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The Thermals [27 Jan 2005|08:23pm]

On the first night of their tour, we happened to do a photo shoot.
It's a good thing I brought lights.
Jill is a great lighting assistant.
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Cloud 000013 [23 Nov 2004|12:19am]

Over 30 miles away was a tornado in this storm near Jones, Spencer or Luther directions as Gary England told me on the radio while I skipped work to take this image a week ago. This is shot on Rock Creek Rd west of 48th Ave NW, the only place I could see the horizon worth a republican within minutes of my studio location.
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what pictures? [09 Nov 2004|10:08pm]
Do you have any data recovery suggestions?
I starting the night with a couple of quick shots before I realized that the card I had selected for the evening was full. I scanned the first few on the card and knew they were duplicated at home.
I formatted. Shot all night. Filled the card, quit shooting (usually at least 140 shots on that full card). 50 is just an estimate, not exact.
The camera says it only had 2 exposures left but only 67 are reviewable. So really there could be 100 missing in that directory.
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Kittie in Tulsa [29 Oct 2004|02:15pm]
[ music | Otep - Warhead video on website ]

The lengths I will go through. A concert in Tulsa at Cain's Ballroom. On a Wednesday (I have to work at 8:00am the next morning). So, I drive up to Tulsa after work, about a two-hour drive. Along the way, it's raining. I hydroplane for about 30 miles with a maximum speed of 45-50mph. I finally get there and Crisis is already on stage. Then it's Otep. Then, Kittie. Morgan Lander is the best thing since James Hetfield. That's why I do it.

My brother-in-law, who lives 20 minutes from the venue, meets me there. It's nice to have a photo pass and be on the guest list. It helps to offset the $7.00 in turnpike fees (round trip from Oklahoma City to Tulsa). When I first walk in, Morgan is near the door signing autographs. I fall in line since, after all, I am a true fan. I hand off some photos (1,2,3) that I took of Kittie back in July when they played in Oklahoma City, which is the most fun I've ever had shooting bands, that's why I do it. She says, "Where'd you get these??" I explained that I took them. I had printed one specifically for her to autograph (2), but she wanted that one, too. That's cool, so I have her sign another image which I happened to have brought two copies with me.

Again, it was a lot of fun and well worth my efforts. I enjoyed all the acts on the "Metal Movement Tour 2004." It's not often that you see a metal/screamo/thrash/death/speed band fronted by a female. On this night there were three of them. Sweet. It rocked and I can't wait to see Kittie again.

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Recent photos [17 Oct 2004|09:15pm]
[ music | Kenisia ]

I have been shooting a lot of skies and clouds recently. I don't know what draws me to it, but for the last couple of months there has been quite a show in the sky and I happen to notice it. Perhaps they come from all the hurricanes we've had in the near past. Although Oklahoma doesn't evacuate or have any danger from hurricanes. Rather it's the disturbance in the jet stream and the influence from the Senate.

"Use the force, Luke," is a phrase I have grown up with. Me and some local shooters use the phrase "Jedi mind trick," to indicate a successful image. The force is all around us, it's what binds us together. We watched Michael Moore's latest horror flick on 9/11 today. We had watched Bowling a few weeks ago. It makes me so proud to be an American. And of the people that We The People have put in Washington. Fear thy neighbor is par.

So, anyway. Besides clouds. This has been a slow month for my photography. A side effect of my new job. I did have a trip to the Ft. Worth Zoo, the best zoo around these parts IMO. Many cloud days. Kendrick Bailey playing his guitar at Mr. Bills. And an Opolis sighting for Pleasant Grove and Student Film.

I have reduced my input to my weblog while building my photoblog. I'm at a point now where I almost don't see a need for both. I will try to manage and update here more regularly.

One last thing. I thought I had retired the Open Sign Series at 100 individuals. But, this weekend I added 10 more.

