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[25 Jul 2004|01:00pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Electric Birds - Avocet (Panorama Mix) ]

School tomorrow.

I started reading "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk yesterday.

I have nothing else to say. I hate that. I want to know something. Nothing. Maybe tomorrow I will. Probably not.

1 more chance| tell me something i don't know

[24 Jul 2004|12:35pm]
[ music | Rachels - Water From The Same Source ]

I had a weird flashback today. I remembered playing basketball in the backyard when I was a kid, trying to do a jam. When I finally managed to, I just held on and didn't let go. Then when I did let go, my hands were all cut up and bruised. Then my mum poured something from a maroon bottle on my hands and it stung really bad.

I'm currently reading "Good-bye, Chunky Rice" by Craig Thompson. It's cute.

I want to write a children's book. Not a normal children's book though, something like "Everything Can Be Beaten" By Jhonen Vasquez and Crab Scrambly.

tell me something i don't know

[23 Jul 2004|10:38am]
[ music | Syndrone - Cinco ]

My holidays are almost over. I've got 10 weeks of school to look foward to.

tell me something i don't know

[22 Jul 2004|09:38am]
[ mood | Fine ]
[ music | Thunderbirds Are Now! - Pink Motorcycle Helmet ]

I've been to the movies twice this week. On Sunday, I saw the advanced screening of Fahrenheit 9/11 which was really good. It's kind of scary some of the shit that goes on in America. I'll probably go see it again when it comes out officially.

And I saw Spiderman 2 yesterday. Not bad, but I don't think the story advanced enough. It seemed just like the first one, just with a different villian.

I haven't really been doing much else, and don't plan to. Four days of holidays left. I'll probably just sit around and enjoy doing nothing. Oh, and drink lots of Coke.

tell me something i don't know

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