Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "rpgs".
425 matches:
- 100percentwork - 100% Gaming
- 2b2l_gaming - Wednesday Night Gaming Group
- 3d_gaming - HardCore Gaming
- _aftertime - Time After Time RPG
- _dorkified - Dorks Are People Too.
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- ab_rpg_rants - Ranties
- abovethestorm - Above the Storm
- ac_adopt - After Celebrity Adoption
- ac_claim - After Celebrity Claim
- ac_confessional - Dirty Little Secrets
- advanced - Are you... Advanced?
- advent - Advent: Xenogears&Xenosaga
- afterglow_rpg - afterglow_rpg
- agent_delia - Gyheriana
- aim_is_fun - AIM Shenanigans
- alere - Harry Potter: Alere Flammas MUSH
- alfheim - Alfheim
- all_mecha - The Community For Mechapeople
- allcreation - Squaresoft Fanworks
- alpha_city - #Alpha_City
- anewbeginning_ - Pokemon: A New Beginning
- angel_inc - Angel Inc.
- angelsynth - angel synthesis: an RPG
- angst_king_yuki - Yuki Eiri Community
- anigamers - Anime/Gamers
- anime_dojo - Anime Dojo
- animecity - Anime City Community
- anti_ddr - Poison Dance
- arolos - Arolos Community
- ashtons_call - The Star Ocean LJ community
- at_ooc - Time After Time Writers' Community
- balamb_garden - Balamb Garden
- battleimps - Battle Imps
- beatlesrpg - Beatles RPG
- bermania - GS Group Planning
- beyond_borders - Beyond Borders RPG
- bggs - Bowling Green Gaming Society
- bgm_sockpuppets - Black Gate Sockpuppets
- bgm_staff - Black Gate MUX Staff Journal
- billboard - Personal Billboard Charts
- bitter_graphics - Bittersuite Graphics
- bittersuite_rpg - Bittersuite RPG
- blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
- blackgate - Black Gate MUX
- bloodyparts - Bloody Parts
- blueboar - The Blue Boar Tavern
- book_nook - The Book Nook
- bootniks - bootniks
- bowspirit - Bowspirit's Aim Newsblurb Archive
- brotherhood_xm - The brotherhood of mutants
- bsd_rpg - bsd_rpg
- buffalo_gamers - Gamers in Buffalo, NY
- buffy_musical - Buffy: The Musical
- buffyrpers - Buffy Roleplayers
- cace_discuss - CACE -- June 3 to 5, 2005
- calilarp - Cali Larp
- cart_thievery - I Steal Shopping Carts
- celebaelin - The City of Celebaelin
- char_anon - Characters Anonymous
- charafiction - Original Character Fiction
- charloft - The OOC Lands
- cheese_n_anvil - The Cheese and Anvil Inn
- chibihp - Chibi Harry Potter
- cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
- city_in_dust - City In Dust RPG
- city_of_heroes - City Of Heroes
- cityofcandles - Babylon: City of Candles
- claim_a_game - Any Type Of Games
- class_of_78 - Class of '78 -- A Marauders' Era RPG
- clevo_gamenight - Cleveland Gaming Night
- collision_ads - Collision Ads
- cora_ni_stories - Cora-Ni Stories
- crimson__light - The Barony of the Crimson Light
- crux_noctis - Crux Noctis
- cybers_saga - Cyber's Saga
- d20games - D20 DMs and Players
- dangerousvision - Dangerous Visions
- dark_future - Dark Future RPG
- darkelves - The Drow
- davesrpg - Legacies RPG (Working Title)
- deadlands - The Spaghetti Western... with Meat!
- demonthefallen - Demon: The Fallen Community
- depths - De Profundis Correspondence
- dice_fetish - geeks with dice
- dnd_women - The Women of D&D
- doom_magazine - DOOM Magazine Official Community
- doomcom - DOOMCom
- dork_x_core - dorksXrule
- dorktowers - dorktowers
- dransik - Dransik community
- dreamsource - The Dreamsource
- dressdiaries - Dress Diaries
- dungeon_masters - world-builders
- dungeon_siege - Dungeon Siege Players
- eastblock - Tea in East Block
- eastsidegames - Eastside Games!
- eblana - Cafe Eblana
- echoesrpg - Echoes RPG
- efr_rp - Escape From Reality
- egc - Ijishi
- elrohir_halfelf - Elrohir
- elven_journal - The Traveling Elf
- end_ofthe_world - And all the skies fell down...
