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User:tiel (192364) Paid User tiel
Little Conversations know i never could say anything in 20 words or less...
Website:Pandora's Vox
Location:Washington, Dist. of Columbia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status AutumnBriars (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status autumnbriars (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:As of the begining of 2003, my Livejoural has taken a backseat to my blog, Pandora's Vox. Daily musings and regular posts can be found there, as well as the 100 Things meme, which tells as much as any public "about me" description ever will.
Most of the posts made to my Livejournal are friends-only; the others are fluff. I'm not terribly picky about who sees my friends-only entries -- if you'd like to be added, leave me a comment, send an e-mail or IM, or just add me to your own friends list. Unless I have good reason, I generally reciprocate friending. Its only fair.

Memories:43 entries
Interests:82: alice in wonderland, anita blake, assateague island, astrology, bagpipes, bats, birkenstocks, bladerunner, blogging, caitlin r. kiernan, camping, candles, cats, ccgs, celtic, collaging, concrete blonde, cowboy junkies, crafts, crochet, cyberpunk, digital art, dungeons & dragons, elves, faeries, fight club, flannel, flappers, fung shui, gaelic, ghosts, gone with the wind, gothic, grassroots politics, harry potter, herbalism, hippie, history, horror, hungry lucy, incense, ireland, johnny depp, knitting, laurell k. hamilton, long hair, massage, massage therapy, metaphysics, moonstone, mythology, natural beauty, neil gaiman, new age, oceans, pmti, poppy z. brite, pro-choice, procrastination, reading, reiki, ren fest, renaissance, renfest, rk post, rpgs, rusted root, sandalwood, snow crash, supernatural, tarot, the cure, the rogues, vampires, victorian, white wolf, wicca, william faulkner, wraith, writing, yarn, zodiac. [Modify yours]
People58:amorphous, bigbrain, bobfishalmighty, bunny_angel, cabbageking, cavlec, cdharrison, commiegirl, daiopowen, dawntreader90, dayla_starr, dcfreaks_events, deep_bluze, divalion, docbrite, dreamerdevie, evilfuzzle, exofreeze, funnel101, gloomymike, greygirlbeast, greymaiden, gypsyfae, immlass, insteadofsilent, kosub, lilangel01, lillylicious, loftgeek, lonemartyr, mariann, maxima_1999, morbed, msondo, noir_ramenlord, papilleau, peoplesyak, quix, ramenlord, random221b, royalflush84, sgt_ramirez2001, shellykish, silentangel000, sjo, souldestrukting, stella1278, the_confessor, thewhitedragon, tigress34, totothemonkey, trancerocker16, twim_reborn, uranologist, vikkicinno, with_this_voice, xiombarg, zoobily_zoo
Communities9:concreteblond, digital_artists, lj_maintenance, rusted_root, shadowscene, species_of_one, urban_decay, vegrecipes, washingtondc
Friend of:61: alisandre, amorphous, angel__2002__, angelofthefall, ash1977law, bigbrain, bobfishalmighty, bruns, bunny_angel, cavlec, cdharrison, daiopowen, darker_urges, dawntreader90, deep_blue, deep_bluze, divalion, exofreeze, funnel101, greymaiden, gypsyfae, immlass, insteadofsilent, jerseydogg, lilangel01, lillylicious, loftgeek, lyzander, mariann, master_yoga, maxima_1999, morbed, msondo, noir_ramenlord, od_wan_kenobi, papilleau, peoplesyak, quix, ramenlord, random221b, royalflush84, sexygeek, sgt_ramirez2001, shellykish, silentangel000, sjo, souldestrukting, stella1278, the_confessor, the_la, thewhitedragon, tigress34, totothemonkey, trancerocker16, twim_reborn, uranologist, vikkicinno, with_this_voice, xiombarg, zeruel77, zoobily_zoo
Member of:12: concreteblond, craftygoths, crochet, digital_artists, paidmembers, poppy_z_brite, rusted_root, shadowscene, species_of_one, urban_decay, vegrecipes, washingtondc
Account type:Paid Account

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