Angie's Journal

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Friday, August 27th, 2004
9:56 pm - Cos everyone else is doing it
Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

current mood: tired

(3 Candles | Make A Wish)

7:21 pm - Yumm!
I have fairy bread!

current mood: hungry

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004
9:45 pm - So i don't know squat about computers.
How come my elljay won't show my background picture?

current mood: frustrated

(7 Candles | Make A Wish)

9:26 pm

current mood: comfortable
current music: Breeze & Styles - Out of the blue

(Make A Wish)

Tuesday, August 24th, 2004
10:56 pm
I have gmail invites coming out of my wahzoo, anyone want?

current mood: bored

(13 Candles | Make A Wish)

Monday, August 23rd, 2004
9:57 pm - Hmmph.
I want Doom 3 but my computer won't support it! Fucker!

current mood: geeky

(6 Candles | Make A Wish)

Thursday, August 19th, 2004
11:00 pm - *grin*
*hugs manda and gav* Thank you thank you thank you :D :D

current mood: excited
current music: Muse - Time Is Running Out

(Make A Wish)

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004
6:20 pm
Looks like we're going to Time Tunnel tonite!! Yay!!

current mood: hyper
current music: jack

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

Monday, August 9th, 2004
7:59 pm
I never said i was perfect.

current mood: sad

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

Friday, August 6th, 2004
7:58 pm
I have pizza.

It is good.

current mood: hyper

(1 Candle | Make A Wish)

6:06 pm - Gmail is teh shiny.
Thanks to the beautiful [info]moontorch, i now have a gmail account. Woot!

You can now email me at

current mood: good

(3 Candles | Make A Wish)

Thursday, August 5th, 2004
9:05 pm - *blonde*
It just took me a good minute to find the % key on my keyboard. Oh dear.

current mood: dopey
current music: tv

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

7:49 am
I shouldn't have bothered getting out bed this morning.

current mood: crappy

(10 Candles | Make A Wish)

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004
*hugs you all* Thank you so much!!!!! Proper update coming soon!

current mood: happy

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

Friday, July 30th, 2004
7:17 pm - Grrr.
I think my MSN i broked. That's great english. Try number two: I think my MSN Messenger is broken.*pout* As soon as i sign in, it signs me out again! Annoying much?

current mood: annoyed
current music: Home and Away

(4 Candles | Make A Wish)

Tuesday, July 27th, 2004
8:55 am - Phwoar.
21 today! 21 today! *does a happy dance*

current mood: excited
current music: Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At?

(17 Candles | Make A Wish)

Saturday, July 24th, 2004
3:47 pm - Hello New Furniture
We got our new couch today! Woot!! No more sitting on Mr Brown Vinyl Uncomfortable as All Hell Made in the 50's lounge. Hello to Mr Cobalt Blue Big Bright Squishy Oh So Comfy fold out couch!! Double woot!! Our place is looking so spiffy now that that ugly lounge is gone. We've got a blue and yellow rug in the living room, so that couch looks so good with it. We are going to buy some yellow cusions to go with it and all we need now is those two bean bags we've been eyeing off.

current mood: comfy
current music: Faithless - Drifting Away

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

Friday, July 23rd, 2004
9:39 pm - Our Forever
My baby just gave me my b'day pressie a couple of days early. Its this gorgeous little diamond ring! And he got 'Our Forever' engraved on the inside, which is something we say to each other. It's so beautiful and delicate! We're having a family dinner for my bday tomorrow nite, he gave the ring to me early so i can show it off!!

Oh baby boy, I love you so much!! You is definitely my forever!

current mood: loved
current music: Black Eyes Peas

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

8:39 pm - >.<
Damnit! Bree was sposed to go! Not Ryan!!

current mood: bored
current music: Big Brother

(3 Candles | Make A Wish)

Thursday, July 22nd, 2004
8:53 pm - Ha.
So my baby was going for drinks after work today, 'just for an hour or so' and he 'wasnt going to drink'. He just walked stumbled in the door. Then slurringly told me that he'd had a great night at the RG, at 'the end of Cavill mall" and that Renee from work really wanted to do him. Nice.

I missed you fucker!

And i'm not jealous, really i'm not.

current mood: amused
current music: Muse

(2 Candles | Make A Wish)

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