- eon_rpg - Eon - Rollspelet
- ergoarcadiam - Therefore, In Arcadia
- espionagemud - Espionage MUD
- etansel - Etansel
- eternalsphere - Star Ocean Community
- ethansreignrpg - Ethan's Reign RPG
- etherium - Etherium: A "Treasure Planet" RPG
- eurofurs - Eurofurs Community
- everwoodrpg - The Everwood RPG
- evil_sts - The Evil Storytellers Community
- f_s_i_t - Fandom Swallows its Tail
- faithingravity - 9.8 meters per second squared
- fan_of_danielle - Fans of Danielle
- fandom_songs - This song is PERFECT for...
- fandomnation - Fandom Nation
- fantasy_salad - To Be Announced
- ff10 - Final Fantasy X fans
- ff7 - Final Fantasy VII Fans
- ffantasy_yaoi - Scattered Kisses
- ffartsite - Final Fantasy Artwork
- fflegends - Final Fantasy Legends
- ffx_yaoi - Final Fantasy X Yaoi
- fiction_writers - Fiction Writers Anonymous
- fidelius_rpg - Fidelius Hogwarts
- firanites - Firan Players
- fishtank - Fishtank Observations
- foolsmoon - Fool's Moon
- forestmux - Forest for the Trees MUX
- fortress_net - FORTRESS.NET
- fotgh - Friends of the Gamer House
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- freaktable - The Freak Table
- g_vs_e - G Vs. E
- gaea_journals - Escaflowne RP Journals
- gaiajournal - Gaia Online
- gaiaonline - Go Gaia Online Community Journal
- gaijin_gamers - Hardcore Gamers Only
- game_claims - Video Game Claims
- game_making - G4m3 m4k3rz 4 3v4!
- gamedevelopers - Game Developers
- gamemusicnotes - Game Music notes
- gamer_chicks - The Guild of Gaming Women
- gamers - LiveJournal Gamers
- gamersanon - Gamers Anonymous
- gamesnobs - Gamesnobs
- gamesvariant - Twists on Existing Games
- gammaworldd20 - Gamma World
- gaymers - Queer Gamer Network
- gbml_on_lj - The GBML On LJ
- geekchiks - Geek Chiks
- geeksrhot - Geeks Are Hot!
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- geekwars - *Geek*\/\/4|2s*
- girl_gamers - Girl Gamers - Celebrating over 1,500 members.
- girlgeeks - Girl Geeks Rule!
- girls_who_game - Girls Who Game
- gms_workshop - GameMaster's Workshop
- golddiggerfans - Gold Digger Comics Fan Community
- goshinboku - Goshinboku
- gothic_anime - ..: gothic anime :..
- great_scotsmen - Nessy McCraken
- gurps - GURPS
- gvillehp - Gainesville Harry Potter Fans
- gwmuck - AC 195 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing MUCK
- hays_sucks - Community for people in Hays, KS.
- heroestales - The Adventurer
- hhistoryrpg - Hogwarts - A History
- hiddenparchment - Hogwarts- The Hidden Parchments
- hit_points - Hit Points
- hogwartscollege - Hogwarts College Community
- hot_losers - hot_losers
- hp_enchanted - Enchanted: A Harry Potter RPG
- hp_nc - Harry Potter North Carolina
- hrielith - Hrielith
- hyrulecastlerpg - Hyrule Castle - A Zelda RPG
- ihosmut - International House of Smut
- ilium_city - Ilium RPG
- ilium_ooc - Ilium RPG
- infinite_losers - The United Dork Alliance x__X;;;
- infinitereality - Infinite Realities
- innomine - In Nomine
- interconlarp - Intercon
- intershards - InterShards
- jangos_escape - Bounty Hunter
- janusarwyth - Janus Arwyth
- jeditemple - Jedi Temple
- jilanimeclub - John I. Leonard Anime Club
- jla_of_neopia - ~*The Superfriends of Neopia*~
- jla_united - Justice League Fans Unite!
- jowy - Jowy
- jrockillusion - J-Rock Illusion
- jroleplay - Jrock Role Play
- jthm_rpg - JtHM & Squee RPG
- just_love - Got Love?
