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Friends ? [28 Mar 05 || 01:36pm]
"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." - Anais Nin, The Diaries of Anaïs Nin

Most of my journal is friends only. Comment below if you add me :-) and I will probably add you back.
22 *stars | stargaze

22 more to go.. [02 Feb 05 || 10:41pm]
[ mood - bouncy ]

We just watched the first two episodes of 24/Season 4! I can tell I'm going to be as addicted to this series as i was the previous 3! I've got to choose between going crazy watching one episode a week for the next 22 weeks or recording it all so i can watch it at once ..but I have no patience so i'll probably watch it once a week and get all frustrated waiting for next weeks LOL.

[info]devil_in_boots gave me a lovely present :), he asked his friend [info]darwiniantheory to make this drawing of me ...

I love the style of it :), I don't have any feet or hands but I really like that because I think it makes her look more fragile and doll like!!

As i'm going to be on LJ more now :) I made a new layout, I'd been planning to do one for ages and this is my favourite I've ever had I think ..full of stripes and even has a little Jack skellington on the banner!


30 *stars | stargaze

New laptop [29 Dec 04 || 04:07pm]
I've been looking at a Dell Pentium M 510M laptop for 4 months now and just never bought it but yesterday with the money off offers and free postage I couldn't help myself and ordered it!

I really can't wait for it to arrive, it's only 2.7 kg compared to this brick of a dell I'm using which is almost 4 kg. The pentium M is the first processor designed specifically for laptops so shouldn't get as hot and have better power consumption. I got free double RAM, so it's going to have 1024 RAM, a 60 gig hard drive, an SXGA screen and a 6 cell battery instead of the 4 cell battery, so it should last over 4 hours unplugged.

What's weird is ..I dropped my laptop about 2 months ago and its hinge cracked, it's been totally useable untill yesterday 2 hours after i ordered the new laptop ..when the whole hinge just broke and one side of the screen now is not attached to the laptop at all so i have to balance it against the wall or pilows to support it when I'm using it and it won't open or close without alot of fuss now. LOL, weird.

I hope it's here when I get back from [info]applemagic's. :)
1 *star | stargaze

We are what we do.. [29 Dec 04 || 03:52pm]
[ mood - impressed ]

I really liked this website :), it gives some useful, some silly but all very positive tips we can all try in the coming year don't overfill your kettle, hug someone, give blood, recycle books and learn first aid!!

It's about how if we all act together we can make the world a better place. It's a lovely idea and one I've always believed, that everything we do has an effect on the world from the smallest action and thought to the big, even if we can't see it or realise it :).

I've always believed everything is energy in the world and even sending out positive thoughts to people can make a difference, my parents call it prayer which I wouldn't because I'm not religous, some call it other things but the basic idea of trying to think and do positive things in life even if they seem small to us can change the world ..but now I'm waffling, going off the point and making no sense. :)

Check it out, it's a nice idea that theres power in lots of people doing small things!!!

"Who are we? We Are What We Do.

The question is not whether we should act alone, but how we can act together.

We Are What We Do is not another charity. It’s not an institution. It’s a movement. We are not trying to raise money. We are trying to prove that the solution to many of the world’s big problems is to aggregate millions of small actions. Small actions performed not by saints or do-gooders or radicals, but by anyone and you, your neighbours, colleagues, friends and family.

4 *stars | stargaze

Over excited kitten [10 Nov 04 || 12:03pm]
[ mood - amused ]

I forgot to put this photo of her up, it's from about 4 weeks ago just before my old camera broke. She reminds me of Dr Seuss, the cat in the hat LOL.

She got a new toy in the post today, kind of like a fishing rod, I think I'll go and tire her out playing with that, it drives her crazy, she's been doing all kinds of weird jumps and flips in the air trying to get the mouse this morning LOL :)

4 *stars | stargaze

Focus, aim [10 Nov 04 || 11:55am]
[ mood - chipper ]
[ music - Soil - inside ]

This is my new camera :), I was going to wait till Christmas but I just couldn't and I've wanted a new camera for ages. Jessops price matched the cheapest website price I found and I got it for almost £100 cheaper than the price in the shops :).

It's the Kodak DX7590, released just a few months ago, I love it!!

