Cynthia, Ruby of The Rose [entries|friends|calendar]
Cynthia, Ruby of The Rose

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[05 Feb 2005|11:19pm]
Mooneflowerz dared me to take this, so I did. :)

I'm a nerd! )

I've been plotting out my Seth/Seto idea. So far I've managed to mentally get Seto to the museum. I have a long way to go. I want to get the first chapter written this week...who knows, maybe I can prod my beta into having it back to me by the 14th and it can be my Valentine's Day fic. ;) Even though it'll be at least 20 chapters and possibly more before they can even talk to each other properly...

Right now I'm working on my first full Kouichi/Kouji fic. It takes place in the later episodes of Digimon Frontier, during the episode when they're at Ophanimon's Library. It's growing...interesting. I think I can get them to kiss if I work at it...I'll find out tonight.
Leave a blessing...

[27 Jan 2005|03:58pm]
Things have been going relatively well here. I've been getting a lot of writing done. Unless something interrupts, I should finish Down A Different Road #2 and Victory Is Sweet #12 tonight, as well as plot out the first chapter of a fresh rewrite: Snowball Effect. This used to be Comet's Tale and is now going to be an entirely different continuation/ending to the Turbo season, and will lead into Change of Heart, my final rewrite on Alternate Destinies and the PRiS season in general.

For anyone who remembers Comet's Tale, it used to have my original character Morgan St. Clair in it. Now, she won't be. There will be a White Turbo Ranger, but it will be a canon character. The White Turbo Zord, White Comet, will still be telepathic and sentient, but his personality is getting a complete overhaul. I won't say anything other than that. Anyone who already knows, don't spill it. I'm hoping to have chapter one ready to go in about two weeks, more or less.

Hm. I think I just had a very interesting idea that could meld into the two stories. *puts it on the shelf to think about later* Very interesting indeed...

I'm also planning three romantic stories for Valentine's Day. One for Power Rangers (Kelsey/Ryan), one for Digimon (Miyako/Takeru), and one for Yu-Gi-Oh (Yugi/Bakura). I'm most definitly hoping I can pull all three off. We'll have to wait and see.
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[20 Jan 2005|10:57pm]
[ mood | content ]

I've posted the new chapter of Ketsueki no Kisu. One of my reviewers mentioned something in his review, and I thought I'd respond to it here.

To PrinceIzzy1 )

In other news, four chapters of Born In Darkness, Raised In Light are now plotted. I might write it faster than I'd thought, since a few people have been e-mailing me about it.

I've also begun Chapter 12 of Victory Is Sweet, and chapter 9 of Fireflies. Chapter 2 of Down A Different Road has been pre-plotted. I'm looking over some things Emerald J and I did a while back and should begin writing sometime in the next week or so.

I've been watching Yu-Gi-Oh on Cartoon Network. Yami no Malik just made his appearance tonight. He looks like he's kept his finger in a light socket for a couple of days...

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[17 Jan 2005|05:08pm]
I've been plotting out Born In Darkness, Raised In Light. I've gotten three chapters plotted so far. It's so different from the original I might do a name-change to reflect it. If I can find something that fits. I'm so used to think of it as BIDRIL, though.

I also decided that the rewrites of Comet's Tale and Alternate Destinies are going to take place in the same universe. The new Comet's Tale (Snowball Effect) is going to start about halfway through Turbo, and write a new ending for it, which leads into Change of Heart, the new Alternate Destinies. So someday I should start plotting Snowball Effect.

What I did during the blackout of LJ )
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[08 Jan 2005|06:16pm]
[ mood | evil ]

Some people would agree with this about me. You know who you are. ;)

What kind of yaoi writer am I? )

I've been working hard on Ketsueki No Kisu the last couple of days. I'm almost done with it. If I can keep up what I've been doing, then I should be finished with it tomorrow. Then it's back to Victory Is Sweet and Fireflies, as well as contemplating things for chapter two of Down A Different Road. I've also got Hanging By A Thread (has some Bakura Ryou/Yugi content) to get started on, and last, but most definitly not least, a Yu-Gi-Oh AU with, shounen-au. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Large chapters, one posted about once a month if all things work out.

Also sketching out mental ideas for Silver Chased Pink, a Cassie/Zhane I'm slowly getting into my head. I have plans for that thing. Evil plans...

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[05 Jan 2005|03:07pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Well, my week long ban's over with. Yay! I'm back to uploading things on I decided to put up Ketsueki No Kisu one chapter a day instead of all of them in one day. So, chapter one is back up now:

I also put up Down A Different Road, featuring the Bakuras and Pegasus:

Hope people enjoy it. I know I did.

