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Google Search - Linux Sites

Linux Sites:

  1. A Beginner's Guide to Linux
  2. A Practical Guide to Linux - A Practical Guide to Linux and Hands-On Linux are intended for people with some computer experience but little or no experience with a Linux/UNIX system.
  3. DaveCentral.com - Linux software
  4. Eurolinux - a Linux web site that focuses on European web sites and user groups
  5. Focus On Linux
  6. freshmeat.net - Linux software
  7. just Linux - "The complete Linux Guide"
  8. Linux.com
  9. Linux Applications
  10. Linuxartist.org - Resources for artists/designers using linux
  11. Linuxberg - site for Linux software. Brought to you by the TUCOWS people
  12. Linux Bin dot com - the latest news and resources for Linux
  13. LinuxCare
  14. Linux Center
  15. Linuxchix.org - By women who love Linux, for women who love Linux. LinuxChix also hosts the grrltalk mailing list.
  16. Linux Documentation Project
  17. Linux Focus - "multilingual magazine about the operating system Linux. LF is managed and produced by Linux volunteers, fans and developers"
  18. Linux Games
  19. Linux Gazette, The
  20. Linux Installation and Getting Started Manual
  21. Linux International
  22. Linux Journal - "The Premier Linux Magazine"
  23. LinuxMall.com - "The Linux Superstore"
  24. Linux O'Reilly
  25. Linux Online
  26. LinuxPlanet
  27. Linux Primer
  28. Linux Professional Institute - A community project to develop professional certification for Linux
  29. Linux Resources
  30. Linux Source Navigator - a CGI interface to browse the entire Linux kernel source.
  31. Linux Standard Base - "The goal of the Linux Standard Base (LSB) is to develop and promote a set of standards that will increase compatibility among Linux distributions and enable software applications to run on any compliant Linux system."
  32. LinuxStart.com - "The largest indexed directory of Linux Information on the 'Net - and in 11 languages.
  33. Linux Today - today's newswire on Linux related stories
  34. Linux Weekly News - "Bringing you the latest news from the Linux World. Dedicated to keeping Linux users up-to-date, with concise news for all interests."
  35. Linux World - "Bringing you the latest news from the Linux World. Dedicated to keeping Linux users up-to-date, with concise news for all interests."
  36. Linux - Yahoo Listing of Links
  37. Open Source Page
  38. SlashDot.org - "News for Nerds. Stuff that matters."
  39. VA Linux Systems


  1. comp.os.linux.advocacy
  2. comp.os.linux.hardware
  3. comp.os.linux.m68k
  4. comp.os.linux.misc
  5. comp.os.linux.networking
  6. comp.os.linux.powerpc
  7. comp.os.linux.setup
  8. comp.os.linux.x

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