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( Your Collective)

not just for bi/multiracials.... [19 May 2002|06:19pm]

i started a community for those of us who date people of other races called noboundaries. if you don't discriminate on the basis of skin color/nationality, this is the place to go to discuss interracial dating issues. venting is ok too, as long as it's pro-interracial dating!

ABSOLUTELY NO RACISTS ALLOWED!! i'll kick your ass to the curb immediately. this is a place to celebrate our similarites and differences, and show love for your fellow brothers and sisters. if you wanna hate on somebody (unless it's related to racists/ignorant folks who think interracial dating is wrong), go somewhere else.

alright, so come join!!


( Your Collective)

for davina [26 Apr 2002|01:59pm]

Have you been subject to some conflicts lately? Are you beginning to think domestic bliss isn't so blissful? Well, the day ahead is likely to restore your faith. Lately, it's as though your energy had been caged up and pacing back and forth, unable to find a satisfactory outlet. Today, you'll see the gates swing open slightly, enabling you to forget your nervousness and begin to think of the future.

A sense of achievement will be important to you on this 8-Day. There's nothing like this vibration to get you motivated to create the reality you desire most. It's also an excellent essence to set down some new goals that reflect what you want at this time in your life. Don't be surprised if new opportunities to make money come your way, Three. Be sure that they fit in with your ambitions before you commit yourself to anything long-term.

( Your Collective)

horoscopeys! [23 Apr 2002|11:21am]

[ mood | boing, boing, booooiiinnng!! ]
[ music | make nes friends but keep the old... (hate that damned song) ]

ME: The little Ram that you are Kayla, makes it highly difficult for you to join us in the great communal river that we are all trying to navigate. You prefer to travel solo, going down your little stream as you see fit. However, these are opportune days to try joining up with others. Some events may occur to remind you of the benefits of community...

You may be running around frantically because you don't feel like you have the time you need to accomplish all the things you wish to. Your list of things to do is steadily growing, and you are acutely aware of the ticking of the clock. Today's square between Saturn and the Moon is putting a difficult emotional spin on this awareness, making you frantic. You need to calm down. There is no need to waste your energy panicking.

D: If up until now you have worked as a management-level employee for someone else's business, you may be wondering if it isn't time to hire yourself and start your own business. Today's celestial energy encourages taking the initiative. If you're unable to start a venture on your own, consider how you can restructure your current job. Independence is something you need, Davina...

You might feel the urge to travel on this 5-Day, Davina. This can happen more readily under this vibration's influence, and if you feel the desire to get up and go, why not go for it? While taking a trip to Rome might seem like the ideal, it might not be feasible to go farther than a neighboring city. Still, there is plenty of adventure to be had, no matter where you go. You've only to go out and find it, Three.

( Your Collective)

Your Horoscope..4-12-02 [12 Apr 2002|10:18am]

[ mood | awake ]

I know, I know, I am slackin on the whole horoscope thingy, but I guess we all have a life right!!!

Friday, April 12, 2002

This magical New Moon in Aries is at 3:20 pm, EDT. For a few hours around the New Moon, we each have a special chance to plant a seed?and not the kind that you need to dig into the dirt. Think about what?s going on in your life. Think ahead a couple of weeks to the Full Moon. Now, visualize something that you?d like to develop over the next weeks. Take a few minutes and use your imagination to plant the seed in the rich soil of your mind. Care for it and watch it grow between now and the next Full Moon!

ARIES (Mar 20?Apr 19): No, you?re not having a flashback even though your mantra is, ?Today is the first day of the rest of my life.? When the New Moon in your sign, this is an especially propitious time to initiate action. So, clear your desk and your mind of old business and get started. Now. There is originality to your thinking. Make us of your logical mind, but don?t get so wound up in mental gymnastics that you let the day slip by without actually putting something into motion. Just do it!

TAURUS (Apr 20?May 20): You feel as if you are on the edge of something big. You are ready to go for it?almost. Don?t let your own fear of change get in the way of what is in front of you. This is not about being reckless and impulsive. You?ve thought about it long enough. Move ahead slowly and with your feet on the ground.