I've now got a broadband connection. Yay me! I feel all 21st century. ;)

Well, off to writing and updating!

Leave a blessing...

[04 Jan 2005|04:00pm]
During a break from working on my updates last night, I did something I didn't ever think I would. I assigned named of my own preference to the twelve children of the Chosen Children from the first two seasons, the one we see in the epilogue. Yeah, those kids. I have the vague notion of writing a one-shot or something with them, just to use these names. Yes, this would mean implied Ken/Miyako and Yamato/Sora. And Mimi/Micheal, since I'm rather of the opinion that they were married as well, even though it was never stated and isn't official. I just like it so in my mind, it's there.

So, here they are, with family names added where applicable. "Gaston" isn't Micheal's official last name, since as far as I know he doesn't have one, but it's what I use for him, so that's why it's listed there. I haven't yet decided on a new family name for married Hikari. Maybe today I'll pick out some names for the unknown spouses of Taichi, Daisuke, Jyou, Koushirou, Hikari, Takeru, and Iori.

the kids, my version )

And these are some kids I came up with a while back, who might get a fic of their own someday. They won't ever be in the same universe as the ones above, though, at least not that I currently know about. You'll see why when/if you look there. ;)

other kids )

I also found an old idea or two tucked down in some files, and decided to work on them someday after all. One in particular is a rather nice Jun and Yamato friendship story, with some Jun/Shuu on the side, and possibly a little Sora/Yamato as well. Can't be sure on the last, since it takes place before the Christmas episode (for plot and characterization purposes) and the Sora/Yamato might not fit. I'll have to decide once I actually get to work on it. Whenever that is. There's also yet another Kaiser Ken captures Daisuke in the works, but it's not romantic (my Kaiser Ken & Daisuke romances are going to be few, far between, and be insanely long to allow for character development and almost certain reformation in the end.) and really focuses more on what the others do while Daisuke isn't there for several weeks to months.

I also found what I personally think is the only evil!Kat idea I've had or seen that honestly works and has zero to do with Kim and Tommy. And I am not telling about it any farther than that.

Oh, my ban at ends tomorrow, so I'll be putting Ketsueki no Kisu, with nice fresh G-rated summary, back up, as well as my new Yu Gi Oh series, Down A Different Road, featuring Pegasus and Bakura.

Okay, I've got some Daisuke/Hikari to work on if I can get my brain focused and functioning...
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[02 Jan 2005|01:13am]
[ mood | busy ]

*shows off new icon Josie made* Yes, I'm a Yugi/Bakura fan. :)

So far, 2005's been pretty good for me. I'm still working on updating the Snowfields. I'd hoped to get it all done earlier, but it didn't work out that way. Oh, well. :) Maybe I can get it done before I go to bed...we'll see.

Leave a blessing...

Last day of the year [31 Dec 2004|07:34pm]
[ mood | working ]

Ah, New Year's Eve. Looks like it's going to be one of those long evenings. Ah, well, I have my tea, I have my work on the Snowfields, and maybe even a little writing later on. So I'm quite content to while away the last hours of 2004. May 2005 be the year I finally finish those darned winner-fanfics.

A Pairing Meme )

Well, forward into 2005!

Leave a blessing...

[29 Dec 2004|03:27pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

Ketsueki No Kisu has just been removed by the admin for not having a G-rated summary. For anyone who didn't look at it before, the summary was: "Drip...drip...drip...a trickle of blood ran down Yamato's cheek from where the knife had slit it open. A finger caressed it softly, as the soft voice whispered in one ear..."Sweet..." (Taito) (12-23-04: 5 of 20)"

I was going to update it tomorrow. I'm still kind of numb, I think. I guess the mention of blood and knives wasn't all that G-rated. *Shrugs* Oh, well, life happens. I'll just wait til next week and put it up with this summary: Fear, mystery, confusion, and deception. Who is who? Who is what? One road lies to the truth...

You know, I think I like that one better than the first one, anyway. And I have all the reviews saved, too. I guess I got to it before the system actually deleted it for that. Not going to complain, I like my comments and criticisms. :) So if you're reading this and you reviewed, your commentary has been saved. But feel free to say something else when I start to repost next week. :)

I got the first chapter of a new Digimon fic done last night. I won't be showing it until I had it all written, though. I'm rather enjoying writing quite short chapters, though not too short. You still have to scroll a little to read it. It's going to be an alternate version of how Daisuke got the Friendship Digimental. Expect kisses. But no romance.