- kazz_icons - Kazz's Icons
- kellan547 - John Saul
- kids_rpg - Kids and Roleplaying Games (RPGS)
- kingdomhearted - Kairi
- kissofjudas - Welcome to The Kiss Of Judas
- l5r - Legend of the Five Rings Community
- larp_dot_com - LARP.COM - A hosting service for anyone...
- larpers - LARPers
- legendsofcosrin - Legends of Cosrin
- legion_gamers - Legion
- leviosarpg - Leviosa, the RPG
- ljrpg - Livejournal RPG
- london_geeks - The most splendid order of London Geeks
- look_at_us - Look At Us RPG
- lostartists - TLA
- lotr_eternal - lotr_eternal
- lotrnoncon - LOTR NonCon
- lotrroleplay - LotRRP
- lotrrp_muns - LotRRP
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- lovingeekladies - We love "Geeky", intelligent, and learned Girls!
- lunacon - Lunacon
- lunatic_cafe - The Lunatic Cafe
- madkittygames - Mad Kitty Games
- manflesh - Manflesh RPG
- mangaicons - manga icons
- marry_a_ljuser - Marry A LJ User
- materiamagica - Materia Magica
- megatenworks - Megaten Fanworks
- melody_of_lute - Spoony Bards, and their Spoony Spooniness!
- mercity - Meridian City
- messengerrpgs - Roleplayers listing community
- metagallifrey - The Community of the Community of Rassilon
- mmxmush - Megaman X MUSH
- mrpg - M-RPG
- mu_rpers - MU* RPers
- museings - The Mused
- muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
- musicamun - Musica Mundana
- myalterego - Curious Confessions
- narrative_voice - Faith in Gravity narration / OOC administration
- ne_rennies - New England/Northeast Rennies
- neko_notes - Rose's Muses
- nekotales - nekomancers
- neorp - NeoPets RP
- nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
- nes - nintendo
- neutral_stand - The Neutral Stand RPG
- nexusrp - Nexus RP
- niente_perdere - Niente Perdere
- njgamers - NJ Gamers
- nobilis - Nobilis Roleplaying Game
- norwescon - Norwescon
- nostalgic_song - Legend Of Mana Fans
- notsector5 - This is actually not sector 5
- notsougly - Coyote Ugly
- nut_house - Sar's Pups
- nutrinopets - Nutrino Pets
- obscure_games - Obscure Games
- oddverse - the Oddverse RPG
- ohtori_academy - Ohtori Academy: An Utena RPG
- okage - Master Stanley Hihat Trinidad XIV
- online_gaming - Online Gaming
- oocbuffymusical - OOC: Buffy the Musical
- orpgers - Online Roleplaying Gamers
- osiooc - OOC (Out of Character) Community for Sunnydale OSI
- parisites - Paris Koffeehauze
- perfectkismet - PerfectKismet
- pernmoo - Pern MU*ers
- phantasy_star - The Algo Solar System
- plastic_hell - Shiny Plastic Hell
- portal_o_normal - Portal of Normal
- posse_ooc - The Posse
- power_circuit - Power Circuit
- ppiras - People Participating in Random Acts of Silliness
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- ragnafurry - Ragnarok Online Furries
- ragnarokonline - ROLJ - LiveJournal's 1st Ragnarok Online Community
- real_emotion - r e a l E m o t i o n // Final Fantasy X-2
- realityisadream - Reality Is a Dream
- realmslore - the forgotten realms
- redwallabbey - Redwall
- redwalletc - Redwall Nuts
- reichrpg - Reich RPG
- renaissancedark - Renaissance Dark RPG
- retardville - what
- risoukyou_rpg - Kingdom of Risoukyou RPG
- rlxp - Real-Life Experience Points
- robot_house - Robot House
- rolemaster - Rolemaster
- roleplayanime - Anime Role Playing
- roleplayers - Roleplayer's Community
- rose_and_ankh - Vampire: The Masquerade RPG
- rose_ankh_talk - Rose and Ankh Talk
- rostratics - RO Stratics
- rpdreams - Lyra: Quest of the Fates
- rpg_admin - RPG Administrators Community
- rpg_bears - Role-Playing Bears
- rpg_design - Role-playing Game Design Forum
- rpg_promo - RPG Promotions
- rpg_tales - Sagas of Dice, Dungeons and Dolts
- rpgcharacters - RPG Characters
- rpgffsmb - rpgffsmb
- rpgmaintainers - Role Playing Game Maintainers
- rpgmaker - RPG Maker Community
- rpgnation - RPG Nation
- rpgossip - Role-Playing Game Gossip
- ryngwurld - The Art of the Hack
- sakurainn - The Sakura Inn Mansion
- sarah_kamiya - The Digi-Place Message Board
- sb_leviathan - The Starbase Leviathan Management Team
- scatterbrains - Scatterbrains et al
- sd_larp - SD_Larp
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- se_camarilla - SE Camarilla
- secondhand_soul - Community for random fandom-goers
- secondprogeny - Underground Puppeteers: Second Progeny
- septaweekly - Reasonably Septaweekly
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- shadowrun - Shadowrun
- shadowseaves - Shadow's Eaves_Btvs_rpg
- shardsofarda - Shards Of Arda
- shardsofreality - Shards of Reality
- shift_change - Shift Change RPG
- shinra_inc_ff7 - Shinra Inc. FF7!
