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[18 Sep 2003|11:56pm]

[ mood | bored ]

I found myself saying to someone tonight...

-I want to go out and get drunk -and dance -and make out with someone
-I want to be a reckless college student again

And you know what? I was serious too! Maybe not about doing all those things, but really I miss my Thursday nights in college when I'd go out with all my friends and we'd have a good time -usually followed by some kind of drama- but it was great to just be out and have a good time.

Now I just sit at home everynight -with nothing to do 'cause there is no one here -I have no friends at home 'cause they're just not home. My house is making me crazy, my mother, my brother, my stepbrother and his father -it's getting a little claustrophobic in my room -so to speak. I feel like a lazy bum sitting around with my laptop all the time. Soon though this laziness will be over 'cause I will have to get a job -within the next month hopefully.

I know though that I'm not the only recent graduate being lazy -there is a girl in my LSAT prep course who has been doing nothing since graduation in May -at least I had summer job. I dunno. I'm hoping things get more exciting for me soon -I don't seem to have much fun anymore.
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[18 Sep 2003|02:24pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

Is anyone else really pissed off that everyone they know is getting married or is having a baby? This pisses me off because before you know it, it becomes harder to stay friends with these people and they get so sucked into their mundane lives they forgot how to have fun.

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Sigh... [18 Sep 2003|12:20pm]

[ mood | blah ]

Ok yesterday was a total bust I was upset most of the day and I didnt get to do anything. Well I guess you have good birthdays and bad ones huh...mine just happen to be my 21st.
I ended up just sitting around and watching tv most of the day.Until about 10:30 I got bored and frustrated and went to humphreys for 2 minutes till I realized I didnt want to be there either there wasnt even any seats avaiable outside.So I gave up by that time I was exhausted and decided to give up and go to sleep.
One good thing happend though I will have to say was the only good thing. I got an ultra sound of the baby ands now I have pictures to prove it is 100% my little girl! I also have a silouhette of her face it gives me goose bumps everytime I look at the picture.In the ultra sound I got to see her toes and fingers it made me feel good I cant believe how big she has gotten since last ultra sound.She kept putting her hands in front of her face and rubbing her eyes cause the nurse woke her up.She is a very active baby wich is good and the doctor says she looks very healthy.Her heartbeat was 155htp.
Well that was the highlight of my day and probaly the rest of the week so I hope everyone else has a better weekend than I will. May you all drink and be merry!

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ok here we go you can do it... [03 Sep 2003|01:39pm]

[ mood | curious ]

stolen from userinfocirclek

1. How did you first find my journal?
2. Why did you originally decide to friend me?
3. What's your favorite part of my journal?
4. What's your least favorite part of my journal?
5. Ask me a question. Be as random as you want.
6. Have you ever met me in person?

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HELLO?!?! [02 Sep 2003|02:36pm]

[ mood | blank ]

no one has posted in here since JUNE. Are you people still alive? Anyone freak out yet?

I will be 25 in 2 months and I am having a fit.

I also just got MARRIED.

So, this is it, huh? Is there anything else to the rest of my life?

Come on people, there has to be some life out there in this community?!?!?!?!?!?!

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[30 Jun 2003|02:07pm]

[ mood | curious ]

if you guys get a minute would you go HERE and fill out this poll for me. it's not long; i'm just trying to figure out what other people do compared to what i would like to do- not that i know what i'd like to do or anything ;)

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Venting, but comments are welcome [27 Jun 2003|11:23am]

[ mood | morose ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace - Somewhere Out There ( ALTERNATIVE) ]

I've been part of this community for a couple years now, and, though I rarely post, I read about everyone else's worries and trials.

Here's my own, just because there might be some constructive feedback here (as opposed to a chorus of "Yes"es).

In any case. I have basically been trying to figure out what I should be doing, right now, with my life. What Color Is Your Parachute and various related activities did not spark the seed of insight that they tell me is buried inside me. I'm taking a mid-level psychology course this summer just to see if that's a direction in which I have a passion.

I think undergrad lied to me. I had the impression that I would be able to find work when I graduated; that the natural progression was from college to work force. While it was most probably simply the economy "lying" to me, I've still been taking it pretty hard. The only good thing about this massive slump in the economy is that I'm finding struggling to find programming work to lead me to believe that it is not for me. Whether it is the struggle or the fact that I'm trying to do it all on my own, I can't say.

I guess unemployment is supposed to give one the impetus to move on and find their passion. Damned if I have, though. Any suggestions would be greatly helpful.

Thanks for letting me vent on here ... it helps.

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if you're a democrat and/or a liberal [27 Jun 2003|09:42am]

PLEASE go to howard dean's web site and contribute to his campaign.

check out where he stands on the issues.

there are 3 days left before the FEC deadline and any little bit helps!

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Hey hey [20 Jun 2003|10:43pm]

I left this community and now I am back. If you don't remember me that is ok most people don't. I am a 20 year old from Delaware. I have no job and I am not in school. I am wasting my life. I go to bed at like 4am and sleep all day. I live with my mom, 3 dogs and 2 rats. So, yeah.
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debt advice [19 Jun 2003|03:12pm]

link of the day

this site seems to be a good, objective place to get help on dealing with debt. they have some useful tools, like a debt calculator.
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Just to introduce myself... [19 Jun 2003|12:27am]

Hello everyone. I am unsure quite how I stumbled upon this community but it looks interesting. Just to introduce and describe myself: I'm 23 years old, born and raised in the DC Metro area, just graduated from Mary Washington College with a BA in Religion (note: no, I don't want to go into seminary), and I'm currently fairly clueless about what I should do with the rest of my life. It's interesting how one can invest so much time into education, and then turn out fairly ignorant about how to survive after graduation. ("I am a college graduate! I have a degree! I know...uh...something...") Actually one of the main lessons I learned in college is I'm not as brilliant as I thought I was when I was 18. Ignorance is bliss?

