Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
1. Comment with any subject that you would like me to rant on, with possible swearing involved. any subject - I don't even have to agree with it. 2. Watch my journal for your rant 3. Post this in your own journal, so that you may rant for others.
Your element is Water: Understanding, intelligent, quiet and calm. You know who you are and no one can change that. Usually quiet but only because your listening, don't let anyone think you haven't got an opinion! Your not quiet because your shy or sad, your usually quiet because your thinking. Your answers are well planned and helpful so people generally seek your advice. Your the perfect balance between solitary and outgoing. But sometimes you need a little time to yourself to sort out your emotions and figure things out. You understand the phrase 'sticks and stone' and rarely let things get to you, whats that important for you to have to get so upset over? You know what you want out of life but are simply taking your time and enjoying things. To you your life is fine as it is, you can always change things later if your not happy.
If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
[Oct. 2nd, 2004|02:35 am]
Black Betty - Spiderbait
I love this song. I need to find my Nick Cave version.
In other news the cocky little fucker in software developement, formally the cocky little fucker of computer graphics, got the shit beat out of him. It was pretty funny more to come on that later.
The Drink Of the Day:
1 shot Jack Daniels 1 shot 101 Proof Southern Comfortt 2 shot Blavd(black) Vodka 1 oz Sea Breaze Mix 1/2 Can of Schepps Ginger ale.
I have been reminiscing and going back and thinking about stuff and I have come the the conclusion that I am a real ass hole. I feel like shit right now for how big of an asshole I have been to friends. I'm going to Hell. And before you try to say that I am/was not an ass hole here is a nice little clip from one of my good friends journal around when we stopped talking all together.
"lying on the counter at the SC, and I'm like "What are you doing, you're supposed to be in Boston." And he gets up and doesn't say anything just laughs. And it was almost 9 so I'm like "Wait for me, I want to talk to you." But he just laughs and walks out the door."
Now this was only a dream, but as I read it I can actually picture doing that exact thing and that sort of scares me. Fuck....
Holy fucking shit. I feel so old. Green Day's best selling album of all time is over a decade old. And what album is this? DOOKIE!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! I remember getting that album when it first came out. FUCK I"M OLD!!!!!
First, it was libby, my little boo, who died. Now my dog Marguex is on her last legs with rapidly progressing cancer.
They don't know how much longer she will hold out. All I can do is pray that she can hold on just long enough for me to see her one more time.
Its just not fair, what did she do to any one. Why does she have to be taken away from me. I wish I wasn't in classes right now so far away. All I want right now is to just hold her in my arms and make her feel better.
I can't sleep. I can't do anything. All I can do is sit here alone and pray that she can hold for just long enough for me to get home to see her in a week.
She is such a good dog. So cute and loveable. I am going to miss her so much. I am going to miss her addiction to food. I am going to miss the way she just would barge into my room first thing in the morning to make sure that I was ok, then lay down at the foot of my bed making sure that nothing would happen to me. I will miss how she always knows when something is bothering with your and just seems to make everything a little bit better. I will miss going for long walks and talks with her. I will miss her fat ass climbing into bed and taking over the entire bed.
I wish there was something I could do for her right now. I wish I wasn't so far away. Marguex I love you so much and I am going to miss you so much. You will always have a special spot in my heart.
Please don't die before I can give you at least one last hug,one last kiss, one final bagel. I will never be able to eat Mac & Cheese and not think of you and me cooking it at night when we were hungry and there was no other food around. I pray that you can hold on just a little bit longer.
In Boston for less than 48 hours before it is time for yet another trip home and time to celebrate my 21st on Monday in Ann Arbor. If you gunna be in AA and wanna go out to the bar and give me a call. Back to the grindstone.
Went to Paris which was lots of fun and took TONS of pictures. Got 2 Yorkshire terriers, Oliver and Libby. Libby got put to sleep last week because of a shit load of problems we didnt know she had like heart arethmea and an absethed tooth. RIP Libby, I will miss you but at least you had a good 3 months to make up for the years of mistreatment. Oliver just went in for kidney stone surgery cause he had a stone the size of a fucking cherry pit. Ass hole doctors who doesnt know how to take a damn X Ray. And in the latest news I got got assulted last sunday night in Ann Arbor by some asshole black guy. I have a meeting with the cops tomorrow about prosecuting the asshole for racially motivated assult and battery.
Thats about it for right now because my head hurts so much from being assulted.
