Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "clamp".
288 matches:
- ___animejrock - Embrace your anime and your j-rock love
- _akatsuki_ - Akatsuki
- _anime_icons_ - Anime Icons Galore!
- _chobi_ - Chobi- A Chobits Community
- _fanfics_ - The Fanfiction Archives
- _graphicontest - Graphic Contests
- _notalone - i won't let you down
- _rainbowbridge - Rainbow Bridge
- _rosachinensis - Rosa Chinensis Icons
- _shoujo - The Shoujo Community
- _xwonderlandx_ - _xwonderlandx_
- a_anime - Anime/manga discussion for those of a mature age
- adoptajrocker - Community to adopt your favorite j-rocker.
- aic - Anime Icon Competition
- alcoholiclove - Alcoholic Love
- all_anime - All Anime Fan Fiction
- an_drabble - Viñetas de anime y manga
- angel_np_guild - The Angels Haven Guild Journal
- angelayer - Angelic Layer MUSH
- angelic_layer - Angelic Layer
- anime - LJ Anime Lovers
- anime_4eva - anime_4eva
- anime_addicts - A N I M E - A D D I C T S
- anime_and_manga - anime and manga
- anime_award - A anime icontest
- anime_cg - anime_cg
- anime_chorus - Anime Lyrical Challenge
- anime_club - Anime Club ^_^
- anime_colorbar - FOR ANIME COLORBAR
- anime_daily - Your anime, daily
- anime_dojo - Anime Dojo
- anime_etc - anime_etc
- anime_evolution - Anime Evolution Community
- anime_fans - Otakus', Fangirls', and Fanboys
- anime_fusion - ~*Where all anime/manga lovers unite*~
- anime_germany - Germanspeaking Animé & Manga Fans!
- anime_hush - Anime, Manga & RPG Textless Icon Challange
- anime_in_denial - In Denial
- anime_lovers - I love anime
- anime_manga - Anime & Manga
- anime_north - Anime North
- anime_objects - Anime & Video Game Object Claims
- anime_otaku_eu - European Otaku
- anime_replica - Who's your anime replica?
- anime_rewards - Anime Rewards
- anime_stills - Anime & Manga Stillness iContest
- anime_trade - Anime Trading Community
- anime_traders - Anime Traders: torrents,Music,MIRC
- anime_updates - Updates for Anime Child Website
- animeaddicts - anime addicts
- animeaddme - Anime Friends!
- animeadult - Anime Adult
- animeartxchange - Original Anime Characters Art Exchange
- animeawards - Anime Awards
- animecharacters - Anime Characters - Claim a Character!
- animecity - Anime City Community
- animecons - Anime Conventions
- animediscussion - animediscussion
- animedotcom -
- animedrabble - anime drabbles
- animeexpo - Anime Expo
- animeforums - Anime Forums LJ Community
- animegallery - The Anime Gallery
- animehonesty - Anime Honesty
- animeisland - Anime Island
- animematch - Anime Death Matches
- animemusicvideo - Anime Music Video Community
- animepenpals - ☆animepenpals☆
- animesongs - Anime (and Video Game) Song Claims!!!
- animevgsongs - Anime and Video Game Song Claims
- anipike - Anipike: The Lj for Links to Anime Sites
- aoas - aoas
- asiapop_academy - Asiapop Academy
- asuka_parade - For the Manga Anthology Asuka ☆
- badficsupport - Badfic Support
- balticcosplay - Baltic Cosplay Community
- bigdoggylove - Kurogane Lovers
- binderofdoom - The Binder of Doom: The Community
- bishomania - Bishonen-Bishojo Stalkers Unite
- bishoujo_awards - Bishoujo Icontest!
- bloodribbons - xilicious - X/1999 stamping
- bookreports - Book Reports
- bored_artists - Bored anime artists
- boysnextdoor - Boys Next Door
- budlik_icons - Budliks Icon Journal
- bunchofanime - Bunch of Anime
- bunny_hutch - The Bunny Hutch
- canadiancosplay - Canadian Cosplay
- canonfodder - Canon Fodder
- catchyoucatchme - Catch You, Catch Me --A CCS RPG Community
- ccdfanfiction - ccdfanfiction
- ccs_awards - Cardcaptor Sakura iContest
- ccs_snaps - ccs_snaps
- cephirou - Cephirou
- chaos_lunarseal - The Anime Enigmatic Characters Claim List
- cheap_thrills - Holy LJ community Batman!