- silk_sheets - silk_sheets
- smallville_gang - Smallville
- smrpg - The Mario RPG Commune
- soul_assemblage - An assembly of soulbonds
- soulbonding - soulbonding
- souless_village - Area 51
- spastichampster - the Hampshire College geek crowd
- spysdemise - Mage: the Ascension & Mage: the Awakening Lounge
- square_enix - Square Enix
- squaresoft - SquareSoft R Us
- st_legacy - Star Trek: Legacy Journal
- star_iconz - Icons
- studio_stan - Studio Stan
- suikostrategist - Genso Suikoden Strategist Fans
- sumarucity - Persona and videogame discussions
- sutekidane_ffx - suteki da ne
- swapper - Swapper
- swil - SWIL
- tablefive - Table Five iRO Guild
- talon_lounge - The Talon Lounge
- team_burke - PG-13 and M for mature audiances.
- teamkonfusion - Team Konfusion
- tearsofthestars - Tears of the Stars RPG
- teatime2 - Twin Cities by Teatime II
- technicon - Technicon
- tekneh - Guardians of the Unicorns
- terris - Terris
- the_abyss - The Abyss
- the_btvs_rpger - BtVS rpgers unite!
- the_hot_geeks - the hot geeks
- the_omni - The Omni
- the_talon - The Talon
- the_temple - The Temple
- thecampaign - The Felurian Campaign
- thecitywatch - The City Watch RPG
- thefantastic - The Fantastic
- theguildnd - TheGuildND
- thelostland - the lost land
- themagicbox - The Magic Box
- themnemosyne - Mnemosyne, Mother of Muses
- theoddcouple - Quirky Shonen Ai/Yaoi Couples
- theothernwn - Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Community
- thesilverblades - The Silver Blades
- thestaffroom - The Staff Room
- thetabloid - The LiveJournal Tabloid -- Extry! Extry!
- thisscenesucks - xThisxScenexSucksx
- thornhold - Thornhold
- tomorrowpeople - Tomorrow People: An Ultimate X-Men RPG
- transgeek - TransGeek
- travellerrpg - Traveller RPG Community
- tribemush - TribeMUSH
- true_earth - Sasarai
- tsb - The Student Body
- tt_irl - Tinsel Town - In Real Life
- ultimaonline - Ultima Online Addicts
- underdark - #underdark on
- vaalspace - The Royal City of Khonaerya
- valenn - The World of Valenn
- vent_hatred - Vent your anger
- veritas_rpg - veritas
- vgdrabble - video game drabbles
- videogamerecaps - Videogame Recaps
- vidgames_notyou - [+_oo]~
- vivispants - Es un gato en el pantelones de vivi
- vlarps_suck - Vampire Larps Suck
- w00t_comic - /usr/bin/w00t
- wakatastica - The Starship Wakatastica
- wanasa - WaNaSa
- wanderers - Wanderers
- warcraft_3 - Warcraft 3 & Frozen Throne Strategy/Discussion
- wayside - The Wanderer
- we_are_family - Melly and Nikki's Friends
- weareforsaken - _TheForsaken_ Ooc Journal
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- whitecity - WhiteCity
- whitecityooc - WhiteCity OOC
- wicked_intent - Wicked Intent RPG
- wild_wild_west - Wild Wild West RPG
- willowkennedy - The Willow and Kennedy Community
- wishingforfame - Wishing For Fame [ RPG ]
- wizard_pimps - A Harry Potter MWPP RPG
- wnresumes - ahaha you don't even know.
