Thursday, August 29th, 2002
9:56 am - Must remember Darwin Awards book.
Lesse. School's going a bit better. My understanding in Calculus is slowly but surely rising, however, that doesn't change my bad grades from last semester or the fact that I think Mr. Shrader is irritated at me since I zoned out and started doodling yesterday. Yarr.
Still doing nothing but updating my LJ in drafting.
In Spanish they changed the seating around yesterday. This is for the good of the class, as they were really frickin disorderly before. However, It did seat me well away from Max and Janet, who I wasn't really talking to all that much, and now I don't have them to back me up in my work. Yarr.
BritLit is now MUCH easier since I successfully recited the first 18 lines of The Canterbury Tales and changed my individual presentation to Charles Dickens' "Hard Times", which isn't for several weeks. Whew.
Shinkendo last night was cool. We learned a new form of the Goho Batto Ho, which I am certain I shall forget soon, so I must practice in an attempt to remember it.
Mom has gone off and taken Katie up to Swarthmore. Meaning Dad and I have the full run of the house for the entirety of DRAGONCON, which just so happens to start today. (I consider the Journal-Constitution's "Watch out for nerds"-type article to be a sign of it beginning.) Bad movies shall probably be rented.
Anywho, off to celebrate my victory for changing to Dickens in BritLit with a tall glass of woman. (Only John (Neal) would get this. All others, don't even ask. It has to do with my church.)
current mood: Victorious!!! *V sign* current music: The announcements are really stupid.
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| Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
10:00 am
Calculus yesterday really sucked. I really don't understand derivatives too well, and I somehow got a 58 on my test on Friday. Yarr. It's periods like that that give me the impulse, for about 15 minutes or so, to curl up into a fetal ball and shut out the rest of the world. Anywho, this caused me to zone out all through spanish.
I also just found that I, personally, have a presentation the day after Dragoncon, giving me 2 or 3 days to do all of it. Beautiful.
Watching things throughout the past few days, the concept of going to film school and becoming a director is really beginning to appeal to me. This is the year where I actually really need to just step out there and start making decisions about college, and USC or UCLA are both beginning to look really appealing to me. But then again, I'm still nervous since it's not exactly an easy industry to make it big in, and I don't really have any actual experience directing as of yet. Ah, well. Still two more years to make decisions. Not in cruch time yet.
current mood: rushed
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| Monday, August 26th, 2002
9:58 am - Beware the wrath of Streetor!
A few days ago, my family and I went up to Border's books and music. I say to myself, "Thomas, Dragoncon is in less than a week, and you need to save your money. don't buy anything at borders." However, when I got there, I discover that Borders has magically grown an anime section in their DVDs, and have Evangelion Death & Rebirth for $20. And so I say to myself, "Damn, Thomas, that's a good deal! Buy that shit!"
So I did.
D&R; is good. High quality DVD (tho I hate 2 sided DVDs). Extras are rather comprehensive, although Amanda Winn Lee or whoever the director was really bugs me. She did nasty, nasty things to the dub, as I discovered while listening to the commentary track.
Weekend was lazy. Didn't really do anything, including homework. Which was too bad for when I walked into BritLit having not read the Canterbury Tales or studied my notes.
Last night I watched Iron Monkey. Just as goofy as I remember. AFterwards, I popped in "The Last Temptation of Christ", with the intention of just watching some of the beginning. However, in typical fashion I wind up watching all of it, staying up till well past 3. Good movie. Since most everyone already knows at least the basics of the story, you THINK you know exactly when it's going to end, but no, it decides to keep on going.
Anywho, this leads to me being vewwy vewwy tired today.
Yarrg, Streetor's beginning to teach again. Later.
current mood: sleepy current music: Bow before the supreme might of Streetor!
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| Saturday, August 24th, 2002
12:20 pm
Had a test in Calculus. And while I'm pretty certain that I knew how to do everything, I also am really slow at math. Therefore three questions were left blank. Perhaps, by some stroke of luck, Mr. Shrader will let me finish tomorrow. Or not.
Anywho, getting distressed over the Calc test threw off my groove, and I was kinda out of it for Spanish. Band was long and boring and irritating.
