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J. Daman Hoffman

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[Links:| Clear Channel Sucks! ~ Martha Wainwright @ MySpace Music ~ Homestar Runner babysue jokes ~ My Cat Hates You ]

[Dec. 13th, 2004|02:12 pm]
[Current Mood | excited]
[Current Music |Invisible ~ Juliana Hatfield]

What an awesome idea!

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I would like everyone to listen to these Martha Wainwright live mp3's......she's SO GOOD! [Nov. 6th, 2004|04:00 pm]
Abraham, Martin, & John

So Many Friends

Street Fighting Man

Martha Wainwright is the best thing ever.
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romance is a ticket to PARADISE [Nov. 6th, 2004|03:43 pm]
[Current Mood | devious]
[Current Music |Little Trouble Girl ~ Sonic Youth]

About the "Election:" I think it's plum bonkers. I guess I'm not really surprised, but I didn't really think we'd have that jackass in office for another 4 years. Come on! I do not want a President that was elected by all the hicks & rednecks of the nation. Yikes! At first I was PISSED OFF! Then I went thru a short stage of denial. Then I was depressed. But now I'm hopeful because obviously this means that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be President in '08. I've even converted an old Year 2000 Countdown Clock into a Hillary as President Clock. It's a sure thing. Seriously, who's not going to vote for her?

About Bartending School: It's over. And guess who was Valedictorian? Toot, toot! I had such a good time even though I kinda overexerted myself balancing classes with work 6 days a week & my standard domestic duties. Man, I can't wait to get behind the bar at some swanky restaurant or hotel or something. I'm going to be the best BT ever!

So yeah: life's been pretty okay the past few weeks. Only things that could make it better: EMI announcing the release of Kate Bush's new album & Rounder/Zoe Records providing any details whatsoever regarding Martha Wainwright's debut LP. If either of those things happen: I'll be set.

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[Oct. 24th, 2004|12:42 pm]
[Current Mood | taking pleasure in the mistakes of others]
[Current Music |Let's Save Tony Orlando's House ~ Yo La Tengo]

Anyone watch SNL last nite? Jude Law hosted & the musical guest was Ashlee Simpson (totally unneccessary celebrity sister of Jessica Simpson who is being marketed as an edgy pseudo rock type chick who at least one clueless cretin has compared to Janis Joplin (seriously, are you kidding me?!?!) & has a smash hit called "Pieces of Me" which sucks & is all over every radio station because of Clear Channel's evil reign of promoting extremely mediocre music because they think it's what the masses who are asses will empty their wallets for, but I digress...). Well, bless her heart because Ashlee came out & "sang" her first song, the vapid "Pieces of Me" & it was so freaking obvious that she was lip-syncing while her band of uber-hot well-coiffed rocker dudes were kicking out the jams. She just kinda slinkied around the stage in her gawky, goofy way. Very unconvincing. Okay, so a little while later she came out to do her second number. The band started rocking out & all of a sudden you hear the prerecorded lead vocals for "Pieces of Me" while she's trying to "sing" something else. She did some silly little dance while the vocal track skipped to the chorus & then she stomped off stage, while the vocals were still playing. I was so embarrassed for her. Imagine the pressure she must feel living in her big sister's shadow. She came out with Jude at the end of the show & he said, "What can we say, folks? Live televison..." Then she frantically blamed it on her band. "I'm like so sorry, you guys. My band started played the wrong song! I didn't know what to do! So I just decided to do a live ho-down." Or something like that. Yeah yeah yeah. Learn to sing, bitch!

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you'll never touch the magic if you don't reach out far enough [Oct. 23rd, 2004|05:04 pm]
[Current Mood | content]
[Current Music |Charles Bukowski Is Dead ~ The Boo Radleys]

I'm half-way through Bartending School now. I've been somewhat busy with that & working 6 days a week, so that's mostly why I haven't been updating or anything. Aside from that, I've been in quite a negative mood most days. I don't want to write when I feel like that, because overall I'm a terrificly pleasant individual & I don't care to project myself as anything different. Perhaps I simply need to go to bed earlier at nights & I will be much less grumpy. But really things are well. And now that I know how delicious Harvey Wallbangers are, I have mucho reason for celebration.