I'm working right now on finishing off chapter one of my next Yu-Gi-Oh series. This is going to have much more of a plot, and be an AU of Duelist Kingdom, even though it begins before that. About a year and a half before that, to be precise, and features Pegasus and Bakura. Inspired by someone else's fic (they don't mind me using the general concept, I asked first ;)), I think it will be...interesting. Still searching for a permanent title, though, I don't much like my working title of Ties of Blood. Meh. I use too much blood in my titles.

After that...who knows what I'll dig my hands into. I have a list of things I'm working on, and I generally roll a virtual dice to select randomly. I suppose I could take this extra week to work on Ketsueki No Kisu, though. I suppose it all depends on what the virtual dice say. I like being flexible. :)

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[26 Dec 2004|11:09pm]
I think my dogs are trying to kill themselves. Lately they've been getting into anything chocolate they could get their dirty little paws on. Just today, they stole about half a tray of good brownies. I've heard variations on what chocolate can do to dogs, from acting like a drug to killing them. Even if it doesn't, Sandy and I might, because those were our brownies.

In other news, I did post up chapter 11 of Victory Is Sweet yesterday. I think I'll wait til after the New Year to get anymore up, though. I want the final ideas to cook properly in my head and not come out half-baked. ;)

I'm going to finish up Ketsueki no Kisu, then Fireflies, and finally Victory Is Sweet, I think. I've also got the beginnings of a long Yu-Gi-Oh series I'm working on almost done. I'm about half-way finished with the first chapter. Then I've got a Kat-based Power Ranger storyline I just finished plotting to get writing on. It will be my first finished, chaptered Power Ranger story in years when I'm done with it. Won't be posting any of it until I'm done all, though. I want to be certain I do finish it. It's rather nice, I think, but I'm a little on the biased side. ;) I'm hoping posting can begin no later then February or March.

Well, time to get some more writing done...just have to decide what it will be! Always the hard choice...
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[23 Dec 2004|03:49pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

Well, I finished chapter 11 and it's safely on its way to the beta-reader. Now I'm staring blankly at a blank page, trying to formulate a short Aisha/Adam Christmas story. *prods brain with the pointy stick* Come on, work with me here...

Also canceled the bet about finishing off Ketsueki No Kisu. I can probably do it, I'm just a bit swamped at the moment with everything else I'm trying to do. Five more presents still need writing, and I can't even start on one until I see the final episode of Dino Thunder tonight. Maybe I can sneak in some writing time on one of them later, if I get a little done on the Aisha/Adam...

Saw this around, and tried it. Fun stuff. ;)

What my LJ friends are getting me for the holidays )

Thanks, guys. ;)

Leave a blessing...

[23 Dec 2004|12:55pm]
[ mood | creative ]

Rain...blech. Just what I'm not in the mood for. I've got nine chapters of Ketsueki No Kisu to finish in eight days (bet with someone), one chapter of Victory Is Sweet to finish hopefully today (one page to go, even more answers are coming clear! Really hope I can finish next month like I've been wanting to...), and a lot of plotting I want to do on Change of Heart (aka, Alternate Destinies). I get antsy whenever the weather does things like this. Bad memories of being powerless for so long last year...

I've been thinking, after I post VIS#11 (The Silver Collar) of putting both Fireflies and Victory Is Sweet on hold for a few weeks so I can actually finish them both. Then I can focus on a few other things that have been itching at me. Change of Heart, Leader Loss, and Born In Darkness, Raised In Light are chief amongst those. And one of my old Justin stories, Danger of Blue is rearing its head again. That one should be fun.

At any rate, I'm not getting any writing done on VIS11 like this, so back into the misty world of Daisuke's screwed up life I go ;)

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[10 Dec 2004|12:47am]
*grumble* I've been trying all night to write something. Anything. Nothing's coming, though. BLeh. Maybe I'll plot. I feel the need to work on something in particular...

It's also thundering and lightning. Hope nothing goes out, like the power...
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[03 Dec 2004|06:23pm]
[info]demonotaku is secretly married to a wolf!
[info]ex_kimera823 keeps a hamster for nefarious purposes!
[info]silverthunder once kept [info]infinityblade locked up in their basement for eight months.
[info]jonathlee has no TV licence!
[info]ex_kimera823 knows the truth about [info]silvormoon and [info]raikomotomiya.
[info]crowskywalker performed a "sexual act" upon [info]angel_josie in a public toilet!

