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[01 Feb 2005|09:25am]
sometimes somethings hurt so badly that they leave a scar on your soul for the rest of your life.

all it takes is just for the right person to come by, see those scars, and heal them.

[31 Jan 2005|01:44pm]
i got a letter from the future O_o

whaaat. it's dated the 2nd of feb :\ from nbs, btw. super fast, eh? (:
3 ...speak.

[27 Jan 2005|02:42pm]


[26 Jan 2005|07:25pm]
hehehe )


[26 Jan 2005|01:37pm]
things to say:


well, tt takes care of tt!

[18 Jan 2005|01:45pm]
books that i want to buy:

- all the david +/- leigh eddings fantasy books.
- all the asimov fiction.
- cuckoo books like the time traveler's wife [which my sister already has] which blow my mind.
- umm. books.

i want comics too. yup. you gotta love comics. but not funnies. funnies are ok, but i prefer the longdrawnoutcomicbookplot heh(:
1 ...speak.

[16 Jan 2005|06:01pm]
i am not happy.

this may sound trivial, but it is of importance to me. someone is stealing my money. my neopoints. this has happened before, but i brushed it off as some stupid occurance because of an inactive-for-a-million-years account. but i had recently started playing again, and by God, i saved up to 48,000 neopoints. and now more than 30,000 neopoints are gone.

i am furious. i'm going to kill whoever stole my money. it doesn't matter that it isn't real money, or that neopets is just a weird game similar to pokemon, except that it's online, but it is a matter of principle (principal?). i am going to murder whoever took my money.
2 ...speak.

[16 Jan 2005|05:25pm]

ana's party yesterday was fun, even though the annoying three embarrassed the shingdings outta me. i would've played it cool, but nooo. they just had to embarrass me :\

mph warehouse sale. went with rohani and my little sister. disappointing, to say the most (least?), but i still managed to get a few books, namely two asimov books, magic and second foundation, the first of the corellian trilogy, ambush at corellia, and lastly, the elder gods by david and leigh eddings. i miss fantasy.

i am sort of disappointed by magic. it's not tt asimov isn't brilliant, in fact he is superb (as always), but i just wanted to read some hardcore fantasy. magic is not exactly hardcore fantasy, but it's like scientific fantasy, futuristic fantasy, of a sort. ah well, at least i have the elder gods to satisfy my hardcore fantasy cravings.

the alumni meeting was alright, just like any other meeting would've gone. contributed a little and elsa dragged me to volunteer. not really volunteering then, eh? (: but ill put my heart into it. i guess.

mm, off to finish reading magic. and (i'll say it for you) - gasp! an update from the queen of antisocial herself! and a proper entry, no less. will the world end soon?

1 ...speak.

[12 Jan 2005|01:42pm]
i love my dad (:

...and i love my cousin cos she told me where the mph warehouse sale is heheheh -evil grin- i want money. i wonder if my cousin'll give me money if i ask nicely. hmm.
1 ...speak.

[10 Jan 2005|11:44am]
eeyaaargghh! bk sales! missed one, supposedly there's another one this weekend.


but i dont exactly know where it's held. hmm.
1 ...speak.

[07 Jan 2005|12:03pm]
someone remind me:
i have a gathering tmr night.
and i have a meeting tmr morning.
and another one the morning of next wk sat.
and my sister's going back tmr morning.

oh wait, scratch the last one, i know tt already.
1 ...speak.

[29 Dec 2004|06:47pm]
my neighbour is one lousy bitch.
3 ...speak.

[29 Dec 2004|12:02pm]
wow. everyone's been busy. stencilling, studying, going out, having adventures, etc. me? well, ive been pretty much asleep while the world was turning.

before exams ended [or started, for tt matter], i promised myself to do loads of paint work, like stencilling the caps i bought 871264981 million years ago, stencilling my bag, doing some pieces, working on my graff, things like tt. plus, i was supposed to go out with every friend i had, to every place i knew, to do everything there was to do. when exams finally ended, i was ready to do all this. i was excited.

but somehow, i never got ard to doing any of tt. the caps and bag are still plain, the sheets of paper meant to be filled with graff are still empty, plans with friends, places and things to do have all been sidelined. why? mainly because the drive i felt so long ago, one september morning in a discussion with my friends on our plans after the exams, is gone. i dont know why, maybe it's because im just lazy. ive taken to sleeping in, walking ard dazed for a few hrs, using the internet and all its sins, watching a smattering of tv, eating lots, and going back to sleep way earlier than i should. maybe i should drag myself to go out with someone, or to paint, or something. sigh.

