LiveJournal for The Robot "Jimmy".

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Tuesday, May 25th, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Time:10:35 am.
While Roe V. Wade is obviously an incredibly important supreme court case with huge ramifications (such as the obvious legal allowance of certain abortive procedures), how many of you out there have really researched it, or, even better, read the decision? Because it's fucking fascinating on a legal-reasoning basis. Specifically, the pre-opinion decisions about mootness. word.

ok, back to work.


Friday, May 21st, 2004

(8 asshats | pigfucker!)

Time:10:18 am.
Mood: anxious.
Music:imawuss imawuss imawuss!.
So. yuh. I've elected to finally do something with my ears. I've always wanted to put stainless / silver talons in, and add another hole to one ear to make it asymmetrical, but have been too broke, apathetic and/or wussy to do it. Now I am none of those things, except possibly wussy, as the process I'm doing is a bit more involved than what I thought would happen.

so my plan was originally to just slowly gauge up through the regular spreading process - up to a 10, maybe 8 (I'm currently 16's). But Ted, my piercer ( a good friend of my roommate [info]heartbeat_) informed me I could gauge up all at once, with better, faster healing times if I simple did a scalpel job.

Scalpel. As in, surgical knife.

So, in about six hours, I'm going to go have my ears clamped, pulled open, and then sliced twice with a knife, then have a large rod jammed through the fresh cuts to hold it open while he inserts new jewelery. Then, to top it off, a new 14 gauge in my right earlobe.

A good slideshow of the process is at , the very first set of seven photos in particular.

I know I'm making this out worse than it'll be, but shit, my stomach's already churning. I'm a wuss!

But the talons will be worth it. oh yes.


Wednesday, May 19th, 2004

(7 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:no no no no,
Time:10:04 am.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:The Streets.
seriously you guys. if you don't buy it, at least go listen to the new streets album, all the way through. it's amazing. really really amazing. ugh.

he's coming to town, too! wooooooooo!

I'm working again, too. same place. a two-week break in my contract became a two-day break in my contract. It's not so bad, really, I'll probably get sent home at 11 instead of my usual 1 or 2 pm, and since I'm not hurting for money at all, this way I have more room to play, stick to a good, 'productive' schedule, and um. I just wish I could stay up late enough to watch the daily show and not pay for it the next day.

i'm an old fucking man. an old, fucking lazy man.


Tuesday, May 18th, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Time:4:18 pm.
Music:The Streets - blinded by the lights.
The new Streets album is fucking awesome. I love Mike Skinner, and if he doesn't come to seattle, the man is missing the fuck out. wooha!

that is all.


Thursday, May 13th, 2004

(4 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:life is good...
Time:10:10 am.
Mood: hyper.
when life's your bitch.


I get to see De La Soul on saturday. Damn fucking straight. Rock on, girlfriend. you are amazing.

so is my vespa, although, in entirely different ways. I get to ride her home in an hour! stupid work, sending me home early. I need the hours!

I'm kind of hyper again today. whhhheee! maybe I'll make mix cd's when I get home. If my contract gets extended to next week, I'm donating money to public radio for the first time ever, since the morning KEXP dj hasn't been hitting his goals all week, and he's probably the best dj ever. ever.


yeah, I'm rambling, so I'm gonna go.


Wednesday, May 5th, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Time:10:17 am.
Music:Franz Ferdinand.
Scientists to laymen everywhere: "Giant turd-looking thing to kill us all this september. Maybe."

That's right: I've had a livejournal for three years now, and that's the first time I've written "turd".


Tuesday, May 4th, 2004

(5 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:Today's interesting tidbit...
Time:10:03 am.
Mood:ooooooow ow ow ow.
My eyes hurt. A whole fucking lot. Fucking goddamn eye strain. A half hour break isn't long enough, and hell if I'm gonna spend it today writing on a screen. More interesting tidbits tomorrow - about the state of Delaware!


Monday, May 3rd, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Subject:Today's interesting tidbit!
Time:10:09 am.
Mood:work work work work.
Music:EBF still.
Yes, once again, my continuing series of interesting things legal scholars know that you don't...

(gotta be quick today, break is almost over.)

Due to it's French heritage, Louisiana is the only state (indeed, the only jurisdiction of any kind) in the united states with a Civil law system. Basically, this means that instead of laws being decided and trial procedure being implied by precedent - that is, the history of case law - all cases are tried as if they are cases of first impression, where the letter of the law is scrutinized and very little attention is paid to how cases of similar nature were tried in the past.

