_pancho - free_pancho
freecloud - freecloud
frightened - Random Scribblings
frotherdoc - frotherDoc
fruit_boy - Bod
g6jyn - Duncan
g7000 - Dean
gaspodog - Gaspode
gheldor - gheldor
gigahertz - Craig Webster
gillyg - Tonius
ginjaninja - ginjaninja
ginog - Uncle Gino's diary of the inane
glitterybint - becky
gore_balls - gore_balls
goth_pooh_bear - Pooh
greenman65 - Andy May
greenycrimson - greenycrimson
greg_tyi - Greg
gregclow - Greg Clow
gribbit - Wayne
gricehead - Colin Jordan
grimface - Grimface
grimgrim - GROOmace
grioghair - Grioghair
guysack - waiting for yesterday
gwengothelf - Gwendolyn GothElf
haddocus - haddocus
happyuncledave - D. (Not the Vampire Hunter)
hazykev - What a lovely young man.
hddod - poppy
headcube - Nev
henman - Paul Henman
hibs - Hibs
hm2k2 - Neil
hoiho - Megadyptes antipodes (August West)
holly6000 - Holly 6000
hookupshoney - S-J
huskerdume - The kilt lifting Scott
hygelac - David Jarrett
ian_poncho - Ian
ias - Issy Stark
illuminoid - Ben
impishredhead - Rachael
inside_rabadash - HRH Prince Pricky, 77th Maharajah of Prickyville
irdm - DM
irushin - irushin
ishmael_666 - colin
j4 - Janet
jazcat - jazcat
jen_whitewave - Whitewave
jenbee - Jennie B
jimt - Stef
joellybaby - Joellybaby
joevernon - Joe
jonoldroyd - jonoldroyd
jophan - Jophan
jynxzero - Jynx Zero
kapowaz - kapowaz
kat_black - Kat Black
katchuri - Lucy
katsmeat - katsmeat
keep_it_teal - Teal
kermitbantam - David
kevinwmoor - Kevin Moor
kheeram - Dave
khnark - Thomas R
kingdavey - kingdavey
kirkabus - kirkabus
kisin - Jon
kitty_goth - Kitty
kittyalex - kittyalex
knitwearemperor - Wizzard Lizzard Biohazzard Glazzard
knockinshop - knockinshop
korenwolf - Korenwolf
koselmaw - Kosel Maw
kultofkylie - kultofkylie
labdanum - labdanum
ladycat - Ladycat
lambertbehnke - Lambert
lazyknight - MJW
lechevalier - lechevalier
levez - With Your Feet In The Air You Can Pickle A Pear
lewi_cifer - Lewi Cifer
lewisbrown - Lewis Brown
li6290 - li6290
liese2711 - liese2711
little_smasher - Spider Webb (exploiter of a many a loophole)
lizelong - Richard
lnr - LNR
lonewolf02 - lonewolf02
lord_valgarv - Valgarv
lordrosemount - Lord Rosemount
lostdreamer666 - Lostdreamer
louis_mallow - Mike (Marsh)
lproven - Liam Proven
lucifer_viola - lucifer_viola
luckykaa - Neil
lugna_vatten - lugna_vatten
maccy - Matthew McIntyre
maco - Maco
maga_dogg - Sam Kabo Ashwell
magentarouge - Magenta
major_clanger - Major Clanger
malfranks - Mal Franks
mariannefenella - Marianne
maryavatar - maryavatar
mathie - mathie
matildamother - matildamother
matsuo_kumiko - matsuo_kumiko
mattblack82 - mattblack82
meirion - meirion
memecat - Memecat
menacing_dancer - Howard G. Vodka
mericet - Mericet
methos - Methos
mettalchikk - The Other Princess
milkydood - milkydood
miramon - Steve Davies
mmaestro - Gareth
mobbsy - Andrew Mobbs
module_6 - module_6
moistly - Paul Francis
morayallan - moray
morecake - Snakeskin Boots And A Halo Smile
mountain__man - Mountain Man
mquin - Mike Quin
mr_nargle - mr_nargle
mr_road - james
mrfy - Jeff
mrsneeze - mrsneeze
muninnhuginn - Muninn and Huginn
murkee - Murky
mybits - Master of Tufted Tit-mouses, Simon Zeppelin
myoptika - Matthew
myrddrr - Tone Deaf
nach0king - nach0king
nahkohe - nahk?hanota'e
nancy_1981 - nancy_1981
nano_shed - Nano_Shed
nerosmaster - Silas
new_brunette - new_brunette
nick_thorpe - nick_thorpe
nickthewaster - nickthewaster
nickys - Nicky S
nicola_w - Nikki
nmg - Nick Gibbins
no_offenc - traitor
nobbynobbs - Robb
noel_the_amish - Noel Davies
not_ginger - Angela Corrie
notwelshman - The NotWelshMan
nou - Kake
nunfetishist - Rob Kendrick
oakwonder - Bluebottle
odubtaig - Duffy
ogwen - Ogwen