It has 5 megapixels, full (almost) manual control options, can take videos in two sizes, has the ability to attach lenses, 22 preset scenes/colours for things like snow, close up, children, night etc to make it easy when you don't want to fiddle with settings and my favourite feature ..which is the 10x optical zoom, it's amazing for taking photos at distances.

It's really great because for the amount of features and the zoom it has it's a small body too so i don't feel like I'm carrying around a brick all day. I haven't done much with it yet but plan to :).

8 *stars | stargaze

More kitten goodness [09 Oct 04 || 12:54pm]
I decided on the name Luna, I think it really suits her. My little moon cat is draped over the warm laptop as much as she can right now while I write this around her!

She loves being talked to when she's cuddling, I say silly things like Loony Luna kitten, Luna Belle and that she's a beautiful moon cat! Whatever I say she just purrs up at me happily. She is so cuddly and loves to lie in my arms and try to paw up at my face LOL, I tickle her tummy and she has the cutest two little white spots which remind me of stars, one under her chin and one on her stomach.

She is settling in well. At first she was a little frightened of balls and toys, preferring bits of paper, our feet and cables but yesterday she chased her first ball, jumped in the air (landing funny hehe) for a toy on string and mauled her first fluffy yellow mouse to death!!

She says thank you to [info]skinnyhead for the yummy mice and to [info]amethystar for the gorgeous fluffy balls we got in the post today, she's already had a roll around with one!

more photos )
24 *stars | stargaze

Meow [05 Oct 04 || 08:16pm]
[ mood - amused ]

This is my new kitten :).

Any ideas for names? I will write more very soon :) but I want to go play with her now!!

photos )

25 *stars | stargaze

[03 Oct 04 || 07:56pm]
[ mood - thoughtful ]
[ music - Burnout 3 on the tv ]

Lots of silly photos from when i saw Debs/[info]stripeykitty, [info]ozzyburton and Dawn a while ago but hadn't got round to posting. It was so good to see you again Debs, I'd missed you :) & hope you are having fun back in London.

photos )

We meant to watch some horror films but we ended up chatting all night. Then we were playing playstation Smackdown. Dawn is funny :), she said that now all she can hear when she is sleeping is my voice saying 'I want to kill her...why can't I kill her...' ..LOL.

Al is cool and Debbie is a sweet kitten cat.

8 *stars | stargaze

Homeless cat living in a cardboard box [28 Aug 04 || 04:20pm]
[ mood - amused ]
[ music - Poe - haunted ]

Casper looking homeless an old clothes box we got down from the roof. :).

19 *stars | stargaze

Easily amused ;-) [26 Aug 04 || 02:41pm]
[ mood - amused ]

I had some weird dreams last night.

Firstly I dreamt I was in a shampoo commercial for the shampoo Tresemme. It was quite surreal and parts of it were very cartoon like, I was in a small white PVC outfit like a nurse holding a giant bottle of shampoo and the director kept making me say

"Now you need never be follicly challenged again".

Everything around me was super clean white and when I smiled there was a cartoon noise *zing* and flash of white from the side of my teeth like a star.

After that dream I had one where I was in a park, everyone around me was taking their pets for a walk, but the pets were boys on leashes. Instead of different breeds of dogs everyone was talking about what nationality their *pet boy* was. LOL, i know that dream came from what [info]brokengothic and I were texting about yesterday. :-)

I did have a really good long sleep which I needed because the painting gave me such a headache yesterday, Dad couldn't find the non stinky stuff in the finish he wanted.

Got the doctor tonight, bleh.

Amusing place names near where i live.

Dickland - 4.4 miles
Fatlips Castle - 12.3 miles
Turdees - 12.5 miles
Assloss - 21.5 miles
Spunkie - 23.1 miles
Bitch Craig - 27.3 miles
Rotten Bottom - 28.5 miles
Lumps of Garryhorn - 36.6 miles
Bottom Burn - 38.5 miles
Fanny Burn - 41.4 miles

8 *stars | stargaze

"Every time you say you dont believe in fairies, a fairy dies." [26 Aug 04 || 04:19pm]
[ music - Poe - control ]

[info]stripeykitty sent me the loveliest little fairy to wear round my neck or hang by my bed. She came in the post yesterday with a letter written on Harry Potter Hogwarts paper, hehe, you knew i'd love that!

