
In final hours, Bush mailings display images of burning World Trade Center

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By John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor

In a last ditch bid to win Pennsylvania’s electoral votes, where Democratic Sen. John Kerry is leading is most polls, President George W. Bush has engaged in mailings which contain myriad graphic images of the burning World Trade Center on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

The ad is three-fold. RAW STORY has acquired scans of two and a half pages.

On the front side, the ad asks in red print, “How Can John Kerry Lead America In A Time of War?” It adds three subsequent lines, “Kerry: Changing Positions,” “Kerry: Cutting Defense” and “Kerry: Slashing Intelligence.”

Following that, there are nine images of the front pages of Sept. 12, 2001 newspapers (shown below), all of which display the smoking towers of the World Trade Center before they collapsed, killing some 2,600 people. One includes the approach of the plane.

While the Bush-Cheney campaign has routinely used 9/11 as a keystone of their campaign, these are the first print advertisements this site is aware of which actually display multiple images of the burning twin towers. The ad states that it was paid for by the Republican National

  Committee, with the approval of Bush-Cheney ‘04.

The second side blames Kerry for “slashing intelligence,” though it neglects to note that the CIA did not believe there was a solid case for war. President Bush took America to war over the CIA’s objection, leaving it unclear what the relevance of Kerry’s alleged “slashing intelligence” means in this election.

The third side details the programs Kerry allegedly voted “to cut.” These programs were part of broad Defense Department packages, which Kerry is believed to have voted against in protest of excessive Pentagon spending .

Click the images to see them enlarged.


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  1. sick sick sick sick

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/29/2004 @ 12:58 am

  2. Thank God for Eminem’s video “Mosh” which is going to reach a wider audience. The video contains the best headline in America over the last four years. The New York Post’s “Bush Knew.”

    Comment by ron brynaert — 10/29/2004 @ 1:25 am

  3. I will vote for Bush as soon as his spoiled little daughters enlist to fight the “War on Terror". He can make jokes about searching for WMDs, which over 1,000 soldiers have died doing, but if someone suggests that he mismanaged the war in Iraq they’re called out as denigrating our troops.

    Comment by Joe Biden — 10/29/2004 @ 1:52 am

  4. Raw Story, you gotta get on the “bulge” story as reported on salon.com.

    That is news that brings chills down to the core of my soul.

    Comment by Miriam A. Schaefer — 10/29/2004 @ 2:47 am

  5. Disgusting.
    But not Surprising.

    Comment by carolinadreamer — 10/29/2004 @ 2:56 am

  6. How sad is that to use a national grief for your own gain. I wouldnt be able to sleep at night. I think it shows how compassionate of a christian he is.

    Think of FDR using the image of the burning USS Arizona in his reelection bid. How would history judge him then.

    Comment by Mark — 10/29/2004 @ 4:14 am

  7. I have to laugh when I look at the half-page that shows in the bottom picture, listing all the weapons systems Kerry “voted against.” In every case, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, the bills to kill those systems were introduced by… (drum roll, please)… none other than DEFENSE SECRETARY DICK CHENEY! It was after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Reagan adminstration was looking to cut defense spending. Kerry only voted to support CHENEY’S BILLS!

    Comment by Robert — 10/29/2004 @ 5:11 am

  8. […] RNC is going for. Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached a new low. Read more about it at BlueLemur

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    Pingback by SebiMeyer.com - Daily analysis of Current Affairs, Daily Foreign Policy, etc. — 10/29/2004 @ 6:44 am

  9. Someone should let the Bush team know that the Orlando Sentinel endorsed John Kerry.

    Comment by Josh Catone — 10/29/2004 @ 7:16 am

  10. Nice work. Couldn’t get a trackback to work- gave mention of story at Iddybud.
    Rather than:
    “How can John Kerry lead in a time of war?", the question should be
    “How could Bush do this to America, using 9/11 to mislead us to unnecessary war in Iraq with no plan for the peace?”

    Comment by Jude — 10/29/2004 @ 7:26 am

  11. This is nothing short of cowardly and desperate. We were in NYC when this happened. I watched the buildings go down from my living room window. Why not ask New Yorkers how they feel about Bush? We remember how he fled like a scared puppy. Do New Yorkers feel safer with him as President. Hell no!