omap - Ian
onyx_uk - Onyx
original_aj - AJ
orinocco - orinocco
otter_girl - otter_girl
owenniblock - owenniblock
pantzilla - Pantzilla
paranoidandroid - Marvin
paul_mann - paul_mann
peredur_glyn - Peredur G.C. Davies
pharrap - Paul
phlebas - Phlebas
photospeed - photospeed
piersthompson - piersthompson
piffle_smee - cockboy
pigmymarmoset - pigmymarmoset
pink_mouse - pink_mouse
pintbypint - pintbypint
pir - Peter
pmarrow - Paul
polidori - Sir Polidori
port_and_pipes - port_and_pipes
potkettle - David
punkalou - punkalou
purplecthulhu - purpleCthulhu
purpletom - purpletom
quarg - logic will break your heart
racinghippo - Racing Hippo
radiobread - I Like Bread
rainbowshine - rainbowshine
random_c - Random C
randomchris - Chris
rangerchris - Chris J
raven_muse - Raven
raygungothic - RaygunGothic
real_ale - real_ale
redvane - Redvane Chiisai-go Kitsune
retrofunkster - Will
ribenademon - ribenademon
river_of_ - Me
rjeb - rjeb
rjw1 - bob
romney - Romney The Relaxed
rosenkavalier - Paul
rowan_leigh - Rowan
royal_engineer - Her Majesty's Man
royalcrown - Sexier than Budda. Harder than Jesus.
s2kdragonkiller - S2K
salmon_of_doubt - Dave Redford
samj - Sam Jervis
sandwell - Noctilucent Cloudburst
sanguinously - simone
sarahsnuffles - Sarah
sauergeek - sauergeek
scardwel - scardwel
scaryjim - Jim McGrath
scatmania - scatmania
scifilittlemy - scifilittlemy
scorpiocaveman - scorpiocaveman
shermarama - Sherm
siggydoo - fUnKy MuNkY
simon_exile - simon_exile
simonhornby - Simon Hornby
sinibar - sinibar
sion_a - Sion
sir_boogiejuice - Kit Johnson
ska_pirate - ska_pirate
skorpionuk - skorpion
skull - Steve
sloopjonb - Jon
smells_funny - Dave Balaam
snuz - snuz
sobrique - Ed Rolison
socialist_cook - Judith
songster - Peter Ellis
soullessflyer - Nevermore The Raven
sparkysays - Sparky
spodlife - Tim
spyder - Spyder
squigfried - Squiggle
staybuffedman - staybuffedman
stegzy - Stegzy Gnomepants
steverogerson - steverogerson
stevet - Steve
stsquad - stsquad
stubborngit - Warthog
stunnedfish - Fishy
stuo_od - stuo_od
suaveswede - Swede
superl99 - Lissa
superlash - Jon
sushiho - sushiho
sweetharriet - Queen o Funk Amazon Princess
syllopsium - Syllopsium
t_beermonster - The Beermonster, First Lord of the Bar
talonfire - Talon
tamias - Hollis
tanngrisnir - Tanngrisnir
techiebabe - Flash Wilson
techiebloke - Mike Bristow
tenticle - tenticle
terryfish - Terry the Pepperfish
the_marquis - the_marquis
the_other_j - J Roberts
the_perve - the_perve
the_viking - the_viking
the_warwick - Warwick
the_wood_gnome - the_wood_gnome
thebluelemur - Paul W
thecrazygoblin - thecrazygoblin
thegreatgonzo - Tony
themongkey - While my Catarrh Gently Weeps
theredsky - the red sky
tigger_boing - tigger
timeplease - Steve
tma - Alex C
toastywithbeer - Toasty
tooledup - TooledUp
trashcan17 - Trashcan
treaclechops - treaclechops
treehavn - I have tea
truefang - ben
turkeyjerker - The Hard-Nosed Businessman
tweekers - Tweek
two_brains - two_brains
tyrshundr - Tyrshundr
ujimaflip - Andhi
uninspired_boi - uninspired_boi
unknownlegend - unknownlegend
vanessaw - vanessa
venta - Elizabeth
vento - Phil
vicarage - vicarage
virbius_uk - Richard
von_braun - Dr. Von Braun
vonpeskovitch - the color of beer
vyvyan - Vyvyan
wakokipesni - Duchess of Erat
warner_fitz - warner_fitz
wavinordrownin - wavinordrownin
websterlf - Lindsay
wehmuth - Dave B
white_hart - White Hart
wibblefish - Drownedrat
womble2 - Womble
wonderwelsh - Dewi Evans
wurplediddleido - wurplediddleido
wyoming701 - miss mondrian
xquiq - Stephanie Boyd
yaruar - duck[]boy
yncarn8 - yncarn8
zakalwe - Chris Walker
zbyszek - ezekiel spoonfeast
zompist - Zompist
zotz - Graham Clark