Fucked... I am so fucked... Dont have anything for Jen yet for christmas and only know that she wants jewlery and that is what I want to get her. And she is getting her Thursday afternoon at 2pm and we driving out friday or saterday morning. This leads to being fucked #2. Still have a nice pile of shit to get over to my aunts so that there is enough room in the car for both of us to drive back. And I still havent talked to her yet to setup a time to drop that shit off. Then the real kicker is that we may have to either not leave until saterday afternoon OR take the ride from hell back to Detroit going the long way of driving through the mountains and through pennslyvania and the devil state AKA Ohio and hope that we dont get stuck in the mountains in a snow storm.
Why the fuck did I get a Saturn Ion instead of a freakin SUV or Pickup truck.
Fucking A. I am so fucked. And I still need to type up the two essay questions for my Deaf People in Society Class which is definitely NOT A BLOW OFF CLASS. Fuck I hate this school and I hate snow.
I have an spacious studio apartment here in Boston that I need to sublet to someone. It will be available Jan 1- June 20th. The rent is $1050 a month and has a seperate kitchen and bathroom. It is on Tetlow Street, which is right behind Boston Latin School, Simmons, Mass Art Institute, and Wentworth. It is right off of the Longwood Medical Stop on the E line and is a 5 minute walk to Northeastern. If you have any further questions please send me an email at with the word Apartment in the subject line.
Since my plane got fucked up in Philly and they had to have me wait 4 hours I bitched and moaned till they got me free wifi at the airport. That is really the only reason for this post.
Well alot has gone on since my last post and to take a queue from another friend I gunna start in reverse. Cause "Babe I'm On Fire". I just got myself the prelease of the new Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds Album"Nocturama" which will be released Feb 3rd ( Little spoiler )
Work has gotten alot better now that I am no longer in the Production group working 100% on their opening PDF files shit along with working 100% on my legal books. Gotta love my head bosses math skills 100%+100% = 100%. Hell as long as you are 100% you can be 100% on the as many things as you want all at one time. Whats is funny is she didnt get "2+2=5 or 3 or whatever Big Brother says it does". Now I have less than two weeks to finish 30 legal books on NYC and how crappy their dealers are. The amount of loss their is amazing.
In other news I have now passed the 9 months mark with Jen. It doesnt even seem like it has been that long. I love her so much. She makes me so happy when she is around. That is onething I shall surely miss when I am in Boston...
Keepin with the backwards trend cause "There's a dead man in my bed" I had an interesting to say the least Thanksgiving getting to meet all of Jen's mom's side of the family. That was a fun time. So people just dont understand that I dont eat much meat and I dont eat Red meat at all with the exception of pepperoni. No hamburgers, no cheeseburgers, no steak, no Kilbasa, no meatballs. But oh man those deserts were damn good.
hmm... I think that just about covers everything except for the most recent problema. My second HD decided it wanted to delete its partition tables so buh bye data and now it gunna cost my $70.00 to get it all back including the 35 gigs of mps and the 20 gigs of Live Nick Cave and Tom Waits shows. I will just be happy when my data is back. Well time to get back to the complete overhall of my system.
I hope you had a good weekend. I am sure that you have your reasons for not calling me back. You dont need to read anything after this. It is more for me to say. I justed wanted you to know that it hurt alot when you guys stood me up. I'm sorry if I did something to offend you. I was up all nite waiting for you call and in Ann Arbor till 6:30. I tried to call you but the two numbers I have for you both didnt work. One sound like a Fax machine and the other which was the number that you called me from so that it was an invalid U of M number. All I want to know is the truth of why you didnt call. If it was an Eric or Dan thing I would rather you tell me than say it was something else, because beyond that I truely have no idea why. Good bye
I could simply say that I dont know But that just doesnt suit me This weekend has been blissfull Yet no it is living hell The storm has set upon us here And we have nought to do But lay here in our little beds Seeking shelter from our storm
I don't know what is wrong with me. I am having a hard time breathing in the air now. On my drive home today from Ann Arbor I realized that I am a complete and utter bitch to all of my friends. I dont know why they even want to be around me because all I do is cause them more and more stress. I suck!
I FUCKING HATE YOU WINDOWS XP. YOU NEED TO FUCKING DIE DIE DIE DIE STUPID FUCKER I HATE YOU SO MUCH I NEED TO INSTALL LINUX AND YOU BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. PLEASE if anyone knows how to run linux and windows at the same time tell me so that I might end this damn reliance on XP.
After about 4 hrs of prep work and 10 hrs of rest I am now a proud owner of a nice big 120 gig hd. This combined with my nice new 80 gig HD gives me a nice 200 gigs. Now I just need to be back at school so that I can get my good downloading going again. Well I think that I have spent enough time wastin away the morning and I am heading into the void that I so effectionately call WORK