    Comment by Rudy Baron — 10/29/2004 @ 7:28 am

  12. Interesting timing to say the least. I doubt the RNC boys planned to have tons of missing explosives on the loose at the same time they unloosed this mailer. Anything happens here between now and the election prompts the question, did these terrorists use those explosives?

    Comment by debraz — 10/29/2004 @ 8:51 am

  13. The worst thing to ever happen to us was the best thing to ever happen to him. Sick.

    Comment by Cody — 10/29/2004 @ 9:39 am

  14. I’m not at all shocked, looks just like Republican kind of BS. Looking desperate and pathetic is what Republican’s do well.

    Comment by Jennifer — 10/29/2004 @ 10:33 am

  15. Bush is advertising his own failure on 9/11 and is using it as a promotional point for his re-election?

    I think Karl Rove has gone nuts.

    Comment by Steve Savage — 10/29/2004 @ 10:40 am

  16. The lowest of Karl Rove’s lows to be sure. I physically felt ill as I read the story and looked at the flyer. This from a guy who looked like a deer caught in the headlights as a story about a pet goat was being read while hundred jumped to their death in New York. Decency is dead in America.

    Comment by R. Waters — 10/29/2004 @ 10:57 am

  17. -On Bush saying Kerry is a threat to taking us back to pre-9/11

    ‘Hey George, 9/11 was on YOUR watch, don’t forget YOU were the commander in chief’

    -On Bush saying ‘A political candidate who jumps to conclusions without knowing the facts is not a person you want as your commander and chief’

    ‘George, George, George, The above words should seal YOUR fate with the American people and the world.’ There has never been a president that has taken so much action without knowing the facts as you, ever.’

    It’s time to deliver the Donald Trump line to Bush and Cheney - ‘YOUR FIRED’

    Comment by John Baughman — 10/29/2004 @ 11:11 am

  18. Are all those newspapers the same ones who have ENDORSED JOHN KERRY?!!

    Comment by David — 10/29/2004 @ 11:23 am

  19. This doesn’t surprise me at all. Karl Rove is capable of the lowest form of manipulation. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past him to have personally produced the latest “Al Queda” video out on the web. Doesn’t that look like him behind that burka? Sure, it proportedly threatens attacks on America for voting in Bush/Cheney, but that’s just the kind of double-switch-back-twist propaganda Rove is infamous for: make it look like the Dems have planted a video, when it was actually the Repug-licans in disguise, trying to turn the tide out of sheer desperation.

    Kerry’s winning on Tuesday, folks. I feel it in my bones.

    Comment by Jon — 10/29/2004 @ 11:33 am

  20. I’d like to point out that what the pictures of the burning towers show is the failure of Bush to defend America

    Comment by ScotchLynx — 10/29/2004 @ 12:11 pm

  21. Who was the president on 9/11?

    I am confused. National security seems to have become the major issue in this campaign. The question seems under which person the country will be more secure, Kerry or Bush. Well, I am not sure under whom we will be more secure, we can never be sure about the future. But I have evidence that it is not President Bush. He was the president on September 11th when 3000 Americans died.

    This is the president that can not think of any mistakes. President Bush had been president for almost 9 months on 9/11. You would think this question, would give President Bush the opportunity to describe all the things he has done to make us safer. But I guess the President is not responsible for the structure of the government the day 3000 Americans died.

    When Kerry was asked what he saw as the most pressing issue for world security, he immediately pointed to unsecured nuclear material in Russia. Since most people agree that the prospect of a nuclear bomb carried into the US is pretty scary, it is surprising that the President had never mentioned this issue. To his credit, he agreed with Kerry that this was an important issue. And then mentioned that he would also focus on “Strategic Missile Defense", the same issue he was pushing before September 11th. This is obvious pre-9/11 thinking. His priority still seems to be on the wrong issue, just as it was the day 3000 Americans died.

    I do not think it really matters if you agreed with the president that we should go into Iraq or not. But I think it is pretty apparent that this was part of his agenda when he came to power. On September 11th his mind went straight to Iraq as a possible culprit, which is not bizarre since we occupied almost half the country at the time. Our President then used 9/11 as justification for attacking Iraq, yet there were 18 Saudi’s involved in the attacks the day 3000 Americans died.

