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424 matches:
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The following users are interested in fanfic. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
459 matches:
- __joel__ - Joel V.
- afropuff - Sid
- ailurophile - Tania Walker
- airika - Erica
- ajaroo - AJ
- alarielle - Alarielle
- alexishere - Colin Alexander
- aliciam - Alicia
- almostnowhere - Vanessa
- alymalone - throbbing youth
- alyse - The Splendiferous Alyse
- amandazillah - GlitterWhore
- amichan - Jenny
- amykck - AmyK
- andg - Angie
- andrina - Danina
- andromakhe - Andromache
- andromeda_25 - Audra
- angiescully - Angie
- ankhet - Ankhet
- anomar - Ramona
- anowack - Aaron Nowack
- anruiukimi - Anrui Ukimi
- antigone_ks - The Craic and the Porter Black
- antindrone - Anti N*Drone
- aoi - aoi
- apillarofsalt - Sam
- arhuaine - Arhuaine
- ariestess - Ariestess
- ashlan - Ashlan
- aurum - Aurum
- auset - Kain
- avathebrat - Reliable-Dog-Geyser Person
- bakedgoldfish - P
- baratron - helen-louise
- barkley - This Space Intentionally Left Blank
- beanside - Teesa
- bear - everyone's favorite large non-human mammal
- beatlegirl79 - Say It Like You Mean Something
- beautifulcynic - Bean Pusher
- beautifulstars - beautifulstars
- betrayme - megan linsey
- bishounenjunkie - Tai Gower
- bitchygurl - your girl is lovely
- blue_monday - Dave
- bluecrayola242 - Friend of Fiends
- blueeyedpanther - Panther
- bnydic - Blanca
- bookgrrrl - Nerdy Girl
- brighidestone - Brighid E. Stone
- brokenangelette - brokenangelette
- bronzejarith - Sicil
- brooklynpyro13 - Pyro
- brucha - Brucha
- bubosquared - Sofie 'Melle' Werkers
- butterfly - Butterfly
- cailetm - Cailet
- candystix - CandyStix
- cantspell - a smart girl in comfortable shoes
- catsperspective - Andrea
- celandinemidori - Operator, Operator
- celendra - Celendra
- censor - Cen
- cero - Hillary
- cgilmore - Chris
- chaos - gun of a preacher man
- chaoscentral - Kelly
- chaoticasylum - The last girl on Earth
- charliequinn - Charlie Quinn
- chenoa - Chenoa
- cherrybomb07 - Wheeze
- chibicelchan - G.I. Romance with Native Peach
- chichirisgirl - Christa Mai Hubert
- chlaal - joan the english chick
- chyldesidhe - Projects Update
- ciegae - cj
- cindysilver - cindysilver
- cloudtrader - The Psycho-in-Training
- cmojess - jess
- colbyucb - Cheese-Incorporated
- compdinosaur - Computer Dinosaur
- coralleane - Coralie Leane
- corglacier7 - Joan
- cornfields - Marci, Queen of Slash
- corpse_child - Corpse Child
- corruptinnocent - Jennnnnnn
- craftyran - Ran
- crooked_halo - girl with the broken smile
- cryingwasteland - Crying Wasteland
- cugami - 紅紙 // 鄭美蓮
- cupiecake - Jenface!!!111
- cupiscent - over the fence is out
- curlyjo1 - CurlyJo
- cynddylan - Cyn
- cynikitty - pixie
- cynjen - Cynjen
- cynthia_harrell - Cynthia, Ruby of The Rose
- dacey - Dacey
- daenea - Dae
- dangel - DA, the Lemon Peppah Fiend
- darksideconvert - Helen Halie Clark
- daughtershade - Shade
- davybabyjones - eleven past five
- davysgal - Ally
- dayse - dayse
- demonruri - カガリ~チャン aka ルリ
- derien - Derien
- diamona - Dee Williams
- dixey - {dixey}
- dkellis - Damien Kellis
- dls - D
- dreamsmith - Alan
- ee970 - some random neff
- ein311 - PJMW ^_^
- elenis - Elenis
- elfgirl - cute, but insane
- elizalavelle - Elizabeth
- elleesttrois - Elle E'Trois
- emilyray - Emily Ray
- emilyrugburn - ms. dakota hurricane
- emilytwin - Emily
- emluv - Em
- emuses - Eil's Muses
- endsoftheworld - Wolfram
- enfaith - Extraordinary
- eridal - eri
- erie_potter - Erie Maxwell
- eringryffin - Warranted and Genuine
- eva_densetsu - Evangelion Densetsu
- eve_jukes - Unabashed Jon Stewart Fan.
