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Battle Of Lost Order! [05 Nov 2003|11:47am]

[ mood | awake ]


does anyone play bolo, its like dota (but better) and your hero evolves. not like the crappy aos evolution. but if anyone play lemme know and we can play sumtime. and does anyone know how to get the secret 4th class for anyhting?

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saw this in the userinfogamers community... [31 Oct 2003|09:16am]

As a professor at Texas A & M, I taught during the day and did research at night. I would usually take a break around nine, however, calling up the strategy game Warcraft on the Internet and playing with an on-line team. One night I was paired with a veteran of the game who was a master strategist. With him at the helm, our troops crushed opponent after opponent, and after six games we were undefeated. Suddenly my fearless leader informed me his mom wanted him to go to bed. "How old are you?" I typed.
"Twelve," he replied. "How old are you?"

Feeling my face redden, I answered, "Eight."
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Now I gotta buy TFT... bollocks! [27 Oct 2003|05:49pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Okay, well, now that I actually went back to play the chapter, I beat it relatively easily.

My entire strategy (if you could call it that) was basically to amass the largest force possible and defend each base one by one. The human base went down within ten minutes, the orc base went down after another 15 or so, and they didn't really attack my base all that much. I either got lucky, or I destroyed most of their waves pretty effectively.

My army was simply Tyrande using Starfall whenever she could, Furion using Tranquility to hopefully keep my Archers alive longer and Entangling Root on the heroes to leave them out of the picture for a couple seconds (not sure it even helped, but oh well). I used the occasional treants, which died in, like, two seconds.

I love Archers, I don't know why. They're quick, relatively cheap, and actually last a lot longer than huntresses do (not to mention they're cool as hell, in my opinion). I don't bother with Dryads; I should probably check them out sometime. I just put Tyrande and Furion with 10 Archers on Group 1, 12 Archers on Group 2, and 12 Archers on Group 3, replacing a few Archers in Group 1 with Druids of the Claw or Talon, if I have to.

Anyway, by the time Archimonde got to attacking my base there were about 40 seconds left, so I brought down a couple Hippogryphs I'd been hiding at the top of the map to stall him for about 20 seconds, then his army and him started demolishing buildings, which ticked the time away to where I just barely stalled him enough.

Mission accomplished. =)

And by the way, is it just me, or were the cinematics, aside from the Orcs', really disappointing story-wise, particularly compared to StarCraft's? They looked beautiful, but there were only, what, 5? And they were much too short--the Undead's scene was so disappointing it's not even funny.

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The sad part is I've owned the game all summer [27 Oct 2003|04:08pm]

I just realized how much I'm lagging behind, as I have yet to beat Chapter 7 of the Night Elves' campaign in Reign of Chaos. (After leaving it on the shelf for months.)

Suffice to say, the chapter's pretty fucking challenging.
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[13 Oct 2003|08:29pm]

I'm not entire sure how this community handles art so...
Unfinished WC3 fanart )
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[12 Oct 2003|04:44pm]

Hey everybody I wrote my first piece of Warcraft fan fiction (I was bored as hell) take a look and tell me what you think. Be honest.
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[12 Oct 2003|09:41am]

After actually playing some free-for-all games on TFT (single player, not real players), I lost a significant amount of units and buildings (which I fixed by just spreading my buildings out so no more than one can be targetted) to flamestrike. Unfortunately, WC has it designed that your groups will travel in clusters, and there's no way to really scatter them easily.

Has anyone found an effective way to set up your units when you see a blood mage coming around...y'know, besides slaughtering him before he gets to cast anything? Or do you just run for it when the flamestrike sound effect and circle pop up?
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World Editor [09 Oct 2003|05:11pm]

[ mood | curious ]

about a week ago I eventually bought Frozen Throne (I *so* love it ^^) and the day before yesterday I wanted to try out the new World Editor...
it's *very* nice that among others the Starcraft-units are easy to use now, but where are the ballista and the other old siege units? The new ones may look even cooler, but I just can't find the old ones and I really want to.
Anyone able to help me? thanks in advance. ^^

crossposted in userinfowarcraft_3

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=D [08 Oct 2003|11:40pm]

HI! =) Just joined up, and saying hi, and.. whatnot. And yeah.

