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Below is information about the "Icon Tutorial" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:icon_tutorial (1175719) icon_tutorial
Helping icon makers one tutorial at a time.
Name:Icon Tutorial
About:Welcome to Icon Tutorial! This community is designed to help icon designers of varying skill levels by creating a community where everyone can come and share their various icon-making techniques. We invite everyone to share their knowledge, but we ask that members follow these guidelines:

1.) Be respectful. If someone posts a technique that you disagree with, simply say, "thanks for sharing your way, this is how I make blinking text," or whatever the subject is. Do NOT tell anyone s/he is wrong -- if they made the text blink, then they're obviously doing something right.

2.) Please be sure to check the community's memories before making a new post. [info]etoilepb created an excellent post on how to use the memories. We try to avoid redundancy, and the memories are updated quite often.

3.) This community is not for sharing icons. You may post an example icon to demonstrate which technique you are explaining, but please keep the mass posting of icons to the various icon communities.

4.) Please don't "spam" the community. Such posts will be deleted (this includes off-topic posts). If you have an icon community, or an icon journal, and would like your community/journal to be linked in the userinfo, email the moderators and we will make the link.

5.) No requests for icons. This is not an opportunity to ask people to make you an icon of such-and-such a person. It is a community for you to learn how to make your own. Any post requesting an icon will be deleted without notice. Instead, visit [info]iconrequests.

6.) The subject line is your friend. And it's the moderators' friend, too, as it helps us categorize the memories. And it helps you browse them! Use the subject line every time you make a new post. Please refer to the sample post if you are unsure of posting protocol. Don't forget: you can edit any post you make (and mods can't), so please, if you forgot something, or you want to add something, edit your original post instead of adding a "clarifying" one; that's just easier for everybody.

7.) Once your question has been answered, please don't edit or delete it! If everyone did that, we wouldn't have an archive of memories for everyone else to use. :)

This community is moderated and maintained by [info]grass_stained, [info]etoilepb, [info]ohstarrynight, [info]catatonic1242, [info]gracemyheart, and [info]jacklemmon.

Link to us!
But download and save to your own computer, no hotlinking please!

Icon communities

Community Members' Icon Sites
impetus icons
Icons by Etoile

Other tutorials/resources
Icon Tutorial Part 1 by [info]saava
Icon Tutorial Part 2 by [info]saava
Memories:583 entries
Interests:20: 100x100, adobe, adobe photoshop, animation shop, corel, draw, fonts, gimp, graphics, icons, illustrator, image ready, images, learning, making icons, paint, paint shop pro, photoplus, photoshop, psp. [Modify yours]
Members:1857: View Members .
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