sometimes i wish tt i could pull myself out of this rut, but you know what? i dont want to. im happy, because i have everything i need. not to insult the friends ive made, but i do feel secure and happy in the state of blissful ignorance im in now. as for painting, maybe the creative genius hasnt made itself rooted in my mind. i want to do stencils but i dont know of what. i want to do graff but i dont have the inspiration to. maybe it'll all come to me soon, tmr, next week, or maybe in the june of 2046. whatever the case, the state im in now is the state i want to be in. i do feel regret tt ive not made much of this past month, but hey, ive still got a few mths left before im scheduled to do something with my life. might as well enjoy it the way i want to, when i want to.
2 ...speak.

[25 Dec 2004|11:01pm]
i wish.
2 ...speak.

[24 Dec 2004|02:10pm]

[20 Dec 2004|05:32pm]
right, few things been happening. got sick, got sleepy, got alot of things to do but i only want to sleep, my sister came home [YAY!], had new additions to the house [furniture, not occupants :\], like nice bamboo blinds and lights.

oh, and a pool table too(:

we actually got it on the 15th, but because my sister was coming home so soon my parents decided to surprise her, so they forbid us to say anything. hehh. funny(: crazy cool, man.

parents are in the middle of a tiff right now. ee, hate it when they're like tt. ho hum. im going to steal my sister's mmc. mineminemine. she's got millions of classic oldiemagoldie songs in her comp. wee! im going off. update when i want to update, i guess.
10 ...speak.

[17 Dec 2004|09:40am]
my young padawan has followed in my footsteps.

1 ...speak.

[15 Dec 2004|10:23pm]
amazing race is really sad sometimes. not sad pathetic, but sad sad.
4 ...speak.

[10 Dec 2004|07:50pm]
hey, been busy. bangkok was great, prom was a bit dead when i got there, having no money is no fun, and im going to be busybusybusy with so many thingamajiggies, so till never, whenever, sayanoraaa!
2 ...speak.

[05 Dec 2004|06:05pm]
everyone's so free they dont have time for anyone else but themselves.

[04 Dec 2004|09:32pm]
i really love my dad and all, and i do appreciate what he's doing for me and my driving lessons, but can he please get off my back abt studying for the fucking basic theory test?! ergh. it's fucking annoying how he wants me to do the lessons and the tests a fucking 2874180219487120 million times. rarr -bangs head on the wall- fucking driving is not the only thing in my life. just because he cant harp it on me tt i have to study for exams he uses the stupid fucking basic theory test to pressure me with. well, guess what.


gee, tt felt gd. rarr :\
1 ...speak.

[01 Dec 2004|01:03pm]
everybody's in a mellow mood. ok, maybe not everybody, but just the people i talk to.

jk2! want to play need to play. hmm, install!

days of our lives is actually quite interesting, in a non-sarcastic way -pause- no, im serious! oh, nvm.

hmm, what to say. oh, i need to bury my ego, really. rarr.

pictures, i need pictures. where to find pictures, hmm.

[01 Dec 2004|12:31pm]
i bumped into the kerb like 1024917593175901 million times today, ha(: wee! the guy said i was putting too much pressure on myself. oops :\ oh well. stressed.

hmm, what to do, going dentist later. wee! going out tmr and friday. yeppers. umm, no idea what else i want to update. umm. umm.
2 ...speak.

[29 Nov 2004|06:10pm]
woo, cant update much, cos im at adam's house visiting! =D running for the bus from my house was fun, hardiharhar =D =D think im going to be back real late tonight, but it's ok. wee!

[28 Nov 2004|10:38am]
finally, im online. i cant access the net much. why? cos the laptop's out of bounds cos there's no antivirus software, my dad's laptop is a no-no, and this computer is full of ass popup ads and the mouse is dead-_-'' so yes, ive got to use the tab button. yeesh.

exams were nuts. i dont think i want to go collect my results next year. i will pray tt i get ok results. somehow, i dont think im going to university -shudders- but i hope tt i can. oh well. it's done, dont think abt it.

what's been happening? my birthday and hari raya passed me by, i signed up for driving lessons, went visiting people, studied [or tried to, ha], i crashed tkgs' prom, and i found out i might not make it to my own. haha, dont ask. just tt my flight from thailand got delayed, and instead of being back here by five thirty, where i would have gotten to prom in time, i leave there at six fifty, meaning i reach here at ten. hoboy. badbadbad. ah well, at least now we dont have to buy ticket for ms lim(:

gee, ive been wanting to update for so long, but i dont really know what to update abt. i want to play video games. the xbox is fine, but sometimes i cant get past some parts so tt's a booboo. the one game i really want to play is jk ii, which is computer based, which means tt i cannot play it since there are no free computers-_-'' le sigh. oh well. i cant even find the cd, really. oops :X

ok, i have no idea when ill update again. maybe later, maybe tmr, maybe... ? ah well. my dad's going to a computer exhibition to buy antivirus software. i hopehopehope he buys a new computer. seriously. ok, till whenever(:
4 ...speak.