GEMINI (May 21?Jun 20): Yeah, you know, you?re supposed to be taking things seriously these days, but someone has just handed you a ?Get Out of Jail Free? card that is good for today only. What are you going to do? Be responsible and plod on through your work schedule. Or are you going to break out and suffer the consequences later. Remember, it?s not just about today. You are setting the tone for the next couple of weeks.

CANCER (Jun 21?Jul 22): This New Moon brings you conflict about your role in the world. Demands are being made on you and they pull you out of your comfort zone. You hear a voice from inside you that is yelling, ?No! I don?t want to go!? But then you look at the circumstances and realize that sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. And you do. And it?s not as bad as you thought it might be.

LEO (Jul 23?Aug 22): Life feels like an adventure right now and you want someone to share it with you. The good news is that someone is waiting for you to ask them to play with you. It can be a magical moment. Do you have the courage to seize it and to make something happen? Or will this adventure take place strictly within the realms of your imagination? It?s time to decide.

VIRGO (Aug 23?Sep 22): Anyone who thinks that Virgos can?t go the distance just doesn?t know who you are these days. You feel wired to a power source that is feeding you and keeping you strong. Today is a day for mental breakthrough, If you apply your logic and your intuition in even measure, you?ll be able to get much accomplished.

LIBRA (Sep 23?Oct 22): The true strength of you Librans is to be able to mediate and today you?ll get your opportunity to do exactly this. A situation presents itself where your sense of equanimity is called into action and you do your magical Libran thing. Somehow, you don?t fall victim to either party?s biases and this allows you to facilitate a workable solution.

SCORPIO (Oct 23?Nov 22): It?s difficult when you feel as if you?re not being allowed to do what you do best. You?d rather be intensely focused on what you have already started, but instead you have to change horses in the middle of the stream. It really bothers you, but instead of fighting it, you?re better off to just do the best job you can with what is in front of you. You?ll get your chance soon to show what you can really do.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22?Dec 21): Your feelings seem pretty exposed right now and it?s not entirely unpleasant. In fact, you really want others to know who you are and what you are doing. You think that by demonstrating your openness, you will somehow make your position more acceptable to others. This may not be the case, but at least they will know where you stand.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22?Jan 19): There is something to be gained as you pull deep into yourself and take stock in your own feelings. It may be difficult to come to grips with what?s going on inside your own psyche, but once you do, you will be able to let others know that your integrity has not been shaken.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20?Feb 18): It?s an all-around busy day that heralds a month of heightened emphasis on all aspects of communication. This cycle can be initiated today with unexpected news that widens your perspective and presents a path that you had not previously considered. There may be so much going on that it is difficult to know which message is the important one.

PISCES (Feb 19?Mar 19): Things seem pretty clear to you right now. You know what you are doing and you know what you need to do to get to where you are going. If you have a sense of immediacy, like you have to take action right now, listen to your intuition. But don?t jump unless it really feels right. Now is only better than later if it is consistent with your values.

(2 Collectives | Your Collective)

Horoscopes... [07 Apr 2002|12:46pm]

This is my "Love compatibility" for ZeroKool and myself.

Aries boy can't get enough of you or your mysterious ways, Scorpio girl, and everyone likes to be wanted and adored. Problems may arise, however, if and when jealousy and possessiveness enter the picture. If you can respect each other and keep your emotions in check, this can be a fun and exciting match.
Weekend Update: Early morning chats on Friday prove fortunate and prophetic. Remember each remark and suggestion because you're likely to get an insider's preview of upcoming events. Casual comments could lead to very worthwhile pursuits, whether you're working or in school. Saturday begins on an active note. Pals and partners are very gung ho and determined to make something happen. You can either go along with their program or not. Just don't get in their way. Others are both admirable and annoying, mainly because they refuse to be flexible and recognize only one way -- their way -- of doing things. Still, you have a delightful day for the most part. Quiet pursuits alone or with close friends and family members make this a wonderful weekend. Catch up on things you've been meaning to do. Pals and partners are warm and helpful Sunday morning. No matter what you ask them to do, chances are very good that they'll happily comply. Get it while you can because Sunday afternoon and evening are slightly cranky and disruptive. Your needs may take a back seat to an unexpected event or emergency.