    Today we find out that the National Security Advisor is campaigning for Bush. While this has not happened before it is not surprising and I think most people understand that Condoleezza Rice is a Bush partisan. The question is why she is National Security Advisor. Her expertise is in Russian affairs, she may be smart and all, but her appointment reflects Bush’s incorrect focus. Russia did not attack us and was not planning to attack us on 9/11 the day 3000 Americans died.

    After almost all major events in the United States the congress appoints a commission to understand what went wrong. It is important part of understanding in general how to correct issues with the American government. Americans believe that through open discourse we are able to fix issues in our system. This is what separates us from the terrorists. Yet President Bush was against the forming of the commission and then would not dare be candid with the commission on 9/11, the day 3000 Americans died.

    After the Nixon presidency, people were concerned about our security services at home and laws were passed to separate the CIA and FBI. We now understand that internal and external security are one and the same. Therefore our security services should have centralized control. But President Bush did not want the Homeland Security department and wanted to leave security the same as it was on 9/11, the day 3000 Americans died.

    While all Americans were affected by 9/11 when you talk to people from New York, you realize that they live with the attacks more than most. To get a true understanding of the attacks you need to have seen the ground zero. The New York Times is the paper of record in the city and perhaps the country (yes, it is liberal and New York is not the center of the universe, but it is where the attacks occurred). Yet our president refused to talk with the paper of the city where 3000 Americans died.

    When the President came to power, he ignored the Middle East peace process. Yes, it is a difficult situation, but past American presidents had made it a priority, understanding that peace in the Middle east is important to peace in the world. Ignoring Middle East the conflict, ignores the terrorist breeding grounds. These terrorists are what caused 3000 Americans to die.

    Could the President have avoided the attacks? It is impossible to say, but he seems to have done as little as possible to do so. After the attacks he came out vehemently against the terrorists. Finally he did something obvious, but this seems to have identified him as a great leader.

    Kerry points out that Iraq may have been the wrong war to get into, and yet we may have to stay since now the terrorists seem to have congregated there. He believes that it is important to work with our alliances and make the US more trusted in the world. These seem reasonable opinions, are they earth shattering. Probably not. But this President does not seem to even realize the obvious. Anyone who has interviewed for a job understands “the most accurate predictor of future performance is past performance in a similar situation". Who was president on 9/11, the day 3000 Americans died?

    Comment by Ben — 10/29/2004 @ 12:30 pm

  22. The signs of desperation! Send this moron and his goons packing!!

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/29/2004 @ 12:42 pm

  23. This really is the ultimate low. Disgusting- there is no other word.

    Comment by Vincent Zuffante — 10/29/2004 @ 1:15 pm

  24. He makes me sick. I’ve been voting since 1961 and have never seen such lying, underhanded tactics. I just looked at the polls and feel sicker. Why isn’t Kerry far ahead? Are people really this stupid? I just started reading the blogs and my hat’s off to you. I’m giving people with disabilities rides to the polls and driving my family nuts because I keep ranting and raving. I try to blog but haven’t figured out what threads and links etc etc mean’. Keep up the good work and let’s get the idiot. The bulge one especially.

    Comment by patricia licopoli — 10/29/2004 @ 1:15 pm

  25. Note also that several of the newspapers are from swing states (NV, OH, IA, etc.), so that when a story like this starts to squeak out into national discussion (like this), BC04 still gets to show that they’re focused on those swing states. Amusing.

    Comment by Crawford — 10/29/2004 @ 1:28 pm

  26. On 9/11, I knew that photos of the towers would be used in a mailer someday, maybe by Al Qaeda trying to gather support. I never thought our own President would do this. I mis-underestimated Bush!

    Comment by Tom Bishop — 10/29/2004 @ 1:52 pm

  27. This has to be the lowest of the low. Bush has no record to stand on, so all he can do is try to scare us and use the tragedy of 9/11 to make it look like he is saving us. John Kerry is a true American Patriot. He has been my Senator for years and he has my complete support!