[03 Nov 2004|05:42pm]
i dont know what my dad did to the computer [actually, i have a gd idea, but tt's beside the pt], but it's pissing me off because i cannot log in anywhere. grr x infinity.

im moody. exams start tmr. huzzah. scared witless. but as i told someone dear, i trust in God, i trust in people, and i trust in myself. i can do this. i know i can. push on, push forward, do not lose the battle because the war will not end in my failure. i cant let tt happen. i must not let it happen -nods head-

RARR. be back on the 24th, kids. dont miss me. haa.

starwars episode iii trailer will be mauled [haha, get the joke?] by me after the exams. ill dissect every single scene and make icons and pin-ups of them. hurrah! things to look forward to(:

AND IT DOES NOT HELP TT I HAVE A [DREADED] PAPER ON MY BIRTHDAY. oh well. take it in your stride, girl -breathes in, breathes out- i can do this!*

*repeat six million times until it is believed.
3 ...speak.

[29 Oct 2004|10:18am]
OMG, OMG, LOOKIEE (wookiee?)!!

arghh. k, sorry if i messed up your friends' page, but aiyee! cool poster aye^-^ wee! i cannot wait.

damn exams. just under a week till they start. oh help, im very afraid. and i wasnt being sarcastic, btw.
2 ...speak.

[26 Oct 2004|06:21pm]
erghh. i hate, i hate, i hate.

i love, i love, i love.

i am, i am, i am.

2 ...speak.

[24 Oct 2004|10:52am]
haha, right. )

2 ...speak.

[22 Oct 2004|11:50am]
ok, let's all count to one million and breathe in, breathe out.

i hate studying. one more month. just one more. damn. sometimes, time passes by so quick, but other times it take so damn long.


[18 Oct 2004|09:31am]
using a piece of tissue paper for your mousepad isnt exactly the best way in the world to use your mouse.

im addicted to point'n'click games now. played loads in the past few days. oh dear, am i screwed? yes. probably, yes.

ive got a comprehensive timetable/schedule. now i only need to follow it. oops, missed out on a block already-_- and it looks like im going to miss out on another block before my breakT_T'' i pity myself.

gee, in abt a mth and a half, i wouldnt have to study anymore. the thought scares me, somehow. ho well.

i hope science practical's going fine for the little ones.

-looks ard- right. im off.
5 ...speak.

[17 Oct 2004|11:46am]
for some reason there is a (small) demand for me to update properly.

alright, i will.

what has been happening? somethings, to do with some people. sometimes, not always people. ive got exams starting in abt two weeks. am i prepared? not really.

what am i feeling now? gee, hungry, mostly, because im fasting. and irritated, because i have to study. humm.

the smell of paint is intoxicating, just like the smell of blood on my fingers.

where am i? sigh, i do not know.

what is the meaning of life? into the black hole we reside, and there we will reach transcendence.

im sorry for talking in riddles, i dont really mean to, but i might actually be lying. ha, maybe, maybe.

disappear into the night, so long, so long.

[16 Oct 2004|09:23am]
blown away.

[13 Oct 2004|09:10am]
so. i havent been on for a really long time. been busy, much. yup. so many things to say, so little time. so i wont say anything.

ee. noises in the dark.
6 ...speak.

[08 Oct 2004|01:19am]
i am going to study. mm. but i want to eat first. yikes.
1 ...speak.

[07 Oct 2004|03:06pm]
i just ate one hot dog bun, iced honeydew sago and iced grass jelly. and drank some, umm, grass juice. hmm, i feel bloated. maybe not full, but bloated. aye.


i think my lj's boring.

[04 Oct 2004|03:41pm]
ok, so here i am, after a (relatively) long hiatus.


so. ive failed econs and math. passed hist (surprise, surprise!) and gp. apparently ive also passed lit, though i have no idea how or why (but id be very thankful if i do).

mm. actually im only updating cos feli and adam asked me to. rarr.

i am actually quite bored. ho hum.

eh, shafah, call me sometime, pls? need to talk to you.

what else? oh, best of luck to all the little kids taking their exams now/later/whenever. oh, and to me too. ha.
1 ...speak.

