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User:lonita (100573) Paid User lonita
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Location:Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
"If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty." Japanese Proverb

Natural born philosopher and armchair psychologist, thinker of things, doer of deeds, drinker of tea, a momentary lapse of reason, a puzzle with a piece missing, painter, punner, subtle as a load of bricks wrapped in tungsten.

Don't worry, I grow on people; like a fungal infection.

Damn interests box. Too small.

When you are deluded and full of doubt,
Even a thousand books of scripture are still not enough.
When you have realized understanding,
Even one word is already too much.
Zen is communicated personally,
Through mental recognition.
It is not handed on directly by written words.
- Fenyang

The mighty ocean has but one taste,
The taste of salt.
Even so, the true way has
But one savor,
The savor of freedom.
- Majjhima Nikaya

Overcome your uncertainties
And free yourself
From dwelling on sorrow.
If you delight in existence,
You will become a guide
To those who need you,
Revealing the path to many.
- Sutta Nipata

There's so much left to know,
And I'm on the road to findout.
The answer lies within,
So why not take a look now.
-- Cat Stevens
Memories:3497 entries
Interests:111: 3, abstracts, absurdities, advice, armchair philosophy, armchair psychology, art, athabasca university, autumn, books, brains, canada, chaos, colour, communications, complexity, connections, contemplating, contradiction, conversation, creativity, curiosities, daydreaming, discovery, diversity, dreaming, dreams, drinking, eccentricity, education, enlightenment, euphemisms, everything, exploration, glass, grok, humanities, humanity, humour, ideas, imagination, individuality, information, inspiration, intelligence, interconnectedness, introspection, irreverence, language, life, lists, ltuae, madness, maesthematics, mental masturbation, movies, music, notebooks, oddities, ode to joy, painting, patterns, people, perfect moments, philosophy, pi, poetry, politics, pondering, purple, questions, quotations, rain, ranting, reading, relaxation, religion, road trips, sarcasm, self awareness, self-improvement, sense of humour, silence, simpatico, sleep, sleeping, social sciences, socialism, sociology, solitude, speculation, spirituality, stuff, subconscious, surrealism, symbolism, taoism, tea, things, thinking, time, tolerance, travel, trivia, truth, wit, word association football, words, writing, writing exercises, zena. [Modify yours]
People142:_sub_rosa_, adriang, aeto, andyroyal, angelle1960, aprilstorme, arachne, argumentplease, asmodeusb, asphodelii, athelred, audacity242, azhreia, azhure, baxil, billemon, blimeyoreilly, boodie, bookofnights, canyoncat, charles, chase, chezwylie, classic, cynicaloptimist, cynnerth, dabrooklyn, dancinglights, dcl, delanuit, derechodragon, deusinnomen, dev_ilry, dewhitton, djedhi, dlr_log, dreamflow, dwagoner, edges, elfric, elikabeth, emeraldkitty, eozarth, ethora, eyamie, frawst, fynne, galawynne, gandalfgreyhame, gleth, haggard37, hedgegoth, henman, hiddenpink, iamzulma, icdedpeople, iggabod, jema, jetorange, jimbro1000, jourdannex, jude, justjay, jwrandal, katster, keepkicking, kitaryufinn, kraig, kreggan, kreldon, lathari, lizardek, lonita, low_delta, lucretius, maeglin73, mildred, mindme, mmmetta, monster32, mtffm, mysticwit, noveldcl, o_w_t_fairies, oceansedge, odiedragon, ookymoo, otherwisefine, ounceofreason, ozswede, philrancid, phloof, piperdawn, plasticsoul, polonius, pounce, praxes, psaakyrn, quen_elf, rakoth, rasakavya, redfruit, roadskoller, roshi, rotscribbler, saintgeorge, seamusd, shigeru, shrijani, silussa, sioneva, slipjig, spixiana, spottedgecko, stormys, strex, sunblessed24, sunshine_two, syle, taldragon, tandabat, tangeroo, targaff, teofphiglet, tequilasunset, theusualsuspect, topher, toy_dragon, trimalchio, tropism, vajrahridaya, vilashna, voodoolimbo, vwip, vyoma, wavebreaker, wordsmith9, worldforger, wyrm, xenophon, yashar37, zibblsnrt
Communities11:alphabet_soup, anvvv, desktop, inpassing, older_students, operation_smile, paidmembers, puns, rafters, reflecting_pool, tiny_garden
Feeds6:dav_in, fishbowl_all, fishbowl_links, fishpix, tangerine_full, tlands_dot_org
Mutual Friends:138: _sub_rosa_, adriang, aeto, andyroyal, angelle1960, aprilstorme, arachne, argumentplease, asmodeusb, asphodelii, audacity242, azhreia, azhure, baxil, billemon, blimeyoreilly, boodie, bookofnights, canyoncat, charles, chase, chezwylie, classic, cynicaloptimist, cynnerth, dabrooklyn, dancinglights, dcl, delanuit, derechodragon, deusinnomen, dev_ilry, dewhitton, djedhi, dlr_log, dreamflow, dwagoner, edges, elfric, elikabeth, emeraldkitty, eozarth, ethora, eyamie, frawst, galawynne, gandalfgreyhame, gleth, haggard37, hedgegoth, henman, iamzulma, icdedpeople, iggabod, jema, jetorange, jimbro1000, jourdannex, jude, justjay, jwrandal, katster, keepkicking, kitaryufinn, kraig, kreggan, lathari, lizardek, lonita, low_delta, lucretius, maeglin73, mildred, mindme, mmmetta, monster32, mtffm, mysticwit, noveldcl, o_w_t_fairies, oceansedge, odiedragon, ookymoo, otherwisefine, ounceofreason, ozswede, philrancid, phloof, piperdawn, plasticsoul, polonius, pounce, praxes, psaakyrn, quen_elf, rakoth, rasakavya, redfruit, roadskoller, roshi, rotscribbler, saintgeorge, seamusd, shigeru, shrijani, silussa, sioneva, slipjig, spixiana, spottedgecko, stormys, strex, sunblessed24, sunshine_two, syle, taldragon, tandabat, tangeroo, targaff, teofphiglet, tequilasunset, theusualsuspect, topher, toy_dragon, trimalchio, tropism, vajrahridaya, vilashna, voodoolimbo, vwip, vyoma, wavebreaker, wordsmith9, worldforger, wyrm, xenophon, yashar37, zibblsnrt
Account type:Permanent Account

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