I love the lil fairy and I shall look after her, thank you :)

8 *stars | stargaze

Snow white popcorn [26 Aug 04 || 03:33pm]
Craigs been over another few weekends, helping my Dad lay our new flooring ..with alot of jokes from me about this being the first manly thing I've ever seen him do in 10 years!

We had another barbecue and decided to see if we could get microwave popcorn to pop by putting it into the barbecue. Firstly we just lay the whole bag on top of the grill bit so the bag would go on fire but that didn't work too well and just made an awful lot of toxic smoke. So then we took the popcorn out the bag and poured it into the barbecue, that was a success :), totally inedible but it did all pop and was quite funny as it came flying out like little firey popcorn missiles.

I finally got the *Snow white outfit* I've wanted for ages, I said to Craig he should try it, he was laying down on my bed pretending to be snow white asleep and saying to take photos! I think he enjoyed wearing my dress a little too much. ;) but he won't let me post photos.

We saw irobot which I thought was very well done even though I didn't like the ending. I thought the people would have been so angry atwhat happened with the robots that there would have been riots and all the robots would have been destroyed, I think things ended a bit *too* peacefully. Will Smith was great in it and Sonny was really sweet.

I think that's about it other than we watched a few Futurama episodes. :-)

Bender "Bite my shiny metal ass"

The professor "I would like to help But I AM in my pyjamas"!!

Zoidberg - "Ain't got no cash. Ain't got no style. Ladies vomit when I smile.But does Zoidberg worry?"
1 *star | stargaze

"Embers never fade in the city by the lake" [11 Aug 04 || 07:00pm]
[ music - Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight ]

I found these photos of some carnations [info]amethystar sent me a few months ago.

The colours are so beautiful and make me want to smile :-), they remind me of you Shula.

1 more )

I've been thinking I want a new camera. Mine is basic, built like a brick and about 3/4 years old, its a Kodak 3400 digital.

Dad got a Fuji 3000 a few months ago but i don't like it, it doesn't have much control over settings yet it feels strangely confusing and I don't like its layout. I can't put my finger on why I don't like it ..because it has good reviews.

I like Kodaks I think. I've been looking at the Kodak 6490. ( 4.2 megapixels with the 10x optical zoom) which has fantastic reviews, is popular and is not bad at all price wise because I can get it for £230 inc p and p. Theres a new version out in september, the Kodak 7590 (5.4 megapixels with a 10x optical zoom) but I can't find anywhere thats selling it yet to see how much it will be, if it's worth getting that one.

I don't think I want to spend more than £300/£400, less would be good :). What other makes of camera have you found good to use? I know a few of you have digital cameras so any experience you've had with them, it would be good to hear :)

22 *stars | stargaze

Sushi and stripes [08 Aug 04 || 03:35am]
A new corset, stripes and eating sushi when I can't sleep = smiles.

23 *stars | stargaze

Baron in a corset. [26 Jul 04 || 03:21pm]
[ music - Hedwig soundtrack ]

Island at war was on again last night. That is such a fantastic 6 part series, it drew you in right from the beginning, it's so tense and you really empathise with the people. The clothes and set seem really authentic, you feel like you could be there.

Apart from that ..the German accents are strangely growing on me ..or maybe its the uniform, the power and the forbidden secret romances between people on opposite sides at war. Von Rheingarten is one sexy German Baron, or is that just me LOL, I've seen him in other things and not found him attractive at all.

I am in love with this striped underbust corset. It reminds me of Nightmare before christmas, it would be so cute with a short polkadot or poofy tulle skirt and big boots

more about corsets and sewing )

5 *stars | stargaze

Hanging by threads of silver [26 Jul 04 || 02:44pm]
[ mood - chipper ]
[ music - Garbage ]

I dyed my roots last night, I couldnt live with 2 inches of blonde any more! My hair is actually making me happy for the first time since i cut it last year, I love having long hair again and I'm sure taking those kelp tablets has helped it grow.

I was bored last night, hence the webcam photos.

more )

39 *stars | stargaze

?? [23 Jul 04 || 10:45am]
[ mood - amused ]
[ music - Stabbing Westward ]

When cosplay goes wrong

That's just scary LOL.

