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I know, I know, I am slackin on the whole horoscope thingy, but I guess we all have a life right!!!
Friday, April 12, 2002
This magical New Moon in Aries is at 3:20 pm, EDT. For a few hours around the New Moon, we each have a special chance to plant a seed?and not the kind that you need to dig into the dirt. Think about what?s going on in your life. Think ahead a couple of weeks to the Full Moon. Now, visualize something that you?d like to develop over the next weeks. Take a few minutes and use your imagination to plant the seed in the rich soil of your mind. Care for it and watch it grow between now and the next Full Moon!
ARIES (Mar 20?Apr 19): No, you?re not having a flashback even though your mantra is, ?Today is the first day of the rest of my life.? When the New Moon in your sign, this is an especially propitious time to initiate action. So, clear your desk and your mind of old business and get started. Now. There is originality to your thinking. Make us of your logical mind, but don?t get so wound up in mental gymnastics that you let the day slip by without actually putting something into motion. Just do it!
TAURUS (Apr 20?May 20): You feel as if you are on the edge of something big. You are ready to go for it?almost. Don?t let your own fear of change get in the way of what is in front of you. This is not about being reckless and impulsive. You?ve thought about it long enough. Move ahead slowly and with your feet on the ground.
GEMINI (May 21?Jun 20): Yeah, you know, you?re supposed to be taking things seriously these days, but someone has just handed you a ?Get Out of Jail Free? card that is good for today only. What are you going to do? Be responsible and plod on through your work schedule. Or are you going to break out and suffer the consequences later. Remember, it?s not just about today. You are setting the tone for the next couple of weeks.
CANCER (Jun 21?Jul 22): This New Moon brings you conflict about your role in the world. Demands are being made on you and they pull you out of your comfort zone. You hear a voice from inside you that is yelling, ?No! I don?t want to go!? But then you look at the circumstances and realize that sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. And you do. And it?s not as bad as you thought it might be.
LEO (Jul 23?Aug 22): Life feels like an adventure right now and you want someone to share it with you. The good news is that someone is waiting for you to ask them to play with you. It can be a magical moment. Do you have the courage to seize it and to make something happen? Or will this adventure take place strictly within the realms of your imagination? It?s time to decide.
VIRGO (Aug 23?Sep 22): Anyone who thinks that Virgos can?t go the distance just doesn?t know who you are these days. You feel wired to a power source that is feeding you and keeping you strong. Today is a day for mental breakthrough, If you apply your logic and your intuition in even measure, you?ll be able to get much accomplished.
LIBRA (Sep 23?Oct 22): The true strength of you Librans is to be able to mediate and today you?ll get your opportunity to do exactly this. A situation presents itself where your sense of equanimity is called into action and you do your magical Libran thing. Somehow, you don?t fall victim to either party?s biases and this allows you to facilitate a workable solution.
SCORPIO (Oct 23?Nov 22): It?s difficult when you feel as if you?re not being allowed to do what you do best. You?d rather be intensely focused on what you have already started, but instead you have to change horses in the middle of the stream. It really bothers you, but instead of fighting it, you?re better off to just do the best job you can with what is in front of you. You?ll get your chance soon to show what you can really do.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22?Dec 21): Your feelings seem pretty exposed right now and it?s not entirely unpleasant. In fact, you really want others to know who you are and what you are doing. You think that by demonstrating your openness, you will somehow make your position more acceptable to others. This may not be the case, but at least they will know where you stand.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22?Jan 19): There is something to be gained as you pull deep into yourself and take stock in your own feelings. It may be difficult to come to grips with what?s going on inside your own psyche, but once you do, you will be able to let others know that your integrity has not been shaken.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20?Feb 18): It?s an all-around busy day that heralds a month of heightened emphasis on all aspects of communication. This cycle can be initiated today with unexpected news that widens your perspective and presents a path that you had not previously considered. There may be so much going on that it is difficult to know which message is the important one.
PISCES (Feb 19?Mar 19): Things seem pretty clear to you right now. You know what you are doing and you know what you need to do to get to where you are going. If you have a sense of immediacy, like you have to take action right now, listen to your intuition. But don?t jump unless it really feels right. Now is only better than later if it is consistent with your values.