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Okay, well, now that I actually went back to play the chapter, I beat it relatively easily.
My entire strategy (if you could call it that) was basically to amass the largest force possible and defend each base one by one. The human base went down within ten minutes, the orc base went down after another 15 or so, and they didn't really attack my base all that much. I either got lucky, or I destroyed most of their waves pretty effectively.
My army was simply Tyrande using Starfall whenever she could, Furion using Tranquility to hopefully keep my Archers alive longer and Entangling Root on the heroes to leave them out of the picture for a couple seconds (not sure it even helped, but oh well). I used the occasional treants, which died in, like, two seconds.
I love Archers, I don't know why. They're quick, relatively cheap, and actually last a lot longer than huntresses do (not to mention they're cool as hell, in my opinion). I don't bother with Dryads; I should probably check them out sometime. I just put Tyrande and Furion with 10 Archers on Group 1, 12 Archers on Group 2, and 12 Archers on Group 3, replacing a few Archers in Group 1 with Druids of the Claw or Talon, if I have to.
Anyway, by the time Archimonde got to attacking my base there were about 40 seconds left, so I brought down a couple Hippogryphs I'd been hiding at the top of the map to stall him for about 20 seconds, then his army and him started demolishing buildings, which ticked the time away to where I just barely stalled him enough.
Mission accomplished. =)
And by the way, is it just me, or were the cinematics, aside from the Orcs', really disappointing story-wise, particularly compared to StarCraft's? They looked beautiful, but there were only, what, 5? And they were much too short--the Undead's scene was so disappointing it's not even funny.