- wolfrunners - Wolfrunners
- womengamers -
- workingdesigns - WD Fansite
- worldbuilders - Fantasy and Role-playing Worldbuilders' Guild
- worldbuilding - World Building
- worldmaking - The Art of World Making
- worldrevolution - .World Revolution << RPGs
- worldswithin - Worlds Within Us
- x_academy - X-academy
- xaviers - Xavier's Institute
- xforce - X-Men RPG
- xfsim - xfsim
- xgents - Gentleman of the X
- xgossip - X-Gossip
- xmarvelsagax - A Marvel Saga RPG
- xmen_journal - x-men
- xsomnia - X-Men Movie RPG
- yellosubmarine - The Yellow Submarine
- ygo_writers - Yu-Gi-Oh Writers Anon
- zom_bee - dnd group 2000
Interested users
The following users are interested in rpgs. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
480 matches:
- 9mm - Back in the game!
- abhorrence - Abhorrent
- adelwolf - Jor
- adpaz - Giddy Gerdie and her Glamrous Gams
- adranse - Andrew Dranse
- adrastia - Adrastia 9
- aenimion - SPC dAn
- aeristerra - Aeristerra
- afearah - Afearah MacBeth
- agent13 - In A World He Never Made
- akael - Akael
- akihikio - Akihikio
- alchemist - The Alchemist
- alkarenhyralt - ♥ Jessica's Fallen Angel ♥
- alphakami - Tad Griggs
- andyroyal - Andrew Royal / Ninge
- aneurin - Aneurin Westwood
- angel381 - angel381
- anoldwanderer - An Old Wanderer
- antimony - antimony
- arctures - Jeff
- arithon - Task Resolution Mechanic
- asilvahalo - come to heaven, silva halo
- astrasoul7 - Astra
- athene - Athene Numphe
- atholbrose - atholbrose
- aubrey_osiris - Evanescence
- auset - Kain
- ayashi - Valkyrie
- azazyll - Riedel
- baka - Vampire Hunter DEEZ
- banditsquirrel - Preen Feathershift
- bansidhe - Bansidhe Stormcrow
- beatmeuplord - mike patton's slut(ryan)
- belgand - Belgand
- bengsolarisan - Beng
- bigangry - The Nice Guy
- bishop - Bishopknight
- black_irish - Dan
- blackrosebrp - BlackRose
- bleh - Bleh
- blithwulf - John
- blky - Les
- blockhead - Blockhead
- blu - Bluish
- bluerodent - J. Mouse
- br00se - Br00se
- brash - donavon monavon xray isidore
- brentmisato - Automaton
- buddha_the_dm - Valkyn Highwind
- burning_halo - Josh
- byaina - b00ty mcw00tw00t
- cabbit - Ryo-Ohki
- captain_jester - Matt
- captainzap - The Responsible Lunatic
- celtic4 - Mara
- cerecere5451 - DeadKitty
- cgilmore - Chris
- chamelaeon - Chamelaeon
- charisma - 'cause nobody loves you
- charmed - antonio miquilena
- chibiakki - Winter - The Prince of Cocoa is Filthy With Love
- chicky - Crystal
- chimera_13 - The Moose
- chirstyn - Chirstyn
- chronicles - »» º Pixels of the Mind º ««
- ciel_dailes - Conna
- cloud612 - Holy smokes, this is Zach
- comet - Katy Beth
- coolfreshair - Permanently disgruntled ...
- corriel - ₪₪₪ Corriel ₪₪₪
- corvar - He's a Ghost, He's a God, He's a Man, He's a Guru
- cozmo - Cozmo
- crashmog - Adam
- crazyfeline - C.D. Lawrence
- cremia - Serendipity
- cremlian - Scott Johnson
- cyrril - Colin D.