That evening, went out to dinner at Subway, then I went and rented Morrowind (again), Iron Monkey, and the last temptation of Christ. Odd combination, huh?
Then we all went and played putt-putt.
This is really weird. Last night I watched the final three episodes of Evangelion. And it was a whole new experience. Maybe it's because of my class, maybe it's because I've seen it so many times, but when I watched it this time, it was completely different. Not only did I fully understand everything that was going on at all times, I suddenly realized that there is just layer after layer after layer of symbolism and trickery.
Oh, and Kaworu is Jesus.
current mood: happy current music: Night on Bald Mountain
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| Friday, August 23rd, 2002
10:16 am - "Two new Burger King sandwiches negate each other."
Alright! They finally got the internet working in Drafting! But I'm not sure for how long, so I'll make this brief.
School's going okay. Today I got tests in Calculus and Spanish. I need to study. Had quiz bowl yesterday, which was fairly cool. I actually managed to answer 8 questions correctly. 2 of them were completely random, yet lucky, guesses. Also of assistance was my TIP class (Thank you, Sergei Eisenstein and "Battleship Potemkin"!) and MGS2, which taught me just what a sigmoid colon was.
Yesterday evening we went out to Chili's with Grandparents, and with Florence Edwards, who's leaving for Oberlin pretty soon. Had nice chat with Florence. It was good.
Mom got me a couple of books on Architecture (to help me with my Drafting floorplan) and The Fiske Guide to Colleges (for obvious reasons), the latter of which is being very useful. I'm actually beginning to get some ideas of where I want to go, which doesn't change the fact that there are about 5 different fields of study I'm interested in, in 4 completely different directions.
Anywho, off to study for Calc. Or not.
I think tonight I'll rent "The Last Temptation of Christ".
Streeter's talking about the Darwin awards. He also wants to borrow my copy of Volume 2. Hopefully it'll take him less than 6 months to return it this time.
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| Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
8:43 pm - Opening pirate joke too big for subject line...
Okay, so a pirate with a peg leg, hook hand, and an eyepatch walks into a bar.
Bartender: Wow, how'd you lose the leg?
Pirate: Yarr, I a shark chewed it off some time ago.
Bartender: Whoa. How about the hand?
Pirate: Was fencin on the high seas, and me opponent got in a lucky stroke.
Bartender: Oh. And the eye?
Pirate: ...A seagull pooped in me eye.
Bartender: That's it?
Pirate: Well, twas the first day I had me hook.
Anywho... School went pretty well. Didn't do too much of anything in the first two periods. Although, at the end of Drafting, there was announcment that a kid from our school died last night. I was upset for a while, not over the fact that he's gone, but over the fact that I felt absolutely no emotion in regard to the news. But I got over it. Had difficulty paying attention the rest of the day, though.
Kavalier and Clay keeps on getting better. Found out that it has Orson Welles in it. ("And I just cant stop eatiiiiing!")
Band was boring and a stupid. And then afterwards, Mom had to go talk to Mr. Hopkins, leaving me and John sitting in the car listening to Bob Dylan for the better part of an hour, and giving me pretty much no time to do anything before it were time for Shinkendo, which went fairly well. We spent most of the time talking about a couple swords they had, followed by some fairly intense Suburi and Tachiuchi. We also learned a new form to a kata.
Tired. Too many things to do.
current mood: tired current music: Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
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| Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
7:26 pm - (Leah) Hey Max, pass the honey mustard sauce! (Max) Okay, but I think it'll take a few hours!
Once again, with the forgetting to update journal. Let's see, last entry was *checks* Friday. Ouch.
Let's see, if I recall correctly, on Friday I got John over. We screwed around with JSRF for a bit, then got Dad to take us up to Oxford Comics, where I bought Gunsmith Cats: Bad Trip, GSC: Bean Bandit, and Kare Kano DVD volume 1, as well as renting Vandread volume 3 and Bubblegum Crash. Reviews follow.
GSC manga: Keeps on gettin better and better, even if Bean Bandit stooped to bathroom humor and a shot of Bean's butt.
