LiveJournal for Nemuko.

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Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

Subject:I LIKE IT
Time:10:09 pm.
Mood: sup.

Your Silver-Age Superhero Career
LJ Username  
Your alias first-name is: 
Your alias last-name is: 
You can turn.... 
You team up with... thornsandroses battle: Dan Rather
You petition to join: the Kansas City Royals
Their response: they just shake their heads adamantly
You are best remembered for: tossing Martha Stewart into the sun
Your heroic level: - 50%
This fun quiz by sigma7 - Taken 41352 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

I don't like getting scrapes all over my hands from throwing on the wheel with clay that has too much grog in it though XD
Comments: 1 nmjc u? -sup?.

Saturday, January 22nd, 2005

Subject:Doot doot doot, watch me be inane and not update for a million years and then update with a quiz
Time:12:29 am.
Mood: what.
Music:Dir en grey - Embryo.
If you were on South Park, what would you look like and who would your friends be? (for girls) by vexedfusion
You are a WHORE!
Dun dun dun, this is you...
Percentage of people who like this character..: 38%
The Jewmeleth
The Fat Onedorenavant
The Lovergent00
The Poor Onelouts
The Gay Teachercoypixie
Kyle's Bitchy Momdjsean
Go here if you are a guy South Park character memegen for guys
All imgs made here.... The Southpark Character Site
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I don't know, I just couldn't resist it.

I'm taking classes full-time now. Biggest mistake of my life, I'm sure. I had forgotten the part where I suck at stuff. Drawing and throwing on the wheel are hard :[ I never seem to get out of the swing of language classes, though. Of course, that's WHY I take art classes instead, because I have to learn the stuff or I'll go crazy. Remember, Jora, this is about discipline and learning what you want to know how to do, not doing what comes easiest to you.

Oh, man. I hope I pass my classes. I'm a little bit scared :X

p.s. I got to look at a middle aged guy who was naked except for a bandanna on his head today. Then I drew him. I talked to him after class. I was there thinking "Wow, this is surreally NOT awkward at all."
Don't you love it when something happens and you think it's gonna be all awkward and then it totally isn't? And you're like "Sweet, that's one less time today I have to be sheepish."

Oh, I also bought a cookie and a teddy bear today, for a little boy with cancer. Okay, I admit it, I bought them because the teddy bear was cute, and the girl who was working the booth is this adorable girl from my ceramics class, I just wanna give her a big hug. There are so many people in this world who I just wanna shrink down and put in my pocket. Oh, and also the cookie was oatmeal chocolate chip, which I fucking love, that's one of my very favourite kinds of cookies. Next to sugar-spice cookies and snickerdoodles (which I love also because of the name.)

Okay, it's late, and as much as I have the urge to ramble forever, I think I'll go now.

Comments: 3 nmjc u? -sup?.

Saturday, November 27th, 2004

Time:8:39 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:Bruce McCulloch - Answering Machine.
swordchucks are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

True story

p.s. don't blame me for never updating, I have school and I'm sick :(
Comments: 5 nmjc u? -sup?.

Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

Time:4:05 pm.
Mood: excited.
Today is my birthday :D!

I am now old enough to go to clubs in Toronto on the offchance that Colin starts playing in a band again.

Comments: 6 nmjc u? -sup?.

Friday, October 1st, 2004

Time:10:07 pm.
Mood: peachy-keen!.
Music:Lightning Jack on the hotel TV.
I went to an Ani Difranco concert today and it rocked hard.

She played Swandive, which I was very, very happy about. She also played some neat songs I hadn't heard before. And she had a stand-up bass player. He even played arco in a couple of songs, which was neat.

Also, our representative Dennis Kucinich was there and gave a speech, which was awesomecore. It WAS the "vote dammit" tour, after all.

They kept asking everyone if they were registered to vote. I was all like "Hi, I'm still in this country for the sole purpose of voting ^-^"

I also got to see Avalon again today, he was wearing extremely cute pyjamas that were striped and had pictures of cute fuzzy bears on them. He took a great interest in my squeaky ducky. He also kept changing the channel on the TV because he loves pressing buttons.
(P.S. for anyone who doesn't know, Avalon is my newly-one-year-old nephew)
Comments: 6 nmjc u? -sup?.

Sunday, September 19th, 2004

Time:11:11 pm.

This be the end of Talk Like A Pirate Day.

I'd be havin' to walk the plank if I went without mentioning it.

...Arrrrr. ;O
Comments: 7 nmjc u? -sup?.

Subject:Hilarious meme results
Time:4:51 pm.
Mood: amused.
My lj wedding by chynafox
you will marrybaibaisuru
flower girlfufubean
best manikickass
you will have your last fling withshiftywearspant
secretly wants to marry you themselfvixxxious
date of the weddingAugust 21, 2035
number of times you do it on your wedding night44
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I like how Colin is my last fling. That made me lol.
Comments: 1 nmjc u? -sup?.

Wednesday, September 8th, 2004

Time:3:22 pm.
Mood: nerdy.
So... apparently I have 6 gmail invites.

