Arthouser's Journal
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Below are the 11 most recent journal entries recorded in Arthouser's LiveJournal:

    Thursday, July 22nd, 2004
    4:48 pm
    Hi, my name is Mary, and I joined this community because I too love books.

    What types of books does everyone else read?
    Wednesday, July 7th, 2004
    12:19 pm
    Good Afternoon Sir and Bitch....
    I thought I should make myself known.

    I joined this community because of my love of all things artistic, especially the trashy arts.

    I am full of myself, egotistical and rude - so please dont be offended by any comments or ideas I throw out.

    :: Out.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Skillet - Open Wounds
    Friday, January 30th, 2004
    1:49 pm
    So are there ever meetings for various maryland art folks to hang out and get to know each other in person..? share ideas or tell of places with good art deals ?

    Current Music: Beyonce - Bonnie And Clyde 03
    Friday, January 23rd, 2004
    8:33 pm
    This is me.

    Just thought I'd introduce myself...

    I'm from Brisbane, Australia.
    I have a Bachelor of Design Studies (Graphic Design) and I'm starting a Bachelor of Architecture this year.

    I write, draw, play guitar, write songs, and love photography.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Tegan and Sara - Missing You
    Thursday, January 1st, 2004
    11:32 pm
    yet another one
    well i'm a graphic design major.. welli'm done school now i'm pimping my skill for work.
    I like the weird , dark and unknown type humor and topics. I hope to make some friends on here .. or just work the crowd with my awesomely humor and perfect typing ability :)

    Current Mood: chatty
    Current Music: talk talk
    Monday, October 20th, 2003
    10:36 am
    Just wanted to extend my hand and introduce myself...

    My name's Deb. I'm 20 years old and a theater major at Umass, with an interest in writing and filmmaking.

    I love unique, dark, and quirky kinds of artistic expression, and I have a passion for discovering new things.

    Current Mood: chipper
    Saturday, January 18th, 2003
    8:17 pm
    My name is Brandi, I am from Pittsburgh, PA...whats up?
    Saturday, December 21st, 2002
    12:43 am
    welcome to the year 2002
    Death. It's... a funny thing, really. A funny thought... A funny idea.. I'm not talking funny haha, here... More.. funny, strange...

    What if you die tomorrow?
    What have you achieved today? What have you achieved up until this point?
    Are you happy... Have you made others happy? Have you made a difference?
    Have you improved, changed, become a better person?
    Have you said sorry? Have you hugged somebody... Have you told another person you think they are okay...

    All the things we don't do and should be doing...
    I'm not preaching... You don't have to do what I tell you.. you don't have to be a nice person...

    I just think.. death... What if I do tomorrow? What have I achieved?

    and I keep on thinking it... You know what's even funnier? I don't do a damned thing..
    I'm not out there, doing the right thing.. Making me happy... I'm drowning my sorrows in alcohol... I'm posting to random net users... Telling them about MY problems...

    I wish I could tell myself life gets easier... but death... Death comes... Death, it's just too inevitable... I'll be miserable and then I'll die...

    Current Mood: worried
    Friday, November 15th, 2002
    7:30 pm
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    4:54 pm
    anyone around?
    Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
    5:32 pm
    hey everyone, this is the first post.. wow.. how very exciting... well... if you're reading this, that means you've found arthousers and you're interested in posting.. well go ahead.. start a conversation.. who has seen amelie? if you have, tell us what you thought of it :)