Kare Kano: WOW. This has almost definitely taken the spot as my all-time favorite anime series. I like the plot, even if it is a little stereotypical of a shoujo series. The characters are all reeeeaaaaally good. I especially like Yukino. Also, Anno expresses himself at his best here. All the experimental animation, symbols, and cinematic tomfoolery is great. Overall, this is a yummy yummy series, and I must have more.
Vandread volume 3: pretty much the same cup of tea as the rest of Vandread, although vol. 3 contains the Xmas episode, which was damned silly.
Bubblegum Crash: I have mixed feelings about crash. On the one hand, it is a sequel to the original 80's OVA, and it covers some of its shortcomings (no appearance of noncombat boomers, whatever happened to Largo). However, it butchers many of the best parts.
(rantmode: engaged, Bubblegum Crash spoiler warning)
First off, there's an opening animation and theme song. Maybe it's a personal thing, but one of my favorite things about Crisis's style was how it never started the same way. Always a different opening and ending, with different music. Nextly, the characters are all wrong. Priss is way out of character, be it too lazy at the start of the series, too pissy in episode 2, and just plain bland for the whole thing. On another note, I personally actually thought that the animation was worse than in most of the original. While the characters are very expressive and move quite a bit, the animation never becomes anything to shout about. While bringing Largo back as the villain was a good idea, they pulled it off poorly. His former character and abilities are gone, with "generic destroy-wicked-humanity villain" in his place. And once again, no explanation as to his origins, how he repaired himself, or why he grew his hair out. And when he has his final confrontation with the Knight Sabers (who's suits have been unattractively redesigned, with needless flair destracting from their streamlined appearance), it's Sylia, not Priss, who confronts him. The 2 part episode with Sylvie and Anri was the best part of the series, and focused nearly entirely on Priss. Sylia was in the presence of Largo for less than a minute or two. They only exchanged a couple of lines, which were done through Sylia's random telepathy-type thing. Priss was the one with a huge vendetta against Largo, as well as the main one to fight him in Crisis. Grrbah. On random note, the boomers are atrocious. While they have some working productively in society, their design is much worse, IMO, than their Crisis one. And the entire infantry of the AD Police couldn't take out a standard boomer in the first, making them oh so much more intimidating, with bullets spanging off their skin as if they were superman. Here, an advanced combat boomer can apparently be taken down with a single round from a pistol. What. the. fuck. and JOHN: Just so you know, Mackie has all of about 30 seconds of screen time. And Genom isn't even mentioned, much less getting to finally see chairman Quincy get his. And finally, my last, and possibly biggest gripe. Leon and Daley. While they do have a part, it's small, and they get almost no interaction with other characters. When they finally do end up in the same vicinity as the Knight Sabers, they all act neutral to him. No romance between him and Priss, no flirting with Nene, and for some reason he seems to know Linna, despite the fact that they've never even met. Some of the most amusing subplots revolved around Leon, and now they're all gone. And there's no sign that Daley is gay.
(/rant) (/spoiler)
Woo. Glad to get that off my chest. And booy, was there a lot of it. On to more current events.
School's going okey dokey. Working on really old Britain in English, I continue to attempt to catch up in Calculus, still reviewing in Spanish, and I really don't have much of an idea what we're supposed to be doing in Drafting. I'm now eating in the courtyard for lunch, which is nice. Also, I've confirmed Anna for taking to Dragoncon for at least one day. And confirmed Max for not going. This makes things somewhat easier, although this still means that someone's probably going to get stuck with Monday. Hopefully, I can goad someone, be it John, John, Dillon, Anna, or Mom/Dad, to cough up $25 and buy an at-the-door one day pass, so that everybody can come on a decent day, and someone can come for 2.
I'm actually considering learning Elvish. I really AM a geek.
Anywho, off to homework.
current mood: busy current music: Shiro Sagisu - Heisoku no Kakudai
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| Friday, August 16th, 2002
7:14 pm - So a pirate with no left arm and no left leg walks into a bar. Bartender says "Oh my God, are you okay?"
6:15 pm - What's a pirate's favorite type of socks?
(that joke's horrrible, I know.)
(NOTE: This entry was written during Drafting class, but the Network crashed before I could post it, so I saved it to Floppy and am posting it now. Will be followed by another entry.)
Let's see. Starting my update at the beginning of class today, so hopefully I won't be cut off as abruptly.
