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Community Information

Below is information about the "Hentai Bliss" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:hentai_bliss (392198) hentai_bliss
Name:Hentai Bliss
Location:United States
About:This is the place for hentai lovers everywhere to get together and meet other people and exchange information relating to hentai or ecchi. Come talk about your favorite series, characters, manga, and stories. You can post sites and pictures as well. As long as it relates to hentai or ecchi in some way. Enjoy Hentai Bliss! ^_^

~*~ Hentai Mistress, [info]seiry ~*~

Check out these other communities! Be sure to read their profiles to decide if that community is right for you.

* ff hentai maintained by [info]rainecloud
* gross_h_club maintained by [info]setzer024 & [info]sephychan
* themie_hentai maintained by [info]moon_of_ice
* team_tentacle maintained by [info]pseudo_kemetic, [info]kierstal, & [info]akirashima
* futanari maintained by [info]futa_freak
* erotictoons maintained by [info]photognome
* ecchi_fems maintained by [info]kitsune_rei
* nekopeople maintained by [info]angelphoenix
* hentai_icons maintained by [info]quistisfan
* hentaicatgirl maintained by [info]naivemichiru

DISCLAIMER: ~~ Hentai Bliss contains adult content not suitable for minors and may be offensive to some viewers. Please DO NOT POST hentai featuring young children (in the US and you could possibly be held legally liable). I, as the maintainer of this community, am not responsible for copyright infringement, or illegal materials posted by other members. ~~

Please note that Yahoo no longer stores images in the message archive. The only way you will see images from any group you join is if you set your email option to individual emails or if a member uploads images to the photos/files section.

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Visit Hentai Bliss@Yahoo


Posting pictures...

  1. To add a picture to your journal entry, use:

    (img src="" height="#" width="#")

    *replace ( ) with < > and you can play around with the width and height to make it fit better within your post*

  2. The lj-cut feature like so:

    <lj-cut text="T&A; pics here">

    For further information on LJ specific tags, please go here to

Thanks for your understanding! ^_^

Interests:63: adult, adult anime, adult cartoons, angel of darkness, anime, autumn heat, bible black, black mail, bondage queen kate, can can bunny, catgirls, cool devices, countdown, cutey honey, dark warrior, dojin, doujinshi, dragon knight, dragon pink, dragon rider, ecchi, erotic, erotic anime, erotic stories, erotic torture chamber, erotica, etchi, f3, fan service, futanari, guy, h, h-art, h-games, hentai, japananimation, japanese animation, japanimation, kama sutra, kite, kizuna, la blue girl, legend of the overfiend, lemons, magical twilight, manga, mangaka, midnight panther, my my mai, neko, new angel, orchid emblem, rei rei, sex, sins of the flesh, tentacle hentai, tentacles, twin angels, twin dolls, urotsukidoji, venus 5, yaoi, yuri. [Modify yours]
Members:701: View Members .
Watched by:485: __sexifiend907, _argento, a_kohryuu, abandonedsoul, abstractmessage, acwa, aggressive_f, ahofschu, ailuri, akirahojo, alexishere, alu_ech, amberhime, amethyst_sphere, amyakieran, anarkhist, anavel_gato, ancillary, anemptymargin, aneurysemetic, anfarati, angelyami, animationhq, aninsomniac, anriko, arcueid, artistangelone, artschoolskin, ashish, astropoetic, aurora_chan, av3ng3r, avgs, axviking, b477l3_4ng3l, battlemaiden, bbuster, belladonnarosa, benuneko, bhwlora, bigdoug, black_scarlet, blackfox79, blade_babe, blindmonkeyfist, bluestocking7, brak5169, brianyoon, bugliea, burningroses, carescreations, cellophane01, chantienyee, chaobino, chi_chobit, chibi_bev, chibigendo, chipwitt, chronotology, cintimeg, cith, cjwoods, cloudancer, clownman060, cokemangs, comtesschastity, confuzledgenyus, corant, corn__, crowborja, curryboy_nao, damnedinflames, darkchild17, darkdancer17, darkdjinn71, darknightmare, darkproducer, darkstar76, darkwarrior, dasbruce, daybreaksadness, dazedxconfused, deaditeash, deadpuppet, deadsecrets, death_god, deity_of_decay, delara, delwin, demitrius_talos, demonablackwind, devasita, devilishdestiny, devious_bbw, diana_x, dimat, dippydonut, divadelight, djinubito, dousuku, dragonglitta, dru_baby, duffkink, dufflebag, dumthepenguin, duogami, dwmillerjr, eastsierra, eatme69, ebeda, edeniell, ennatheempress, eric_san, erie_descent, errata_stigmata, errlwayne, eternal_infinit, evespomegranate, evil_witch, eviltriton, ewansgoddess, excitable_boy, exersistical, faeriefrenzy, fake_fx, fengshui, ferrix, fiendishmonkey, fin_katt, flaileigh, flower_flavor, flyfisher654321, fox_glove, fridge, frugar, fuzikai, g1rlz3r0, gaelyn, gammacat, garzan, ginnyseta, goddess_ami, goddessjady, guineveres_id, gyaritamahome, haate, happypichunter, havokchild7, heart_of_armor, hellhole, ...
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