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User:operatic (9752) Paid User operatic
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Location:Athens, Georgia, United States
Memories:1 entry
Interests:45: arranging, astronomy, athens, athens georgia, barbeque sauce, baseball, basketball, bass trombone, books, broadway, carl sagan, chips and salsa, classical music, clouds, composition, computers, conducting, cosmos, doctor who, doonesbury, football, frisbee, get fuzzy, harry potter, math, mexican food, michael moore, movies, music, musicals, opera, photography, politics, ralph nader, salad, sherman's lagoon, singing, sql, this modern world, tom tomorrow, trombone, tv, ultimate, ultimate frisbee, user friendly. [Modify yours]
People193:_blonde_rage, _shellbell_, a1, a_photo_ago, aclarinet62, actaeon_complex, ahladita, alfabettezoupe, amyaustin, anguissette, annegoblin, applegrl, archaeopteryx, arriex, aslanalura, astrogirl, aubkabob, barefootgarden, bigbigtruck, blistex, bloodsuckergirl, bobomagicksock, buffstuff, buttrflyaisling, caren, cath555, catherine, celestial_lily, charlottesweb, cherbear75, cheryln, christilyn, crazy_likea_fox, cru5h, crysania4, curvedmetal, cynica, daniela, delanuit, deza, dtamayob, dwivian, ecotopia, elizabethanne, emily, emu72, enoelie, enthaising, erallets, erindipity, erinjade, evilbitchnews, ex_me8383645, fearcebad, fermina, filmstarusa, flipinark, for_noone, fourtines, futuregirl, ga_sunshine, gallimaufry, girl_on_a_stick, gmslegion, gnomeydacook, gnomeygirl, greencow, hime13, honeywest, hotcoffeems, in2oblivion, inquisitor, ironflower, isis691, island_hibiscus, jdangelo, jillianbee, julietori, jwz, karice, karlita, katieeb1, kayremark, khyri, kickadee, kiersten, kissableme, kitarin, kitty_keri_all, kmbrown825, krystalily, kymberlia, lady_spacetrash, lamotocyclette, lavendertattoo, less_of_me, limbsoup, littledevi, loofi, lostwithinlife, maddr, madmadammim, magickalmolly, makitt, malibran, mariclair, mcmillan, me8383, mermista, messyjessy, michael622, mintyduck, miss_chrysalis, misskris, missrachael, moodtobestewed, morrisseymarr, mrdisco99, msconnecticut, muffle1969, mugsycruz, my_chaos, mybesthat, mymemoirs, mymetamorphose, myrenovation, mystinkingbook, nereid, ninjalish, noahbean, nolens_volens, noodle384, norsican, not_enough_time, novi, obsoletechild, oceanlistener, operakitty, orfeo517, oscarwinner, petra, petrel, polkaroo, rainbowgirl28, ranastella, redheadevilchiq, renniekins, roachbabe, robont, roboslobin, sandwichcat, sarababe, saveclairey, sbpeakfitness, scarlete, scottbateman, sebab, sebabdreams, secrativegirl, sensi, shaysdays, shrijani, si_mei, skander, slit, smeeeko, smoore, sockbaby, sparkleandshine, sparkybish, squarkz, stellare, supermelanie, swirlgrl, sydni_72, tabletopphantom, tallbroad, techieguru, tennis248, terriscreed, theuniversalist, thumper, trillian42, trista, tsenft, uga_bug_girl, ugatraci, uran, wander999, wayward_angel, wicketgate, wild_mind, xgirliex
Communities45:706noise, 9chickweedlane, athensga, atlantaljbash, classical_music, databases, filmscore, flying_disc, frisbee_lovers, get_fuzzy, gymnasticsrules, interlochencamp, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljultimate, math_class, math_course, math_help, mathematics, michael_moore_, michaelmoore, mlb, music, music_education, musicmajors, musictheory, news, orchlover, phimualpha, php, php_dev, postgresql, progressivenews, prowebdev, rpf, saganliveson, shostakovich, tex_latex, the_thrashers, theboondocks, trombones, uga_dawgs, undwivian, vegrecipes, webdev
Feeds38:adventurejrnl, apod, bluebus_feed, boondocks, calnhobbes, chickweed_comic, comic_getfuzzy, deanforamerica, dilbert_feed, dilbertdaily, doonesbury, electoralvote, erinblog, foxtrot_feed, get_fuzzy_feed, lawrencelessig, modrnwrld_blog, modrnwrld_comic, natlgeographic, overdue_comic, pennyarcaderss, philg, phpnet, pibgorn_comic, pvp_comic, rssdonkeyrising, savagelove, scalzifeed, sinfestfeed, slashdot, slate_feed, snopesrecentadd, talkingpointsm, talkngptsmemo, theonionfeed, thinkgeek, wilwheaton, wm_gibson_feed
Friend of:136: _blonde_rage, _shellbell_, a1, a_photo_ago, actaeon_complex, adriang, ahladita, alfabettezoupe, anguissette, annegoblin, applegrl, archaeopteryx, astrogirl, aubkabob, avriel, blistex, bloodsuckergirl, bobomagicksock, buttrflyaisling, cath555, catherine, charlottesweb, cherbear75, cheryln, christilyn, cru5h, crysania4, curvedmetal, cynica, daniela, deza, dwivian, ecotopia, elizabethanne, emily, erindipity, erinjade, evilbitchnews, fearcebad, filmstarusa, flipinark, for_noone, futuregirl, ga_sunshine, gallimaufry, girl_on_a_stick, gmslegion, gnomeydacook, gnomeygirl, green_tree, greencow, gwbush_is_god, honeywest, hotcoffeems, inquisitor, ironflower, island_hibiscus, jathomas, julietori, karice, karlita, kayremark, khyri, kickadee, kiersten, kissableme, kitty_keri_all, kmbrown825, krystalily, kymberlia, lavendertattoo, littledevi, lostwithinlife, maddr, madmadammim, makitt, malibran, mariclair, me8383, mermista, messyjessy, michael622, mintyduck, moodtobestewed, morrisseymarr, mrdisco99, muffle1969, my_chaos, mymemoirs, noahbean, nolens_volens, noodle384, norsican, not_enough_time, novi, obsoletechild, oceanlistener, orfeo517, oscarwinner, petrel, polkaroo, rainbowgirl28, renniekins, robont, roboslobin, sandwichcat, sbpeakfitness, scarlete, sebab, sebabdreams, secrativegirl, seviana, shaysdays, shrijani, slit, smeeeko, sockbaby, somebodies, supermelanie, sweetypie143, swirlgrl, tabletopphantom, tallbroad, tennis248, tenortwelve, theuniversalist, thumper, trillian42, trista, tsenft, uga_bug_girl, ugatraci, uran, wayward_angel, wicketgate, zenki
Member of:42: 706noise, 9chickweedlane, athensga, classical_music, databases, faces, filmscore, flying_disc, get_fuzzy, gymnasticsrules, interlochencamp, ljultimate, math_class, math_course, math_help, mathematics, michael_moore_, michaelmoore, mlb, music, music_education, musicmajors, musictheory, orchlover, paidmembers, phimualpha, php, php_dev, postgresql, progressivenews, prowebdev, rpf, saganliveson, shostakovich, tex_latex, the_thrashers, theboondocks, trombones, uga_dawgs, undwivian, vegrecipes, webdev
Account type:Permanent Account, previously an Early Adopter

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