Weekend Update: Friday morning is perfect for making financial arrangements, loans, and smart purchases. Fired up and ready to take the next step, you attract excellent opportunities and are a magnet for smart buys and clever advantages. Saturday really gets your pistons pounding! Things are finally coming together, almost as if they're meant to be. You may have trouble settling for anything other than your heart's desire and objectivity may be more elusive than the Holy Grail -- but overall, life is grand. Afternoon and evening give rise to fascinating conversations that promise both short and long term rewards. Your mind is spinning faster and faster, conjuring brilliant plans and sensible ideas. As usual, you're so much fun to be around! Sunday begins on a lively, sexy, ambitious note, making the morning an ideal time to initiate all kinds of action. The afternoon and evening may bring unexpected drama from friends or colleagues whose problems may have gotten out of hand. FYI: Don't get sucked into another's whacked out hysteria. . . .

( Your Collective)

[31 Mar 2002|11:33pm]

Don't forget, we still need CDs and Minidisks from you DJs out there. We are always looking to have new stuff for the show!

Our email and mailing address is right there on the main profile page, so if you want to send us stuff...please feel free!!!

Also, if you send something make sure that you put a brief description of yourself!


( Your Collective)

[29 Mar 2002|08:17pm]

This is a day for you to be as flexible as possible, Kayla. it may be that you begin the day with a specific lists of items that absolutely must be done, but are distracted by some news that comes to you via an old friend or coworker. What had seemed so important no longer is, and your entire day shifts to accommodate this new piece of information. You will be rather surprised by how the day turns out, but no less satisfied.

umm...well i had pms...but nobody really told me anything... i didn't get shit done, but i feel ok so i don't care.

There is greater focus on your health at this time, thanks to today's sextile between Pluto and the Moon. You may find that you are reluctant to take the risks you loved to take in the past simply because you are afraid of where you might end up physically. Be careful of being so conservative in your approach that you forget how to have a good time altogether. The best thing for you now would be to join hands with someone else and go roller blading together. There is strength, confidence, and comfort in numbers.

"risks" i.e. SEX...because i might end up PREGNANT... yeah, i should go rollerblading...OR get a lesbian lover!

Welcome to the nurturing essence of this day's 11-vibration, Kayla. Don't be overly surprised if you notice a more serious and supportive atmosphere in the groups you interact with. This is a part of this essence's magic. It not only draws others together to work as a team, it seeks to see counsel happen in group sharing. Be sure that you participate in the conversations, as you have a lot to offer to those around you. Share your understanding of the ways of the world, Five.

the only person i've talked to today is davina...she was supportive...maybe another conversation is in store, though, where i can "share my understanding of the ways of the world".

Your emotions are likely to be quite powerful, Davina, and you will find that you can easily bowl people over with your words and actions. You have the choice of either destroying an entire city or finding a buried treasure. Keep in mind, however, that reckless behavior and undisciplined actions could result in disaster. Keep things in perspective by honoring your personal duties to yourself and responsibilities to others.

i didn't really notice this today...maybe with audrey?

Don't be surprised if you have the opportunity to bring your creative skills to a group today, Davina. This can happen much more readily when there is an 11-vibration happening, and for you, it can mean pleasure and growth. Perhaps you will have the chance to share your favorite arts and crafts activity with a group of willing participants. It may even be your own kids! Whatever the case, Three, you will find your expressive skills a real asset in demonstrating the talents you naturally possess.

is this what all the hello kitty stuff-searching was about? ; )

( Your Collective)

[29 Mar 2002|10:47am]


This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

( Your Collective)

me and d's horoscope/numeroscope [28 Mar 2002|01:44pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Tugs on the home front may be pulling you away from attending an event with friends that you have been looking forward to for some time. Try to be reasonable and sort out the needs of those at home with kindness in your heart. You may be able to address those issues and still have time to be with your friends afterwards. Just remember, Kayla, to keep your priorities straight.