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Public Service Announcement [26 Sep 2004|09:13pm]
I've been getting a lot of virus email in the last three days. Be on the lookout for simple subject lines like "Information" or "Document" or "Hi." All of the virus' that I've received have been from domains and people that I know. All contain attachments. The whole email message and attachment are 30.94 to 30.97 kilobytes in size. I don't know what virus it is, but I don't care. Just be smart enough to smell the fishy email and you won't have to care either.
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Oklahoma gallery [30 Aug 2004|11:26pm]

The tale from Coyle. I've been attempting to document as much Oklahoma as I can. You will now find El Reno, Talihina Drive and Cleveland County (I live in this county, the most populated area of it at least, near OU). In addition to Coyle. Next to be posted is the Wichita Mountains near Lawton and Cache. As well as sifting through the mass of images I shot while in Florida.
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New Canon toys [21 Aug 2004|11:37am]
A new flash, a new 8mp camera body and three new ultra to wide zooms. Lots of new toys to drool over. The new camera, the 20D, will hopefully drive the price of the 10D down to an affordable position. Under $1000 for a used one would be nice. The lenses are not the fastest, but are semi-affordable. Especially interesting is the 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM zoom. I would love to have something in this range. But, $799 is only semi affordable. Ouch.
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server move [08 Aug 2004|11:31pm]
Tapdig.com is now located at a new server with the same hosting company. The previous server was in Hong Kong. The new server is in the United States of America. I hope this geographic move speeds up access speeds, since most visitors to this site are US. The main purpose for the move is for storage space. I've upgraded from the "Personal Plan" of 333MB to the "Business Plan" of 999MB storage. I can't believe that I've filled up 333MB. That's a lot of pictures. The Gallery says there are 1,762 photos in the system. Some webmasters might cut content to save storage space. I am against this sort of practice. I believe that once something is placed online... it needs to stay there forever. Others link to your stuff, quote your stuff, reference your stuff... I sure hate it when I bookmark something and when I return their stuff is gone or changed. So, I buy more storage. I thought it'd be a horrible experience to move, but due to the fact that both the old and new servers are identical, it was pretty easy. Same OS, same locations for perl, and other programs. Same great service. I wouldn't recommend a server move for everyone. Just as I wouldn't recommend using blosxom as a blogging tool. Unless of course you know perl, apache, htaccess, html, css, and so on. Or you want to learn a few things, which was my case. Now that I have storage space again, look for more frequent updates and new images.
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Picture the day [04 Aug 2004|09:42pm]

Read more... )
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Back from Florida [25 Jul 2004|11:42pm]

I'm tired. Driving three days with a car full of kids is not at the top of my recommendations for vacationing. So, I've only posted one image from our first night in Florida. The sunset on the beach was spectacular. Photos barely do any justice. I hope to post more images soon.
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[15 Jul 2004|08:32pm]
Gone to Navarre/Destin, Florida, back July 26. See ya.
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band camp [11 Jul 2004|03:21pm]

Images from Band Camp

Photos by: http://www.tapdig.com/gallery
Event organizers: http://www.oklahomapunkscene.com
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Clouds taste metallic [06 Jul 2004|10:53pm]
The frequent thunderstorms have really been dramatic. I started shooting clouds and I think I'm hooked. It's quite amusing to see them change. One minute there is an awesome shot, seconds later it's gone. Then over my shoulder is another passing monster. The layers of foreground whispies to the far away thunder heads are so nice when they cross each other.
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photo touch up chronicles [01 Jul 2004|12:14am]

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AmBill [27 Jun 2004|01:21am]
[ music | Cardigans ]

Ambassador Bill played at the Acts of Kindness benefit at Will Rogers Ampitheater last night. Here's a shot of Tonya.

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Update [26 May 2004|09:51pm]
Here's a summary of what's I've been up to:

CD review: Citizens Here and Abroad
a flyer for a Cheyenne + Locust Avenue show
Enon + Mandragora photos
The Ills + Red Monroe photos
Klipspringer CD release party at a record shop
Squeaky Burger photo shoot
I started a food photoblog.
NHS girls soccer photos
El Reno, Oklahoma photos
Hagfish photos
Red Stripes photos and photo shoot
Citizens Here and Abroad + Pacific UV photos

In line for processing for the web, coming as soon as I get to it:
Klipspringer + ElPaso HotButton photos from 5-20-04
Ambassador Bill + Redbud Revival photos from 5-22-04
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How to find Hell [20 May 2004|10:08pm]
There are a couple of bands here in Oklahoma playing a show together. One is called Twenty Minutes to Vegas and the other is Forty Minutes of Hell.

So, it's my understanding that it takes an hour to get from Vegas to Hell. That's not long.
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Reality TV [02 May 2004|07:08pm]
The problem with "reality" shows it they are not reality. They are, however, cast, edited, produced, written, staged, and promoted. Didn't you know that?
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Neat website, photo meme [07 Apr 2004|10:19pm]
Bush's America:

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