    Comment by Marie — 10/29/2004 @ 2:06 pm

  28. Disgusting… this administration is grasping at straws to stay in power.

    Comment by Daniel — 10/29/2004 @ 2:31 pm

  29. Any republicans still wondering why people are so enraged at them this year?

    Comment by Jason Buckley — 10/29/2004 @ 2:40 pm

  30. Of course you dont see anything on Drudge about this!
    If Bush wins it is time for a revolution!

    Comment by tender — 10/29/2004 @ 2:50 pm

  31. Bush will walk over the graves of every victim of 9/11 just to keep his job. This is sick fear mongering, and I hope it backfires on Bush’s ass in a big way.

    Say no to four more years of fear on November 2.

    Comment by Sean McCabe — 10/29/2004 @ 3:12 pm

  32. Can you imagine what the repugs would do if 9/11 was on Clintons watch and the he did as many screw ups as this preznitwit?
    Jesus, these ass holes are really something. Forget impeaching this guy, imprison him.

    Comment by mpc — 10/29/2004 @ 3:50 pm

  33. Of the eight papers I could identify on this mailer, 5 endorsed Kerry:
    The Orlando Sentinel
    The Des Moines Register
    The Las Vegas Sun
    Florida Today
    The Bismarck Tribune

    Three have not run an endorsement:
    New York Daily News
    The Cleveland Plain Dealer
    The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

    None have endorsed Bush.

    Comment by p_d — 10/29/2004 @ 3:55 pm

  34. […] Bush’s campaign is sending out flyers attacking Kerry and containing pictures of the Twin Towers burning. Talk about doing something in poor taste. […]

    Pingback by Reardo.org » You Know It’s Close When — 10/29/2004 @ 4:34 pm

  35. […] General Current Events/ Politics Election 2004 — badgerminor @ 11:57 am

    The Bush campaign is using mailings against the Kerry campaign in Pennslyvania that coopt the terrifying ima […]

    Pingback by Orbis Quintus » What kind of crazy cognitive dissonance is this? — 10/29/2004 @ 4:57 pm

  36. If Bush wins, I’m considering moving to Europe.

    Comment by Aman — 10/29/2004 @ 4:59 pm

  37. Hopefully most people have already moved past the fear and despair felt 3 years ago, and now know that the Bush Doctrine and his “us v. them” philosopy presents much greater danger, particularly as His Mask of Infallibility no longer covers his shifting face.

    Comment by SKut — 10/29/2004 @ 5:06 pm

  38. Great News Yall,
    Bin Laden just came out and endorsed Kerry.
    Bush will end with well over 300 elect. votes
    us dumb gun weildin, bible readin rednecks are in control for another 4 years.

    Comment by Mark — 10/29/2004 @ 5:23 pm

  39. Being from NYC this sickens me.
    What did Bush do on 9/11?
    He ran.
    He hid.
    He is a coward.

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/29/2004 @ 5:29 pm

  40. I remember those days vividly. I remember it took W 3 days to get to NYC. That cowardly, AWOL, flightsuit overvacationed, smirking monkey hid. Our former President, Bill Clinton, who was in Australia on 9/11, made it back to NYC before Chimpy did. And he didn’t have the resources of the US Air Force to make that happen. Since that time W has played politics with the relief funds, security funds and aid to NYC. Why does George Bush Hate America?

    The Repuglicans are the worst opportunists. They will stop at nothing. I hope they find their just reward in this world or the next.

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/29/2004 @ 6:28 pm

  41. […] ign is showing its desperation in a new mailing discovered by Rawstory.com and reported on Bluelemur.com. The mailings were sent to voters in Pennsylania and contain graphic images on 9/11 with […]

    Pingback by primordium.org » Bush Campaign Sinking to New Depths — 10/29/2004 @ 6:41 pm

  42. Pennsylvania isn’t afraid enough. Be afraid dammit!

    Comment by Karl Rove — 10/29/2004 @ 7:16 pm

  43. […] Friday October 29 2004 this is just wrong >> I’m sorry, but this is just tasteless. In final hours, Bush mailings display images of burning World Trade Center First paragraph of article: […]

    Pingback by grepcomputers — 10/29/2004 @ 7:26 pm

  44. How unfair for Bush to campaign based on the pivotal moment of his Presidency!

    9/11 changed many people, and turned Bush from an inconsequential President–which he almost certainly would have been–into a meaningful one (whether you agree with his approach or not).