- chi_is_chi - Chi is Chi
- chiflados_sa - La habitación acolchada
- chii_12 - The City With No People: a Chobits manga RPG *NEW*
- chobits_fan - Chobits
- chobits_fans - Every Chobits Fan
- chobitsfiction - Chobits Fiction
- chobitsu - Chobits
- claim_a_fic - Claim a Fic!
- clamp_chorus - Clamp Chorus
- clamp_claims - CLAMP claims
- clamp_icontest - CLAMP Icontest
- clamp_manga - clamp_manga
- clamp_rating - Clamp Rating
- clamp_school - Clamp School Detectives
- clampfans - CLAMP Fans
- clampfiction - Clamp Fics
- clamplovers - For the love of manga
- clampstills - CLAMP Stills
- club_de_losers - Club de Losers
- colgateanime - Colgate Anime Society
- comicartist - Comic Book Artists
- communal_icons - Communal Icons
- coolanime_icons - Cool anime icons!
- copyright_jshea - Procrastinating Epiphanies
- cosplaypwnzjoo - Cosplay Pwnz Joo
- cult_of_nekura - Nekura's minions
- cure_anime - the cure & anime freaks in one
- dgsc - Dirty Girls Social Club
- die_hookers_die - A Brian Fanclub for Adoring Fangirls and Boys!!
- digitalflare - Digital Flare
- dolly_icons - +Dolly Drowner Icons+
- dolphinsex - SQUEE Reviews
- doujinshi - The Doujinshi Report
- drawbles - d r a w b l e s & f a n - a r t
- efgc - EFGC LJ Division
- ekkusudream - eX dream -an X/1999 roleplaying blog
- el_squared - EL SQUARED
- elegans - Elegans : Beautiful Women & Lovely Men
- elvesandmuses - Elves & Muses
- evilsisters - eViLsIsTeRs
- fairy_park - Fairy Park
- fanficdementia - Demented Fanfiction
- fans_of_rebecca - Fans of Rebecca
- fans_of_zeki - Fans of Zeki!
- fans_only - fans_only
- fantasy_is_lit - Fantasy IS Literature
- feathersearch - feathersearch
- fic_on_demand - Ficlets on Demand
- ficsated - ficsated
- fiction_writers - Fiction Writers Anonymous
- fightlikeagirl - The Girls
- flamingyou - FFnet FLAMERS
- ftloa - For the Love of Anime
- fufuicons - icons made straight from the heart, yo.
- fugusan_library - The CLAMP School Library
- garagesalejapan - Japan's Garage Sale
- gcfab - Ghetto Cosplay Fabulous
- geek_luv - geek luv
- gouhoudrug - Gouhou Drug LJ Community
- grandiloninjas - The Grandiloquent Ninjas
- graphic_awards - graphic_awards
- hakuraki - Hakuraki
- hanabi_graphics - Hanabi Graphics
- homemade_manga - Homemade Manga!
- hott_anime_guys - Hott Anime Guys
- ichigo_media - Ichigo Media
- icon_addict13 - Icon Addiction
- icon_hideaway - Sun and Moon
- icontradiction - throw_rocks @ wildmusings
- iconz_kthx - Where you can find iconz..kthxbai!1
- iloveannlarimer - Ann Larimer Is God
- ilovemanga - ilovemanga
- inkslingerhaven - The Ink-Slingers' Sanctum
- insanityquill - T.S.I. Institution
- inutachi - The Inu-tachi Treehouse
- ireview - I Review
- jap_junkie - ~ Jap Junkies ~
- japaneseanime - Are you a Japanese Anime F®ËãK?
- japanfan_ottawa - Ottawa's Anime and Japan Fans
- jcalendar - smile.empty.bottle
- jenovas_witles - Jenova's_Witles
- jetto_x_ninjin - .//.Jetto Ninjin Cosplay Troupe.\\.