You'll probably find yourself getting busy, with this day's 1-vibration happening, Kayla. And this may suit you just fine. This can really be in your favor if you have some work to get caught up on. As a Five, being energetic and active will be natural for you. In fact, when you have to sit too long, you probably find yourself feeling restless or anxious. Give your energy a direction to go. If you notice yourself fidgeting, take this as a signal that it's a good time to go to work.

that is so funny because i've been cleaning and cooking and taking care of children and i don't care!!! it has not been an issue today. i almost don't wanna sit still...

A project which means a great deal to you could take up a lot of your time today, Davina. Your ideals and your talent merge to enable you to produce results that attract a lot of positive attention. There is, however, a danger that you might become obsessive about it. Try to remain objective. A woman might send some money your way - perhaps a gift, or a loan, or a loan repaid. Try to relax and enjoy your day.

Don't worry if the possibility of change presents itself on this 1-Day, Davina. Even if this is something you aren't always comfortable with, the changes that present themselves under this vibration are usually for the better. The best thing you can do is ride with it and make the most of whatever comes your way, Three. Try to see the positives in the opportunities, and keep in mind that often the best parts of change remain obscure until afterward.

(2 Collectives | Your Collective)

[27 Mar 2002|05:34pm]

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

After a few days of relatively quiet planetary energies, today kicks up a storm of aspects creating a series of cross currents and white water. Even with the Moon in timid Virgo, it will be easy to overdo anything as the Sun forms a tense square aspect to big old Jupiter. We will have to deal with the results of our overindulgences. Most importantly, it?s a day to cultivate self-awareness. Watch yourself. Observe your thoughts and reactions. Let them pass through you. The currents will settle down after tomorrow?s Full Moon.

ARIES (Mar 20?Apr 19): Okay, you impulsive ones, listen up! If there was ever a day for you to sit on top of yourself, today is it. Don?t get up. Don?t volunteer because it sounds like a good idea. And count to ten before responding to anyone about anything. It?s just that you are so fired up and ready to go that you?ll fall right into today?s trap of bigger is better. It?s not!

TAURUS (Apr 20?May 20): It can be a ?feel good? day and why not? You deserve it. But you are not immune to the enthusiasm of the Sun square Jupiter, so make sure to keep your eyes on the road and not in the sky. Communication is emphasized and you can get so caught up in your vision that you forget where you are. Keep your eyes on the road.

GEMINI (May 21?Jun 20): One part of you is drawn toward practical issues while the other part wants to fly an airplane while chanting Vedic scripture. You are such a paradox! The thing is that today it?s more beneficial for you to stay in the real world than to chase whatever visions may draw you toward the metaphysical.

CANCER (Jun 21?Jul 22): You?ve been so good at nurturing yourself and those around you. It has brought people closer to you and has enriched your life. Are you prepared to toss it all just to accomplish something in your career? Don?t get so filled with your own stuff that you cannot see what?s really going on.

LEO (Jul 23?Aug 22): Don?t you hate it when you?re driving down the highway going ten miles over the limit and you pass a police car with smiling cop holding a radar gun at you? You?ve been caught. It will ultimately slow you down more than driving within the limit. Something can trap you today if you are over-committing or if you are living life beyond your limit.

VIRGO (Aug 23?Sep 22): With the Moon in Virgo today opposing your planet Mercury, you may find yourself in a bind, caught between your irrational feelings and your rational intellect. Of course, there may not be good reasons for your feelings, but they are still your feelings, even if they seem bigger today than normal.

LIBRA (Sep 23?Oct 22): It?s easier for you to indulge when you are encouraged by someone you like. Today that someone may be your boss or someone who can help your career or your social standing. So you accept the invitation to play, only to find that it is too much. It?s easier to slow it down before than after.

SCORPIO (Oct 23?Nov 22): A feeling can wash over you today like a tsunami. The good news is that you are fully accustomed to intense feelings. The bad news is that your over-confidence can encourage you to get out your surf board and to ride this big one. Believe me, it?s not a good idea. Let it pass.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22?Dec 21): Today was created with a magnifying lens between you and reality. Everything appears larger than it really is. Even if it is already a big deal, it just appears bigger. This doesn?t mean that it?s not a good idea. It doesn?t mean that you shouldn?t take the opportunity. Just remember that things will return to their normal size within a few daysCAPRICORN (Dec 22?Jan 19): You are the one who sees the world through practical glasses, always bringing reality?no matter how harsh it is?into focus. Still, it?s difficult not to get caught up in this little balloon, blowing itself up into a regular party. When opportunity comes knocking, make sure to get proper identification before you let him in.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20?Feb 18): You talk about a paradox? you are encouraged for you big ideas because you?ve mastered thinking small. If you?ve attended to the details, you will get the nod on the whole project. Keep all channels of communication open, for that will be your ticket to success.

