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Below is user information for Capitol G. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:big_al (1870) big_al
Name:Capitol G
Location:Hamilton, Ohio, United States
AOL IM:AIM status BigFrknAl (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:Yo! This is Big Al Fleischer, comin at ya from the Nati.
Currently living near UC's campus with [info]mistahe, [info]whitaker, and [info]madrabbit, and keepin' it real.

I can almost always be reached on my Cell - 284-1952, and I'm pretty quick to respond to E-mail, so feel free to drop me a message.
Memories:6 entries
Interests:23: adventure, biking, bluffing, chinese food, coffee, college, computers, danger, driving fast, grilling, hang gliding, hiking, jazz, looking sexy, movies, origami, philosophy, rappelling, reading, smiling, summer, swimming, taking it easy. [Modify yours]
People50:amidaeus, assylem, barbararini4, big_al, bobbibillard, buttercup_punk, callie, chewysalamander, d4b, digitaldorkism, dyanna83, dyir, ed4, emamio, famegirl, freckles, greengiant, jenangel, jennapple, jgambrell, joenapier, jumbstead, karla, ladibug, leber, lloyd, madamepresident, madrabbit, mb01483, mistahe, necrolvr69, nieman, niftybitch, nimrodangelboy, nswarts, sassy_lisa, sh0rty52681, shark_chick, skeet_dog, skg83, snowake, susadaisy, taffy, talicat, the_wombat, tofuforyou, tydel, valkyrieking, whitaker, wolvensongs
Friend of:68: ajslamka, amidaeus, assylem, audreyfan, barbararini4, big_al, bobbibillard, bradico1, buttercup_punk, callie, carrold, crow14, d4b, daf, darajane, digitaldorkism, dyanna83, dyir, ed4, emamio, flickeringsoul, freckles, greengiant, jenangel, jeni_pooh, jennapple, joenapier, jonhartman84, jumbstead, karla, kyleasher, ladibug, lloyd, madamepresident, madrabbit, mb01483, mistahe, mooley, muff_dive_champ, necrolvr69, nieman, nimrodangelboy, nswarts, penguinboy, protogonoi, rawker47, reno, sassy_lisa, sexything6769, sh0rty52681, shakhak, shantirose, shark_chick, shortgirlbeth, skeet_dog, skg83, snowake, stalin_whore, susadaisy, taffy, talicat, the_wombat, tofuforyou, tydel, valkyrieking, webbie, whitaker, wolvensongs
Member of:3: alex_is_gay, jamie_bashing, u_of_cincy
Account type:Early Adopter

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