- jrock_zero - Tainted Subreality
- jtownanime - J-Town Anime and Manga Society
- kagura_chizuru - H!P 2005
- kamui_lovers - Kamui Lovers
- kamuixfuuma - KamuiXFuuma
- kawaii_life - Kawaii Is a lifestyle
- kawaiicuties - Ultimate Cute Central
- kingstonanime - Kingston Anime Society
- kitty_klaims - Klaim
- kngdmheartanime - Kingdom Hearts Anime RPG
- kuroxfai - Kurogane x Fai
- kwantumwank - Kwantum Wank: An Adventure in Fandom
- lbcc_thirdreich - The Undead
- le_graphics - le graphics
- leeches - Axis of Somewhat Evil
- leonleonheart - leonleonheart
- little_mari - little_mari
- lizzycon - lizzycon
- ljlovelysuite - the Lovely Suite, lj-style
- lyk3wh0a - Graphics by TKsama ^.~
- manga - The Japanese Manga Community
- manga_trade_uk - Manga Trade In The UK
- manila_nights - Manila_Nights
- marquis_de_porn - Marquis_de_Porn
- memoirsofflight - Memoirs of Flight
- mk_rayearth - Magic Knight Rayearth!
- name_game - Name Game: A Geek's Paradise
- neko_icons - Neko Icons-Anime Icon Community
- nekochans_anime - Nekochan's Anime Happyland
- nisky_anime - The Niskayuna Anime Club
- original_sxser - Hokuto Fans
- otaku6 -
- otaku_jinrui - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Anime Club
- otaku_writers - Otaku Writers: The Place for Anime Fanfiction
- otakutribe - otaku tribe
- otakuwinds - otakuwinds
- pairing_claim - Claim An Anime or Manga Pairing
- pbz_bangers - Childfree Yaoi-ists
- phigenshiken - フィリピン現代視覚文化研究会
- power_names - Claim your powers. >)
- princess_world - ______________________________♥
- rabid_sxkers - rabid_sxkers
- rabidfanssuck - Rabid Fanboys and Fangirls Suck
- ru_dragon - ru_dragon
- ru_ka_wa - DelEmMa
- sakura_boughs - sakura_boughs
- sakura_icons - *~Cardcaptor Sakura Icons~*
- samoanimeclub - SaMoHi Anime Club
- sanjoseanime - San Jose PPL who like Jpop, Jrock, Anime and Manga
- secondhand_soul - Community for random fandom-goers
- seixsub - Seishirou x Subaru
- seizou - Seizou (Sacred Image)
- shiraume_hiwa - Shiraume no Yuukei
- shopanime - Anime Shopping
- shoujo_paradise - Shoujo Paradise
- shounenaigo - Shounen Ai Go!!
- simplybroken - Yeah Yeah Yeah
- slash_it - Slash_it
- sleepwalker_sk - Sleepwalker
- smlsanimeclub - SMLS Anime Club
- snarky_yaoi - ~Yaoi Humor for the Immature and Snarky at Heart~
- sorashiholics - sorashiholics
- sxk - Sleepwalker
- t_h_e_m - T.H.E.M.
- tb__rating - Tokyo Babylon Rating Community
- tgpp - Toronto Goth Pervert Posse
- the_anime_spot - The Anime Spot
- the_girlie_club - Updated Girlie Action
- thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
- thepeoplewehate - The People We Hate
- thktldy - 이명은
- tokyobabylon - Tokyo Babylon
- try_this_fic - Your Local Yaoi Supplier
- tsubasa100 - The Tsubasa 100
- tsubasa_awards - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Icon Contests
- tsubasa_rating - Tsubasa:RC Ratings
- tsubasafans - Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
- tsubasanogarasu - g.l.a.s.s..w.i.n.g.s
- tsubasarc - Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Community
- tsukimineshrine - Cardcaptor Sakura Fanfiction
- twinstars - Twin Star Claims
- two_left_thumbs - two.left.thumbs
- uenopark - uenopark
- vegeta955 - anime and games
- vice_studios - VICE Studios
- wangtastic - Wangtastic :: RP Journal
- weekly_icontest - Random Icon Contest
- westmi_anime - West MI Anime Fans
- winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
- wonderlandinc - Wonder Land Inc.-The First Alice community
- x1999 - X Community
- x1999_awards - The X/1999 Icon Awards
- x_100 - Community for X/1999 Drabbles of 100 Words
- x_rating - X/1999 Rating
- xposed_icons - xPosed_Icons
- xx_the_ac_xx - TOGAC and the NFHS Anime Club News Network/Updates
- xxx_holic - XXXHOLiC
- yaoi_add_me - ~Yaoi-Loving Friends~
- yaoi_collection - Collection of Yaoi
- yaoi_smut_fics - Yaoi Smut for the Soul
- yaoi_wank - yaoi_wank
- yaoiafterdark - Yaoi After Dark
- yaoiforyourpg - Yaoi RPG Club!