Crazy, crazy Louisiana - first Mardi Gra, now Civil law!


(4 asshats | pigfucker!)

Time:10:06 am.
Mood:work work work work....
Music:EBF - Dorm Room (in my head...).
Attn: Ska kids.

From the seattleskascene mailing list:

Fri may 28
Easy Big Fella (final show)

5433 Ballard Avenue,
Seattle Washington, 98107

Holy fuck. holy holy holy fuck.
They hadn't broken up? what?
no word on if it's 21+ or not, for those of you underage, but if it is, and just in case, GET YOUR FAKE ID'S NOW.

I get to see easy again! wanna cry! so happy!


Friday, April 30th, 2004

(2 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:Today's Interesting Tidbit...
Time:10:12 am.
Did you know that...

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, William Rehnquist, affixed yellow bands around the cuffs of his judicial robes when he was elevated from an associate justice to the senior posistion on the court. Although totally allowable, there is no tradition of the chief justice placing anything like it on their outfits to delinate themselves from the 'mere' associate justices.

The most interesting part, though, is Rehnquist's inspiration for the yellow stripes: he got the idea from a Gilbert & Sullivan musical. I kid you not.


(5 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:lots of little, quick things.
Time:10:06 am.
Mood: content.
Music:CTUSM in my head... so good!.
First: I've been putting alyx through her paces lately. Rode for a grand total of probably three hours yesterday without any glitches or strange noises, and I remembered why I love two-wheeled vehicles when I merged perfectly onto campus parkway in second gear, finding the road all to myself. Drove far too aggresively; need T5 to be even more dangerous.

My girlfriend is awesome in the sack when she's all stressed out. :)

NPR is doing work on their antennae, so I listened to KEXP this morning, and I'm glad. First off, who has heard Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine? So so so good! AND I heard a track from the soon-to-be-released Morrissey album. Holy shit.

I've never liked the moz's solo stuff; it's always been far too whiney and crooning. I need the drive that Marr gave to the music to make morrissey listenable. This new track sounded like the smiths on PCP. fucking amazing. Fast-ish, driving guitar work, pissed off social commentary lyrics. So good.

Um. What else did I want to write? meh. Now I'm going to post this, and then start writing out my tidbit of the day in another post, to keep them seperate. yuh.


Thursday, April 29th, 2004


Subject:Today's interesting tidbits...
Time:12:09 pm.
Music:NPR from the headphones....
Did you know that...

There is no law on the books in England & Wales against the commission of murder? Although illegal, this stems from the fact that in Britian, the Common Law is constitutionally sanctioned as enforcable - that is, past rulings of courts aren't merely guideposts for future courts, they become law - and there is a common law tradition against murder since before 1300!

Nebraska is the only state in the union that has a unicameral legislature? Unlike the federal and every other state's system, which are bicameral (have both a HOUSE and SENATE as a form of 'checks and balances'), Nebraska has simply 'the legislature'. Members call themselves 'senators', however. Fucking odd.

that's all! back to work for me...


Tuesday, April 27th, 2004

(3 asshats | pigfucker!)

Time:9:58 am.
Mood: bored.
holy shit i am so hungry. stupid fucking work having no food places nearby, and me not realizing i'd be starving. fuck. only two more hours, i can do this. more coffee!

if my gut feels ok after work (i think i found out the hard way last night that the salsa in the fridge is turned), i'm gonna go listen to Hans Blix (sp?) discuss a whole slew of papers at kane hall. that'd be rad.

aaaaw yeah.

i am bored. sigh. end communicato.


Thursday, April 22nd, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Subject:NYT article...
Time:10:29 am.
Music:npr out of my work's headphones..

yet another day where I fight to not lose motivation despite the fact that everything, everywhere, is always against me. hahaha.


Saturday, April 17th, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Time:12:26 am.
It seems far too many people think I care about what they do with themselves, when really, anymore, I might only care about myself.

I start to get very bitter when I don't have time to myself, too.

I still correct for basic grammar, though.

Wednesday, April 14th, 2004

(7 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:Hi livejournal.
Time:6:47 pm.
Mood: blank.
I kind of lost it today, and when I arrived to class ten minutes late and could hear that woman preaching inside the door, I couldn't do it. I just turned around and walked here, to the computer lab, where I'm sitting. Sitting and thinking. I think we think too much.

I'm gonna sit here for another couple minutes and get my head together, then maybe go for a walk, then maybe try to sneak onto a rooftop to get a good view of the city. I think it's time for me to let out any built up emotional issues, which I know I'll always have.