[27 Sep 2004|03:10pm]
ergh. i am bored. in sch. dead.
1 ...speak.

[24 Sep 2004|10:14pm]
boo. yayy.

[23 Sep 2004|05:53pm]
updated my personal comic archive.

right. boring, boring. daa.

[22 Sep 2004|09:41pm]

im happy for those who won(:

lotsa shouting. bring down the house, ha!

[22 Sep 2004|07:04pm]
more for my own purposes than yours )

right, there were a few more tt ive read before, but i cant really remember what they were. these were the few more memorable ones(:
3 ...speak.

[22 Sep 2004|06:38pm]
i'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly,
i'll do what it takes till i touch the sky,
and i'll make a wish, take a chance,
make a change, and break away.
out of the darkness and into the sun,
but i won't forget all the ones that i love.
i'll take a risk, take a chance,
make a change, and break away.

sorry for the random lyric/bad poetry postings. im feeling very ... now. or something.

i just realised tt i like kelly clarkson. eh, weird.
1 ...speak.

[22 Sep 2004|12:50pm]
go home, to where you belong.
i dont need you, i never did.
you pushed me, i pushed back.
you fell, you couldnt take tt.
i watched you plead, you made us die.
all-consuming, and then
you like a brick on the head.
bleed, for i already have
and never will

angst is a powerful tool. use it well, apprentice, and you will flourish. focus, focus. you will succeed where others have failed, and you will triumph in the dark night that shrouds you.

[20 Sep 2004|09:03pm]
mm. study.

and although im going to fail my preliminary examinations, i will succeed in the major examination, the gce 'a' level examination. i will, i will.
2 ...speak.

[19 Sep 2004|08:53pm]
i don't want to miss a thing

i could stay awake just to hear you breathing
watch you smile while you are sleeping
while you're far away and dreaming
i could spend my life in this sweet surrender
i could stay lost in this moment forever
well, every moment spent with you
is a moment i treasure

i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream would never do
i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing

lying close to you
feeling your heart beating
and i'm wondering what you're dreaming
wondering if it's me you're seeing
then i kiss your eyes and thank god we're together
and i just wanna stay with you
in this moment forever, forever and ever

i don't wanna miss one smile
i don't wanna miss one kiss
well, i just wanna be with you
right here with you, just like this
i just wanna hold you close
feel your heart so close to mine
and just stay here in this moment
for all the rest of time

i don't wanna close my eyes
i don't wanna fall asleep
'cause i'd miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
'cause even when i dream of you
the sweetest dream would never do
i'd still miss you, baby
and i don't wanna miss a thing
don't wanna close my eyes
don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
i don't wanna miss a thing
i don't wanna miss a thing


ive never used one of those '<3' things before. mm. interesting(:
1 ...speak.

[19 Sep 2004|08:46pm]
ergh. tt sky captain game really really annoys me.

[19 Sep 2004|07:33pm]
only hungry people know how to appreciate.

nobody in the developed world knows how to appreciate. we are all slobs; fat, oily, laugh-out-loud-with-our-mouths-full-of-food slobs. we eat, we mess, we leave. nobody knows how to thank the cook, the hand that fed you. nobody knows how to be civil. nobody appreciates anything.

when you're hungry, you work hard. you work to get somewhere. you become smarter, faster, than all the slobs of the developed nations put together, because you appreciate the food handed out to you. you take it, and you make something out of it. not like those slobs of the developed nations, who'd take that one serving and down it without thinking what they could do with it. they've had too much of a good thing.

third world people aren't lazy like those of the first world. no, they work. they work hard, work long, and they get to where hey want to be, and that actually means something. those of the first world, sans a few exceptions, dont work hard, or long, but can and possibly will get to where they are supposed to go, but without the satisfaction. so much chaos and disaster after that. no good. no, third world's are better. they work, and are satisfied. they work, because they are hungry. they work, and thus appreciate more fully the fact that is life.

[18 Sep 2004|07:30pm]
finally. im done with the freaking papers. just one more next week. lit eight. the paper you dont have to study for.

geex, im going to do so badly cos my timetable was cramped up. try four subjects with abt two to three papers each, for six straight days in a week. geex, ldmr man.
3 ...speak.

[17 Sep 2004|12:30am]
i didnt study. why?

simply because i have given up. hooray.

God, help me.
4 ...speak.

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