    As to what Bush did after 9/11, he led us to a victorious war in Afghanistan. The war was lamented as a “quagmire” by some at the time, and yet Afghanistan has held free elections in which women could vote and run for office just a few short year later. He also set his sight on terrorism everywhere, and stood up to Hussein, who was funding terrorism (paying the families of Palestinian suicide bombers is funding terrorism) and has been a threat to the world for years.

    I am not afraid when I see this ad. I am angry. Angry that we were attacked, and angry at the murderous extremists who want us dead. If you believe we are at war, as I do, this ad is justified. Of course, if you believe we aren’t, and the whole thing is overstated. . . then I guess you should vote for Kerry.

    Comment by loki — 10/29/2004 @ 8:27 pm

  45. Although there’s no connection between 9/11 and Iraq, this story reminds me of a funny movie.

    Comment by Shirley U. Cant-Beserious — 10/29/2004 @ 10:22 pm

  46. yeah, that’s going to play well in Iowa (mosh). Gangbangers for kerry. just add that to the terrorist for kerry (UBL, Arafat, that wack job from indonesia, wack jobs from Iran, wack job from North Korea).

    Comment by yourewrong — 10/29/2004 @ 10:57 pm

  47. #40: The last thing the firefighters wanted to deal with was a visit form the POTUS. Think about it. Just because clinton is a media whore doesn’t make it right for him to rush to the center of every story.

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/29/2004 @ 11:00 pm

  48. I received one of these despicable fliers in Las Vegas, NV today. Absolutely shameful exploitation of a shared national tragedy.

    Comment by Vegas Mike — 10/30/2004 @ 1:01 am

  49. Well Kerry’s a proven traitor against his fellow Veitnam vet’s. Bush is showing what the murderous terrorists did to us on 9/11, and showing that Kerry continues to be a multilateralist who’ll kiss up to the U.N. and form committees, have discusions and basically do nothing to actually take the battle to them. Instead it seems he’d rather deflate our military and have the terrorists come here to fight.
    That’s a losing strategy.

    Comment by anonymous — 10/30/2004 @ 3:57 am

  50. uh hello bush

    you were president on 9/11.

    Comment by andy — 10/30/2004 @ 5:31 am

  51. Look in his eyes
    Its all lies

    Comment by Anonymous — 10/30/2004 @ 5:35 am

  52. I’m stunned how Bush and Cheney continually charge that John Kerry will make America vulnerable to terror. They consistently forget that they were in charge when America got attacked on 9/11. Their incompetence allowed terrorists to slip through the cracks, hijack airplanes, and kill thousands of innocent Americans.

    Now, Bush and Cheney are, in effect, warning Americans that John Kerry will be just as incompetent as them!!

    There should be no doubt by now that the difference between George Bush and John Kerry is that President Kerry will never, ever tolerate incompetence.

    Comment by marc levenson — 10/30/2004 @ 5:39 am

  53. Loki,

    You are full of it. The women in Afghanistan are not “free” — many of them are being held in jail, and that is the best they can do to protect themselves from the men in their country who would kill them. Read up on it before regurgitating false GOP talking points.

    I’m glad to see that many here remembering how Bush reacted to 9/11. Jetted around like some dumb bunny, falsely claiming to be in danger. What a wuss.

    Comment by R — 10/30/2004 @ 7:23 am

  54. There is one thing the brochure doesn’t seem to mention. Every image and incedent used in the mailer, trying to scare voters, happened while Bush was supposed to be protecting the US citizens.

    Comment by Rayford — 10/30/2004 @ 7:56 am

  55. I agree with Loki’s comment. I’m angry too. Angry that Bush would give up the search for the criminal who perpetratred the mass murders of 9-11 and turn his attention to toppling the only secular government in the Middle East - perhaps one run by a madman, but no threat to our security. If Bush had kept his focus where it belonged, there wouldn’t be any more Bin Laden tapes.

    Comment by Robert Sterling — 10/30/2004 @ 8:25 am

  56. Karl Rove was already insane. Now he has turned into a “stark roveing lunatic". I am one of the 100 signatories of the petition to Eliot Spitzer to re-open 9-11 investigations and they would be a criminal matter. This type of preying on fear is an act of terrorism in and of itself, but this White House does not care since they are the center of terrorism in this world.

    As a Conservative Christian Republican that was a hard realization to come to but I know things that most don’t. See http://www.summeroftruth.org/images/karl_schwarz.ppt. I knew long ago that a non-US oil company had beaten US and UK oil firms to the punch and controlled that pipeline across Afghanistan.

