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Show next Tues [11 Nov 2004|05:12pm]

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Need a big hole to be dug? [29 Oct 2004|10:32am]
Big Digger. (Safe For Work)
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Thank you [07 Oct 2004|01:43am]
For those of you who came out last night - thank you very much. We really appreciate your support over the last 2 years and it's been really fun to play for you.

I hope to see you guys at the Graceland this 10.24. I will post pictures as soon as possible.

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UPCOMING SHOWS! [01 Oct 2004|02:11pm]
10.06.2004 @ The Rendezvous (thats this wednesday)
The Broadcast Debut
Ed Wang

Doors @ 9:30pm - a mere $5

You are all invited if you are within city limits. It will be a good time.
(Aaron the drummer is singing in the second band, Ed Wang and everyone will be bombed.)

In other news, the warhammer 40k game "Dawn of War" officially rules. It's very addictive and has me hooked. After playing the campaign mode and consistantly beating the snot out of my computer, I am ready for human opponents. If any of you care to buy the game, please send me an email so we can get online for some proper praise to the emperor/chaos/Gorkamorka gods as appropriate.
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Coming in second again... [20 Aug 2004|11:17am]

There is a 60 year old shipreck just off the coast of your small ocean town.
There are enough tons of explosives on this wreck, that if detonated, would be the biggest non-nuclear explosion to date.

Well, imagine no longer. It's true.

How do we know this will be bad?
It's happened before.
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A healthy dose of fear today [29 Jul 2004|05:17pm]
I guess fear never hurt anyone. It reminds us that life is important.

Lisa's brother Davids oncology reports are returned, and his brain tumor was a result of cancer after all. He is set to begin radiation therapy immediatley. While looking at the oncology website, I browsed the common treatments and other types of cancer. I don't know what kind of cancer he had, but I do know mine. The kind of tumor I had removed, is the most aggressive and likely to metastasize. I don't know why my doctor didn't stress that to me. Maybe he didn't want to shock me, or make me scared - Or maybe I blanked it out. Either way, it made me close my browser immediately, it felt like I was in front of a bus and wanted to jump back to the curb.

It's a scary world out there, and it's even more scary when it's your own body feels like a ticking bomb. I guess we all meet our end, eventually, if it's by cancer or by some bus on the street. Do me a favor and don't waste any time today. Make a list of things that make you happy, like eating ice cream, or watching porn or playing video games. Set some time aside today to at least one thing on your list. Do this for as long as you live.

If you are the praying type, please pray for David. That kid needs all the help he can get. He is 28, born on exactly the same day as me.
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Iii'm baaaack! [09 Jul 2004|01:55am]
Almost 2 weeks with no or little internet, I don't know how I got by with my heart still beating. Somehow I managed to find a way to entertain myself. I think it was the tremendously good company and all the exorcize.

I have been sick the last several days, Lisa brought me one of her colds from work. How charming! It's bronchial with a touch of nose grease, you know the kind, the brown stuff. ick.

Tonight I spent the evening with my roomate, her fiance, Amie and lisa - we went to ColdStone. If you have never been there, think of it as kind of a cheery festive 31 flavors, where they throw your icecream onto a big refrigerated stone and mash in a bit of candybars, and other such kinds of goodness, anywhere from whole candy bars, sprinkles, and even marshmellows to create an abhorant monstrosity of yummy goodness. It's one of those things you really can't miss out on if you can avoid it.

Tomorrow should be an interesting day, I have to get my old landlord to let me into my old mailbox, It seems that my mailforwarding didn't take effect in time so I have a check sitting ripe in my old mailbox. Woo hoo. Good times.

I need to do laundry.

Oh oh! I also should mention that Friday the 16th is the tenative date for our housewarming! Woo hoo!

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Plastic Wisemen [28 Jun 2004|01:11pm]
My friend's neighbors stole a plastic wiseman from a nativity a year ago. In good christian retribution, I kidnapped him from their porch and drove him all over seattle to get drunk.

Check out the photos....

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All new it's all new [25 Jun 2004|07:34pm]
Steve is back in town from Australia, and david, michelle, cassi and I are throwing him a little bash tonight. I look forward to having some home cooked food for a change. His girl will be there too, and she is super cool. It will be a geeky party.

Moving sucks ass. It's too emotional sometimes. My walls are bare in both places, and neither really feels like home. I have to call and have my cable switched over, so this could be my last entry for a little while.

I saw a post on about the space elevator today, that is pretty cool that it's getting real worldwide noteriety. One poster knew an awful lot about michael. It's neat knowing celebrities :)

The batteries in both cameras are dead, and the chargers are god knows where. I will find them eventually and then take lots of pictures. I am looking forward to having enough room to do so in my apartment and Ann has voulenteered to be my guiney pig.

On the bright side, the new place is super cool. It's on the north west corner of queen anne, overlooking the locks and ballard. It's got lots of room for my overgeeked mind.

My next big project is going to be finding a job. I am super sick and tired of being poor. Anyone hiring?
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Yeah bitch, I am all class... [17 Jun 2004|02:50pm]
More funny from the goons:
Sex moves I will never try:
Donkey Punch- Getting a girl doggy style and then punching her in the back of the head as you blow.

