Tuesday, November 6th, 2001
12:07 am - Your beauty
Your beauty is mysterious
Being both seen and unseen Existing in most, fading in some
To me it radiates, leaves me blind
I have peered into the sun far too long But my eyes still seeing
Some cant bear to look for too long Affraid to become blind.
Not I.
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12:03 am - The Great War
In a world consumed oft by visions of fate as well as firey hate
It becomes our great war to estinguish fires so great
We must choose the weapons we use to fight Some choose flaming swords or hellish hordes
Some choose to ignore
At the front lines of the battle in my soul
I find Consolation that makes me whole
Love burning ever so bright Helps me face these dreadful deamons In the dead of night
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Monday, October 8th, 2001
10:37 am - Futility
Thought you could be different Thought you could love me again
You lied Love Ideas Memories Thoughts Smashed
Personalities wrought of adamantine values The guardian of time laughs in my face
The war has begun.
Logic my razor sharp weapon i wield
Faded memories of what was yesterday Shades of grey in my mind void of living color
A lone warrior the final victim of the ultimate battle wonders the battle fields once again... Covered with corpses and blood and gore the battle field is inviting him.
Alone the warrior walks again, alone.
current mood: blah current music: Limp Bizkit
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Sunday, October 7th, 2001
5:04 pm - Quote
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid. " - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
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Friday, June 29th, 2001
1:40 am
Well, well. It's you again. I knew you would be reading this journal entry. You are probably thinking to yourself, "Me?" Yeh, you. As amazing and weird as this post might seem, you have something you are hiding from me and I know what it is. dont pretend like I dont know. You think im stupid, thats it. You think that im just something you like to fuck around with and then just leave. Well, I have a new insight for you. Im not for you to fuck around with.I will brake you and smash you. I will throw you across the room then beat you to death with my sheer will power to get over it all.
<rawr>i hate to end this in-fucking-credible convo but i think im going to go re-discover jesus now. ωνω SignOff: iamevil (Ping timeout) <cwj> heh <rawr> AND HERE HE IS <rawr> JESUS HIMSELF <rawr> hallelujia
current mood: creative current music: Paul Oakenfold - Drug Smugglerz
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Thursday, June 28th, 2001
2:31 am
Why does life have to be so shitty. I fucking cant handle this. I have fun in groups then when im alone my thoughts go back to every fucking thing. I cant stand this, i *cant stand it.* jesus christ this is shitty. i wish something could help, but i guess only time can help. i still check her clubs cause she loved doing it so much when we were togeather and now she hasnt posted in a week and i get fucking sick because i know they are togeather doing something. this is my only outlet to vent until i start kung fu again on friday. I CANT STAND THINKING. Just when you think you are up you are down. i need to get a fucking grip.
current mood: depressed current music: monkies fucking
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Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
12:07 am - so like..
Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
12:42 am - i hate subjects
So, im sitting here at scott's house downloading mp3s. my music collection is almost reaching 10GB. I love music. I got everything else taken away from me today when my home directory was deleted and my account disabled. This also means that i had to go back to using mindspring(earthlink). This is the account i let adrianna use on the old laptop i gave her. Im not sure what they will do if they see two of the same account connecting. some isp's dont care. maybe it will bump me off, i dont know. Im not going to change the password cause im not that mean. I dont have it in me to be mean at all, really. Oh well. I hate the healing process. Id rather have all the hurt tjrown into 2 hours, and then be better, then to have it drawn out over a peroid of time like this. Oh well, life goes on. "You never know what the tide will bring in."
current mood: blah current music: Fiona Apple - Criminal
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Monday, June 25th, 2001
12:34 pm - god
this morning they removed my whole damn user directory at ex-work without any warning. damnit i am pissed.
current mood: angry
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Thursday, June 21st, 2001
11:20 am - yep
It is Thursday morning. I woke up at around 9:30am. I managed to get out of jury duty for the 2nd time, so thats a good thing. I got a pay check today and found out my really large pay check is on its way, which will make things alot eaiser. I think im going to buy tickets to Jambo Freakin Ree, with godsmack, deftones, and lots of others.
