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[Aug. 28th, 2004|01:21 am]
Life has become a series of reflections. As evanescent as always, eternity will exist for us all in such a short period of time. Anything that causes any reaction in our lives is indeed major and important.

I'm under distress and all I have to console me is another 8 hour shift at work coming up the day after.

I hope that everything works out for the best, for me and all those whom I care about.
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[Jun. 10th, 2004|10:58 pm]
My stomach is feeling empty, but i'm not hungry. I'm overcome by my own torpid mind.

Maybe something is wrong, maybe something is wrong with me, maybe there is something in the air.
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Funny [May. 15th, 2004|02:16 am]
It's funny to think that anyone is reading what I am typing. Better yet, it's funny to think it's funny.

I love putting myself into a paradox.

1) Emma is cool.
2) Alex should drink more.
3) Tierney knows how to spell grammar so she should feel special.
4) Fat Tire is the SHIT.
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[May. 10th, 2004|12:30 am]
It would take a forceful provoking of thought to make me feel happy about something I'd be happy to put in this journal. However, I've decided to dedicate it to moments when 1) Someone asks me to write something in it. 2) My emotions at face value need to be spit onto something.

Funny, judging by the way people post, it gives a sense of reality. As if something not displayed publicly, right here on this very web site, didn't happen.

It just seems so strange to me, since as I look at the big white box, I only see a painful chore.

Glad i'm not obligated.

Glad my friends wouldn't think i'm dead if I didn't post atleast 2 entries a week.
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Yes indeed. [Dec. 16th, 2003|11:45 pm]
[mood |awake]
[music |The Weakerthans - The Reasons]

I know... you might roll your eyes at this, but i'm so glad that you exist.

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[Dec. 14th, 2003|12:18 am]
[mood | hopeful]

Do you believe in love?

Do you believe in rebirth?

Do you believe that the cosmos will align, and smile upon you?

I still do.

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[Dec. 11th, 2003|08:51 pm]
Sit, wait, sulk, cry.. for you.

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[Dec. 8th, 2003|10:29 pm]
[mood |lkvg27fgud]

Sometimes, the sun just doesn't shine.

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[Nov. 19th, 2003|09:12 am]
[mood |indescribable]

Emma made it snow. Superb.

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Just when you think you've made it to the top... [Sep. 27th, 2003|09:33 am]
[mood | morose]

And then I realized that I am weak. I'm reliant like a drug addict. I need my fix of you.

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[Aug. 26th, 2003|12:43 am]
It's been a long while since i've given any thought to livejournal whatsoever, but since it's late why not. I'm glad I took summer off of school, it is refreshing to know that that time of the year can still be used as an escape (except from work). Unfortunately my main interest with my free time was not as frequently spent as I might have hoped. Free time turned into many projects and obligations instead. Conflict of time is perferable to conflict of interests though. Fortunately for me, adventures still occured and time that was spent in my best interests was as pleasing as I could ever imagine, if not more. The carefree life has treated me well. Everything in my world is serene. I'm in love and continually exuberant about the time I can spend with the interest of which I speak. And duh, it's Emma. No level of exalt could fully relate my strong and pure emotion for her. In retrospect, I didn't write this out of sheer boredom, but adoration. I wish I had more to offer than digital openess. You were on my mind during every word of this post and now it's turned from a general post to a letter to you. If I could write better, I would continue. Unfortunately everyone must already be wondering to themselves...

"What the fuck is wrong with that boy?"

I'll never go back and read this post because it is very poor. I need a crash course in style and structure.

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I love America [Apr. 13th, 2003|12:30 am]
[mood | rejuvenated]

We may not be able to stop the rain... but together, there is no way that we will not enjoy it.

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[Apr. 11th, 2003|10:42 am]
[mood | peaceful]

After 350 miles, everything was perfect. 12 hours pass and everything is still sublime. You made everything more wonderful than I could ever anticipate... and that is more than I can comprehend.

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[Mar. 30th, 2003|11:05 pm]
[mood | lonely]

Thoughts in place of sleep... Take me away to the place only you know of.

P.S. Sense will most likely never be made.

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To whom it may concern... [Feb. 17th, 2003|12:45 am]
[mood |Couldn't be better]
[music |Aqua teen hunger force theme]

Being extremely lame... this one goes out to you, because you care.

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[Jan. 15th, 2003|10:11 pm]
Fuck you puzzle ball, fuck you and your intoxicating self-placed symbolism.
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Here I go... [Jan. 12th, 2003|05:16 am]
[mood |I Have No Fucking Clue]
[music |hummmmmmmm]

So I am now awake, I got back from Todai's at around 9 pm or so, said fuck it, and went to bed. I appreciate anything that anyone did for me, regardless if it was a small comment, post, or instant message. I especially appreciate the concern expressed by certain individuals, for now, I can fatten myself to their liking. Cupcakes are good. I am sick right now, sick in a sense that my whole body hurts, and I am very congested. My mind also hurts, I haven't given it much rest lately. I understand that I have awoken completely around 7 times within less than 8 hours of sleep. I don't dream often, I didn't dream last night, but when I woke up, I always had something/someone on my mind. There has been far too much going on in my head, and with that, I find it more and more difficult to express my feelings and concerns. I fear that somehow I may just continue to build everything up and become a blubbering mass of worthless shit. That would be bad, noting that I already feel like I have been hit in the face with a snow shovel. One thing that is funny about... well everything, is that, life, no matter how much it confuses me right now, it great. I am enjoying myself generally in whatever I do, besides waking at 5 A.M. destitute of company. So perhaps the only way to sum up all my feelings that I have rambled on aimlessly about, with utterly no objective whatsoever, is that I feel... like shit. I feel like shit, but in a good way in some cases. I am perpetually confused, and eternally seeking seemingly unattainable answers. But then again, aren't we all?

I really wish that someone would be here right now to lay down in bed with me, and hold me.

Rock lobster.

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[Jan. 11th, 2003|12:43 am]
[mood |indescribable]

So now I am 18. Strange. What a wonderful progression into my birthday last night was. I can't recall a night as well spent as last.

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A short/bad poem. To Eric. [Jan. 9th, 2003|10:14 am]
A bond that could always be seen
Insanity, fries and grenadine
Denny's and napkins, truly sublime
Our knife or spoon will always shine
Your time away seemed to never end
Here's to new good times, my long lost friend

It almost hurt to type that, sorry to anyone who read it.
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Euuuaarrgg. [Jan. 4th, 2003|09:29 pm]
[mood |Fire is hot.]
[music |I like stuff.]

I just woke up from a nap, and I don't feel well. I'm glad that things are good now, aside from incomprehensible levels of confusion. Eric is back today, and I got to talk to him a bit, das good. I fell asleep though, and now he is gone with friends. I have kisses and band-aids, and for that, I am thankful, it was the highlight of my day to receive those gifts. I think I want to become a Taoist, it makes a lot of sense to me, if you wonder why, I suppose you can ask. Well maybe I won't be a Taoist, but atleast a rock lobster. I would say something with substance right now, but my mind is far too cluttered with assorted concerns, and particular happy thoughts. Moo.

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