The irony is, to me, that by sitting here and ditching class, I'm doing more 'narrative essay writing' than I would if I were in class. I've been really into being a good little student as of late, and I do feel like, emotionally and maturity wise, I've grown leaps and bounds. Trouble is, those leaps and bounds have led me to feel so much better than this place. I deserve better, I know I do. I look around and see what I'm being 'taught' and. hah. you all know what laughter sounds like.

I wonder if the environment I've placed myself in is helping or hurting now. One group of friends are hard-working, well-rounded results of (relatively?) happy upbringings and rich families. The other are a group of barely-working, fairly childish results of flawed family dynamics and hard circumstance. I really don't fit either of them to a 't', but i share enough with both that I can't ignore their influences now. And really, I think the thing most holding me back these days is money, and I can't say how incredibly dispiriting and soul-sucking that can truly be. Tom, I think I understand now. How joyous it can be to hear friends discuss the evolution of opera in the 16th and 17th century, understand, be intrigued, and feel at ease. Then to hear them discuss how they're going to further their education with these 'hideously expensive' field trips that they can 'convince' their parents to pay for because, well, "I told them I got credit for it, so why not?" A good laugh is had by all, and I want cry and upend the table as I bolt out the room.

But then run off to where? To a group that sleeps into the afternoon, parties into the night, never seems to think of the future? I think that drives me to further despair. It's as if (and I admit this statement is probably merely due to my mood at the moment, and my lack of nicotine) everyone I talk to just triggers an urge for me snap and scream.

But you know what? It doesn't really matter. Somebody's gonna read this, take personal offense, and confront me. And I'm going to apologize, back down, and recant everything I've ever written. In fact, I'll just do it in advance. I'm sorry. I've obviously let you down, and you're obviously much more important, interesting and well-rounded than I've made you out to be. You have no problems, and I was wrong to say such things.

My bad.



Thursday, April 1st, 2004

(2 asshats | pigfucker!)

Time:6:01 pm.
Mood:totally ADD.
Still alive!

new house = goodness.

no time for tha intarwebnet!

must play more MOH:Frontline while nobody is home and I have the PS2 to myself. wheee!

alyx has yet to stop by! boo!

that is all! I leave now!


Thursday, March 25th, 2004

(10 asshats | pigfucker!)

Time:12:33 am.
Music:total silence..
so, um. yep. my room's gonna look pretty nice, when it's done.

I'm accessing AIM via nAIM since we've only got one phone line in the house, and I'm trying to stay logged on while matt is, too. So if I don't respond for a long while, you know why. I'm gonna set up a basic crossover connection between our boxes so I can pass the dialup between our rooms. Slow, yes, but at least I'll have aim until we get broadband.

I think I'm gonna get a job at a movie theathre (again) to kill the next month or so until I hopefully get something better.

I really miss aiko. I've been keeping all busy and shit, but it's hard to not think about somebody when they're, as Strongbad would put it, "Totally Awesome". Oh, and when they live next door, so you get that reminder, too.

I quit smoking. again. Oddly enough, right this very second is the first time in days that I'm honestly craving anything. Wooo, snuff! Snuff is really classy. and everybody thinks it's cocaine if you do it in public.

The whole house is going to a party on saturday (or is it friday?). It'll be awesome, and I'm gonna hug Ben so big, even though we hardly know each other.

I need to go be more OCD and organize and sort things again. hopefully I'll talk my dad into going to ikea on saturday. Mainly for the ride, not so much so he can buy me stuff. although that'd be nice, too. hmmmm.

I miss gus. cry.


Monday, March 22nd, 2004

(1 asshat | pigfucker!)

Time:8:09 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Less Than Jake - Motown Never Sounded So Good.
Holy crap, now she's asking me to go over and play with her cat? This girl is amazing and wonderful and sexy and brilliant and caring of her smaller charges.

I want to be one of her larger ones...

she needs to come home soon, or I'm going to start writing cheesy love songs that she'll have to hear when I come back...


Sunday, March 21st, 2004

(4 asshats | pigfucker!)

Subject:What the fuck?
Time:7:48 pm.
Music:Minor Threat - I Don't Wanna Hear It.

Worth the registration, if you're not already signed up. seriously.

My logic faculties kind of flew out the window about two paragraphs in. I got so incensed I just kind of gasped and clucked. Fuck, I'm a knee-jerk!


LiveJournal for The Robot "Jimmy".

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