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Below is user information for just like honey. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:adoor (148464) Paid User adoor
listen to the girl as she takes on half the world...
Name:just like honey
Website:applegrain (only sort of a little bit up)
Location:san francisco bay area, California, United States
Bio:i'm your huckleberry.
Memories:16 entries
Pictures:over 70 public
Interests:140: a softer world, abarat, alton brown, beautiful losers, bill bryson, bitch, blood, body mod, books, boys, braaaaains, buttercup festival, charles delint, cheapass games, christopher moore, confession, crayons, cyber-punk, danny kaye, darkwave, dave mckean, deathrock, debate, deliria, deliverance, dirge, documentary films, dorothy parker, e.e. cummings, ebm, edward gorey, electroclash, emo, entropy, erotica, ethics, etymology, faith, fie, film, folk, folktales, forgotten things, francesca lia block, french pop, genderfuck, girls, glaring, gloomcookie, hands, indie, indie pop, industrial, irony, jack kerouac, jeanette winterson, jeff noon, jeunet & caro, jim jarmusch, john doe, john tynes, johnny cash, jthm, kathe koja, keys, kissing, language evolution, leonard cohen, lightning bugs, linguistics, little fears, live shows, lydia lunch, magnum arcanum, mercy, miles motherfucking davis, mod, mr. punch, myth, neil gaiman, nerdcore, neverwhere, new wave, nick bantock, nobilis, oscar wilde, pain, pancakes, perversion, perversity, philosphy, pi, pixi stix, political science, post-punk, power play, pushing it, rain, rainier maria rilke, really arrogant pie, reason, rhetoric, rockabilly, romanticism, salt, san francisco, scars, secular humanism, sf clubs, sharp things, shiny things, shoegazer, sincerity, skullduggery, socialism, sociolinguistics, sock puppets, soul, steampunk, steve erickson, study, synthpop, temptation, theatre, thunderstorms, tom robbins, trading spaces, trip hop, triskadecaphilia, twin peaks, umbrellas, unknowing gods, unknown armies, urban fantasy, vodka, wabi, wim wenders, wonderment, zen koans, zombies. [Modify yours]
People89:_fancypony, adoor, air2be, akonken, almus, alzo, angstronaut, applegrain, brandeks, charis, chrisla, covenantscave, dafstar, danaoshee, darklingrose, djinneth, dlightstorm, drvoque, duckula23, eleveneva, elisandra, emperorbailey, fallencathedral, geecat, goldenmean, granting, harvestnight, herringbonekid, hutta, hy_p_chyck, hypothermya, jannus, jasonwarlock, jephly, jrpseudonym, kasul, kiaroskuro, kijeren, koga, laughingwoman, lemur_hunter, lemurling, liz_weddings, loopfick, losttraveler, maduro, mahdi, marianne_angel, mark27, mausolos, megnc86, memento_mori, merovingian, moof, moonwhispers, mrbuttboy, mrpuzuzu, musae, okeanos, osiris_schuyler, phoebek, preciousjade, psychaotic, pyro_angel, rakafkaven, residentasshole, ropedancer, sailorstarwind, sajin, senr, sionnan, sirlarkins, solknight, spillsalot, spinalplug, stupid_princess, surrealkitten, syiana, the_wolflord, thebronze, thememorygirl, thisisfurious, untoward, unworshipediety, venusrising, vmurther, weasel420, wizrob, zunger
Communities14:anachrotech, bayarea_larping, bayareamusic, fieldtrip, folklore, middle_ages, nerdcorecrew, no_words, onehundredwords, postmarks, sf_for_free, sf_industrial, sfindie, sfrivethead
Feeds21:alton_brown, bbcnewsworld, ca_getfuzzy, calnhobbes, dailydinosaur, doonesbury, dte_feed, explodingdogrss, homestar_rss, mcsweeneysrss, modrnwrld_comic, motherjonesfeed, natlgeographic, officialgaiman, pvp_comic, redmeat_rss, savagelove, sinfestfeed, someposifeed, utne_magazine, wilwheaton
Account type:Paid Account

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