Anyone want one?

p.s. Everyone who likes MSTed fanfiction should check out

It's my first time, hope everyone likes it ;3

p.p.s. the idea of that style of fanfic MSTing (they call it hacking) is from
Comments: 3 nmjc u? -sup?.

Monday, July 26th, 2004

Time:7:43 pm.
Mood: excited.
A friend of mine recently told me I should try Gaia online, and since another friend of mine said something about enjoying it in the past, I decided to give it a try. Now I don't know how many of my friends actually play it, but for those of you who do, I just randomly found laurels on my second day of playing. I just thought I'd mention that because it's pretty cool.
(For those of you who don't have any idea what I'm talking about, laurels are a really rare item)

Now all I gotta do is figure out what to do with them ;D

p.s. my username is Koushoku_Kaemon in case anyone wants to say hi :3
edit: changed my name to Koushoku Kaemon on the discovery that you can have spaces in your name.
Comments: 2 nmjc u? -sup?.

Sunday, July 18th, 2004

Time:7:42 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
So today I helped with nursing some sick plants back to health so we could plant them in the back yard while it's still warm :D
It was fun, despite the bugs that were crawling around... and this was indoors, no less. There was a dead earwig attached to one of the plants, scared the shit out of me... and there were a number of unidentifiable bugs, too... I couldn't tell whether they were predators of bugs or of plants... so I killed them. There are plenty of bug predators outdoors, so I figured it would be okay.
The one plant, the cucumbers, we had to throw out entirely because there were barely any leaves (there was like one, and that was after some heavy searching cos it was tiny) and it's where all the weird bugs were.
I got like 6 different kinds of salvia cos they were all plants we got for free at the Nature's Bin, and there were just lots of kinds of it there. They seemed to be some of the healthiest of the free plants (we also bought some at discount).
I have no idea whether it's the drug kind of salvia, but it still amuses me that we might be growing hallucinogenic plants in our garden.

Anyway, we have a few seeds to plant as well... hopefully everything will do pretty well yet.
I haven't done any gardening in literally over a decade... so this is pretty exciting :3
Comments: 1 nmjc u? -sup?.

Sunday, July 11th, 2004

Time:7:51 pm.

If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice M82
Appearance Full Military Body Armour, flying using telekenetic powers
Your Battle Cry... Infuriates the enemy
Foes slain upon first strike: - 94%
What you fight Werewolves
You fight.... So you can get to see some gore
This QuickKwiz by Ferggs - Taken 21820 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!


If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice Sledge Hammer
Appearance Leather Jacket, flanking from the sides on foot
Your Battle Cry... Is a lethal weapon of its own
Foes slain upon first strike: - 93%
What you fight Occupying Enemy Forces
You fight.... For the one you love
This cool quiz by Ferggs - Taken 21830 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Comments: 6 nmjc u? -sup?.

Time:7:07 pm.
I must be fucking stupid or something, because I've been trying to fold origami from this one book, and every time they mention the word "collapse," the directions suddenly cease to make any GODDAMN SENSE WHATSOEVER. The illustrations are even worse. They just DON'T MAKE SENSE. What the hell am I supposed to do with this shit? It has like five hundred different folds drawn on the figure, indicating random directions with arrows for some of them, not indicating anything for others, indicating no sequence at all on any of them, and the actual paper that I've folded doesn't give me any goddamn clues. Their list of folds doesn't help me glean any insight either. Am I a moron, or do these people just fucking suck at writing directions? I'm so confused and I've had the remarkable amount of restraint that I've only crumpled up ONE piece of paper to throw across the room so far.
Comments: 8 nmjc u? -sup?.

Subject:revelations and reminiscing
Time:12:47 am.
Mood: bollin.
Music:ani difranco - whatall is nice.
I have discovered my animal totem spirit.

*facetious nod to [info]honeyviper*

footnotes )
Comments: 24 nmjc u? -sup?.

Tuesday, July 6th, 2004

Time:10:57 pm.
(this is an animated banner that goes pretty quickly and doesn't cycle... you might have to reload it)


We can't convince white women that dating black men will make them "impure" anymore, so... let's try to convince them that their personal safety will be at risk!

Or maybe the message of this banner is that no one really cares if a black woman is treated poorly. It's when our white daughters start being mistreated by those scary, exotic darkies that it becomes an issue!

Comments: 5 nmjc u? -sup?.

Sunday, July 4th, 2004

Time:3:04 pm.
Okay, so the AIM popup window decided to treat me to this picture today:

I want to know... how could anyone not be physically repulsed by Paris Hilton? She is literally THE most hideous person I have EVER set eyes on EVER.

She makes my ex-girlfriend look like Salma Hayek.

She makes starving ethiopians look positively OBESE.

