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Below is user information for психогенное помрачение сознания. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:lackoffit (1065993) lackoffit
на полпути в осень
шизофреническая галлюцинация
Name:психогенное помрачение сознания
Location:Урал, Russian Federation
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 169786272 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Здесь не было конца
И не будет начала
И моё присутствие здесь-ничего не значит
Interests:12: глаза, грусть, депрессия, дождь, запах сигарет, найти, небо, ночь, отсутствие страха, рок, темнота, туман. [Modify yours]
People75:170_sm_neznosti, _eraser_, _koshka_, ai017, amberwave, anarhistka, angedonija, azoor, banana_tazzz, baranoff, belchar, bhean_sidhe, c0rah, cectpehka, chiffa_the_one, chinka, cka, constttlinoleum, crawly, danaja, darmeon, depressiya, do_neba, ellays, fogot, fourteenth, frozenmove, hgr, hvostarik, ichik, ielya, ierne, ignes_fatuus, ispanka, ixmn, jalous, kamutahirovata, katka_fox, kleimo, kpblcka, kulala, lich_ona, light_medelis, lilit_daughter, lost_bit, luckyjerry, mainfish, mashkina, migera, mr_false, mustangostang, nachhause, names, neponyatka, nienor, nizachto, nnirvanna, no_future, parazitka, plesen, prof_csl, rodka, ronny_, rushana, sapog, scratch_cat, shamakai, sherd, solfe, tanada, uris, virtuallight, volna, wicked_ann, ximepa6
Friend of:56: 170_sm_neznosti, _eraser_, amberwave, azoor, belchar, bhean_sidhe, c0rah, cectpehka, chiffa_the_one, chinka, constttlinoleum, danaja, darmeon, fogot, fourteenth, frozenmove, hgr, hvostarik, ichik, ielya, ierne, ispanka, ixmn, jalous, katka_fox, kleimo, kulala, lich_ona, light_medelis, lilit_daughter, lost_bit, luckyjerry, mashkina, migera, mr_false, mustangostang, nachhause, nienor, nizachto, nnirvanna, no_future, parazitka, plesen, rodka, ronny_, rushana, sapog, shamakai, sherd, solfe, swallowsnest, tanada, uris, virtuallight, wicked_ann, ximepa6
Member of:13: aforism, anekdot, drug_pohuista, nedosyp, nenavizhu, ru_alone, ru_depression, ru_kitchen, ru_smokers, ru_userpics, ru_voice, ru_zayeblo, zloe_utro
Account type:Free Account

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