Scott & I are hosting a small Halloween-type party next Sunday & a slightly bigger Election Night-type party the subsequent Tuesday, cocktails & catering by moi. So I'm also diligent in attempting to get things in order for that. Having never hosted any such event before, I'm somewhat nervous about getting food & beverage to guest ratios correct & making creative dishes that people will enjoy. Anyway, wish me luck.

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if you want to have cities you've got to build roads [Oct. 15th, 2004|02:23 am]
[Current Mood | I'm a grumpy gus]
[Current Music |Comanche ~ Cake (I forgot how totally excellent they are)]

Well, I got my dadgum computer back. And yes, all the memory has been erased. What a bummer. I feel like my house burned down or something. I'm not going to bitch & moan or anything, but just in case you don't know already: backing up your data is such a wonderful thing. Why didn't I ever think of that?

I hate trying to catch up. I hope nobody really really cares about what's been happening in my life, because a slew of crazy things have happened that might be interesting to read, but I just don't have the energy to recount it all just now. My 3rd Bartending Class is tonight & I must say that it is really fantastic. I am mucho excited about this bartending school thing. I think now I want to just listen to Cake & take a quick nap. Everyone I've been neglecting to respond to, I'm sorry. I be a little more rested later on.

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?? [Sep. 27th, 2004|12:23 pm]
[Current Mood | aggravated]
[Current Music | you hear me? NOTHING]

Real quick like cos I'm in the library: my computer is dead. I don't know how it happened, but I'm not very happy about it. So yeah, things kinda suck because of that. That kidney stone wasn't that big of a deal after all. I just shot that sucker right out! It hurt kind of a lot, but I'm much better. Well, I was better... Now I'm apparently getting another wisdom tooth. I had 2 yanked out last year. I got some xxx-rays earlier this morning & it looks like it's trying to knock my other molars right out of my head! Yikes. Mesial Molars suck! It's been somewhat excruciating, but ambesol has taken care of much of the pain. I wish I had some dental insurance though. That would be fantastic since I have this Bartending School to pay for next month. Life is such a tragedy right now. And no one in town is carrying Parliament Menthol Ultra Lights right now. What a drag, huh? Whoever wrote this episode needs to get fired.

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when I said I wanted to be your dog, I wasn't coming on to you... I just wanted to lick your face [Sep. 18th, 2004|04:42 pm]
[Current Mood | um....I have a goddamned kidney stone. How do you think I feel?]
[Current Music |When I Said I Wanted To Be Your Dog ~ Jens Lekman]

Apparently I am passing a kidney stone. Everytime I piss: it feels like razor blades are coming out. Movement of my legs is also not pleasant. I'm not having a good time! However: I will be attending the Ho-Hum show tonight anyway. And: I hope that alcohol will not make things worse.

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I don't know anything so don't ask me any questions, just turn the music up & keep your mouth shut [Sep. 15th, 2004|01:29 pm]
[Current Mood | I'm serendipitous since there are Swedes to swoon over salaciously]
[Current Music |Black Cab ~ Jens Lekman]

Interesting turn of events: the lady friend who works with Scott (whom you may recall from a few entries ago), has decided to resume dating the very man Scott so arduously helped her escape from. I'm dissappointed & Scott is pissed! Now he knows where she lives & he knows that Scott is the one who helped move her out of his house & he's been spending plenty of time over here & we hate him. He's pure evil. Why on earth would she want to go back to getting her ass beat by the selfish bastard? You know he's not going to change! He's the same damn asshole & he has nothing to offer her. I sure hope Scott can knock some sense into her before that redneck can.

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yeah, I got busted but soon they released me because the cops were sad [Sep. 12th, 2004|04:41 pm]
[Current Mood | Jens'd!]
[Current Music |You Are the Light ~ Jens Lekman]

So there's this gorgeous young indie singer/songwriter from Sweden that's tugging on my heartstrings at the moment. His name is Jens Lekman & he sounds like the Magnetic Fields singing Morrissey songs with Eric Matthews producing & playing various horns & instruments & whatnot. And he's Swedish & very lovely. I think it would be a good idea to view his video for "You Are the Light" on his page at Service. His lips appear to be out of sync with the lyrics when I view it, but you'll get the picture. He's the best thing ever! I'm melting!