current mood: crazy current music: Chemical Brothers - Leave Home
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Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
1:11 am - yay for today
Well today was pretty drab. It consisted of waking up at around 9:30am and playing computer games through out the day. Scott has the day off so thats where i am, just being lazy. Im actually looking forward to lifting alot of this laziness with a new job and bok-fu. Around 4 we decided we wanted to check out the new movie Swordfish ; 8:15 seemed like a decent time. Scott wanted me to call Karin up, cause i had talked to h er on AIM eariler. She was going to hang out with Kimmy and Adam, so he wanted me to ask her if they all wanted to go to the movie. But with the whole Karin not ever wanting to see Scott deal, she thought i was joking when i asked her. I only asked her cause scott wanted me to, oh well! I felt like an dumbass asking cause i knew what the response would be. I definately dont want her to think im a dumbass..
The movie was pretty entertaining. You dont find many movies out there where you can watch a guy getting his knob bobbed while hacking the FBI, and well, that gets an A+ in my list. In reality, it was a typical action film, but it had enough things in it to make it worth while. Lots of plot twists and other stuff. This film is strictly for escapism and definately doesnt have much to read in to.
I think im going to go to bed, i have been up downloading a few new albums such as the Swordfish ST which has remixed tracks mainly by Paul Oakenfold on it (whee), it seems like a rockin ST. And 2 others, the new 311 cd and Snoopafly.
So time t... Zzzzzz..
current mood: silly current music: Sword Fish Soundtrack (Paul Oakenfold)
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Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
12:55 am - need sleepy
going to go to bed now .. im tired!
current mood: sleepy current music: none
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12:14 am - Alone
This is just free style. I just made it up off the top of my head, after thinking about whats been going on.
"Alive again"
Alone in the darkness No hope No Light No Exit Shades of grey Haze all around
Days turn in to years what seem to turn in to light years Days, weeks, months - all in one Alone
Time passes Tiny pinhole of light Shades of White Haze Lifting
It was you You that gave me the needle Pricked the tinest hole watch it grow
Not alone, never alone Vivid colors of infinity Haze into morning dew Sunrises, Sunsets Life is beautiful because of you
current mood: creative current music: Adam Sandler - Toll Booth willy
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12:00 am - so ok
Well, It's been almost a week since i have talked to my ex and its going well. Im having lots of fun with my new freedom and friends and girls. I got information on the dojo i will be learning kungfu at. its bok-fu white tiger style, its going to be great fun. I'm going to call karin tomarrow or wednesday to see what shes doing this weekend and to leave a nice happy message on her voice mail that hopefully she likes. I hope we can maybe hit something off.. I have a feeling about all of this.. and the first time we hung out was great. Anyways - we will see. Lots of exciting things..
current mood: excited
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Monday, June 18th, 2001
11:53 pm - Here I am!
I am at scott's house playing nfs5. I am doing pretty good. This post sounds so un-intellegent its not funny. I might post some poetry type of stuff in a bit...
current mood: amused current music: game music
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Sunday, June 17th, 2001
10:54 pm - la la lalala
It goes around the world just la la la la la.
current mood: horny current music: Barry White
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2:08 am - oh yeh
..i found a place im goiing to go back into on monday, its in roseville sort of by karin's house, its a nice dojo and they teach kungfu so im all over that..
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2:03 am - sup
I am pretty baked and am sitting here listeninig to paul van dyk with randy. I was bored so i decided to write. It will probably sound especailly stupid right now but oh well, im a little stoned. My life is doing pretty well. more things to come. I still find myself stealthly reading some of her posts she makes to her clubs (they are public anyways). I need to stop that shit. I deserve more then to follow someone around just out of curioosity of what they will say about you next..
current mood: blah current music: paul van dyk
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Thursday, June 14th, 2001
11:22 am - talking
talking on the phone with scott, i think im going to clean my car soon
current mood: amused current music: DPG
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10:29 am - woke up quick..
Woke up this morning, at around 10. I have an interview today with Psyberware at 3:30 in lincon. Hopefully that will go over will. Gonna give Karin and Scott and call after im done. I think im going to try to clean my car before i go there. Its a major project but i have to try..
Tomarrow or saturday will be martial arts dojo search day.. so yeh
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