- daeadan - Daeadan Faefriend
- damienroc - K. Jeffery Petersen
- dandycat - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
- danieloflorien - Daniel Lawson
- darker_dreams - No one of note
- darksyde - Jawsh
- darktemplar - Nookiez
- darkzine - Jeanette
- davedowns - Dave
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- daymaril - daymaril
- deadboydex - the donkey-headed adversary of humanity
- deathjockey666 - Chris Kirkman
- deftly - Randal Wilson
- demigod - Anthony
- demota - Demota
- denali1 - Steve McKnelly
- deno3001 - Deno
- devon - a Siamese Cat of a Bird
- dicenoir - Alexander
- digitalscreams - digitalscreams
- divinemissa - Abbie
- dnaworks - Donald Wheeler
- docmaestro - Docmaestro
- dorathy - Rachel Andrews
- dougals - Dougals
- downinflames - DarkLament
- dphilli1 - David Phillips
- dragonbane - Rich
- drainbead - Tempest in a D-Cup
- drakk - Drakk. - Go ahead punk, Float my boat
- dreamergirlme - Alian Rodriguez
- drogg - Jon
- duskprince - Raven
- dwaggie - Journal .. OF DARKNESS!
- dxr0adog - Aries was a god
- ebon - Tala Drake
- edmcbride - noodles
- efli - Efli
- elanamoon - *fantastic*elyzah*
- eleica - Eleika
- elisabeth - Elisabeth Margaret H.
- empyreal - Empyreal
- enamoured - Noel
- engel - xtina
- enlightened - William Campbell
- ersatz - Ersatz
- eternallynumb - Smokee
- eternity - Gen
- etoile - Ellie
- evangel - Evangel Darklove
- evil_buzzy - Buzzy
- evilincarnate - Latimer
- falcon815 - Aaron Bolner
- falk - Falk
- fallingdarkness - ~[ K o $ ]~
- fergard - Fergy
- fillerbunny9 - Chris
- finalrequiem - A Gunslinger Shoots With His Mind - Final Requiem
- fireballof3 - Fireball of 3
- first_dragon - First_Dragon
- fishsupreme - Fish Supreme
- fishy - Fish
- flee - Lee
- fluffy - stranger
- foetusincome - The Golden Boy That Was Swallowed By The Sea
- folterte - folterte
- fonny - fell in love with a scar
- fragilemouse - fragile porcelain mouse
- freshjive - Ryan
- freyis - freyis
- frosty - Frosty
- fusako - fusako
- fuschia - Drowned Girl Fuschia
- galebird - Gutter Flower, Cheerleader of Pissed Off.
- games -
- gandalfgreyhame - David
- gdw - Gene
- geg - Grigori Richardovich
- gekko - Fear the Cute Ones
- gelly - gelly
- ghettowebcam - Will
- ghost208 - M.E.A.
- gianni - The Pocket Wop
- girlwithagun - death to ice weasels
- gizmo - Joseph
- goddessofstyx - D. "Mintaka" Peal
- greenangel - Holly
- gremlinkin - GREMLINKIN
- hairlesbeachape - Hairless Beach Ape
- haradachi - Patty
- hatchling - kat
- haze - Haze
- hcm28 - Hypatia Tylwyth
- highone - HighOne
- hunterx - HunterX
- huzzahuzzah - Willow
- hyphen8d - Matt Arevalo
- iain - Iain C.
- icetears - Luna
- ickzer1 - cl1k
- ieathorses - Horsie Eater
- ifurita - Ravi
- inebrigoth - Asphyxia
- insomniel - Princess Tracy
- ironman - Jesse Miller
- isetuonphire - Phire
- ixsetxuxonxfire - ixSETxUxONxFiRE
- jadasc - Jason
- jade422 - ~`Laura`~
- jadenkun - Jaden-Kun, The Imagi-Knight
- jaina - xai^2
- janjanboy - JanJanBoy
- japolo - Sleep so much
- jaybear - JayBear
- jazzfish - Tucker
- jeepbear - JeepBear
- jessi - The Marvelous & Infamous MARSHMELLOW FAIRY!!!
- jesslla - Marlene
- jester_wolf - Jester_Wolf
- jinsaotome - Jin
- joemorf - joemorf
- joriel - Joriel
- josephmoore - Joey Moore
- jukor - Joshua H.