    Brisard’s “Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth” came out prior to 9-11 and established that Turkmenistan and Pakistan were under contract with Bridas Corporation of Argentina. On 9-11, the only remaining obstacle to US and Bush Buddy control was Afghanistan, the Taliban and the agreement [contract] they had signed with Bridas Corporation. Is a matter of court record, SDTX, US Dist Ct Houston, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and US Supreme Court, March 22, 2004 as Case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v Bridas. Bridas won.

    Comment by Karl W. B. Schwarz — 10/30/2004 @ 8:33 am

  57. preying on fear is making Bush Cheney out to be the true terrorist. I am a Conservative Christian Republican and have already voted for Kerry Edwards for the good of this nation. I am one of the 100 names on the complaint that went to Eliot Spitzer and Bush has much to answer for to this nation and this world.

    Comment by Karl W. B. Schwarz — 10/30/2004 @ 8:37 am

  58. Bush Cheney tactics make it clear who the real terrorists are.

    Comment by Karl W. B. Schwarz — 10/30/2004 @ 8:39 am

  59. If we want to see what’s really wrong with this country, we need look no further than the comments posted on this blog. What is making us hate each other so?

    Comment by Alan Charles — 10/30/2004 @ 8:48 am

  60. These republicans cannot seem to run on their achievements because they don’t have any. They always resort to distortions, dirty tricks, name calling, and flat out lie to win elections. I predict that there will be plenty of complaints about corrupt election practices by the republicans when the elections are over. I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH A DISHONEST BUNCH IN MY WHOLE LIFE.

    Comment by Shawna Singer — 10/30/2004 @ 9:11 am

  61. George Bush is a sick man. To say that 2001 was a “fabulous year for Laura and me” on December 2001 shows just how out of touch this man is. How could 2001 be a fabulous year for anyone after over 3000 of our countrymen were killed. And 3 years later he’s using the same fear mongering visuals to try to keep his job. It is my hope that he is brought to justice, legal justice for the treasonous activities he has brought upon our nation and its peoople. I’ve never felt so disgusted towards a politician before. If George Bush wins, he'’ll not be my President. And anyone who votes for him beause he’ll be “tough on terror” is in four words - ignorant of the facts - or in one word STUPID.

    George go back to Crawford where you crawled out from.

    Comment by BernieBear — 10/30/2004 @ 9:26 am

  62. This tape IS the election. Nobody believes Bush can fix the economy, everyone knows the rich are shamelessly getting richer under this administration, the polls all show who America believes is better suited to run the economy. ALL Bush has going for him is the so-called “war on terror”

    This tape takes that away from him completely. Of course they will say we are “Politicizing” it, they are scared to death that this will bring out in stark clarity the failure of Bush’s terror policy. “We need to fight them abroad so we won’t have to fight them here"? We’re not fighting Bin Laden anywhere, and I guarentee he will fight us here, something that he should not be able to do. This is a threat that only exists now because of GWB’s idealogical decisions.

    It’s a matter of national security TO politicize this. This president has been incompetent, and dangerously so, in the last 3 years. If Bin Laden does hit us again, Bush will share a responsibility in the casualities. I understand how harsh that sounds, but there is only one man responsible for Bin Laden still being alive and free right now, and that is GWB.

    Comment by Mike — 10/30/2004 @ 10:52 am

  63. I would like to know when the final 9/11 report will
    be released after the election. This report, in case
    you haven’t heard, names names! Right now the White
    House is holding it. If only the public knew it’s
    contents, there wouldn’t be any doubt, no one would
    vote for Bush at all! He’s a worthless piece of shit!

    Comment by sharon — 10/30/2004 @ 11:12 am

  64. Surprised? Why did they come to NYC for the convention. 500,000 people demonstated that we don’t want them here. This proves that Kerry will win. Rove’s time is done. There is no good news from the last 4 years to run on.
    Bellevue, Nebraska

    Comment by John — 10/30/2004 @ 12:32 pm

  65. loki …yer full of shit …period ! …. for this “creature” to use a violent national tragedy to expand his ability (four years worth) to screw us is nothing above plain pond scum mentality. It should be clear he, and the people associated with this mis-administration are lawless profiteers who regard the citizenry as sucker bait, tax captives, and EXPENDABLE. By the way… my take on why people would turn a blind eye to the truth regarding this criminal cartel and their policies is pure unmitigated social and racial predjudice.