- ygo_writers - Yu-Gi-Oh Writers Anon
- ynmangst - Dark Minds
- yoru_no_uta - Plum-scented : A Tomoyo community
- you_wish_anime - "You Wish!" Anime Reviews
- yuri_fans - yuri_fans
- yuricest - Yuricest is best
- yuzuriha - CLAMP Bishoujo
Interested users
The following users are interested in clamp. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
448 matches:
- acheng - Apollo Cheng
- addledbrains - Mary Beth
- adorable1 - The Adorable One
- aeristerra - Aeristerra
- airisu - シンデイ
- akanesmallet - Meggie
- akista - Kyandii
- alexmegami - Alex-chan
- algeh - Techno Geek is Having a Quandary
- aliisme - Neko-Chan
- alleyees - Alley
- alyxchan - Alyx
- amadeo - Andrea
- amikara - ア ミ ケ
- anatra - Erin
- angelamaria - seasonal wanderer
- angeldragon - Zaheroux
- angeliccelestia - Angelic Celestia
- angelspit - [girlanachronism]
- animechicka420 - Kitten
- annlarimer - La Femme Crayola
- anruiukimi - Anrui Ukimi
- aoi - aoi
- aoi_tenshi - Kei
- aoiberu - Squishy Tofu
- arikado - アリカド
- arisi - Alex
- arisugawaarashi - Arisugawa Arashi
- arleea - Jane
- asgard - Zeb
- athena_lucifer - Adelle teh Muffin
- aurora_mitsukai - Kathleen
- aznbabystar - Teresa
- azzinita - Ms Azzy Star
- baka_neko - baka_neko
- bakananiji - ZoëMonsutaa
- balatstar - balat star!
- barbee - Binkt
- bass_bitch - ~*Candy*~
- battleghost - Ghost
- bchan - B-chan
- bedgii - kikai na kikai -- jitsu shiki
- bekkypk - Miryokuteki/Bekky
- berserkher - Cold
- bikkohime - Nataku
- bishounenkami - Saej'n Meiyo Xanilus
- blink_babe03 - Ava Adore
- blu_olivz - shadow of nothing
- blue_fire - Scarlett
- blueicecat4 - Ona
- boko - Boko, the yellow-feathered collector of fanfiction
- brittscubbyhole - Vee Chan
- brokendragon - Dead-End
- bubblefaerie - Heather
- bulastar - luigi
- calicokoneko - Calico Koneko
- care_chan - Karen
- carito - Errante Caminante
- cassandra - Cassandra
- catehime - Caitlin
- catherine421 - Catherine
- catystorm - Catie Storm
- celest - Celest Sadira
- cellyz - Celeste
- celtic4 - Mara
- chaistarr - chaistarr
- chaos_angel - Angel of Chaos
- cherryblossoms - Holli
- cherrydee - _tragic star;
- chibi_nezu - Nu
- chibichibi - Aimee Cornelius (CC1⁄2)
- chibimun - mees arteestic syd
- chirigami - doragon
- chokora - Chokora
- chosaku - Tim Edstrom
- chrychaesa - Roquie
- chyldesidhe - Projects Update
- cjiadonbast - Cjiadon
- cloud3487 - Edgehead Tran
- clownman060 - Jenrya Lee
- cognizance - Suzy .:♥:.
- coshi - Rinachu
- crazylittleme - Kelsey
- crimson_dew - Em
- cross_scars - Feanor
- crys20 - Crys the Expatriated Zulu who Fondles Naked Sheeps
- crystal_tear - Say goodnight, Gracie
- cupiecake - Jenface!!!111
- cyanne - Satsuki
- d_angel - DarkAngel
- damanique - Damanique
- dancingspring - la belle dame sans merci
- danihana - Danielle Dailey
- darkkoneko - ~la Petite Chatte Noir~
- darshui - Darshu
- daryl - Schala
- dazza - Ashleigh.