6 *stars | stargaze

Easily amused.. [23 Jul 04 || 10:40am]
Bubble wrap fun
1 *star | stargaze

I'd like to be a mermaid and swim.. [13 Jul 04 || 09:12am]
[ mood - restless ]
[ music - Placebo - Johnny & Mary ]

A few photos from when we went to the coast 3 weeks ago. Even though it was very cold at the beach the sound of the waves was lovely and peaceful, very soothing. There was a few beautiful sunsets when it wasn't raining. :-) but mostly it was pretty grey so I didn't get to take many photos.

+4 )

"Porcelina of the oceans blue, with seashell hissing lullabies and whispers fathomed deep inside my own" - Porcelina, Smashing Pumpkins

7 *stars | stargaze

Best friend quiz [08 Jul 04 || 04:21pm]
My Best Friend is [info]amethystar
Our 52 common interests are: alternative, animals, aromatherapy, baths, beaches, books, brian molko, buffy the vampire slayer, butterflies, candles, cats, cfs, comedy, computers, crystals, digital camera, dolphins, dreaming, dreams, ebay, eddie izzard, faeries, graham norton, healing, hippy, horoscopes, kissing, labyrinth, laughing, love, m.e., meditation, mp3's, music, nature, ocean, peace, rain, reading, reiki, runes, smilies, spike, stars, stephen king, tarot, texting, the moon, uk, webcams, wicca, yoga
Who is your best friend?
Created by [info]macoto
1 *star | stargaze

Some of my most recent favourite beautiful/inspiring quotes.. [20 Jan 04 || 10:14pm]
[ mood - mellow ]

"Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart." - Kahlil Gibran

"Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you." -Cheers :-)

"People touch our lives, if only for a moment; And yet we're not the same, from that moment on. The time is not important: the moment is forever". --- Fern Bork

"A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep. In dreams you lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come sliding through. No matter how much your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish really will come true." - Cinderella

"In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer." Albert Camus

"No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit." - Helen Keller

"Life is not always what one wants it to be, but to make the best of it as it is, is the only way of being happy"

"For yesterday is but a dream And tomorrow is only a vision But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day! ". -- Sanskrit proverb

Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.' - Kahlil Gibran

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Martin Luther King Jr

2 *stars | stargaze

SEXIE tour! [24 Dec 03 || 12:27pm]
I scanned photos from the Eddie Izzard concert brochure for [info]totaleclipse and i've put them up in case anyone wants to see them. He was SO funny, looked great with fake boobs and has great legs!! The whole sketch about the fake boobs on planes had me laughing so much and [info]jennamoon pointed out from when she saw him in Newcastle that he said Steve and Lambhorgini alot ..and he did.

I wonder if that's on the DVD for this tour, I'm hoping santa will bring me it tomorrow!!

Eddie and his sexy legs )
11 *stars | stargaze

"Never forget how to dream butterfly" [29 Nov 03 || 03:19pm]
[ mood - relaxed ]

I got quite a few CD's in the post from [info]gothman63 today, thank you, look forward to listening to them!

I also finally got the pinstripe trousers i wanted in the post :-).

I got this *fluffy* cat hot water bottle cover last week, i had to take a photo because he's just the cutest thing! I called him Oliver because he looks hungry and has a huge stomach.

This weekend is *decoration putting up time*. :-)

We put up a little tree in my room and some fairy lights, i love fairy lights. Mum's obsessed with them being a fire hazard, LOL, but millions of people put them on trees every year and they are fine!

While i had the camera out i took photos of some things i don't think i've posted my room before, it's kind of another way to know me i guess, to see my things :-).

my room )

12 *stars | stargaze

..on replay. [25 Nov 03 || 01:41am]
[ mood - content ]
[ music - Lucy in the sky with diamonds ]

"Let me take you down, 'cos I'm going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real, and nothing to get hungabout, Strawberry Fields forever

I'm making a favourite Beatles compilation CD, i have Hey Jude, Strawberry Fields, I feel fine, Let it be, Here comes the sun and Lucy in the sky with Diamonds so far...

"Picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes

Cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high

Lucy in the sky with diamonds..."

4 *stars | stargaze

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