Yesterday went pretty well. I did my piece of the AP BritLit presentation (the one about religion in Beowulf and Grendel) during Drafting, since I passed the pre-test, giving me exemption from the first unit. My bit was about the silly parallels between Cain (from El Bible-o) and Grendel. The rest of the day was fairly normal.
Band went pretty good, despite it being a long practice. Most of it was spent inside, with outside only being for 15 minutes to learn a new style of left face/right face/about face.
Excuse me. (RANT)
The first whole frickin week of school is over, and I STILL don't have a fouth period class! Ms. Vaughn leaves, and the whole damn system goes to hell! By this time, most of the classes I wanted to fill up that slot have filled up, AND with very few exceptions, I'll be pretty well behind in whatever class I DO get. By this time, they've served pretty much the entire fresman class, all of the sophomores, and all of JROTC! The one class I really wanted to transfer into was APUSH, and now that's packed, and I'd be behind if I did get in. And that's not the worst of the problems they've caused! On the first day, the photography classes, which have room for less than 20, had 64 freakin people in them! They wouldn't even fit in the room!
And another thing! Last year they had serious problems with long lunch lines and students jumping at every available opportunity. So what do they do this year to help stop this problem? take away the short, easy pizza line to get into and instead take the snake line (by far the most crowded) and put it where the pizza lines were, which is in a location that makes it even easier to jump!
Ahh, that felt good.
The FOTR DVD is really good. All of you should rent it, at the very least. All the extras and stuff are really good. Especially things like the orc's movement training. ^_^
Anywho, Streeter's working on making us do work now. Later.
Okey dokey. The rest of the day went fairly well. In third period I FINALLY got my schedule changed, making the above rant all the more amusing. I wound up moving around Calculus and Spanish 2, dropping Electronics, and inserting Drafting 4 and Concert Band. So my schedule now looks like this:
1st Semester: AP Brit Lit Drafting 3 Calculus Spanish 2
2nd Semester: Chemistry Drafting 4 Concert Band AP US History (APUSH)
And just when I thought that I had beaten the scheduling Gods, they dealt one last blow by fiendishly crafting it so that I got no lunch today, since I switched from second to first in between the two lunch periods.
Band was really annoying. More traditions placed on the chopping block.
I seem to be having John over tonight. Guess we'll play JSRF, fiddle with the FOTR DVD (if parents won't make me return in since it's hugely overdue), and hopefully swing by Oxford and rent some things.
current mood: hungry current music: nothin
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| Thursday, August 15th, 2002
11:21 am - Yarr, haven't updated in sooo long...
Okay, not much time to update, so I may get cut off.
School's going...okay. Despite putting in my request for a counseling appointment in the first period of the first day, I STILL haven't gotten an appointment. Therefore, I still have a ludicrously hard 2nd semester, no concert band, and no 4th period. It's been long enough, if I go into any kind of slightly hard course, I'll probably be fairly well behind by now. And, APUSH 4th period, my first choice for where I want to move, is apparently overloaded already. Great.
Rented the FOTR DVD. Very cool. Tons of extras, and the stuff on the two towers sounds really cool. Especially the huge miniature. of Helm's deep.
Shinkendo last night was really cool. This being the second week of advancement, me and John just reviewed a few of our more advanced kata, and then watched the advanced students perform tameshigiri (test cutting). That was seriously cool. They set up targets of rolled up tatami, and then the students got out their full shinken, and...cut em. mmm.
bell's ringing, bye.
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| Monday, August 12th, 2002
6:23 pm - Isn't school supposed to make you smarter?
...being in that building sucks the intelligence out of my head.
To start off, I should probably apologize for not updating since *checks* Thursday. I'm sooo lazy with LJ. Also, I've been either busy or pissy a lot of the time.
Sometime over the weekend I had John over, and we rented/watched "The Royal Tennenbaums", "Amelie", and "Dogma". They were all good. Later, I checked out the special DVD features on my own. I particularly recommend the special edition DVD of Dogma to all of you out there. LOTS of stuff, much of which makes the plot infinitely more understandable, as well as featuring Silent Bob rapping.
Anywho...school today.