- deathnomiko - Death no Miko
- deekz - Deekz
- deepredangel - Insignificant Me
- delere_angelos - I'm pretending to be Gena
- demonruri - カガリ~チャン aka ルリ
- digi_kitty_girl - K-Y-O-U
- discostar - E.B.
- distantskygod - Miranda Castle
- djeu - Michael
- dkellis - Damien Kellis
- dkereihana - dkereihana
- docudrama - alt//06
- dshivan - Cat
- eievui - La Vie Boheme
- elisabeth - Elisabeth Margaret H.
- emeralda - Emeralda Kasim
- emmeangel - .::emme::.
- erinu - Erin
- esm - Eternal SailorM
- fflaguna - Andrew Mueller
- fire_dragon - Ryoko
- fireriven - Deborah
- flamebyrd - Liz
- flamesniper - Tachi
- fleurrochard - Fleur Rochard
- flipgirl - Stephie
- fontine - Cassandra Bradford
- forbiddenangel - Yami wa Tenshi
- franthenut - Fran
- freakquency - Freakquency
- fujii_griffon - Kei-kun
- fuuangel - Cry and you cry alone
- fuyuyuki - Fuyu Yuki <ふゆ ゆき>
- fwar - joey*
- gardenofeden - gardenofeden
- gauze - Kyo
- generalwhitey - She's Laurenesque.
- generalzoisite - Zoisite
- geni91782 - Kerri
- gj_fate - Whatsherface
- goddessofdreams - Dara
- gramaraye - Josephine
- guardianphoenix - Tracy
- haleydeluca - Mischievous Child of Neverland
- halkeye - Techmaster G
- hannahlecter - Alouette Fantastico
- happybob - Lord of the Cynics
- heddychaa - Heddy
- highland_raven - Melynda
- himeko - Rina
- hino_ai - *...HiNo~Ai...*
- hobbez - Hobbez
- hokuto - Hokuto
- hoshiko - Ashaiah
- hoshitenshi - Tohru-chan <3
- hotarusan - the mango faerie
- hotochan - Murasaki
- iamserena - Psuedonym
- icebratrpg - Misty
- ichirofan51 - Fallon (aka Takashi)
- inami - Inami
- ino_ - Yamanaka Ino
- inseiko - Riva Nishioka
- inuyasha929 - Vivacious Viv...or Vicious Viv
- jade_sage - not a rhombus (today)
- jasperchan - 無
- jaywalk - Jayson
- jen_the_great - Generic Mild Mannered University Student
- jenangel - Azel
- jenchan - Cyberpunk Fool
- jester_wolf - Jester_Wolf
- jewi - Jewel McCloud
- jinian - Pillbug Super-genius
- jnoxenet - Jewel Noxenet
- jrockersplaytoy - Refrain of Dreams
- judysama - Juchan
- junjun - Sexy Sexy Hairpin-chan
- juuchan - ciaomei
- juuzingekido - { SHINIGAMI }
- kachichan - Kachi Aozora
- kaitou_lobelia - Lobelia Carlini
- kanon - Kanon
- karamei - ·◦٭ Carrie ٭◦·
- kasou - hyde
- katalyst - the naked truth
- katiescarlet - Katie
- katiria - Katiria
- kawaiiaya - Full metal alchemist Aya!
- kawaiikid - KawaiiKid
- kawaiimiaka - Miaka
- keelychan - Kiiri
- kemayo - Kemayo
- kendappa_ou - Kendappa Ou
- kendrasue - Kendra Sue
- kigin - Shini - 銀狐
- kiki703 - krissy fribby slink [the punkrock pixie princess]
- kim_kim - Kimmy
- kimako - Big Eyes and Bullet Trains
- kimichan - kimi
- kinomakoto - Makoto
- kiru - kiru
- kittylemontwist - + Lost in a Trance +
- kizei - Kizei
- kouhotaru - Kou Hotaru
- kulture - otaku's grrl
- kumori_no_ko - Kumori
- kurai - Erinin
- kurita - Tara
- kurozukin - Andrael
- kwobtchan - The Queen of Blueberry Toast
- kyonomiko - Integral
- kyouketsusha - Delinquent Dolly Kyou
- ladybluespyral - Blue
- ladyihari - Angela
- ladyjessamyn - Jessamyn
- lampbane - Lampbane
- landale - Synthesis Landale
- laughsatevil - bloody valentine
- lemoned - 犬★|。 レモン
- liete - Julie
- lilitusama - The Lady Lilith
- linalnverse - ~* Lina Inverse *~
- lindzopia - Lindy
- lissibith - Lissibith
- littlekasino - that cat can walk like a big bad man
- littlemissluna - Katori
- littlesabby - bina
- lovefrou - ... ready? Break.
