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December 2nd, 2004


Hey all! This may sound odd, but I guess this is the place to ask... I'm looking for rape fic recs. Male/female or female/female.


Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Evanescence - So Close

November 28th, 2004

apiphile6:06PM: I come bearing gifts.

I also cross-post like a bitch. Sorry. :S

A Horse and his boyfriend ... Sirius & Remus, oh so very NC17 )

Current Mood: buoyant

November 14th, 2004


At the urging of [info]lionessvalenti, here are links to a couple of my more recent Remus/inanimate object fics. Both are short and very, er, special.

Oops, NC-17. Remus has a very special moment with a door. Males of the species, read at your own risk.

Remus Gets A Book, NC-17. The first line pretty well sums it up: "Remus Lupin loved books."

Enjoy. :D

October 14th, 2004

individum9:32PM: Snape/Draco smutty goodness

Title: Teacher's Pet
Rating: R (? I think)
Pairing: Snape/Draco
Warning: Chan, very partial nudity, uber suggestive but all in all quite subtle.

Clicky the thumby.

X-posted fittingly.


hello, semi-dead community you

just thought i'd hand out some random plotbunnies:

*rat!pettigrew masturbating
*hedwig/perch, watching harry/harry

Current Mood: devious

August 13th, 2004


Okay, well this my first SLASH ever, it's actually also my first fic ever so I don't care whether it absolutely sucks, just as long as I get feed-back....

Title: Comparisons
Author name: IceMerlin
Pairing: Harry/Cedric
Rating: R
Spoilers: GoF
Summary: Harry has returned to the prefect's bathroom and he soon finds himself joined by a certain Hufflepuff Seeker.
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.


Read it here ) and review if you would like (I'd really appreciate it).

Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: Evanescence - Eternal

September 21st, 2004

camillabloom12:26PM: For the Plucking, Filch/Fleur, R

Title: For the Plucking
Name: Camilla Bloom
Kink: Dirt, Smell, D/s, bondage, spanking
Pairing: Argus Filch/Fleur Delacour
Rating: R
Notes: Mind that the 'little' isn't really little, since Fleur is seventeen. Set in GoF.
Summary: Filch is singularly displeased with the attitude of one of the TriWizard champions, until he finds her under his desk.
Word Count: 2116
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just like to play with their unmentionables.
For the Plucking )

Current Mood: dirty

September 2nd, 2004

michaelchance6:10PM: "Master and the Wolf" update & 30-minute challenge

I have officially added the last story from the 2nd wave to the archive of the Snape/Lupin fuh-q-fest at http://chance.slashcity.net/masterandthewolf/. I'm now not expecting any more full-length stories until the 3rd wave starts on the 1st of November.

That said, the first 30-minute is still up and running, as a result I'm accpeting stories for that if people are interested in writing something for it :)

August 13th, 2004

dukes_place_tk6:17AM: Republicans for Voldemort

Republicans for Voldemort sticker (Oval)Republicans for Voldemort sticker (Rectangular)

August 7th, 2004

michaelchance2:04PM: "Master and the Wolf" update

In the last week I've added 7 new stories and a new to the fest page picture for a story from the 1st wave, to the Snape/Lupin fuh-q-fest pages at http://chance.slashcity.net/masterandthewolf/. There is still a little over a week to go fro the writers with extentions, so I should be getting more stories in the 6-7 days :)

July 22nd, 2004

pockettheroach9:15AM: Looking for a story...

I read a story awhile back on Adult FFN called, I believe, "Seven". It had Snape and Hermione playing truth or dare at a party, and he dared her to sleep with all seven Weasleys in seven days (which she did). It is no longer on AFFN. Anyone know where I could find it?

July 21st, 2004

katherowen9:10PM: aw, little slashfiend's first het fic . . . better get out the camera!

Yeah, so I don't own anything.

Well, other than the twisted mind that came up with this fic. )

Current Mood: devious

July 19th, 2004

_ecrivain8:23PM: FIC: The Treehouse Affair, Whomping Willow/Shrieking Shack, PG

Title: The Treehouse Affair
Author: [info]_ecrivain
Rating: PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Whomping Willow/Shrieking Shack
Warning: If you don't have a sense of humor and aren't around to have a bit of fun, then don't read it.
Disclaimer: I don’t own, I just steal borrow and play with. J.K.s all the way!
Author's Note: For Shorro. It’s a serious pairing. Don’t make fun.


Read more... )

Current Mood: amused

July 12th, 2004

michaelchance1:22PM: Layha Siderea videos & contact details?

Sorry about the cross-post, but the people watching Layha's HP videos at my website at http://chance.slashcity.net/ have started to email me saying that the contact details I have on my website for no longer work. (Her hotmail address doesn't seem to be working and her website at veeliainc had vanished unfortunately). Considering how much people like her work, to the point of complaining to me that they can't email her :), does anyone have a working email address for her at least?

But, her videos are currently safely archived on my site at least, so the loss of her website isn't as quite as bad as it would have been otherwise....

July 15th, 2004

arrmaitee10:30AM: The Very Secret LiveJournals - NEW Chapter 7!

FIC: The Very Secret LiveJournals
AUTHOR: Arrmaitee
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except my dirty mind.
FANDOM: Harry Potter
SHIPS: Every SHIP imaginable… including lots of kinky SLASH!
SUMMARY: SLASH! PARODY! These raunchy journal entries expose the burning, secret thoughts and desires of Hogwarts’ sex-crazed students and staff! Warning: contains excessive references to Harry’s eyes, Draco’s cherry, Wood’s panties, Vaseline, rope, cold showers, kinky leather goodies, and a virgin sacrifice for Uncle Voldie!