She has no eyebrows, a hawk nose, a stoned-looking smile, and a man jaw. What the fuck does anyone see in her? I'm not saying this shit because "I'm jealous" or some stupid shit like that... because I know someone will try to accuse me of that. I seriously think she is a blight on humanity; besides being a fucking whore bimbo who is so full of herself I'm surprised she doesn't look like a sumo wrestler, she is the most hideous and overrated POCKMARK on the ASS of HUMAN KIND. I have seen obese naked mole rats who made more attractive-looking humans than she does. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. NO ONE MAKES ME WANT TO DESTROY THE WORLD QUITE AS MUCH AS SHE DOES. Not even fucking COURTNEY LOVE. Courtney Love just makes me want to kill HER. At least people don't seem to go nearly as gaga over her, and at least she isn't fucking hideous like Paris Hilton is. What the fuck does Maxim think declaring her one of the 100 sexiest people or whatever? I am SO FUCKING BAFFLED BY THAT. WHAT THE HELL. She has no tits. She has no ass. Her face is hideous. Her personality sucks COCK for CASH.

This is like one of those woman things, right? Where a man is only attractive because he has like 50 billion dollars and shit? SO WHAT THE HELL ARE MEN DOING FALLING FOR IT?!

Comments: 13 nmjc u? -sup?.

Friday, June 25th, 2004

Time:9:51 pm.
Mood: sick.
Music:In the Way-Ani Difranco.
I threw up this morning. I told you guys that eating was bad news!

No, but seriously, it sucked. That's the first time I've puked in literally years. I wonder what's up ;(

I ate a banana and some rice, though, and I feel somewhat better. I'm getting pretty hungry again, though. It's not easy to get people to feed you when you're lying in bed, sick :/

So this is what it'll be like to live on my own.
Comments: sup?.

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2004

Time:2:35 pm.
eating is for fags
Comments: 6 nmjc u? -sup?.

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004

Time:8:35 am.
Mood: surreal.
Okay, so last night I had this dream where I was wandering around this really lonely building where small groups of people were practicing various musical and dance routines (but there weren't many people, and they were mostly scattered about, hence the building being *lonely*) and I was looking for my parents. For some reason, I kept running into George Michael and his band (who were, appropriately, all dressed in pink). I was depressed and upset because I couldn't find my parents. I ran into Wham again on an elevator, and I said to them, jokingly, "I should join your band... who could be depressed when everyone around you is fuckin' gay?!"

They were apparently not amused, because they didn't even acknowledge that I had said anything.

George Michael has no sense of humour ;(
Well... at least, not in my subconscious mind he doesn't. I guess I shouldn't hold that against him, then ;D
Comments: 1 nmjc u? -sup?.

Saturday, June 19th, 2004

Time:10:24 am.
Mood: weird.
Music:Ibara no Namida-L'Arc~en~Ciel.
so today I rescued a toad who somehow managed to wander into our laundry room

He was hiding under a pair of my dad's shorts for some reason

He actually looked pretty much exactly like the toad my parents found in our garage before and had me take him out to the garden. I think he likes me ;3

Anyway, I took him out to the garden again today. I'm almost expecting to see him one of these days when I wake up. He'll just be looming over me... and I'll be like ":O WTF" and he'll be like "HELLO" and I'll be like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" and he'll be like "UHHHH... I LEFT MY BRIEFCASE HERE LAST TIME AND I CAME TO GET IT" and I'll be like "BUT YOU WEREN'T EVEN IN MY ROOM, AND PLUS YOU DON'T HAVE ANY OPPOSABLE THUMBS, HOW DID YOU LEAVE A BRIEFCASE IN HERE?" and he'll be like "UMMMM" and then he'll duck out the window and shout "GO GO GADGET PARACHUTE"

Yes, that will be exactly what happens.

I have to go to a wedding today. Whee. I am so tired and sore ;((((

But that's okay... because the toad that was stalking me is pretty cute :D
Comments: 15 nmjc u? -sup?.

Thursday, June 17th, 2004

Subject:sup doods
Time:10:58 am.
So I heard the real version (as in, not Theo's grindcore version) of sk8r boi for the first time the day before yesterday, and consequently the chorus is stuck in my head. I'm thinking of amputating.
But I've also thought of something. The real genius of those lyrics is the way she rhymes "boi" with "boi." Well, I suppose she's REALLY rhyming "sk8rboi" with "l8r boi."

I mean, how ingenuous can you get?!

Also, I went on a 9 mile bike ride yesterday. That's the first time I've gone on a bike ride that long since 8th grade and the second time I've gone on a bike ride of any length since then. The muscles in the tops of my thighs are sore as fuck right now, and I have a nasty bruise from tripping over a pile of bricks in the corner of someone's yard by the sidewalk.
Furthermore, my parents tried to get me to ride my bike to school today (since dad is going to training and he has to be there really fucking early in the morning). I told them no, so my grandparents are giving me a ride to school. I don't wanna get fucking injured, and I'm already thinking about going on the electric wheel instead of the kick wheel today.

k, so I gotta get ready cos I'm s'posed to leave in a little while.

Comments: 6 nmjc u? -sup?.

LiveJournal for Nemuko.

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