Recent Blatherings Asylum Members Day by Day All About Me
In dreams, all truth is revealed.
Writing isn't a hobby, it's an obsession...
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Today is a very special day.  28 years ago, one of my best friends (and my little sister) was born. 

As you can see, right from the start, I was attached to her:

Sure, as we grew up, there were times I just wanted to beat the living snot out of her... or kill her.  I can definitely remember a few times I wanted her dead.  But, that's what siblings do, right? :)  But her annoying phase only lasted... oh... about a decade. ;)  Now I couldn't imagine life without her.  Even though she IS addicted to Cookie Monster:

So I thought I'd celebrate today by embarassing her with pictures and the poem I wrote for her... just so she knows how much I love her.  And I do... Happy Birthday, Adriane. :)


When people say, "What would I do without ... ?"
and then add in the name of their choice,
I bring to mind my sister.
Because her smile
  is both impish and pure.
For her hair is like honey
  and her eyes like cornflowers --
both sweet and attracting attention.
She can always make me laugh
  through even tears like heaviest rain.
Because she dances with numbers
  and her fingers make music my own do not.
For special hugs that come when needed,
  and trilling laughter like perfect sound.
She lights up the room
  and makes me glad she's there.
Because she loves me,
  no matter how often we fight.
For I love her
  in spite of and because she's so different from me.
She is my sister,
  and my very best friend,
  and a star in the night sky of life.

PS - Remember when I posted those new kitty and ratty pictures and they didn't show up?  Well, we got the domain fixed.  So you can see fuzzy cuteness over here!

Current Mood: mischievous

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I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you

I could be fake
I could be stupid
You know I could be just like you

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be
Just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be
Just like you

I could be cold
I could be ruthless
You know I could be just like you

I could be weak
I could be senseless
You know I could be just like you

On my own, cause I can't take livin' with you
I'm alone, so I won't turn out like
You want me to

You thought you were standing beside me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be just like you
You thought you were there to guide me
You were only in my way
You're wrong if you think that I'll be
Just like you

I could be mean
I could be angry
You know I could be just like you

Current Mood: defiant

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Because I should have something out here for comments...
...and because this fits me so damned well.

I know that I will never be politically correct
And I don't give a damn about my lack of etiquette
As far as I'm concerned, the world could still be flat
And if the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back
If the thrill is gone, then it's time to take it back

Who am I? Why am I here?
Forget the questions, someone gimme another beer
What's the meaning of life, what's the meaning of it all?
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl

So sign up all you raw recruits,
Throw away those designer suits
You got your weapons cocked,
Your targets in your sights
There's a party raging somewhere in the world
You gotta serve your country,
Gotta service your girl
You're all enlisted in the armies of the night

And I ain't in it for the power,
And I ain't in it for my health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything at all
And I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it till it's over and I just can't stop
If you wanna get it done,
You gotta do it yourself
And I like my music like I like my life
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,
Everything louder than everything else,

Wasted youth! Wasted youth!
Wasted youth! Wasted youth!

They got a file on me and it's a mile long
And they say that they got all of the proof
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And just another wasted youth

They say that I'm in need of some radical discipline
They say I gotta face the truth
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And just another wasted youth

They say I'm wild and I'm reckless,
(wild, wild, wild)
I should be acting my age
I'm an impressionable child in a tumultuous world
And they say I'm at a difficult stage

But it seems to me to the contrary
Of all the crap they're going to put on the page
That a wasted youth is better by far
Than a wise and productive old age.

Hi... I'm me. I'm nuts in so many ways.

I'm working on a FAQ for me. I'll put it up here when I'm done.

Go ahead... knock on the door. I might just open it for you. ;)

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Meatloaf - "Everything Louder Than Everything Else"

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Hate me with everything
I'm better off without your animosity
I'll even sleep better at night... at night
I won't believe in you
Reminded me of everything you put me through
Now everything just feels alright... alright

I feel so betrayed... mistaken
I create another day
You'll be gone tomorrow
Lie to me.. you're faceless

You've made me out to be
Responsible for your self-inflicted misery
And never felt like this before... before
Don't be surprised to see
That I have nothing left for you to bleed
When you come crawling back for more... for more

I feel so betrayed... mistaken
I create another day
You'll be gone tomorrow
Lie to me... you're faceless

Current Mood: indifferent

Who, me?
User: [info]khariyah
Name: Oracle
Away we go!
Something to know...
This is a Friends Only journal. I've been burned in the past, so I am very careful of who I'm letting in to my life.

I am, at various times, perky, morose, angry, silly, creative, obsessive, hopeful, sad, homesick, tired, thoughtful, insane, insightful, manic, flirty, bouncy, or any other number of emotions... and I fling all of them onto the screen. So if you're afraid of a lot of emotion, this isn't the place for you.

That being said, if you'd like to be invited, leave a comment on one of my public posts and I'll pop over to visit. :)
Day by Day
Back January 2005