- evilkarky - EvilK
- ex_eiluned368 - Eilfic
- faithette - faithette
- fangirl_lizzie - Lizzie
- fantumgrey - Alayna
- fayte - krista
- fetalcoffin - Seems a beast but secretly dreams of beauty
- filwdork - elizabeth
- finako - Fina
- fingers - Fingers
- firebird308 - Firebird
- flwrchld - Subtle = Kills Orchid Dead
- forgottenlover - Skeren Dreamera
- fraulein - Fraulein
- frightened - Random Scribblings
- frito_kal - Karen "Frito" Lawrence
- funky_squirrel - Ali
- genisis - Genisis
- genmulder - Delectably Evil...
- getfuzzy - Get Fuzzy
- ghostangel - SOIL IS MY POWER!!!!1
- gillypeep - little buddha with pies
- ginaav - Gina
- ginavive - Ginavive
- girlyskin - girlyskin
- glasstiger - Amanda
- glimmergirl - glim
- glitterdemon - subliminally inept
- goddessbrigid - Brigid the Goddess
- goldensong100 - Steevi
- gorthead - Glop
- greenabsinthe - Angel of Music
- greenet - Sascha
- greenzowie - greenzowie
- grimmy23 - Cristina
- gryphonrhi - Rhi
- gwenlister - Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
- hanakirei85 - Coral
- havok - Havok
- hawkseye - Brian
- hiddensides - Me
- highland_raven - Melynda
- holli - because you're the greatest, ted!
- hrd02ca - hrd02ca
- human_replica - Kenzie
- iamsab - Sab
- ibizaprtygrl - Cassie
- ice414 - Ice
- ice_poison - Joelle
- icie - Icie
- icybrian - IcyBrian
- iheartgwen - alyssa
- ileah - Ileah
- immajer - Immajer
- indigoskynet - Tomboy Vixen Maverick Genius
- iroshi - Iroshi
- iwerewolf - Captain Werewolf
- jackdaniels - Jack Daniels
- jade422 - ~`Laura`~
- jamjar - jamjar
- janabanana - Jana, the Chocolate Covered Banana
- jcase - Screaming Meemie
- jemi7 - Dj
- jenepherre - JenR-♥
- jennandkat - Sisters: The true story.
