The art of being superbad! sustained dreams
Adam and Eve sittin' in a tree...
T - E - M - P - T - E - D
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also this ) has been my desktop background for awhile.

I feel : crazy

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Public Post
You just cannot say no to her. This makes me want to cry.

I feel : sad

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Public Post
Tonight was awesome. I am not going to go into a detailed review of the show since that got me into a bit of trouble last time, but I would wholeheartedly like to thank Wes for opening up his home and allowing us into his basement for the most intimate concert I have ever been to! It was almost all requests, so we got to hear a lot of songs they usually do not perform. Melissa and I were not quite the youngest fans since some of the fans' kids were there (and singing along! so cute!). Chris recognized me, but did not know from where until I told him, but Dan said, "Oh yeah! We met you at Jammin' Java," and it was awesome. We had some good conversation with each guy and the crowd was just great. It is not just that the music is awesome and that the shows are awesome and that the guys are awesome, it is that their following is just full of Good People. I like a lot of different kinds of music, but rarely do I like the bands and fans that go along with them.

I turned the flash off the camera so as not to mess with the performance, but that meant that none of the pictures really came out well. Still, here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

Chris and Dan. The small "stage" (portioned off part of the basement) was set up acoustic-style, though there were amps and all, but Ryan was sans set, so, yes, he is drumming on a guitar case.

Dan and Chris. The sound was very unique without all the usual instruments. Dan usually plays bass.

Dave was also playing with them -- electric guitar -- I wanted to give him props even though all the pictures I have with him in them were way too blurry to even make out that the lifeforms on stage were even remotely human-shaped.

But! Who is this beauty singing "Cadillac" with the guys? I will give you a hint: it is not me.

(Oh wait! There's Dave too!)

And the kicker, of course, was after everything, we talked, got autographs, bought new albums, and took a pic.

So that was the night, bookended with several episodes of Getting Lost on Dark Roads in GetAttackedville. But even that was fun.

I feel : giddy

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Icon Post
It's been such an obscenely long time since I posted any icons and the truth is that I did most of these back in May, but I'm organizing some files so I wanted to clean out the "to post" folder. I'm not putting any details in about awards or lyrics or whatnot since I don't even remember most of them.

Still, I hope you enjoy!

Les Icons )
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Dusty Icon Tutorial
Here is my first icon tutorial. I hesitated in doing this since I really like the unique look of my "dusty" icons, but someone requested that I do one, and I'd actually like to see how others might be able to manipulate my basic strategies to make something really cool. Plus, I learned how to use Photoshop through a couple tutorials, so I figure it is my duty to pass it all along. So, here it is.

How to make this icon:

Same effect used to make:

Teach me! )

I feel : creative

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So what did I do tonight instead of work?
I made Buffy icons for five hours.
I'm exhausted. I will add to this post tomorrow...with Alias!!!

*Comic* style icons, and then some )

Take, don't ask.
Credit in keywords, please.

I feel : exhausted

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I was playing around with blends and filters, which took me a long time, so there really aren't that many this time around.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias, and Other

les icons )

All shareable.
Don't ask, just take, but please comment if you do.
Credit in Keywords.
If you customize a blank, please post it in a comment so I can see what you did!
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias, Almost Famous, Empire Records, and Labyrinth

come and get 'em )

Comment if you like them.
Comment if you want one.
Take them if you please.
Credit would be nice.
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All my Buffy icons
I am not that I play.
User: [info]cloud
Name: Katherine
The views and opinions expressed in this journal are not necessarily, absolutely, or permanently those of the writer.