User: | 4ad (278251) |
Name: | -------------------------------4AD---------------- |
Website: | 4AD |
E-mail: |
About: | Community for 4AD and somewhat for parent company Beggars Banquet
Rant about the artists, the direction the company is taking, or just other random (not necessarily related) tangents.
Interests: | 38: 4ad, art, art-rock, axis, bauhaus, beauty, beggars banquet, belly, brendan perry, clan of xymox, cocteau twins, david j/rene halkett, dead can dance, dif juz, frank black, goth, his name is alive, hope blister, indie, kristin hersh, lush, lydia lunch, modern english, mojave 3, music, nick cave, pretention, red house painters, shoegazer, tanya donelly, the birthday party, the breeders, the pixies, the throwing muses, this mortal coil, ultra vivid scene, xmal deutschland, xymox. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 232: 13spleen, _____illusoryme, __caroline__, __whats_ur_name, _cuntflap, _sugarhiccup, a_broken_frame, a_dharma_bum, abrasive_jayne, alm35, and_remains, angelrinoa, apachebreakz, aseriousnote, asleepbydawn, astridx, astrobboy, azazeal6, barbarella_nyc, bedimmed, bela1313x, bete_noire, bi_sex_ualcat, bigself, billoniousmonk, blackheavendust, blueaspic, blueishinfinity, bnpqoe, bogwitch, boyglow, brightlyblack, brm4242, butterflymornin, captainlucy, carly_jean, cenotaphe, ceruleanlobster, chal8, cheerselfears, cherdythegirly, chewlip, chxstfamine, circlinggirl, coldblu, cool_shoes, countessjulysia, dallasbear, damagecontrol, dark_music_news, darkyears, dbabalon, dee902, devilmama, deviouslane, digital_ferret, dilacerated, dirtyboots, divadasmaschina, drawntooclose, dynamine, eeyoredung, elusis, elusivesmile, endemoniada, eternalice, ethereal_lad, fade_in_to_you, fancydress, firepile, fleddy, frzngoddess, funkychick, geekdiva, gendeath, ghost_hack, girlparticulare, glendaplatypus, goreygalx, gothicvelveeta, graycat, greenisthesea, gregmasley, greylegs, hakether, halogenbomb, heliophobic, helloscottitsme, heycowboy, hushedunspoken, hwychle, i_heartdynamics, iahklu, imundesirable, ithica_27_9, jae_sol_oun_aea, jandervk, jazzgirlie, jecmatrix, jennwar, jet, jett_black, josiejo, jredbaby, just_for_a_day, kahoki, karakter_8, katreil, kava, kdewitt, kekone, killmestop, killtacular, koolsilver, ladytian, lapd, larsie, leisesgriever, lelly, light_heat, lisastrawberry, lostincurrency, lostsoulgirl, lucidvenus, lunarbull, lunelac, luve, machina, mageek, mersault, metamorphia, mezzalunna, milovoo, mistressnatasha, moloko_plus, monumentofdust, munchandi, musicandmuse, my_ballade, mystereviolet, nailbunny7, neubauten, never_fear, nickprofane, nitm, nydecay, oceanblueboy, odyshape, ooberwilliam, oriflamma, papalazarou, paradox1, photomonkey, plumerai_boston, porpoise_spit, prettyinpity, prjt2501, psychoant, pulp_cocker, purrrgrrrl, quotetheraven, raizhel, reciteadnauseam, redlaw, rehab_doll, rhizomediatribe, richard_geefe, ruby_begonia, russetpatted, saintartaud, saintless, satim, scottfloman, serpentina22, shadowdealer, sheenabizarre, silke_kitty, slave1, smogwax, sorrowsplea, spasticity, spcedog, spikyhairdbitch, spiraley, spymunster, staruha, sugarc0ma, superblast, superdus, synthetic_forms, talaitha, tearx, tenebre_tenebre, thalassophile, the_aardvark, the_kalalapins, the_man_stephen, the_red_clock, thechaim42, thedarksiren, thedarkzone, theetherealdawn, thegreenmnm8, thekreep, thistlelurid, tinybirds, tonight_we_fly, totravieli, tranq_tryptizol, triotroll, turbulence, united_dreams, uworld003, vainnoir, vanishing_point, vapourtrail, vargulfr, varpulis, videodrome, watchmechoke, wolf_inthewalls, wont, woodenleg, wowchadscool, ximaginepeacex, xisuthros, xkyliex, xymonk, ypolita, z100radioonline, zeroguitar, zerointeger |
Watched by: | 150: 13spleen, _____illusoryme, _sugarhiccup, adamdaedalus, and_remains, angelrinoa, apachebreakz, aseriousnote, astrobboy, azazeal6, azraelracek, bela1313x, bellaxmorte, bete_noire, bigself, billoniousmonk, blueishinfinity, bnpqoe, bogwitch, boyglow, brightlyblack, butterflymornin, captainlucy, carly_jean, cenotaphe, ceruleanlobster, chal8, cherdythegirly, chewlip, chxstfamine, coldblu, cool_shoes, dark_music_news, darkyears, devilmama, deviouslane, dirtyboots, divadasmaschina, dj_hazel, djtk, endemoniada, eternalice, fleddy, fragranceoflife, gendeath, ghost_hack, girlparticulare, glendaplatypus, googirama, greenisthesea, gregmasley, greylegs, hakether, halogenbomb, heliophobic, helloscottitsme, heycowboy, hushedunspoken, hwychle, i_heartdynamics, iahklu, ithica_27_9, jandervk, jecmatrix, jennwar, jet, jett_black, jnkvbk, josiejo, kahoki, karakter_8, kava, kdewitt, kekone, koolsilver, ladytian, lapd, leisesgriever, liquids, lostsoulgirl, lucidvenus, lunarbull, machina, mageek, mersault, miabella, milovoo, mistressnatasha, moloko_plus, monumentofdust, mrzoom, musicandmuse, nailbunny7, never_fear, nitm, nquit, nydecay, oceanblueboy, odyshape, ooberwilliam, oriflamma, paulgregory, prjt2501, psychoant, qlewkr, raizhel, reciteadnauseam, redlaw, rehab_doll, rhizomediatribe, richard_geefe, russetpatted, saintartaud, serpentina22, shadowdealer, silke_kitty, slave1, sorrowsplea, spasticity, spcedog, spikyhairdbitch, spymunster, stain, starlajo, staruha, superblast, synthetic_forms, thalassophile, the_kalalapins, the_man_stephen, thechaim42, thedarkzone, theetherealdawn, thekreep, thistlelurid, tranq_tryptizol, triotroll, united_dreams, uworld003, vainnoir, vapourtrail, varpulis, videodrome, wolf_inthewalls, wont, woodenleg, xisuthros, xkyliex, ypolita, ysabell, ... |
Member of: | 2: bau_haus, new_wave |
Account type: | Free Account |