TSElliot's LiveJournal
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in
TSElliot's LiveJournal:
Monday, October 1st, 2001 | 10:52 am |
New Toys Look what my boss just let me have: Due to some current events that have taken place, I might get to play before I know it. Oh, and for some that have commented. I am an asshole. I have to be. I cannot be nice. I was not brought up to be a nice guy. Watch your back. | Saturday, September 1st, 2001 | 5:10 pm |
Hog My Hooter I have been in Atlanta for the past week doing some System Work for this company and I was staying at this hotel in the downtown area.
I pretty much do my work, then come back to the hotel and stay in my room. I do not bother anyone and just keep to myself.
I noticed a lot of people coming in Thursday Night and then on Friday when I was coming back from work (I walk to the company I was helping becuase it is 2 blocks down) and I noticed 1 million geeks. I thought maybe there was a big geek convention and I was actually joking with myself. As I came into the hotel I noticed a sign that said, Dragoncom. I had no idea what in the hell this is. I saw this really beautiful woman in like a old timey boustier type madonna top and I got really curious about this event. I made my way to my room and put my stuff down and went straight to the bar. I sat at this table and just watched as people were everywhere. I do believe that one woman that I saw in the beginning (I never saw her again) was not only the only woman that was pretty, but seems to be the only woman under 300 lbs. Ouch! Let me tell you, I have never seen so many fat ass bitches in clothes that were probably their 8 year old daughter (unless the daughter was stuck somewhere inside them) in my life. GROSS! Then I watched the guys. I could tell they all were either in the Band in highschool or the type of guys that live their life for playing D&D; and have probably never touched a boob. I then noticed out of the corner of my eye, this hot chick in a red tank top type thing. She was beautiful. She had this really neat belt buckle that had like the Rolling Stones lips on it. I never wanted to kiss something so bad in my life. I think every guy in that hotel was staring at this girl. Probably cause she was the only pretty girl in the building. Guys were coming up to her, but not talking left and right. It was weird. She was only 3 tables from me. I never heard her say one thing to these guys, but they would come up to her and then quickly turn away. I then asked the waitress at the bar what was dragoncom and she said some Sci-fi convention. I immediatly thought "TREKKIES". I knew I was in hell.
I then started listening to people's conversations. IT WAS SCARY. I did not realize these people were real. Probably cause they never leave the house being afraid to miss a star trek episode. Geesh....
AS I was listening I overheard someone say something about Battlestar Gallactica. I remember watching that show as a kid. Then I realized that one of the guys from that show was there and people were talking to him at the bar and asking for his autograph. I realized I have never seen the guy in anything since and I thought to myself, "Now that is pathetic."
I wanted to go over and give him a dollar. I felt sorry for the guy.
So I paid my tab, went to my room, packed my shit and headed to the airport. I ain't ever been so glad to be home in my life.
Of course, I say all that shit about those pathetic bastards and what am I doing tonight? Sitting at home and watching football. | Tuesday, July 31st, 2001 | 3:20 pm |
Weight Problems I realize nobody reads this so I can now use this as a way to get shit off my chest.
I was at this Pizza place called CiCi's pizza. It is basically a buffet style pizza joint. I went with a co-worker and she is rather large. I am in good physical shape and I do enjoy eating pizza as much as possible. There is nothing like a good PIE to put a smile on my face. I do not understand how this woman ate so much food. Then drinks a diet coke. She says that she drinks the died coke because it has less calories than regular coke. Yet, she had 19 pieces of fucking pizza. Yes I counted. My GOD! She probably weighs about 275lbs.
I hate when fat people bitch about their weight. Most of them will say it is genetic because their mom was a big fat pig. Well, genetic no. Natural, sure. I am sure she was raised that eating 12 eggs, 7 waffles and a lb of bacon is ok and that this breeds a healthy woman. I hate to break it to you, but she will die before she turns 40. And PLEASE do not use the excuse that you are "big boned". I got your big bone here and if I could search through all the mounds of flab I might fuck you and show it to you. But I refuse to go on that search.
I am just disgusted. | Saturday, July 14th, 2001 | 7:12 pm |
LJ? I forgot I had this thing. I lost my hotmail account. I really never have anything to say.
Life is ok. In the time since my last post, I dated this woman for a month, but she was too needy, so it ended.
Nothing new, my life sucks and I am bored. Maybe something good will happen in the near future. | Tuesday, January 30th, 2001 | 9:27 am |
Sucky Day I have not posted in awhile. Life just sucks. | Tuesday, October 24th, 2000 | 2:13 pm |
Sucks I haven't written in awhile because my life sucks. Changing of jobs again. Alone and feeling depressed. I have no friends. I need to move away from Memphis. I might head to Airways and check out some strip clubs. | Thursday, August 17th, 2000 | 3:14 pm |
Bored OK, nothing new has happened in my life. I am bored and hating everything that has to do with it. | Thursday, August 3rd, 2000 | 10:28 am |
A new Life I am looking for a new life. If anyone has ever been raised with mulitple parents, are you as fucked up as I am? I mean, I know looks don't mean squat when it comes to relationships. I mean I have no trouble meeting a woman, fucking her then leaving her. But once they get to know me they realize how much of a dick I really am. Sometimes, I just figure my life will be this way forever. I have already been in jail, and I don't plan on going back. My life sucks. Just be glad you guys are not me. What the hell am I saying, nobody reads this. Current Mood: lonelyCurrent Music: Anthrax | Wednesday, August 2nd, 2000 | 4:56 pm |
The Road Not Taken It is hump day and I feel compelled to write in this journal thing. I am a mean person. I don't like a lot of people, but I am not stupid enough to kill myself. I know some weenie men wish I were dead, but I am not. I have lived a great life and done a lot of mean things. I was in the Navy for 5 years and I loved everyminute of it. I was honorably discharged because of an injury during a mission in 1997. I don't have any family nor do I care to drag anyone into my life. I will grow to be a bitter old man. I need a beer. Current Mood: disappointed | Sunday, July 30th, 2000 | 5:12 am |
Insomnia It seems that I have not slept in 4 days. This is my 1st entry into this thing. The only reason I am writing right now, is because I am utterly boring. Has anyone ever been to Memphis? GOD this town is boring. Which is why I sit on the computer all day and night looking for people to make fun up, people to start up trouble with. Right now I just want to sleep. |