I would like to begin by stating beforehand that the counseling office at Decatur High is a pack of morons. It's like a little retarded boy signs you up for all your classes, and then doesn't bother to tell you what you got afterwards. Therefore, I didn't get my schedule before school started, despite the fact that it's supposed to be mailed weeks in advance.
1st period: AP British Literature. Seems hard, but fairly cool, as it has John Earle, Cassie, Anna, and other Anna. Plus, I finally get to read 1984 as an independent reading book.
2nd period: Drafting/Design 3. Street-dawg be cool. The room makes more startling transformations.
3rd period: Spanish 2 (with Ms. Gonzales! Gee, wow.). This class looks mind numbingly dull, although Alex is in there. I can barely understand Ms. Gonzales, and I seem to have forgotten any Spanish I ever learned.
4th period: There is NO fourth period!
...stupid, stupid, counseling office. Now I have to fight through the hordes of rabid midgets to go change my schedule.
Finally, Band. Met the new director. Seems cooler than Mrs. Streeter, but pales in comparison to Mr. Anderson. He wants to form a competition band, which would have to meet until 6 or 7 two nights a week. I really do not want to do that.
I will need to be in competition band if I want to be section leader (they abolished field captains), as well as staying after every practice. I would normally just take the slacker's way out, except that
A) I could use this for my college application. B) If I don't try out, Joel gets the job, which would be pure hell.
So I'm torn. Thoughts and suggestions to my dilemma would be greatly, greatly, appreciated.
current mood: exhausted current music: star trek - star trek 7 generations overture
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| Thursday, August 8th, 2002
11:16 am - Livejournal thinks my password is too easy to guess .*flicks off livejournal* OOPS!!
So anywho, things have been pretty lazy around here. Spent most of my time watching movies and reading Ranma fanfiction.
Band camp yesterday...was irritating. I was running quite late, once again, so I really had to bust my chops to get to school at some semblance of on time. But when me and John Earle walked in the door kinda late, we didn't even get the chance to sit down before we were dismissed. Streeter had announced that there wouldn't be any more band camp while they straightened out the new director.
Damn it!
No more band camp is a good thing, but exhausting yourself in the summer heat to try to get somewhere on time, only to be made to leave as soon as you get there is annoying.
Anywho, I called Dad to tell him what happened, and then kinda wandered around aimlessly. Wandered into discover music and bought U2's "The Joshua Tree". Then wandered around some more, eventually wandering into Javamonkey, and then over to Max's house, where I watched some adult swim and had Dad pick me up...
...for Shinkendo, where I yesterday was promotion. I thought I didn't do too great, but sensei actually came up and complimented us afterwards, so I guess I did pretty good.
Tonight I have band picnic, plus I was thinking about getting John over and watching some stuff, either from Blockbuster or Oxford. Although that might work better tomorrow, since tonight band picnic will eat up much of the time.
current mood: drained
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| Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
12:16 pm - Once again, demonstrating my extreme laziness with LJ.
Y'know what I love about open-ended RPGs?
You can assassinate someone for your employer, take his stuff, and then kill your employer and take HIS stuff. Mmm.
Anywho, Morrowind is very cool. And very returned to Blockbuster. I must get that game sometime. Yesyes.
Mrs. Streeter was fired from her normal job as a band director in another school. She still probably won't get the job (the school board doesn't liiiike her) but it means she'll be unemployed if DHS doesn't hire her.
Anywho, THINGS TO DO: (as much for my use as yours)
1) Organize forms for Shinkendo 2) Practice for Shinkendo advancement tomorrow 3) Clean/Organize my room. It smells. 4) Read some fanfiction/comics/Douglas Adams/whatever... 5) Think about getting together with John sometime this week. 6) I can't think of anything, therefore I must say: There is no things-to-do number 6!
Bored now.
current mood: tired
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| Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
11:32 am - Random survey I got in email form from Allison. I now convert it to LJ mode! Ahahahahah!
Last night was Katie's birthday. She was late to her party because she got trapped in an elevator when she got off work at 10:00. Ouch.
( Survey time! )
current mood: awake current music: random reggae
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| Friday, August 2nd, 2002
4:52 pm - Good God, I haven't updated in a long time.