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who counted the steps of the sun? [Sep. 8th, 2004|02:10 pm]
[Current Mood | my life is very good, but I sure could go for a zagnut bar (goddam, why don't they make those here?)]
[Current Music |Sunflower ~ Kate & Anna McGarrigle (and guess who's doing backing vox)]

Okay, here's what happened: Scott & I moved to the much spacier & freshly painted apartment downstairs in the same building we where living. I guess it's been about a week, but Comcast took their sweet time in getting our internet hooked up. I've been so busy shifting things into place, I've hardly noticed its absence. Everything has changed so suddenly & dramatically. It's like that Talking Heads song "Once in a Lifetime." I can't even describe how wonderful everything feels & looks here; I'll try to take some pictures. The furniture is all arranged so perfectly; everytime I walk into a room I just about piss all over myself. And OH MY GAWD! I have a washing maching AND a dryer now. It's the best thing ever to do laundry in your own apartment. I'm having the time of my life washing clothes & doing dishes & finding tiny spots of mildew to scrub out of the refridgerator. Anyhow...blah blah blah...apartment looks cool...I like cleaning things. Slept on a Select Comfort mattress for the first time last night & let's just say: 4 hours of sleep has never felt so renewing. I toss & turn incessantly, but I didn't change position once last night. I feel great. I just want to laugh & dance & hug everyone, it's so marvelous.

Also, I might add: Scott's co-worker/friend, Lisa has moved into the apartment beside us. You may remember her from the BBQ entry. She was having a problem with her boyfriend/husband/thing. Yeah. I'm so unbelievably proud of Scott for taking the initiative to make the whole thing happen. He just decided that he didn't want to watch her suffer anymore. With the assistance of his boss Sharon & myself, we prepared the vacant apartment, paid the deposit & moved her out of the bastard's house while he was at a dentist's appointment. It was a total Lifetime Original Movie. She's a fabulous person & really fun to be with. Having her around has not only made life feel a little more worth living, but Scott & I have somehow teleported to a new level of our relationship. Not that there was anything wrong with it before, but now it just feels more evolved. I absolutely amazed at him for helping Lisa. He's got a good heart.

Oh, I probably should say: new Björk album................kinda disappointing. Not quite what I was expecting not to expect. I'm going to keep trying it out, but aside from "Mouth's Cradle," it's hard to listen to.

I forgot something: but I don't know what it was.

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your nimble feet make prints in my sand [Aug. 27th, 2004|02:03 pm]
[Current Mood | I need to get more sleep at night...]
[Current Music |Oceania ~ Björk]

I'm not feeling as splendid as I typically do. I don't even know why I'm awake typing this right now. I need to take a nap. I've been staying up a lot later at night than I should (damn Olympics!) & then fixing it with loads of espresso while I'm at work. Yeah...I'm getting ready to crash. But for some reason I really just want to listen to the entire Wilson Phillips discography. Have you ever heard their cover of Elton John's "Daniel?" Hell yeah!

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[Aug. 25th, 2004|01:34 pm]
I made fried green tomatoes. Yum! Scott ate most of them. He gobbled them up faster than I could fry them.
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dream with the sun & the skies to float away in a lifelong song in the mist where melody flies [Aug. 23rd, 2004|12:18 pm]
[Current Mood | I'm 23 now]
[Current Music |I Was Made To Love Magic ~ Keren Ann]