PISCES (Feb 19?Mar 19): You want to declare this a ?play day,? but reality says, ?not a chance.? There are things to do and you must do them, however much you want to let your responsibilities slide. You can make the most of it by doing something that is creative, but not so far out as to call attention to the fun you are having.

(1 Collective | Your Collective)

me and d's daily forecast...hehe, like it's the weather. well, emotional weather, i guess... [27 Mar 2002|11:32am]

You are going to be busy today, Kayla, but happy. It is likely that a project you have been working on for a long time now suddenly yields some positive results. You can't help but be delighted, as this achievement comes at a time when you have been beginning to question your abilities. Well, question no more, Kayla. It is clear that you are the woman for this particular job. Since social activities are also highlighted today, why not round up your team members and treat them all to lunch, to celebrate.

Is there something wrong with the plumbing in your house? Don't try to fix it yourself, and certainly don't let your significant other start tinkering with it. Grit your teeth and call in a professional. The Moon-Pluto square implies that the problem could well be far more complicated than you could handle alone. It's a drag to have to stay home and wait for a plumber, but sometimes we have to. Hang in there!

Be sure that you have thought things through from all angles before you throw in the towel, Kayla. Under the influence of a 9-vibration it can be easier to see things in an overarching way. Endings are a big part of what this essence covers. However, it's always important to make sure you aren't throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Once a door is closed, Five, you may not be able to open it again. Take care and consideration when you are faced with decisions today.

LOVEscope (HA!)
Something needs to be sorted out today, and with the current celestial atmosphere, it seems certain that this in turn will lead to changes within the relationship. Whether you intend to have the conversation that ensues, or whether something triggers it, it will certainly address a whole lot of issues that have needed to be discussed for some time. Make use of this opportunity to clear the air.

Don't take yourself too seriously today, Davina. If you do, you will only be made the fool when everyone laughs at a joke that you have taken offense to. Remember that it is important to be able to laugh at yourself even in the most "serious" situations. For the most part, things are only serious because you make them so. Your perception of the situation is everything, so make sure you check your attitude today before you go spreading it out to others.

Don't be surprised if something comes to an end today, Davina. Many closures happen under the influence of a 9-vibration. This does not need to create a sense of foreboding for you, however. Some endings are terrific. Isn't it great when you see an end to a huge project you've been working on? Don't you love it when you see an end to clutter? Make the most of this day to get some of the things wrapped up that you've been dying to see finished, Three.

Today's celestial atmosphere brings with it a chance to do some really good work today. If you and your partner have been experiencing a period of difficulty, then use this powerful energy to dig deep within and get to the root of your problem. You will hopefully create a breakthrough, and this may actually strengthen the bond between you rather than weakening it. Give it your best shot!

(1 Collective | Your Collective)

you know... [23 Mar 2002|11:58am]

You guys can post in here...I encourage it......PLEASE!!!!!!!

( Your Collective)

Here is your horoscopes.... [23 Mar 2002|11:34am]

Saturday, March 23, 2002

The planets are less intense today than yesterday. In fact, the entire week ahead is quieter than last week. We?ve been through a cosmic storm and we can use this time to process, contemplate and prepare for the next set of waves. But even a quiet week can have its own sort of intensity, for when there is less going on ?out there,? our inner dynamics tend to become more noticeable, especially today, with the Moon still in reflective Cancer.
click for your horoscope )

( Your Collective)

Your Horoscopes [22 Mar 2002|10:32am]

[ mood | working ]

Friday, March 22, 2002

The Moon is in sensitive Cancer all day, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are powerful feelings brewing up intense passions, but not without a storm. Venus the Beautiful is in a harmonious trine aspect with deep dark Pluto, bringing us in touch with the power of our emotions. This is not a bad thing. Mental Mercury is, at the same time, forming a difficult square to Pluto. The Mercury square complicates the energies and can set the stage for arguments over issues of control.