Ach. First week of band camp over. Thank god, no more 4 hour sessions in the heat. Also, I talked to Mom about the new band director. While I can't fault Mrs. Streeter for not being effective (we have gotten a fair amount done), or for not caring (evidently, directing the band has been her goal for a very looong time), she's really quite irritating, and (from talking with people who know her better) has absolutely NO sense of humor. So while she really wants this job, she's not going to get it without bribery, thank god.
Rented "The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind" for Xbox. Had heard some decent things about it, so decided to check it out. Anywho, it's HUGE. In-game world is 10 fully rendered and connected square miles, with dozens of joinable factions and over 400 side quests. I'm definitely gonna have to pick this one up sometime.
Wow. Anna Denson has a Livejournal I never knew about. Onto friends list you go!
Speaking of Anna Denson, I saw her after Shinkendo the other night, which was painful (shinkendo, not seeing Anna). we didn't get to talk for more than a second, though. She was blocking traffic.
Shinkendo's going alright. Later this month we move to a new location (which I need to find) and me and John get our first promotion.
A while back I watched Braveheart (with Mel Gibson commentary). After taking my film class, and with the commentary, I'm fairly certain that it's my new favorite movie.
Yesterday afternoon my entire family was out of the house, so I headed over to John's crib. We just missed his Mom and wound up locked out of the house for two hours, which was irritating. We had just found something worthwhile to do (make a flipbook about a ninja flipping out and killing everybody) when his Mom drove up. Figures.
Anywho, we went to the mall to go see The Crocodile Hunter. However, fate decided that we would do better seeing Mr. Deeds. So we did. Surprisingly, it was debatable if it was an Adam Sandler movie. Sure, it starred Adam Sandler, and had some of his sidekicks ("you can do it!"), but it had virtually none of his standard fare humor. To make up for it, they had a preview of an animated Adam Sandler movie. The horror.
But anywho, back to the movie.
Mr. Deeds was surprisingly REALLY REALLY good. There was the occaisional bit of cinematography or mise en scene that I picked up, and there were some really good (and bad) jokes. And after seeing the original at TIP, I can fairly say that it was probably one of the greatest remakes I've ever seen. It had just the right balance of stuff taken straight from the original and new things added in and updated for the times. The Spanish butler guy kicks total ass. Anywho, I give it a B+.
Oh yeah, I bought Love Hina manga volume 2 (mmm...), and John bought DDR Konamix.
"So how's the elevator business treating ya?"
"Oh, it has its ups and downs."
(EDIT:) Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I got all my TIP photos back. 99% of them came out REALLY good. Gonna put them together in a fancy album, with labels and stuff. Made me think of TIP. I really miss hanging out with Allison and Courtney and Kirsten and Nic and Andrew and Joshua and people. Also got them in CD form, so expect a few to drift online once I remember how.
current mood: peaceful current music: Weezer's blue album
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| Tuesday, July 30th, 2002
1:35 pm - LJ thinks me password is too easy to hack. Yarr.
Band camp is amazingly shitty. Mrs. Streeter is ugly on the eyes, and even worse on the ears. Any good part of band in general is completely gone.They're complaining and being picky about the stupidest little things. I think Mrs. Streeter has her eyes on the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade. *shudder*
Also shitty about band camp is that just two days after communing with many many smart people at TIP, I come back to school and have to deal with stupid people again. Everyone was irritating me to high heaven. The majority of the underclassmen, especially, were extra annoying. I certainly hope that something changes, or I'm going to get very angry. And you won't like me when I'm angry.
Rest of day was uneventful.
Today, I had a bit of a sore throat, which I jumped upon and used to get out of band camp, as Katie's sick right now, and a sore throat was her first symptom. Anywho, I slept VERY late, finally getting to completely recharge my batteries from TIP (one 12 hour sleep was not nearly enough). And now I'm finishing up personal matters, after which I shall write my essay, as I finished Here On Earth last night.
And for a little change of pace, here's a joke to end this entry:
Okay, so a pirate walks into a bar. (doesn't have to be a pirate, but pirates are cool) And he's missing his left arm and his left leg. Bartender says "Oh my God! Are you okay?!?" Pirate looks at him and says, "Yarr, I'm all right."