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

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[30 Nov 2004|07:14pm]
Taken from Lady Iapetus:

Post a favorite line from a film here. Any film. Don't tell me what film it is. Then go tell someone else to do it, or pimp it in your LJ or something. It will be great--Charge of the Non Sequitur Brigade.

If it were our plane, it would be crashing.

Taken from Multiple Folks: If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal.

Actually, I can think of several people who fit the bill here. *Waves to them all, they know who they are*

I hope to get more writing done in December. Second chapter of Treasure Hunt of Terror, second chapter of Lost and Found, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth chapters of Victory Is Sweet, much more on Ketsueki no Kisu, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth of Fireflies, some midwinter gifts for a few people, at least one semi-major Power Ranger project...even if you, the reader, don't see all of these in December, I want to finish them anyway.

Speaking of Power Ranger things, I've come to a decision. I'm not going to post any of my Power Ranger writings, until I have them actually finished. That way I won't need to take feedback into consideration for how much sooner I write anything, or inspiration. It'll be done already. With the longer stories, it will be at least 25% to 50% of the story finished before posting begins.

Onyx Tavern Tales is also going to be rewritten. Some things came up that started irritating me, so I decided on some alterations that'll make the story better in the long run. The story chapters will also be a lot shorter, and the "Aisha being brainwashed by Scorpina" section will take more time, at least three or four chapters, with more emphasis on it, and how it affects Aisha, and some backstory that I really should get in there about who the other ex-Ranger that Scorpina catches is. Though I'm quite certain the original first two chapters hinted enough for who it is. This person will be the same in the rewrite, and the reason they were on Triforia to be captured, and why Trey is absolutely beyond words furious at this will also be staying the same. I'm debating on whether to tell that story in OTT itself or save it for a different fic.

I do have a Kat-based MMPR era story I'm plotting out now. If I get lucky, it should be ready either by the end of December or the end of January. I'm also working on the rewrite of Etemon's Envy...which will be loosely about three times as long as the original. ;) If I can only get it finished...
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[25 Nov 2004|04:46pm]
[ mood | full ]

I updated things today. Victory Is Sweet got the tenth chapter up: and a new story was begun, Ketsueki no Kisu (translation, Kiss of Blood): That one there is a Taito, with some...other on the side. I'll be updating it on a weekly basis, so the next one will come next Thursday. Feedback adored, appreciated, and honored. :)

Today's Thanksgiving, so a Happy Holiday to all those who celebrate it, wheresoever you may be. Had a nice dinner, complete with pecan pie. Mmm...tasty.

Hard to believe the year's almost over with. So much I really want to get much I'd hoped I would have done, but don't. Hopefully by this time next year I won't say that. We'll have to see.

Leave a blessing...

[22 Nov 2004|05:07pm]
I've seen it in a thousand bad summaries and fanfics. "I wrote this on a sugar rush, wheeeee!" I never thought much of it, because I try not to write on sugar rushes, which I seldom have in the first place. However...that time has come to an end. Sort of. See, I haven't written on a sugar rush. I've been getting ideas on a caffeine rush.

Yu-Gi-Oh shounen-ai and plot talk under here )

Digimon Frontier talk )

Other Random Digimon Fic Things )

Final Yu-Gi-Oh thing )

Wow, that's the longest entry I've done in a long time. Felt good, too.
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[07 Nov 2004|04:16pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

I stole this from ladyiapetus. Quite the thief, aren't I? ;)

1. You're a handsome devil. What’s your name?
Cynthia, Ruby of the Rose. Or just Cynthia. I recognize the name rather easily.

2. Ever write under any other name?
Yes. Don't expect me to list them all, but I have.

3. Look around you. How did you end up here?
I seem to remember signing up before codes. It took a while before I started posting even semi-regularly, though.

4. Favourite line from the song you're listening to right now, or last listened to?
Don't really have one.

5. What's the last movie you saw that inspired something ficcish in you?
Movie? Mmm...I'd have to say Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It merged with the book version in my head and spurted out Telling Those Spiders.

6. Is there a character you'd like to write, but can't-- and why the hell can't you?
Mmm...Oikawa, really. He's an extremely pivotal character to 02 but I just can't write him properly. I'm not entirely positive on why. Just one of those things.

7. We all hate favourite questions, I know, but-- who's your favourite character (a) to read? (b) to write?
If he's written well enough, my favorite to read is Daisuke. To write, I'd have to say Yamato. All that untapped potential that just screams out to be tapped...