[Unknown LJ tag]

ARIES (Mar 20?Apr 19): It?s a day right out of Harry Potter. The spells and enchantments are cooking up psychic storms and it?s difficult to tell what?s really going on. It is most important that you don?t get distracted by the special effects. There?s real power in being able to let go of control. You will not fall.

TAURUS (Apr 20?May 20): Your feelings are so big today that they just won?t fit into your purse or briefcase. That?s no reason to leave home without them. Language will only get you into trouble. If you can keep one foot firmly planted in the spiritual universe all day, then you will be rewarded with emotional riches.

GEMINI (May 21?Jun 20): The planetary currents are pulling every which way. You cannot intellectually figure out how to stay on course. In fact, you?ll probably change your course a few times today just to keep up with the changing cosmic dynamics. Keep breathing deeply. The weekend brings relief.

CANCER (Jun 21?Jul 22): It?s one thing to feel emotions as strongly as you do. It?s entirely different when you act on them. Now, I?m not suggesting that you use the emotional intensity of the day in order to plot your course of action. Just stay with your feelings no matter how intense it gets, even if it becomes a struggle. Wait until tomorrow to actually set your course.

LEO (Jul 23?Aug 22): The sunshine is hidden behind the clouds. You are under water now, and if you can stay calm no matter how intense it feels, you will emerge prouder than ever. Your heart muscles are strong and your powerful romantic nature can surprise even you.

VIRGO (Aug 23?Sep 22): The neat and tidy image of a prissy Virgo doesn?t even begin touch the power of your emotions today. You have been upgraded from a tropical depression into a full gale force hurricane complete with waves of feelings that can wash right over the tide wall. Even if this makes you uncomfortable, the ride will be well worth it, for it will stir up enough psychic nutrients to last you a while.

LIBRA (Sep 23?Oct 22): The closer you get to the details, the fuzzier they get. It?s like one of those trick mirrors where nothing is as it seems. The solution for you is love. Isn?t that the solution for everyone? Maybe, but today it has your name on it. Let yourself feel fully and share it with your partner. Read the fine print another day.

SCORPIO (Oct 23?Nov 22): You must be getting tired of the same message from the planets. They?ve been saying it all week. They?re saying it again. Go to the depths. Let go of control. Feel the pain and feel the love. The thoughts are only a distraction. Magic is ready to happen if you believe that it will. It?s today or never. By tomorrow the regularly scheduled programs will return to this channel.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22?Dec 21): In a perfect world, things that began to unfold on Monday would be finished by Friday. Well, here we are, and it?s apparent that it will still take a few days to put everything back into the boxes from which they came. The hardest part is over, but now you get to hang out with your own feelings about it all.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22?Jan 19): It?s really not about what goes on ?out there.? It?s all about your inner growth, which can be quite dramatic right now. Change does come from within and you are being called to facilitate your own inner transformation. Let go and magic will happen.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20?Feb 18): Remember that part about you Aquarians being weird? Well, there?s strange stuff cooking today as you try to remain intellectually detached from a very profound and engaging emotional dance. If you can trust the dark, you will emerge with a great story to tell.

PISCES (Feb 19?Mar 19): Although your thoughts are not playing well with others, your spiritual and emotional dimensions have opened wider than you can even imagine. Don?t waste time being confused. You?re not going to think or talk your way out of this one. Jump on in. The water is wet and deep.

( Your Collective)

Horoscopes [20 Mar 2002|05:14pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

The sky is full of paradoxes. Today, the Sun emphatically moves into Aries, signaling the beginning of the new astrological year. Energy, which has been pulling inward since the beginning of autumn, now begins to express life everywhere we look. Spring is ready to spring! But the paradox is this: today, slow moving Pluto, Lord of the Underworld and Unconscious, makes an apparent ?station? and begins his retrograde cycle, pulling our deep psychological and spiritual work into hidden realms where gains power, even if not seen.