So here I am. It's good to meet everyone, and I'm looking forward to (aside from developing a life) reading future posts in this community. :-)
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getting into grad school [18 Jun 2003|12:03pm]

link of the day

the best part of this site is the graduate school search. it helps you narrow things down. it also has good advice about financial aid.

cheers dears.
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digs magazine [16 Jun 2003|04:19pm]

link of the day

this is a great online magazine that is geared especially towards 20somethings. i love it. it's got shit about throwing parties, decorating on a budget, cooking, and fun things to do on a saturday night when you're sick of going out, spending $25 on cosmos, and giving your cell phone number to a guy with an unidentifiable accent who wears tapered jeans.
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working abroad [12 Jun 2003|04:07pm]

link of the day

see, i told you i was going to do this.

alliances abroad has great resources for people who want to work overseas. it includes teaching, working, volunteering, and internship programs.

i looked into it because i'd love to go back to the uk, but it's hard to do that if you're not a student. this may be the ticket!

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[11 Jun 2003|02:37pm]

just dropping in to see how everyone is doing.
remember that you can email me at with any questions or concerns.
also, in a shameless plug, my antsy column is up and running at a new one should go up sometime this week.

on a personal note, i have decided to go back to school to get my masters of library sciences. does anyone have a pair of prince-nez glasses i could borrow? i'm excited. and the best part: NO GRE.

anyone have any great grad school stories to share? (i doubt it, but it's worth a shot.)

i have been a very laissez faire mod lately, and i am going to try to step in a bit and get you all some good 20something info, like maybe a link of the day or some shit like that.

ok. everyone take care.
hugs and kisses to all.
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[10 Jun 2003|05:21pm]

I'm new here, and I haven't quite hit my quarter life mark yet but 22 is close enough.

I feel like I'm in limbo, and in reality I kind of am. I'm at an in between point and I don't know what to do next. I know what I want to next, but you can't always get what you want. So I graduated from college a month ago (a month ago from today -to be exact) and I have no plans. I know I want to continue my education but I would like to do that in law school -well that doesn't really work when you've been wait-listed -now I have to sit around and patiently wait to hear a final decision.

For the summer I'm spending it doing what I've done for the past three summers -lifeguarding at the local pool -not exactly what someone with a BA should be doing -but I'm not the only one. I don't think I'm going to enjoy my summer working with a bunch of high school kids and college students who have the mentality of high school students.

So yeah, I'm lost, I'm stuck, I don't know what to do.

But anyway, hi to everyone here and hopefully I'm not alone in the way i feel.
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help me have a social life! [10 Jun 2003|05:16pm]

hey, i just moved to boston (well brookline) and i dont know a soul. i'd like to make some new friends, if anyone is in the area and willing! im 26, from indiana and a medical assistant. before that i worked retail (i finally got out of that, yay!). i have a bachelors of arts in sociology from purdue, class of 99. i like going to movies, listening to alt rock, shopping and really am up for just about anything from sports to art museums. i really want someone to go see finding nemo with, and charlies angels when it comes out. i realize one shouldnt pimp herself in a community but ive never quite moved anywhere where i didnt know anyone at all! if i sound kind of amusing and not so lame that you want to talk or meet for caffeinated nectar of the gods, please send me an email via my livejournal address -

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i'm not THAT old [06 Jun 2003|12:13pm]

one of the temps at work yesterday said to me, "excuse me, ma'am but..."
ma'am??! this girl was like 20 and I'm only 25. grumble grumble grumble...
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[05 Jun 2003|07:38pm]

I've been out of school for a couple of years, and I've decided that life after school is just not as good. I don't like this whole being responsible thing, so I'm going back to school. Maybe I can stay in school forever.
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greetings from the miserable [30 May 2003|11:45am]

hello all! i graduated from the university of north texas two years ago, and it's been nothing but up and down since then. took three months to find a job due to hiring freezes.

But at last, I found this great cushy job as a pr assistant at a five-star, five-diamond hotel. wonderful! two weeks later, september 11th happened. six weeks into the job, me and the director were laid off. they decided to hire a pr firm to do the work of two people. what? i was hired back as a temp to sell gift certificates for the holidays, and that's when i found out that they actually had a new pr assistant they turned into a pr person. she would come to me on a daily basis and ask me where certain press releases were. "i don't know," i would reply, "i don't work in the pr dept."

after that, i was hired on at a pr firm where the boss screamed at me every single day. if i did something exactly the way she told me to, she would still scream at me. the boss and the other lady who worked there didn't even have a pr degree. i quit when they started putting the intern's name on press releases.

now i'm a proofreader. it's pretty easy work, but when i was hired permanently, they told me, "it's not much money now, but just wait six months and we'll be able to give you a raise." i found out that i was being paid the same pay as someone else who doesn't have a degree. six months rolled by, they said i was one of the best here, they love me, and gave me a small raise. "we know it's a small raise, but just wait six more months and we'll be able to give you a bigger raise." i'm currently trying to get back into the pr business. i'm very upset with life right now, and all i want to do is go back to college and study to become an underwater basket weaver.

please feel sorry for me!
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