So I just got back from Nashville where I celebrated my 23rd birthday in style with Deborah Harry. It was could it not be? Blondie mostly just played their hits which was okay because I was drunk, but I was really looking forward to hearing more new songs & the gorgeous "Angels on the Balcony" from Autoamerican, which they revived recently on the European leg of their tour. Thank god for beer; I would've been severely disappointed. Debbie really got the crowd worked up. You wouldn't believe how absolutely obsessed everyone there was with her! At one point I waved at her & she waved back & I almost fainted. I'm such a geek. The Psychedelic Furs were fun to watch. Richard Butler's on-stage swagger is strangely alluring, even if his voice doesn't sound very lovely live. "Love My Way" must be the best song ever! I never realized how much I liked it with its supergorgeous marimba or vibes or whatever that instrument is. The first 2 bands were godawful, just for the record. I usually really like opening bands, but they seriously sucked. How many Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots, or Alice in Chains rip-offs can we withstand? Clear Channel, I blame you.

At the concert I met up with my sweet & newly brunetted lesbo friend, Katie Jo (who has decided she will vote for Kerry after all, much to my delight). We've always considered each other musical soul mates. We love all the same stuff & have the same unrequitable appetite for it. My first memory of her was in the library of BCHS when I was a Senior & she was a Freshman. I was a co-host on the morning announcements (a student-produced news program that was broadcast to the entire high school every morning) & I had been hawking the brand new Alanis Morissette album (Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, yeah it was 1998) & she just randomly walked up to me & started asking me questions about what I thought some of the lyrics meant. There's this line in "That I Would Be Good" that goes "that I would be loved even when i was fuming..." She told me she thought that it meant Alanis was having an issue with flatulence, which was weird because that's the first thing that came to my mind when I heard the word "fuming." Yeah, we've been tight ever since.

Scott & his/our friend Nick accompanied me for the Nashville trip. Scott was untypically generous: he rented a car, drove us there, paid for the hotel, bought me food & libations. Last night, we ate at the Melting Pot! I've always wanted to try fondue & it was everything I'd ever expected. The vegetarian entree consisted of artichoke hearts, portabello mushrooms, asparagus, eggplant, tofu, red peppers & maybe some other things which you jab with a skewer & cook in a pot of veggie broth. It was the best thing ever!

We did a bunch of other things while we were there, such as the Nashville Zoo & the Parthenon & Opry Mills Mall, but I'm too tired to coherently get into all that. I had a great time though. It was good to get out of Little Rock for a few days. I really needed to get my batteries recharged. OMG & I come back to find terrific news about the Martha Wainwright show that [info]margorand recorded for me! I couldn't be any happier. And tomorrow is Scott's & my first anniversary. What a milestone for me....

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I've been up for hours & baby, I'd do anything that you wanted [Aug. 20th, 2004|09:04 pm]
[Current Mood | dammit, I'm excited]
[Current Music |Groupie ~ Kelli Ali (former lead singer of Sneaker Pimps, yeah)]

AAAAAH! I'm going to see Blondie tomorrow!

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I wanna shake his hand, wanna call his name, pin a medal on the man [Aug. 18th, 2004|11:11 pm]
[Current Mood | jubilant]
[Current Music |Is There Anybody Here ~ Phil Ochs]

Wow...Paul Hamm! He was competing in Gymnastics Men's All-Around & he totally screwed up his landing on the vault. This sent him all the way down to 12th place after 4 rotations & it wasn't looking good. But: His next 2 events (P. Bar & H. Bar) were nearly flawless...amazing even. He got the gold! Can you believe it! What an inspiration.

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if living is the problem, well, that's just baffling [Aug. 18th, 2004|01:14 pm]
[Current Mood | baffled]
[Current Music |A Man/Me/Then Jim ~ Rilo Kiley]

So yeah....

My co-workers got me a birthday cake today with a plastic man wearing a speedo. My birthday isn't until Sunday, but I'm off work for a week so I'll have plenty of time to enjoy seeing Blondie in Nashville. I can't recall ever celebrating a birthday really. A few years I have had a cake, but mostly I get nothing. I'm totally fine with that, I was born with low expectations. This isn't really anything that I want except: 1. To see Martha Wainwright (my favourite singer of all time) perform live & 2. John Kerry to be President. So if anyone could present me with either of those things, I will have a very happy birthday indeed. (Also, I will totally not mind if my gift is belated.)