Angry Pirate- Blowing load in the chicks eye and then kicking her in the shin so she hops around on one leg
variation: after kicking her in the shin, placing your cock on her shoulder and asking her how it was in a parrots voice

Spiderman- While getting a chick doggy style, blowing load in your hand and then throwing the cum into her face while yelling spiderman!

Masacre- after fucking a chick, you break everything in her room and then leave

..Aah not funny she says.
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Sleepy Guy [17 Jun 2004|08:01am]
Hung out with 3 really cute dogs last night. Yep, I am allergic to dogs too. Not nearly as bad as cats though. This is a crazy week - Paid rent at the new place yesterday, and the packing bananza has begun.

First, DVD's. I have about 250 of them so this will be sort of complicated. I plan to eventually label them all too. Hahaha, right.

Tomorrow, Lunch with pablo in PO. Then onward to Seattle for load in @ the Showbox by 5pm. We open so we get to sound check, set up and the whole 9 yards. It will be fun, I have discovered that I like playing the showbox more than I like seeing bands there. The staff is nicer to you when you are on "Their side." I will post pictures if I can find the charger for my camera.

If you want to come by the showbox give me a call or an email and I will make sure you get in for fivedollahs.

Anyone feel like helping me move furniture?
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Update [14 Jun 2004|05:40pm]
1. Lisa's car got broken into at my house. That sucks.
2. Pseudo is headlining tonight at the chop suey. Come down for loud music and fun.
3. Ate a magic brownie last night and it sucked.


Come to the Chop Suey tonight. I have an entire clan of loving and accepting drama free, all new people for you to meet. If you come out, you won't regret it.
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yeah it all boils down to the same old thing [09 Jun 2004|03:06am]
"I read it all, every word. And I still don't understand a thing.
What had you heard? Was it love? Was it take another walk in the dark? You never learn.
I pray to god there is a heaven, but heaven seems so very far from here..."

I bought Travis LIVE in Glasgow on DVD yesterday. Incredible work.

All in all an excellent day. Said goodbye to one friend and hello to a new one. My lunch with becca was nice. I tried goat for the first time. Not bad - a little like lamb without the guilt.

I am worried aobut you my dear friend. I think it's important that you know that there are people in this world that look up to you and don't mind playing beta to you. Don't be so critical of yourself, and don't be too picky at the bones that life throws you. Thanks for the beer, pats on the back and reassurance. I think your band will be great and I look forward to hearing it bro, I want you to be happy you deserve it.

Take care
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Party Pictures! [07 Jun 2004|01:06am]

+6 )
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AMAZING PARTY [05 Jun 2004|09:08am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Aqueduct - Heart Design ]

I slept on Ann's floor last night with Tony & Lisa, not by my choice but that is where the beer put me. I got to Ann's place to celebrate her current roommates' moving back to Wenatchee, and also celebrate my birthday, and the birthday of two others.

I went to Archie McPhee's and got a big grab bag. For those of you who don't know what that is, archie mcphee's sells all kinds of crazy shit. They sell rubber ducks, postcards from asia, little robots, plastic toys, stomping nuns with sparks coming out of their mouth and boxing rabbi's. The grab bag had all that crazy shit in it plus some - a roll of Singapore flags in sticker form. Sunglasses. Plastic Lizards.

When people got to the party I forced them to take something out of the grab bag without looking. I believe in a basic principle, and that is to spread joy to commemerate your birth. What better way than by giving away completely random shit as gifts!?

Anyways... The party had several people from Ann's school. All of them were nerds to some degree - Physics major, 3 biology majors & and art major. Some pretty cerebral conversation + pabst + Hefeweisen = girls kissing girls, tony giggleing, several brotherly claws & bear hugs and even THE INFAMOUS BELL STORY. Yes, I told the bell story for the first time in years. Everybody groaned (it's very long)

I would post pictures, but I am afraid that I am still a bit too hung over to be staring at this white web page. More later.


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Ladies & Gentlemen, Pseudo @ the Showbox. [30 May 2004|10:06pm]

+9 more )
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the latest lemming (thanks sharon) [26 May 2004|01:15am]
1. Pick one thing from my interests list that you like, and explain why.
2. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't like, and explain why.
3. Pick one thing from my interests list that surprises you, and explain why.
4. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't understand, and I'll tell you about it.
5. Tell me one thing that's not on my interests list that should be.
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WORST PICK UP LINE EVER [26 May 2004|12:53am]
Miss, can I smell your vagina?


Hmm. Must be your feet then.
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What are we a nation of 6 year olds? [25 May 2004|06:09pm]

They hate our freedom. -George Bush

God Bless Sarcastic people!!!

2 Hilarious links (be sure to read the article attacked to the fark thread (link at top, the graphic for Yahoo! News)

Fark Thread
Yahoo! should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh oh and some REAL hilarity - photoshops of a UPS safety manual brought to you by the goons - (I didn't submit, but it's good)
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Between naps... [21 May 2004|10:43pm]
I am sick. The kind of terrible sick where I would legitimately stayed home from school. The kind of sick where I can't hear anything. The kind of sick where the only medicine that works makes me violently sneeze. The kind of sick where I want to whine all the time. I just need someone to take care of me I guess. Thanks for listening. *cries into chicken noodle soup*
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