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Otep - Warhead video on website |
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The lengths I will go through. A concert in Tulsa at Cain's Ballroom. On a Wednesday (I have to work at 8:00am the next morning). So, I drive up to Tulsa after work, about a two-hour drive. Along the way, it's raining. I hydroplane for about 30 miles with a maximum speed of 45-50mph. I finally get there and Crisis is already on stage. Then it's Otep. Then, Kittie. Morgan Lander is the best thing since James Hetfield. That's why I do it.
My brother-in-law, who lives 20 minutes from the venue, meets me there. It's nice to have a photo pass and be on the guest list. It helps to offset the $7.00 in turnpike fees (round trip from Oklahoma City to Tulsa). When I first walk in, Morgan is near the door signing autographs. I fall in line since, after all, I am a true fan. I hand off some photos (1,2,3) that I took of Kittie back in July when they played in Oklahoma City, which is the most fun I've ever had shooting bands, that's why I do it. She says, "Where'd you get these??" I explained that I took them. I had printed one specifically for her to autograph (2), but she wanted that one, too. That's cool, so I have her sign another image which I happened to have brought two copies with me.
Again, it was a lot of fun and well worth my efforts. I enjoyed all the acts on the "Metal Movement Tour 2004." It's not often that you see a metal/screamo/thrash/death/speed band fronted by a female. On this night there were three of them. Sweet. It rocked and I can't wait to see Kittie again.