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Below is user information for Reesa (Hopelessly practical romantic). If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:an_sceal (538712) Paid User an_sceal
Not Quite A Handbasket
A militant front for my friends page.
Name:Reesa (Hopelessly practical romantic)
Website:Rumors Of My Demise
Location:Fairfax, Virginia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status ReesaQoE (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 14258888 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status ReesaQoE (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:Everytime I write one of these, it winds up sounding like a personals ad. To try and sum it up, I'm 24, pagan, in love with music, a total media geek, polyamorous, red-haired, a reader, a writer and a generally creative-sort, and I share my life with 13 other creatures, most of whom are animals. I tend to *grin* too much online, and I adore BBC America.

You'll probably learn more about me than you ever cared to by reading my journal. I used to say that I didn't believe in friends filters, but I have several now. Adding me as a friend doesn't mean I will automatically add you back, but it's a pretty safe bet as long as I don't think you're a twit.

I maintain a photo blog on my domain, located here: Rumors of My Demise. One day, I might even put something else there.

Memories:14 entries
Pictures:2 pictures
Interests:72: anne bishop, atlantia, bam/tony dubiously-legal-entirely-fictional sex, blowfish, bottling alan rickmans voice, brewing, candle-making, changing rooms, chinchillas, cockatiels, comics, computers, costuming, crafts, david usher, drop spindle, due south, ever-expanding arrays of gadgets, fairies, fantasy, felting, fiber arts, fiona patton, firefly, flogging molly, france, fred and george, great big sea, ground force, harry potter, harry/draco, harry/snape, hatmaking, hawaii, herbalism, kitchen witchery, moist, movies, music, neil gaiman, our lady peace, paganism, painting, paris, penny arcade, polyamory, ponte alto, poppy z. brite, potions, queer as folk, reading, ren faires, sca, sci-fi, sewing, shopping, slash, something positive, south park, spinning, steven brust, strangers in paradise, susie bright, tanya huff, technogeekery, the spacers saga, the tea party, tv, weaving, wicca, witchcraft, writing. [Modify yours]
People86:_hdcomic, ailenalc, aioli, allbluedreams, ame_chan, an_sceal, andpuff, anhayla, bayushi, beingothrwrldly, bibliovixen, bibliowitch, blackholly, catya, ceiling_wax, dave_knight, daves_raves, dbzlives, debmats, delicatelittle, denizsarikaya, docbrite, doghousereilly, dolores, dorrie6, eitherpotion, eroslane, foxman, foxvox, grizzy, hdstanley, herefox, i_am_lono, immicolia, interminable, ioevri1, jagyr_ebonwood, jaidenkiwi, keepmeposted, killthewhelp, kissingchaos9, lambourngb, leopard_salient, lilacfairy, marigot, mat_t, mymindkills, neeteeus, nestra, noelfigart, nspirelli, nstynittinnymph, opiumcoffeebean, owlslight, pezazul, pirate_nami, recsrainbow, redearth, renegadelibr, riveroflove, sabah, samihail, satyrix, savvyjack18, shaktiqueen, shaynehunter, sheepwebby, shelbecat, shrift, sillermoon, sugarandbrine, swiggybeme, tammy_g, threegoldfish, tigerblak, tiggrmish, torrilin, trektone, undinesprite, unluckymonkey, violentsilence, viridian5, walkingbytch, wayfairer, zippyfish, zou
Communities18:bower, boy_touching, contrelamontre, craftwhoreannon, crafty_witches, dyeingfiber, fic_fairy, handspinning, heatherfans, kitchenwitchery, nocturne_alley, patchwork_quill, polyamory, sail_to_tahiti, sellingfiber, spinningfiber, theoc_slash, veelarecs
Mutual Friends:67: ailenalc, aioli, allbluedreams, ame_chan, an_sceal, andpuff, anhayla, bayushi, beingothrwrldly, bibliovixen, bibliowitch, catya, dave_knight, dbzlives, debmats, delicatelittle, denizsarikaya, doghousereilly, dolores, dorrie6, eroslane, foxvox, grizzy, hdstanley, herefox, immicolia, interminable, ioevri1, jaidenkiwi, keepmeposted, killthewhelp, kissingchaos9, lambourngb, lilacfairy, marigot, mat_t, neeteeus, nspirelli, nstynittinnymph, owlslight, pezazul, pirate_nami, redearth, renegadelibr, riveroflove, sabah, samihail, satyrix, savvyjack18, shaktiqueen, shaynehunter, sheepwebby, shelbecat, shrift, sillermoon, sugarandbrine, swiggybeme, tammy_g, threegoldfish, tigerblak, tiggrmish, trektone, undinesprite, walkingbytch, wayfairer, zippyfish, zou
Also Friend of:2: kaeria, wintersweet
Member of:7: bower, contrelamontre, crafty_witches, paidmembers, polyfamilies, spinningfiber, theoc_slash
Account type:Paid Account

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