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Newcomers to my Journal...... [30 Mar 2007|04:21pm]
[ mood | calm ]

This Journal is Friends Only.

If you want to be added, follow 3 steps.

1: Add me

2: Tell me where you found my journal

3: Post a salute that has both your lj name and mine on it. This is so I know you're not some sad fuck pretending to be someone you're not. Unless you know me from elsewhere, don't bother adding me without a salute.

If you promote here i'll report it as spam.

Do NOT add me if:
*You support Bush or the Conservatives.
*You are fanatically religious. By all means have your religion, but NEVER talk to me about it. If you're the kind of person to always preach in your lj, GO AWAY.
*Your journal is full of nothing but memes and community promotions.
*y0u TyPe lYKe DiS!?@
*You never have anything interesting to say.
*All you ever do is whine.
*All you ever do is talk about how much you love your boyfriend.
*You post skanky photos of yourself and said boyfriend.
*You just generally talk shit.
236 Saviors || Save Me

[18 Jan 2005|09:23am]
[ mood | tired ]

Dear Denise,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Wednesday, January 19:

The mundane intrudes just where you were envisioning building your romantic castle in the air. Take care of the day-to-day responsibilities, then return to your fantasy already in progress.

It's true, I have this whole dumb fairytale fantasy goin on.

I'm glad to say that I have once again arisen from my pit at 9am. It is a HUGE improvement on my 2.30pm waking times over the holidays. Admittedly I'm only awake because the postman made so much noise at the door, but at least I didn't go back to bed. And anyway, I got my package from [info]secretpostuk. I'm such a nerd, I get highly excited by mail. But anyway, this is what I got:

Seriously, how fuckin cool is that pen??


Yeah, I know, I shouldn't update this early, my brain doesn't work so well. So I'm off to watch Trisha and This Morning, then I'm going to Wood Green.

9 Saviors || Save Me

I know I'm late but... [04 Jan 2005|03:27am]
[ mood | tired ]

Hope 2005 is a good one.


16 Saviors || Save Me

[03 Dec 2004|12:48pm]
[ mood | horny ]


1. Describe your current love life: NON-EXISTANT. But missing someone.

2. Are you a monogomist? Not generally, no. But for the right person I absolutely can be. I'm just very fussy on who that right person is.

3. If you could, how would you change your current love life? It's be nice to get laid now and again. But only if it was GOOD, otherwise I'd rather have a bar of chocolate. It would also be nice to find Miss Absolutely Right, but I'm not holding my breath on that one, especially considering I'm holding out for Michelle Rodriguez.

4. Worst. Pick-up Line. Ever: "Get your coat, you've pulled."

5. If this one celebrity asked you out, they might possibly have the power to pull you away from any current relationship(s): MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ

6 Saviors || Save Me

[20 Oct 2004|08:58pm]

Read more... )
27 Saviors || Save Me

Phone Post [19 Oct 2004|03:51pm]
185K 0:50
(Help)(no transcription available)
27 Saviors || Save Me

[info]fridayfiver [24 Sep 2004|12:23pm]
1. Pick a theme song that represents your life:
I can never do this. I dunno, I don't have a theme song.

2. Do you talk to yourself?
YES! All the time.

3. Describe your relationship with your co-workers:
Well I work in a family run off licence, so there are only 2 of them- and we don't work at the same time lol. But they are great, they have known me since I was born, and they trust me totally with their business which is great. I have a lot of respect for them, they are actually 2 of the best and most admirable people I know.

4. Have you ever done karaoke?
Fuck.. haha yes, only ONCE. I can't sing, AT ALL, and I'm so bad that even the comedy value runs out after 30 seconds or so. It's painful to listen to.
On my 19th birthday I was in the pub with some mates, and 3 of them got me up on stage with them to sing Sweet Child of Mine by Guns and Roses. Not the best song to sing when you CAN'T SING. And none of us could sing. When the opening music came on, the pub went crazy- they were excited at 4 hot girls singing such a great song, but when we opened our mouths, the pub went quiet and they all turned back round to their pints hahaha.

5. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Kind of. I don't believe in actually falling in love with someone at first sight, but I believe in seeing someone for the first time, and without even talking to them just knowing that you will end up with that person and be in love (yes it has happened to me).
11 Saviors || Save Me

[19 Sep 2004|03:20pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]

On her radio show recently, Dr. Laura Schlesinger said that homosexuality
is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned
under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr.
Laura which was posted on the Internet. It's one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.

The letter )

17 Saviors || Save Me

Yanked from [info]vixstar cause she always has great posts, and I'd like to hump her please. [17 Sep 2004|03:43pm]
Leave an anonymous comment with a clue, and we have to guess who you are.


1. Three clues must given, though they can be spaced out, one per comment if you wish.

2. Three guesses may be made by each person.

3. If someone guesses right, you must reply to their comment whilst logged in.

4. Remember you need to keep checking back to this post, because replies sent to anonymous posts won't be sent via email.

(Oh, and #5- don't make it as easy as I did for Vix haha)
11 Saviors || Save Me

[13 Sep 2004|04:01pm]
It's absolutely not fair. One of my friends just got given a paid account as a gift by an anonymous member.
So if anyone feels they love me enough to do the same, please go ahead and do so. I'd like that. A lot.
Save Me

[12 Aug 2004|02:50am]
As if we need any more proof that Georgie is an IDIOT:
32 Saviors || Save Me

[06 Aug 2004|09:55pm]
17 Saviors || Save Me

[06 Aug 2004|05:51pm]
Could the following people please remove me from their friends list. I have checked, and there is no one that I ahve made a mistake on deleting from mine.
If you're not added to mine, it's because you never updated in your own journal and I didn't want you reading mine, or we never commented in eachothers, or you added me without a comment. Please don't ask me to re-add you, because I won't.


[06 Aug 2004|02:41am]
By popular demand, I bring you free porn:;=764576
4 Saviors || Save Me

[22 Jul 2004|08:42pm]

Is this the most gratuitous video ever made? haha Yes, possibly, and I love it :-) Leaves you staring at the screen with open mouth like a dumbfuck throughout...

If you have any links to any more gratuitous videos, please feel more than free to post them here. Thankyou.
12 Saviors || Save Me

[14 Jul 2004|06:06pm]

Find out who has a crush on you!
Check out the
LJ Secret Crush Database
brought to you by
34 Saviors || Save Me

A HUGE thanks to [info]spoken_silence ;-) [23 May 2004|10:48pm]
Quite possibly the hottest video clip online!

If you are offended by naked ladies oil wrestling, don't click the link lol
49 Saviors || Save Me

[13 May 2004|04:06pm]
Bush....'The Idiot Son of an Asshole'- make sure your volume is up loud!!!
24 Saviors || Save Me

[09 May 2004|04:55pm]
A link to a great post on Lynndie England.

Be warned, the pics of Iraqi prisoners being tortured are in this link.
12 Saviors || Save Me

[07 May 2004|04:24pm]
I've taken a leaf out of [info]dramabluez's book and cut some people from my friends list.
If you've been cut, it's probably because either:
I don't remember who you are
You never respond to any of my posts
You never even post in your own journal-which makes me wonder why the hell I should let you
read about my personal life when you never write about yours
Or I just don't like you lol

Then again, if you have been cut, it's not likely that you'll even notice, seeing as we don't seem to be friends.

If you think I have cut you unfairly, or made a msitake and cut the wrong person (which is feasible, I'm not entirely with it today), just comment here and let me know.

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