- jim_smith - Jim Smith
- jinian - Pillbug Super-genius
- jo_munch - Ainamenelwen
- joeysboxers - Jennifer
- johnnyj - Alec John Jameson (JohnnyJ)
- jojofries - JoJoFries
- jojothewho - potty
- jrose - Jenny
- jyaki - Loren Leah
- kaethe - Katie
- kahn - SnS
- kaitouchan - kaitou
- kalorlo - Kalorlo
- karentinks - KAren
- karra - EA Karras
- kasha - Kasha
- katarina42 - Kayleen "Katarina" Connell
- katekintail - Kate of Kintail
- kayen - Andreas
- kcountess - Karen
- kcwriter - KC
- keiltagh - wolfie what bites
- keishoku - Keishoku Kage
- kevinr - Kevin Royal
- kevinroyal01 - Kevvy's Test Journal
- khirsah - Khirsah
- kidkai - Kai
- kielle - ¤ Kielle ¤
- kikei - Kikei
- kilara - Kilara
- kimberlee - Kimberlee
- kirbyfest - I'm not that girl
- kirsch - kirsch
- kisstherain - The Dancer of the Dirges
- kitarra - Kitarra
- kitsileya - KitSileya
- kittykatz - Nan.ce
- kleinmeli - Kleinmeli
- konzen - Keruri
- koriandr - Princess Koriand'r
- krazykat - Mary
- ladybeth - Lady Beth
- laertes - Dakota
- larathia - Larathia Nightraven
- lassarina - Lassarina Athyn
- laudre - Laudre
- laurakaye - Laura Kaye
- leilia - Lady Lark
- leliaann - Lelia
- leod - Leo Denzel
- lesshour - Lesa
- leyni - Leyni
- lilscgerly - Tiff
- little_star19 - Lady Stardust
- littlejane - Little Jane
- liz_chan - Liz
- lizardlois - lois
- llary - Richina
- lnitefall - Lady Nitefall
- logan_jean - Tina
- logovo - logovo
- loligo - Loligo
- lono - Lono
- loopychew - Lawrence Chu
- loretak - Lori
- loveisntbrains - Ashley
- lovelies - && Prison Sex Apocalypse--;;
- loveoftherose - H. Janis Anne
- luki13 - Honey
- lunaticvee - Luna "Tic" Vee
- lurkergrrl - Libby
- luxfic - Lux
- lydia_draven - Snarf
- lyekka - Lakshmi
- lynesse - aphy
- lysimache - jen
- lystra - Lystra
- mac_arthur_park - Wicked Witch of the Midwest
- madcap - fiery locks
- maeyan - Maeyan
- magdellin - w3 h4v3 0ur l337 h4gr1dXdumbl3d0r3 fics n00b
- mariann - Mariann
- masteralida - Alida
- maureenans - Maureen Anson
- meghanceleste - Meghan Celeste
- mercgirl57 - Amy the Bucking Fallerina
- mercury32 - Phone Monkey Extrodinaire
- mike_smith - Mike Smith
- minakochan - with her red shoes on
- minakochan43 - Mouse
- minirth - minirth midori
- mishmosh - Mish Allucia
- momiji - Momo
- morganfreechild - Kate
- mpoetess - The Good One
- mrben - Mr Ben
- mrmike - Mike
- murasaki_akumu - Princess Angela
- museharem - the musepets
- mydarkstar - Twi
- mysteri - Teri
- mythicaldancer - Christy
- nanet - Jenny
- narcissism - m.e.i.
- nepenthe_ - Your New Aesthetic
- nephthys - nephthys
- nightspawn - Das Dude
- nightwalker - Nightwalker
- nilchance - Nix
- nitasee - Molly B. Damned
- nk_seashore - Czar Nikky
- noelleleithe - I'm a Georgia girl, lost in New Jersey
- northatlantic - shadow in the background
- nova25 - Milla
- numfar - Numfar DePlrtzglrb
- oceans_of_jade - dressed to kill
- offred - Sarah
- omorka - Omorka
- one_2_3_4 - undecisive and so not trying.
- onnawufei - Overlord of Female TMI
- opheliarose - agent orange
- ouijarose - OuijaRose
- paris7am - Paris7am
- pcgrc - Aa-shi
- peacerose - Laura
- phantomfire - Phantom Fire
- poisoncrazylush - bola-natalie
- porcelaingrl - Stranded Soul
- possibilities - Becker
- prophecygirl - Prophecy Girl
- prophesygirl - Jen
- prysmicdork - I shall be... Pot.