8. Who's your least favourite character (a) to read? (b) to write?
Least favorite to's hard to say, because if something's written well, I can enjoy it completely, no matter who it is. Quality writing outranks character use in my mind. If you pinned me down, I'd have to say Iori, though. Love the character, hate the way he's written when he gets written in the first place. To be honest, Zack Taylor of Power Rangers. I just cannot get into his head. I'm going to try, though.

9. Is there a story you'd like to write, but can't-- and why can't you?
I'd love to rewrite the first two seasons of Digimon using my breed-theories. But I can't because of two reasons: It would take forever and ten days, and because I have six miles of other fanfics I want to write.

10. What's a title you've always wanted to use, but haven't had the opportunity yet?
Nothing really comes to mind right away.

11. What was the first story you ever completed, and what do you think of it now?
Silver Rising, first story in the Silver Flame series, listed under myself and Kahva now. What do I think of it? Even though it got me started in fanfic and helped unite me with some of the best friends I've ever had...if I could go back in time and stop myself, I'd do it. And hit myself upside the head with a thick copy of Mary Sues and Why Writing Them Is Bad.

12. What was the last story you completed, and what do you think of it now?
Taste of Darkness, a vampiric friendship. I could have done it better. Though the main limitations on it are that I was telling it from only one point of view, and it would've been richer and fuller with multiple ones. An error I intend to fix at some undefined point in the future, when I write the companion stories.

13. Where do you do most of your writing?
At my computer desk, on my computer. I work better and faster if I can correct errors right away, or get something written down then instead of waiting til I have paper and pencil.

14. Do you have any fic taboos?
Original characters can be good. Mary Sues are unholy spawn of evil that should be shot in the face with a bazooka. Or two. Write the characters as much in character as you can, and if you can't, find a way so they can't be there. Bashing just makes no sense to me. I write for the love of the characters, not hate of them. Why would I want to hurt them? (Well, actually I do hurt the characters I like. Just not in a mean, that didn't make any sense, I think...)

15. What made you start writing fic? Were you filled with creative juices, or was it a random act of plot correction?
Actually, it was, I admit it, a shameless act of self-insertion. I was really into Power Rangers at the time, at the height of my "loving Billy" phase. Before I got my online access, I would tell myself stories wherein I was a Ranger and dated Billy. Then when I came online and found out fanfic just seemed natural to write it. I should've waited and learned more. Oh, well, we all learn from our mistakes.

16. Who has influenced your style the most?
Any and all critics, not just of my work, but of others. Myself, by spending more and more time writing and then looking back on previous works and thinking "Oh, I can do so much better." All the really good authors, of fanfic and otherwise, that I've read. All the bad ones, too. Nothing like learning what not to do.

17. What is the sexiest word?

18. What is the least sexy word?

19. What's the word you use too much/often?
I don't know. I must've used it so often I can't even comprehend how often I use it. ;)

20. You're a writer. By definition you are plagued and pursued by images. So what image is burned into your brain right now?
Bakura Ryou falling down a set of stairs, breaking a leg, and how the spirit of the Ring deals with this. Oh, and dripping blood. (Not Bakura's, someone else's, different fandom.)

Hey, you asked.

21. If you were going to write professionally under an assumed name, what would that name be?
I don't know. I haven't really thought of what I'd call myself. Something that has nothing to do with 'me', though.

22. If you'd made out this survey, what question would you have asked that I didn't?
What is the character you see written badly the most, and how do you feel about seeing it done so often?

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[06 Nov 2004|03:11am]
[ mood | awake ]

I stole this from silverthunder, as it caught my attention.

If you happen to be working on some creative writing project, fanfiction or NaNoWriMo or what have you, post exactly one sentence from each of your current work(s) in progress in your journal. It should probably be your favourite or most intriguing sentence so far, but what you choose is entirely your discretion. Mention the title (and genre) if you like, but don't mention anything else. This is merely to wet the general appetite for your forthcoming work(s).

It took a few minutes to decide just what to use, since my two major projects don't quite have any sentences that are my ultimate favorites (yet), but I finally made my choice. From a project that will make its appearance on an near you sometime very soon (within three and a half weeks or so if all goes well)...It's really more than a sentence, but...oh, well. :)

I could break his neck right now. The thought was delicious, and for a moment his finger rested on just the right spot, on where it would take so little effort to apply a moment or two of extra hard pressure, and the problem of Yagami Taichi, the Child of Courage, would be no more forever.~~Ketsueki No Kisu, Chapter Three: Into The Unknown

I should really work on chapter four...

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