....feel free to track me down and beat me to death with stuffed animals now.
current mood: rejuvenated
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| Sunday, July 28th, 2002
2:58 pm
Well, TIP is finally over.
In the last days of my class they kinda ran out of things to talk about, and we just watched movies for the fun of it, such as "Manos: The Hands of Fate" (which is pure pain), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, MST3K: The Movie, and Wallace & Gromit. Then we all said goodbye.
The talent show went well. Our movies went over good, and the fourth year speeches went quickly. The final night was fairly lazy, with much lounging about on Mark's hall. Much of the night just kind of got mashed together in my head. Anywho, it ended with us at the bus stop, giving everybody hugs. That I'll remember for a long long time.
We got to our gate in the airport two hours early, giving us plenty of time to talk with Anna Duchon, who went to West campus. I also called Mom and such. Slept through the short little plane hop back home. (One hour sleep)
Carpooled with the Earles back home from the airport. Then didn't really do much. Took a quick nap (one hour sleep), and had dinner with Grandparents at Chris' pizza.
Anywho, got to sleep around 1:30, after finally realizing that TIP was over, making for around 40 hours sleep, subtracting catnaps.
Anywho, now I'm sitting around, adding people to my buddy list, and being lazy, watching fine cinema such as Tom Green and Mallrats.
current music: Kevin Smith
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| Thursday, July 25th, 2002
11:52 am - I look like a conductor, eh?
Well, TIP's almost over. It's too bad, but I won't mind getting to be home. I wish I had one more year, though. I really wanted to get to take Wisdom of the East at some point. Oh well. This is the end of TIP, unless I come back for the crazy precollege program I've been hearing about or become an RA.
Speaking of the Precollege program thing, it sounds pretty cool. It's on Duke West and costs over $5000, but its 2 college credits, which (according to my RA, Paige), is really cheap. I think I'd like to go, if my parents cough up the cash, and probably only if I could get a friend or two to come along.
Anywho, we're in the computer cluster to write movie reviews. I wrote mine on The Truman Show.
Whoops, lunchtime, gotta go.
current mood: sleepy current music: Thanatos - If I can't be yours
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| Sunday, July 21st, 2002
4:22 pm - Miracle Mike, the headless chicken!
Okay, finally got some free time with a computer.
Things are going pretty well here at TIP. Once again, I didn't wear a skirt. Partially because I couldn't find one my size and partially because I didn't really care too much. The purpose of the tradition is primarily to get shy male students talking to girls and making friends, and I already have that down.
Class is alright. It's fun and all, although we're not going to be making Fustigation. I did get to play a dead hobo, however. Also, it has put a ludicrously strong urge in me to go and watch a heckuva lot of movies. Therefore, when I get back, I will be seeing everything in theatres, everything on AFI's top 100, and many of my own personal choosing, such as Night of the Living Dead and Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Allison gave me a Thundercats T-shirt. Yaaaaaaaay!
Parents sent me a package. Contained books, (Einstein's Refrigerator and Uncle John's Legendary Lost Bathroom Reader), candy, newspaper clippings, and a fake cockroach. My family is odd. The books are good, though. They're full of random stories and non-sequitors. (spelling?)
Anywho, back to TIP. Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to update again later in the week.
current mood: hot
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| Friday, July 12th, 2002
11:41 am - "...and let that be a lesson to you."
TIP is going okey dokey. My class is pretty nice. Just sit back and watch movies most of the time. I'm also composing a list of famous movies I should have seen but haven't to watch when I get back. I don't talk much with all the people in it, but they're still pretty cool. We're on to stuff like Singing in the Rain and Some Like it Hot.
The left shift key on this imac doesn't work. Yarr.
The more I get to know my roommate, the more my instincts tell me I should hate him. He's absurdly patriotic. I worry about challenging his political views, because I know that it'll become a huge argument. But I'll do it eventually. On the last day or something I'll formlate a rant on how much the US sucks, just to get him riled.
Things are just fairly quiet around here. I spend most of my free time following around Max, Allison, or one of the Johns. I've gotten good at just lurking in the background.
Tonight we go see a minor league baseball game. *dreary voice* Oh, happy day.
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