- pseudokat - Richard Simmons
- psychotic_chik - Eva
- purplerebecca - Rebecca JJ
- qlbanks - Q2
- quecojones - ( . Y . )
- quew - Oogly Boogly
- quincykat - Dionne
- raggedrose - RaggedRose
- rahalia_cat - Raha
- rainbow_bright - Nicole
- raivyn - kittius gothalotacus
- rann - Rann Aridorn
- rawkstarr - //emo jUNKiE
- rayhne - Rayhne
- reggie_mbq - Lucy
- renque - Rennie
- ressick - Itinerant Poet
- reveries - Sal
- rewind2day - Rewind
- rhiannondance - blue shadows
- rinsong - Rin
- rmuse - Redd
- roguebelle - Cassandra
- ropo - That slacker girl
- rosesanguina - Anjali
- rq - Rea Nee
- rubeus - Rubeus
- rueishness - +// my give a damn's BUSTED //+
- run4rabbit - bunny girl
- ryosato - Lavender Feline
- saileyn - Kat
- sandee725 - sandeesquatch
- sandrine - Claudia
- sarahcascade - SarahCascade
- scarletmaiden - Ali
- schala4 - Schala
- schnogle - Fic Updates
- scriviner - Scriviner
- seeraav - Heather
- seifergrrl - The Videogaming Alchemist
- sg1padawan - SG1Padawan
- shaaday - Shaaday
- shadur - Dragon with a heartache
- shannymuse - ShannyMuse
- shell - Shell
- shellybelle - ChelleRockYouLikeAHurricane
- sherocker13 - Josie
- shibbybitch - Nemi
- shieen - shireen
- shihadchick - no fiction that will truly fit this situation
- shinyeyemakeup - Kelli
- silversolitaire - Silver
- sinanju - Sinanju
- sineala - Elena
- sinisterf - Brandy
- sistercoyote - The All-Amazing Crazy Girl
- skuishy - Porcine Poohbah
- skyewolf - Briar
- slashchick - Crazy Katie Nambulous
- slashfreak - isaac hanson is mine btfo
- sleepsong - Alisa
- smittygirl - Beatley: 90% Proof
- smittywing - Smitty
- smurfsrfun2boil - Psychopathic
- snacky - Pass the Popcorn and Enjoy the Show
- snowdome - snow dome
- snowinsommer - Sai
- sodasrule - Cara
- soleta - soleil
- songs_of_winter - Winter
- sophia_helix - Sophia Jirafe
- sparcck - American Yum Yum Karate Monkey
- sparkyphil - Ophelia C.
- spindesigner - the nefarious pirate
- spirit1013 - anja in theory
- spiritstream17 - SpiritStream17
- spite_pet - Spite the Wufei Worshipper
- stevefarrell - Steve Farrell
- stifle - quietgirl
- strandia - Rae
- sunshineyellow - 艶かしいお嬢様
- suzw71 - Suzette
- sweetmaddness - Aphony Cree
- taerowyn - Taerowyn
- tangentx - tangent (Ali)
- tangletoy - tangle of toy
- tarshaan - tarsh
- taylorkate - we'll name it *later*
- taysbluethong - Ms Magdalene
- tayschaos - Chrissie
- tcirisheyes - Teri Irish Eyes
- tepantonga - Lila
- teza - Teza
- theblackalbum - Magz, Char , Vix and Others
- theglaistig - The Glaistig
- tolvar - Tolvar
- toni - Toni
- topknot - Wyndi The Wonder Fag
- toxic_corn - Mara
- trekster - Ritalin Math Parties
- tylergrrls - Donna & Bree
- ubik - Ubik
- unmisha - Misha
- urbanfae - urbanfae
- ursamajor - running through the screendoors of discretion
- vampyreslayer - Annies
- vanilla666 - Vanilla
- vannadear - Echo in her Endless Waltz
- variations - Kate
- vatrixsta - Trix
- veronamay - Sinistral
- viridian5 - Viridian5
- visionshadows - zillah
- waltzingmatilda - Waltzing Matilda
- welshwitch - gueri de toi
- wgsarah - WGSarah
- whasit - whasit
- whokee67 - Emily, lover of Ze Franz
- wingedwolf - Wolfie
- wm_law2003 - Amy, Esq.
- wolf_master - Brian Whiting
- wonderpup - ~WP~
- wyrd_maiden - She's Not Like The Other Girls
- xanthe42 - nevermind the bollocks!
- xianghua - Cait (Aoife_Pook)
- yaoific - serendous
- yasminm - Yasmin M.
- yshyn - Jewels
- zannechaos - Steel Blue
- zehara - Billie
- zortified - Men in Suits
- zuppylover - Annie