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[05 Oct 2003|04:59am]

hello fellowwarcrafters

im new and id love to hear new strats and stuff along that line
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[30 Sep 2003|04:20pm]

[ mood | awake ]

mood: accomplished
well then, i stopped playin wc3 for a long whle but i have found a new love. RPs. not rpgs but rps. in rps u can create whatever u want and do whateber u wnat. i thikn it is wonderfuly fun. anybody ever

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Scenerios like warchasers [29 Sep 2003|03:13pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

I everybody I'm new to this community and glad I stumbled on to it.

To get to the point. I loved the mini-game warchasers and was wondering if there are any more little mini-games like that out there.

Thanks for any help that given.

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[28 Sep 2003|05:00pm]

Hello everyone. I'm brand new here. I love Warcraft 3 because it has real nice gameplay, and an even better storyline. Hope to get to know everyone.
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[25 Sep 2003|07:16pm]

weee jsut curious, whats your fav Hero arena map?

Mines Heroes of middle earth, and i dont even like LotR, though aside from the new TFT compatible one i made, the original maker seems to have kicked the bucket o.o or sometin
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weee [25 Sep 2003|05:53pm]

Wow, its amazing when someone asks whats the best way to counter chim's with undead o.o; XD i saw that today on a forum o.o

anyways, i 1v1'd an NE with the UD and possesed the wisp so i could get my fac hero POTM, its always fun taking over enemy builders, but its hard to do o.< but the benefits are great XD
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[24 Sep 2003|11:04am]

[ mood | content ]

yay finally found a Warcraft community, there use to be none, hi!

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[20 Sep 2003|08:49am]

hey friends.

i was just wondering if any of you have been participating in those random tournaments blizzard's been having. they're kind of unannounced and just pop up (usually the same day). there was a 1v1 yesterday that i wanted to try my hands at, but i had to leave. i thought it'd be fun to see how far i could go, haha. plus i don't have any friends that i could make a team with for the 2v2's/3v3's =(.
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[16 Sep 2003|06:48pm]

[ mood | proud ]

hey peeps.

haven't posted in a while, but i just played a 2v2 and i had to post because i'm so proud of my victory!

i was undead (my race of choice), and everyone else in the game was human. so my partner says to get DK and fiends. so i do. well, about 5 or so minutes into it, i get rushed by the enemy with one blood mage and a footman. i hold them off though. anyway. my partner leaves about 10 minutes into it. great. so i try my best to manage without him, and i murdalized them! i uploaded the replay to my website if you're interested in watching it. there's no groundbreaking strategy or anything, i'm just proud i beat two people by myself. and one guy even said, "and the thing even said he was a noob" haha! i assume he was referring to the 2 next to my name ( they were 5 and 7 i think?).

so download it if you want. and throw any pointers my way!


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Whats the best...? [07 Sep 2003|11:24am]

[ mood | thoughtful ]

Well this is a thought i've been wondering for some time. I want to know what you people think is the best 2v2 strategy. And how would you rate mine?
My strategy:
Being human and my allie being orc. Then my main tactic is getting rifle men, with backup from preists. While my allie gets headhunters shamans and grunts. Then with this creep together and meet and annoy the enemy by picking off single buildings/men. Then back off wait a few mins then attack with full blown men. Shamans will increase their attack power while preists will heal most of your and your allie's units. The head hunters and rifle men will backup the grunts and attack air units. This will constantly rain damage on the enemy while he is trying break through the grunts. Getting beserk will also help and add extra time to blow the enemy to bits. When enemy one is gone, regroup heal with preists. Then blow an attack on the second enemy as he would of proberly sent his men to help his allie and lost those. This strategy must be used carefully with upgrades to the preists. This will increase mana capacity and if you face an undead enemy you can use dispell for necromancers skeletons. Tell me what you think. Hope it sounds ok. What are your strategys and tips.


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holy crap... [01 Sep 2003|05:29pm]

I suck as human....anyone know of any good tips, everytime i'm human I get nailed...I try getting some of the basic guys out to go hunting while teching up..i've done priest/sorc before and that works sometimes...still get ass handed to me =X
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