Get your horoscope here!!! )

( Your Collective)

Horoscopes are now here! [19 Mar 2002|04:18pm]

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Today is a swing day. We can push through, or even break through, whatever has been holding us back for the last couple of days. Mercury is now past the tense square to Saturn and is creating a supportive 60-degree sextile aspect with energetic Mars. The Moon adds sparks to this already volatile cosmic stew as she slides on into airy Gemini at 10:18 am, EST. Observe how people seem more alive, more talkative and more animated as the day wears on. Anticipation of tomorrow?s Vernal Equinox continues to build.
Your horoscopes )

( Your Collective)

Foiled again... [25 Feb 2002|11:53pm]

Well, things are good. The show is going really well, it seems that we are getting good response from everyone. I like the fact that alot of people are starting to call more and more each week. And I like getting the music out and about. Anyway, I enjoy everyhting.

Other than that I am sitting at Kinko's really late at night doing research on my paper for school because it seems to be the only time I can do it lately because our internet is down.

If you have a CD that you want to send to us or you want to let us know what DJs you would like us to feature make sure to let us know!

( Your Collective)

Dina is gone... [05 Feb 2002|11:46am]

[ mood | bitchy ]

Well, if you don't already know...Dina and I are not talking anymore. She has signed off of LJ all together. Which is fine. Anyway, Make sure you listen next week to The Collective!

( Your Collective)

To Djs and producer and anyone else who listens to the show. [11 Jan 2002|02:39pm]

[ mood | informative ]

To all Djs and producers...I have a radio show here in my little town of Chattanooga, Tn.

We call it The Collective
Hosting is Davina and ZeroKool, from 9 pm. to 11pm.(Eastern time zone)

Anyway, we are looking for mixes of any genre of music, we are open to everything to play on our show.

Here is a brief run down of what our show is about. Most radio shows focus on the music that is being played. Well on our show we focus on the mixing skills of the producer or DJ mixing his set. We play full length albums so you can get the feel of the music that the Producer/DJ is bringing to you.

So, if you want to send us your mix....please feel free!

What we ask when you send the CD(no tapes please) is that you give us a BRIEF description of the type of music you are sending us, your DJ/Producer name, where you are from and any little bit of info you want to share with us that we can let our people know over the air. We also stream online as well, so if you don't live in our area you can listen to us online at 91.5 WAWL. To recieve our mailing address please []email us[/mail]

Thanks so much for your time!!!
We hope to hear from you soon!
Davina aka Divinefire
91.5 Wawl Chattanooga Music Choice!

( Your Collective)

don't have much time... [10 Jan 2002|06:01pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

i don't really know what to say because i'm rushed. asha has a poopy diaper. i hope no one comes down here and notices that... anyway...

poor davina, she is always feeling icky when i talk to her. her kids drive her nuts...she just doesn't have enough patience for them. i personally think she expects too much, but that's just me. you can't turn toddlers into soldiers. sorry, d. anyway, i feel bad for her. i wish i could make her feel better. you know, in general.

sometimes i wonder if she and marc ever got divorced, if she and i would hook up. heheh...i'm so dirty. she's cool though, and could happen! her husband talking about me, saying i look good and stuff, makes me feel weird. i'm glad she's ok with it, but it's still weird.

so i think she needs some antidepressants and some time to herself. she's always wrapping herself up in these crafty little's so funny. i wonder if there's a deeper meaning to that? if she's trying to escape, or if it makes her mind more frazzled having extra shit to do. maybe she WANTS to be stressed. maybe that's...i don't know. ya know what i mean? like in that mary j. song..."maybe i liked the stress...i was young and restless..." maybe it's like that. TOO MANY "MAYBES"!!

i'm getting on my nerves. and i'm probably getting on d's too.

see, i really can't say too much 'cause i don't really know her that well. i wish i did, but such is life. too many other things to do and deal with. it's not like in high school where you have basically all day every day to connect with people. it's about survival now. ok, so i'm being overly dramatic. it's not quite like that. we aren't stranded on some island in the middle of the pacific or some shit. AHHH!!!

ok, for real, i'll shut up. i've been on here way too long. i really need to go do something with myself. hey davina, when you post a reply (hehe, i KNOW YOU WILL...), let me know so i can go look at it. bye for now!

SUPA ~*K*~

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