Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "Give It Away, Bob!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:giveitawaybob (578387) giveitawaybob
Name:Give It Away, Bob!
Location:United States
About:Hi. You can call me Give It Away Bob, because I'm just giving it away!

Do you have something that you want to get rid of, but really don't want to throw it in the trash? Try getting rid of it here.

Post a picture or description of the item(s) you wish to unload. In a perfect world, someone will want it, and they'll respond to your post telling you as such.

Once you have your "buyer" the two of you talk to each other to figure out the details of the exchange. Figure out who will pay for postage. Maybe the "buyer" has something to offer in trade (yes, even money). Whatever. Just PLEASE keep these discussions in the comment section of the original post, or somewhere else off outside of this community (IM, e-mail, etc). Don't keep making posts to the community.

Also, it would be helpful (yet not necessary) to edit your post once the trade has been successfully completed. That way anyone new who sees it will know if your item(s) are still available. This means either put a big 'ol CLOSED in the title, or use the <strike></strike> tags around each unavailable item. If you don't know how to do this, you can learn how to edit your post here.

That's essentially all there is to it! It is up to each individual how their "sale" will be handled.
  • The person who runs this community is not responsible AT ALL for any disputes concerning money or items that were (or weren't) received.
  • Items must be in decent condition. If you wouldn't dare give it to your best friend, don't try to get rid of it here.
  • DO NOT advertise your online auctions here. These types of posts will NOT get approved. So don't waste my time.
  • No links to that free iPod site (or any of its ilk) are allowed, in any shape or form. Yes, even if you're offering something in trade for a sign-up or referral.
  • Wishlists are a good thing, but please refrain from posting one in it's own entry. Each post must have at least one item you are giving/trading away. For example: you can post your wishlist under an lj-cut tag [link] at the bottom of a post where you list stuff you want to get rid of, but it can't be in its own separate post.
  • Posts that seem too "commercial" (ie: "I need money so buy my stuff!!") aren't tolerated, either.
  • No community or personal journal advertisements. This also means don't put your sale/trade items in another community or journal and link to that post here.
  • Large photos (over 450 pixels either direction) or numerous photos should be placed under a lj-cut tag [link]. You may include a link to an off-LiveJournal photo album instead of posting photos inline.
  • You don't like the rules? You think the moderator is being unfair by not approving your posts? LEAVE. Rules can and will change as the need arises.

This community is now moderated. Which means that anyone may join, anyone may comment, anyone may watch, and anyone may post. BUT ... when you post it won't show up on the community right away; it will show up when the moderator approves it. If the moderator doesn't approve it ... well, it won't show up.

Don't let that deter you from posting though. The majority of posts will be approved. This is mainly to keep the "Go here to bid on my auction!!! kthnxbye!!" posts out of the community.

Also, if you used to be a member and find yourself removed, PLEASE READ THIS POST.

Guidelines may and will change at any time, as situations arise.
Memories:1 entry
Interests:70: book exchanges, books, burned cds, cards, cds, clothes, collectibles, conserving, crafts, cute, cute stuff, decorations, dvds, etc., fairness, free, free stuff, freebies, garage sales, gifts, give me stuff, giving, giving away, items, junk, kellybellynet, knicknacks, memorablila, mix tapes, music, new, old cds, old stuff, packages, penpals, plastic, post office, postcards, presents, receiving mail, recycling, replicas, reusable, reused, reusing, salvation army, selling, sharing, shoes, snail mail, stamps, stuff, swap, swapping, thrift stores, toys, trade, trading, trading anything, trading cards, trading cds, trading clothes, trading stuff, trading things, treasure hunts, treasures, unbreakable, used, useful, useful stuff. [Modify yours]
Members:66: __fallingsummer, _amplify_me_, _thatsmile, _yoursecretary, alk3_chick, amaruskin, angeloflove, applescruff87, babyhalo19, badkitty1782, badxtown, bigail, broken_bluchild, chibicelchan, chlamydia_kills, classicelfryoko, couturediva, dorkarella, eeyoregrrrl, farewelxophelia, franklylucille, frelsun, funambulator, girlpoisonsboy, gloriajn, greatdeals, greenwhore, grey_sweatpants, i_am_pitiful, kellybellynet, la_luna, literoticangel, mandasgoodies, marybeth, mistacat, naughty_devil, psycho_whore, randomfurie, rebelfilms, shopgirlscorner, special, stargazercrys, still_strange, subunitx, sugarbugevans, sumo_league, tainted__blood, thecomatose, this_poetress, tikilafae, trelana, twiggykat, twistedliz, unrooly, urinary, valpussycat, venus316, vixen22, whoretothecore, wyntyr, xconcreteangel, xtantalize, xtinct, xtomxfallsx, xxentr0pyxx, yatenkaiouh
Watched by:62: _amplify_me_, _thatsmile, _yoursecretary, aliceflight, applescruff87, aquariansnake, arricura, badkitty1782, badxtown, baphemetis, blessedmess, broken_bluchild, chibicelchan, chlamydia_kills, classicelfryoko, couturediva, crafty_one, elleseven, emeraldsdestiny, flooding, franklylucille, gloriajn, greatdeals, grey_sweatpants, i_am_pitiful, kalei, kellybellynet, ladyillusions, latitude11, lilmissdogooder, literoticangel, malaro, missunpopular, mistacat, pixie_trix, poetryisme, psycho_whore, purplefae, randomfurie, rebelfilms, ringgiver, samanthrax, shopgirlscorner, slfisher, ssomewhere, subunitx, sumo_league, theweirdo, tikilafae, towah79, trelana, twiggykat, twistedliz, uitoh, unrooly, velcrostar, venus316, xconcreteangel, xtantalize, xtomxfallsx, xxentr0pyxx, yatenkaiouh
Member of:1: postcardjunky
Account type:Free Account

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