So that job at Haverty's or whatever: I don't want to do that anymore. I got myself all goosed up to get back into sales & whatnot, but I really don't want to do that at all. To be honest: I was only trying to do something that would make Scott happier. I'm just not pulling my weight right now & until I can make $30,000 a year, he's going to be dissatisfied. So how am I going to do that? Well, I'll tell you: I enrolled in Bartending School. They have an excellent Job Placement program & after I graduate (Mid-Novemberish?), I can bartend at a Deluxe Country Club or on a Fancy Schmancy Cruise Ship or in a bar! I'll be a millionaire for sure!

Desert Islandworthy new CDs that I have purchased in the past few weeks:

Tanya Donelly ~ "Whiskey Tango Ghosts"

Imani Coppola ~ "Afrodite"

Rilo Kiley ~ "More Adventurous"

Holly Palmer ~ "I Confess"

Click on the titles to listen to them & then purchase them because they are all fine LPs. I wouldn't steer you wrong.
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I'm kinda drunk & this song is makin' my head explode with good things [Aug. 12th, 2004|09:54 pm]
[Current Mood | um...I like beer now. how do you think I feel?]
[Current Music |Everything Comes & Goes ~ Ruby Starr & Grey Ghost (available only on vinyl)]

(Jimmie Henderson/Ruby Starr)

Ain't no horse can't be rode
Ain't no man can't be throwed
Ain't no bottle can't be drunk
Surely ain't no boat can't be sunk
Everything comes & goes

The darkest night gives way to day
Soon the lame bird flies away
The brightest flame burns itself out
The world keeps turnin' there ain't no doubt
Everything comes & goes

And I see young folks growin' old
Tryin' to do what they've been told
Seems a shame to waste your dreams
Ain't no reason I can see
Holdin' this feelin' inside of me
You can leave me or love me now
I'll keep dreamin' anyhow

Here today, gone tomorrow
Why not have your cake & eat it too
But take your time & make it last
Let life be good to you
Everything comes & goes.

© 1975 Vamp 'N' Slam Music/Far Fetched Music
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[Aug. 9th, 2004|10:49 pm]
[Current Mood | um...I taste like tea. how do you think I feel?]
[Current Music |Dress Sexy at My Funeral ~ Smog]

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
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my building has every convenience. it's gonna make life easy for me. [Aug. 6th, 2004|05:57 pm]
[Current Mood | "if you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right"]
[Current Music |Don't Worry About the Government ~ Talking Heads]

Today was the most gorgeous August day that I can imagine partaking in. After an absolute scorcher of a week, the weather is suddenly fantastic! I have just returned from an interview with Haverty's. As far as I can tell, things went considerably well. I have been spending every waking second of the past few days in the enhancement of my interview skills & I was totally prepared to wow the manager with my astute sales acumen. However, the store manager was not very outgoing at all & I found it cumbersome to showcase my verve & enthusiasm. He didn't really even ask me any questions! He spoke mostly of commission & quotas & employee benefits (of which there are many). Isn't it a big no-no to mention pay during an interview? Anyhow, I did my best to assert myself into his monologue so I could sell myself to him & answer all the questions that I thought he should be asking me. I'm optimistic about it anyway. Maybe I'll know if I'm hired by the middle of next week.

Meanwhile, I'm totally getting my Friday night off to a decent start drinking some ice cold Grolsch. I like beer now. Isn't that totally bizarre? I have always hated it because it smells like horse-piss. I don't mind the smell so much anymore. Actually, I think I've been craving it.

John Edwards' rally here on the North shore of the Arkansas River was fabulous. It was as invigorating as an apricot facial scrub. Basically it was a rehash of all the recent Democrat speeches, but this time it was focused on Arkansas instead of the whole of America. Mucho Bush bashing too. I loved it! There were 4 or 5 Bush supporters at the gates with signs that read, "FLUSH THE JOHNS," "WAFFLES ARE FOR BREAKFAST," and something else about how Kerry is purportedly a liar. My ass! I wish I had to balls to tell them to teach their president to pronounce "noo-klee-urr." Yeah, it's not that hard.

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