- lupin_86 - Luis Rivera
- lurkergrrl - Libby
- lythe - Lythande
- maaya - maaya 真綾
- maeka - sabrina
- maeyan - Maeyan
- magus_clow - Li Syaoran
- maigo_no_crab - [brad the hyde]
- mako - Mako
- mandichan - Mandichan
- marineta - Mina Cobarde
- mariye - Jenni Mariye
- matts_girl - Megan
- megamii - Megamii
- megumibish - megumi
- meiling - Di-chan
- meiran - Chang Meiran
- mercuryhime - Reffy
- meril - Meril
- meshalana - Meshalana
- metalsyko - dorkus majorus
- mia_sailor_nova - The Sofa of Reasonable Comfort
- miako_hidaka - peach
- michisis - MichiMichi
- midoriocha - I don't need your opinion
- minakochan43 - Mouse
- miriya - a happy corpse
- misako_kuukino - Elizabeth Marsh
- missmercury - Ami
- mitsuchan - Mitsu
- miyake_is_mine - [ルイ-ス"]
- miyazu - miyazu the kinky ninja penguin
- mizu202 - Mizu T. Kantou
- mmmdraco - Kiko
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- morganlight - Holly
- mrah - vanilla doll
- nagarerutenshi - Nagareru Tenshi
- nanaka - Nanana
- narcissism - m.e.i.
- natsu - Helen
- nchantedsakura - mrs. li xiao lang
- neev - Devious Degenerate
- neko_no_yume - Dejiko-chan's Den
- nekokamui - Kagayaki
- nekomimi - Freak with a Fetish
- neoookami - NeoWolf
- nesa - Nesa
- nevrasama - Nevra
- nezumi00 - Banky
- ng - the Feed, being all Fucked,
- nihaoneko - sparkitten
- nitasee - Molly B. Damned
- no_fishing - Omitsu desu ka..?
- noin_hime - Noin Hime-sama
- noiresensus - noiresensus
- noki - Cinnibar Fields
- nozomi_no_da - Nozomi
- nui_chan - ぬい
- nurissa - Nuriko no Miko
- oceans_of_jade - dressed to kill
- ofpuddingkind - pox
- okita - Okita
- okugi - Erica
- omnidream - Omnidream Nytemare, the Keeper of Dreams
- otohime - Noelle
- otome - Otome no Inori
- otsuka71 - taku
- paragyaru - meron kuriimu (Melon Cream)
- pelianth - ~* Sparkle Goddess with a Mallet *~
- perfectionscat - Promise you'll always stay
- perkypwincess - Chau
- piiko - Piiko
- pikachan - Soul Searcher
- piman - Joe Wreschnig
- pomobarney - Dorian A. W.
- poufywerewolf - Poufy Werewolf
- princess_fairy - Vivi
- princesstamara - Tam
- psycho1kat - Kat-chan
- punkfox - Rudolph Bradford
- pureanimeotaku - ~Flonne Loves You~
- quackzarr - so maybe i'll be a writer
- raechan - Joy
- raisha - Krista
- raistlinsflame - Squeak
- ranma9037 - Ranma Saotome(早乙女乱馬)
- ranmaneko - Balder
- realmduo - Yuki
- red_mage_jerry - Jerry
- reddragonace - Red
- reiofstarlight - Caroline
- rejoicify - メリンダ!
- reka - Reka
- relm - relm†
- resonance - mega bass
- revolutionaryg - revolutionarygirl
- rewind2day - Rewind
- riichan - Ashlei
- riku - Cherii
- rizu - The Liz
- roguekonoko - Gem
- roseargent - Rose Argent
- rubeus - Rubeus
- ryannktsu - Ryannktsu Ta'Kura Yreakayr
- ryokomusouka - RyokoMusouka
- ryosato - Lavender Feline
- sailormgm - "The World is Quiet Here."