- justantine - Justantine
- jwdarklegion - The Digital Phantom
- jyanda - Jyanda
- jzig - Ben Zeigler
- k2cro4 - K2CrO4
- kailieann - Kailieann
- kanna - Kasey
- kasei - Casey (Kc)
- katen - Katherine Nabity
- kerochan - Paul
- kgola - Kit
- kiersten - eliz
- kinghollywood - Uncle Skanko
- kingowit - Brian Skyllzzz
- kouhotaru - Kou Hotaru
- kumojomog - Lee Lee
- kunou - Kunou
- kurai - Erinin
- kylana - Kylana
- kynik - Kynik
- laceratedcharm - Geo
- lachesis - Lachesis
- ladymajick - Lady Majick
- laldian - Michael Branham
- lessabunny - Lessa Winters
- lh - Socrates
- lillquim - Seed of Satan
- lilmorbid - Lilmorbid
- liquidcross - liquidcross
- lisidy - felicity
- lissibith - Lissibith
- lizcroteau - Liz Croteau
- llamascout - Jacob
- lobster - Kirimasa
- london - Phoenix Rizen
- lord52 - dan
- lordrahl - Lord Rahl, Master of D'Hara
- lordremo - He who wields the Crabfork of Mordor!
- lorelai - W. Lorelai Wu
- losergirl - дΨĦξ≈۸ ħδ∟Ŀσψ
- lostclause - Jason C. Wong
- luna_goddess - Starla
- lurgee - :·:
- lurker - Devin
- lyricalpink - Lyrical Pink
- machmed - The Americana Dream
- madrain - Joshua
- maggiechan - Maggie-chan
- maichen - Patty
- maiji - Maiji
- malakim - Shadow Side
- malkav - I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream
- maltor - John Banker
- mariakatarina - Maria-Katarina
- maruchan - Ramen with the highest MSG content EVER!
- masako - Andrea
- masterx900 - Hige
- mcmasters - Luke Morgan
- mechaman - Mechaman
- melopene - Vickie
- metroid - M e T R o i D
- michaela - Michaela MacLeod
- midian - Leigh
- midnightdove - Lien Kinson
- midnytezshadow - Shell
- mikkali - One
- minako - Nikki
- mindy - Mindy
- mintaka - [The Fool of Fools]
- mishra - Will
- misscookiecrumb - little killjoy
- miyazu - miyazu the kinky ninja penguin
- miyu - Lilith
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- mongo - Ratanak Lun
- moonseternity - Charlie (Charlene)
- morat - The PazMaster
- moratorium - Spike
- mordal31 - Kail Morias/Kiiyue Hinitmaei
- morlock - Dueling Wits
- moses - Alli
- muerte - Scott "Spongebob Hotpants" Baker
- mystra - Lorie
- myuka - Zoe
- nachtzehrer - cat
- nalidolly - Annalisa
- nameless - Nameless
- nannette5 - Nan
- nategodin - Nate Godin
- neo_san - Conan
- neokuja - NeoKuja
- neptune - Chilaou
- netropic - pict nero
- nighthawk - Historicus Deus Innomen
- nightshade - Nightshade
- nijikongirl - CJ Burgandy
- ninjahedge - Scott
- nomilomi - Nomi Jade
- notic - notic
- notkewlenough - Notkewlenough
- nui_chan - ぬい
- number42 - Dan Traut
- nutari - Nutari
- nymphval - Val
- ocelot_eyes - Ocelot Eyes
- ogopogo - Miner at the Dial-a-view
- ogredrew - Drew McCray
- omega9 - The Crusader
- onewingedangel - Trina
- onigokko - Joey
- oursgarou - Ours-Garou Blackbear
- over - nicky
- oz - Oz
- pakrat77 - Mike
- pamuy - Jenn
- pat_trick - patman
- peneli - Alien Booknose Peneli
- petfish - also . . . DEATH GOD
- pezzgrrrl - pezz g grrrl
- piccoloismailov - Tomo
- pikala - Jackie
- pirateking - john is clueless words
- poeticdragon - Claire Fox
- poisonousivy - Ivy
- pooka - Pooka and the Purple Crayon
- prevailedloss - brandon
- prismfaerie - prism -プリズム -
- prodigal - Prodigal
- psychohawk - Psycho Hawk
- psychohosebeast - Jason
- punkybunny - Cute Little Dead Grrl
- pupitre - paul
- purupuru - Amy
- pyrewolfe - Wolfe
- quinton - Q
- quisty - Leah
- quotaison - quotaison
- ragespiral - Dylan
- rainwolf - Rainwolf
- rainy - Renee Marie
- raion - Raion Wilson
- raistlinsb - Alexander
- rao - Paul Fisher
- raum - The Reverand Jesus Fruitbat
- ravynofid - The Ravyn of Id
- redjedi - ßří@ŋ WåŦ§øŃ
- reene - Ronin Economist
- regentag - alabaster zoroaster
- rehanna - Rehanna Wildrose
- relfen - C2
- resilient - Resilient
- rewind2day - Rewind
- rexservorum - Adam
- reyna - uniformly beautiful
- rhiannonstone - They Say She's Famous But No One Can Prove It
- rhonn - Rhonn
- rigel - Spirit Chrysalis
- rkmlai - rkmlai
- roseychan - Rose
- rpgbabe - Cherry-Tonic
- rycok - Ryco
- sadnessnpeace - brian
- safiiru - Karl
- safti - Safti
- sailorpluto - sweet surrender
- sakura - 桜
- salmonrunning - Jon
- samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
- sanatae - Dacey
- sandrock - E-Chan/GundamSandrock
- sasori - Sasori
- sassykins - Sassy
- satanthe42nd - Doctor Device
- savage - savage
- scaled1 - Bat-Winged Boy
- scarletxanth - [::Glaring Dream::]
- scotts - Scott S.