(New Chapter 7)

P.S. – If you want to read summaries of my other Harry Potter slash parodies, click here.

July 4th, 2004

voldersponge12:38AM: A fuc- i mean fic.

FIC: A Hogwarts Halloween
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anyone. *sob*
SHIP: Uhm.. basically... a lot. het/slash/femslash
SUMMARY: The staff of Hogwarts get together for a little Halloween party. Things get funkeh.
A/N: This is a HUMOR fic, and its totally random stupidity. Pretty tame, i would think, by this groups standards. General het/slash/femslash pairings. So enjoy, and i hope you find it funny.

Halloween is like one giant spooky porno! )

Current Mood: groggy
Current Music: This Tension- Mistletoe

July 15th, 2004

maruchina7:34PM: HP Slash Authors List

As veela-inc.net is down, I moved the slash authors list to my own server. You can find it here:


Please change your bookmarks and links to this url. It will still be updated as usual, so keep sending in your links. :). You can comment to this post with links, or e-mail me at maruchina (at) livejournal (dot) com.

Please spread the word, as I don't want this list to die with the Veela Inc domain. The Yahoo Group is still up and is going to remain, by the way!

Cross-posted to the relevant communities.

July 7th, 2004

stufflikethat11:58PM: iconess

I got bored so I made a few icons. Some Hufflepuff related, some Snape related:

Hufflepuff )

Snape )


Title: Sour
Author: [Unknown LJ tag]
Pairing: Dudley/Aunt Marge
Rating: NC-17
Summary/Quote: Aunt Marge comes for a visit, and needs help with her 'luggage'...
Warning: Het, Dursleycest

Sour )

Ugh, this was my first attempt at a het fic. I don't know why I chose to write this one, but, oh well. . . it had to get done at some point. *shudders*

Current Mood: dirty
Current Music: I'm Ugly -- Out of Your Mouth

July 6th, 2004

katherowen3:17AM: BDSM femmeslash

Under my old username ([info]memoryscarred), I used to post such squicky messes as Dobby/Gollum, so this fic is pretty tame by comparison, but it's still Hotterish.

Title: The Greatest Torture


Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Bellatrix/Hermione

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: I claim no ownership to characters, so lemme alone.

Now read it, bitch! )

Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: "Nightwinds" ~ Myrk

July 8th, 2004

arrmaitee9:12PM: NEW CHAPTER 4

FIC: Seven Days
AUTHOR: Arrmaitee
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing…
FANDOM: Harry Potter
SHIP: Harry/Draco
SUMMARY: SLASH! PARODY! Virginal Draco Malfoy watches a mysterious raunchy homemade video, and then receives an owl indicating that he will be “deflowered in seven days,” unless he can first uncover the video’s sordid secrets.

(New Chapter 4)

P.S. – If you want to read summaries of my other Harry Potter slash parodies, click here.

July 2nd, 2004

oncebluemoon4:11AM: a new member, brings something to the table

AUTHOR: oncebluemoon
DISCLAIMER: All characters are owned by J.K. Rowling, I do not claim ownership of any characters, or text in italics (which was borrowed from the book so's to set the scene a little). I own nothing, save the writing below. Which I don't legally own, merely take claim for.
FANDOM: Harry Potter
SHIP: Harry/Ron
SONG: Annie Lennox - Wonderful (songfic, sort of, not required)
RATING: R-ish (I think, I have no idea how to rate)
SUMMARY: Ron and Harry begin changing en route to Hogwarts. Boyish curiosity takes place, which inevitably turns into some nude fun. First fic ever written, criticism welcome (please be nice), comments appreciated.

*EDIT* words were misspelled, le fixed

Read more... )

Current Mood: energetic
Current Music: Annie Lennox - Wonderful

June 29th, 2004

michaelchance2:11PM: "Master and the Wolf" update

Another 2 stories have been added to the archive of the Snape/Lupin Fuh-Q-Fest at http://chance.slashcity.net/masterandthewolf/. They are "Evolution" by The Treacle Tart and "Almost Too Late" by Soceress.

Also, a reminder that the 2nd wave will be ending at the end of July, so I'm going to stop accepting new challenge claims 2 weeks from now.

June 27th, 2004

arrmaitee8:56PM: SLASH! PARODY!

FIC: Seven Days
AUTHOR: Arrmaitee
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing…
FANDOM: Harry Potter
SHIP: Harry/Draco
SUMMARY: SLASH! PARODY! Virginal Draco Malfoy watches a mysterious raunchy homemade video, and then receives an owl indicating that he will be “deflowered in seven days,” unless he can first uncover the video’s sordid secrets.

(New Chapter 2)

June 25th, 2004

vuurvasthouden8:25PM: Fandom is dead. Long live fandom! >_>.

I need to make a mod post soon. But until then, 117 words. X-posted to other places I want to x-post to.


The Other Dimension

She wished she could touch him the way he touched her.

She noticed that throughout their lovemaking, he looked more frustrated than one would usually in his place; of course it could've been the difference in dimension for him that made his guttural grunts as he flattened himself upright against her all the more frenzied. She screamed just as her student lover shuddered, releasing himself against the textured, flat folds of her skin. She watched as, during the bliss through her high-pitched scream, he jerked at a familiar crack!.

The Fat Lady was finally satisfied in knowing that her voice could indeed shatter glass...

...if only it hadn't been the poor Potter boy's spectacles to break.


Current Mood: so hot for the Fat Chick
Current Music: erm, I mean Lady

Previous 25 Entries