- sailorpluto247 - Rei
- sailortakeru - Sailor Takeru
- sakuragrrl - Jennifer S.
- sakurajoy - Juju
- sakurako - Mia
- sakuya_masaki - Pleather Heather
- sarcasticmuse - Rache
- sarchan - Sarah
- satsukei - Chi
- saturnchen - saturn
- scarletseraph - Ange Sanguinolent
- sea_demon - Zaaly
- secretlydying - //tainted.memories
- seijikat - princess jennifer
- seiyakou - This Navajo Native
- sekala - Nelle
- senkami - Senkami, Possessor of the Mandate of Heaven
- shademalek - Shade Malek
- shadoewolf - ..Happiness.wo.Sagashite..
- sharonapple - Redyan
- shestumbles - That girl.
- shihan - *_han
- shikari - Felicia Atkinson
- shimarisu - Sadie
- shineko - Shi
- shinibun - shinibun
- shinoda - Trace
- shiroshadow - Shiro Shadow
- shiroukotori - Kotori
- shitagaki - jess
- shlnbard - Undine Dnah
- shoiryu - revolution #9 (白い竜)
- silentstar16 - Jibrienne
- silver_dragon - Daniel Patterson
- silverdrgnmoon - Ish
- sinisterf - Brandy
- skydrop - Genevieve
- slaves - scythe
- smoke - Smoke Tetsu
- smsmercury - SMSMercury
- sobezen - Manda
- soleta - soleil
- somethingelse - Mizouse
- sonic331va - Matt
- sorasoup - ? ?[l][a][u][r][e][n]? ?
- sour_jane - Jane
- sourangel - Bethany べス
- southernskunk - Jessey the limp dicked, whiny ass faggot
- spadix - Aly
- split_wings - Split Wings Studio
- spooky_chan - Chandra
- spyra - spyra
- sraphim - Lissa
- sscaminky - SSCAMinky
- sto0pud - Trish
- strawberri_kiwi - ccm
- suiel - Suiel
- swankkat - it's kat
- sylverice2 - Kay
- sylverwind - Sylver
- tamora - Laura
- tangledtwisted - Vicky
- tashari - Tashari
- technocracygirl - Heiress of the Empire
- tennoarashi - = You'll all become you. As I became myself. =
- tenshi - Tenshi
- thanee - Thanee
- theicegoddess - Jess
- thelastsong - Firefly -- the Newtype Girlie
- tifag - ~*~Malee~*~
- tigerandkay - Blah!
- tk12 - TK12
- tokimi - Tokimi
- tokki - ------
- tomthehand - Tom
- tonihime - Toni-hime
- torame - Aoi
- tornwings - Jennifer
- touma - __emme
- transmundane - zilch
- trepidjewelry - Susan
- tsukiyono_omi - Omi
- tsukushi - Bethany
- twiningfire - twiningthought
- umichan - Umi Ryuuzaki
- usawusa - Magnus Usagi
- utenalover - Hanasaki Momoko (momochan) ^_^
- vaeran - god prefers a heretic
- vanima - Mooliciousness, Queen of Evil Cows
- velocet - Dani
- velvetdreams - Pico Pico Noriko-chan
- violomana - violomana
- waka_chan - Waka-chan
- weazul - Sable Kageitachi (Silve)
- weekend - a little bit Tower of Pisa, whenever I see ya
- wetheril - F. Tephritidae
- whisper - Nicki
- wildhaggis - R Burr
- windandwater - Sailor Seraphim
- winged_tomoyo - laura
- wingzer0 - Zer0
- wishbear - Fuu
- wyzrdsmage - Generic Original
- yaoi_bunny - ~*Midori*~
- yasako - Yasako, the Reuben Slut
- yatenkou3lights - Eric
- yllafairy - Ylla
- youkotriumph - Tea Cup
- yukidreams - katie
- yurei - Yurei
- yuri_chan - Tiara
- yuuki - Yuuki
- zahyr - Super Filial Piety!
- zeropoint - A Strange Little Girl
- zerou - liz