- seanjoe - seanjoe
- searay - Sarah
- serevolution - Joe Santana
- seth - Naruto
- shada - shada
- shardsofsilver - delusions of candor
- shatai - Shatai
- sheyrena - Michelle
- shofari - Karl
- silverangel - Angel
- silverwind - i need sleepies.
- siren_noda - Siren
- skobo - Skobo
- skyth - Skyth
- sleepingwolf - sleeping wolf
- sleeplessddt - Ask.
- slivovitzz - REDRUM
- snoopyh42 - Adam H
- soco - soco
- sokotos - Sokotos
- sola - little carpenter bee
- sollitaire - Sollitaire
- sora - Fate
- sourangel - Bethany べス
- specplosive - Quazlat
- spiralshannon - Shannon
- spiritwalker - Dream
- squirrelloid - Nick Johnson
- squirtgunkid - Unknown
- staffinamiskaw - Deus
- stardrake - StarDrake
- stormcrowley - Insomnia with a smile
- strangeone - Will
- sway - sway
- sweetxpea - Sugar and Spice
- sylverice2 - Kay
- t0yb0x - the kinky neko...
- takara - Gaby
- tallcubca - Gay Mafia Assassin (Demon for Hire)
- talmanes - Jess Hart
- tangletoy - tangle of toy
- temperance - Eric
- tenken - Soujiro Seta
- tenketsu - Matt
- tenshi - Tenshi
- tharpy - Mike Tharp
- the_chuck - チャック
- thebishop - Bishop
- thegreyghost - Ghøsty
- thekabal - Todd
- theron - Brendan
- thorshammer - Chris Fairfield
- thoth - Joshua
- tiagro - Your Favorite Matt
- tiana - Katherine, called Ti'ana
- tifa - Tifa { ♥ } Lockheart
- tifalockheart07 - Tifa Lockheart
- timarelay - Aba aka Timarelay
- tokimi - Tokimi
- topher - Christopher Cashell
- toshi - Toshi
- trinearth - Trin Earth
- triplee - Eriq Sadiq, Scourge of the West Village
- trixchan - Trix-chan
- tsukiko - Tsukiko
- tuxmatt - Matthew
- twistedrain - Twisted Rain
- uniqourne - Uniqourne
- unseelie - Richard's Web Persona
- unvampire - Cloud
- valtin - SumpfBoy
- verrueckter - Mike
- vision_242 - vision
- vperez - Victor Perez
- vwl - The Boss to Surpass Big Boss Himself
- warder - Timothy Davis
- warewolf - Richard Harman
- warriorwolf - warrior wolf
- watercircle - Loser Status Confirmed
- weyrdchic - The WeyrdChic
- wheresthebeef - Lucifuge Rofocale
- whisper - Nicki
- willow - amRy
- wizardofaus - The Wizard of Aus
- wolvesden - mysticwolf
- xanyboi - xany
- xiphias - Xiphias Gladius
- xraex - rachel
- xtayx - tay! :D
- yozakura - Yozakura
- zahra - Zahra
- zaychan - Revolver Puppy
- zeblith - Jake / Kiyoshi / Aquilino
- zedd - Zedd
- zeyphrkori - Saint Paul
- znemesis - David Inacio
- zorak - zorak
- zorbathut - Zorba the Hutt
- zuppylover - Annie
- zztknightt - Doug Snyder