    Comment by Lower Tiberius — 10/30/2004 @ 12:50 pm

  66. This is really sad the hatred I hear from all you people. You are all right in that GW was prez during 9/11 for only about 9 months. What really did you want him to do on 9/11. And why dont you all point out one lie he has said. Just one….if you say wmd your wrong. There were weapons there. Plenty of weapons your beloved Saddam declared he didnt have. 13 shells filled with sarin gas….enough to kill 500000 people. Al Samoud missiles he said he didnt have. There was never going to be peace in the Mid East if as long as Saddam was there. How many people die to consider it a wmd. Saddam harbored terrorists, he paid suicide bombers family’s, he didnt actively persue and kill terrorists living on his country. And we had to start somewhere in the middle east to route out these terrorists. And Iraq was where we started and Iraq is not where we are stopping. John Kerry has not been very truthful in this campaign and you people are to blind from your uncalled for hatred for our president that you cant wake up and see it. Get over it and if GW wins move to Europe and cry about it over there.

    Comment by Joe — 10/30/2004 @ 1:52 pm

  67. Was my post not lefty enough.

    Comment by Joe — 10/30/2004 @ 1:54 pm

  68. Un Freakining believable!

    Comment by Van — 10/30/2004 @ 2:03 pm

  69. www.prisonplanet.com

    Save the Republic

    Comment by Draftonway — 10/30/2004 @ 2:19 pm

  70. These people make me sick.

    Comment by Jon Koppenhoefer — 10/30/2004 @ 3:04 pm

  71. Joe, you confused America with Israel! What Sadam did was mostly probably against Israel. Sadam used none of those deadly weapons against US troops or dropped any of them on the US soil. You need to make sure you are a US citizen not a Israeli agent trying to steer this country into disaster and make this country another Israel.

    Terrorism against Israel is not Terrorism against US! Your argument can only fool those who are brainless or has a score card as GW Bush.

    I am amazed how many of you right wing brain washed can’t make the fact straight and can’t get your thought straight.

    Comment by Jack — 10/30/2004 @ 4:33 pm

  72. Great ads! Like Zell Miller and other Senators have said, this shows how that traitor Kerry is an auctioneer selling off our national security. Zell also said, “With Kerry you get a YES, NO, MAYBE bowl of mush. This can only embolden our enemies and confuse our allies".

    Here are some excerpts from Unfit for Command:

    Norfolk, Virgnia
    Summer 2003

    After more than thrity years, the Swift Boat veterans have gathered for another reunion. They are veterans of PCFs (Patrol Crafts Fast), small aluminum boats the Navy procured early in the Vietnam War. Initially, they operated offshore to prevent enemy infiltration by sea. Later, the Navy sent these PCFs into the rivers and canals of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta and into the U Minh and Nam Can forests to the south. These areas had been held by the North Vietnamese for a generation.

    The reunion is a happy gathering of more than three hundred members and their spouses. It is a proud unit holding numerous individual medals and Presidential Unit Citations. This unit lost more than fifty souls in Vietnam.

    The Swiftees are from all walks of life–admirals to aged hippies. They are from all parts of the nation, from all races, and from all political persuasions. They are united, hwoever, by one common experience: service in Coastal Squadron One during the Vietnam War.

    Dan Daly, the master of ceremonies, introduces the many dignitaries in attendance. They are received with polite applause. But the Swiftees who are introduced are met with cheers and the marked enthusiasm that characterizes their brotherhood. Despite the span of thirty years, the memories and nostalgia of long ago–sadness, death, joy, and friendship–have not been forgotten.

    When it came time for Daly to recongize Senator John Kerry, present earlier that day, as the man “who may be the next president of the United States,” deafening silence followed. Even a single clap would have sounded like a cannon. Daly, embarrassed, said, “I guess I laid an egg with that one.”

    Kerry had made a cameo appearance accompanied by a film crew and a corps of directors and assistants at an earlier outdoor event. Pushing aside various Swiftees, Kerry positioned himself dockside so he could be filmed on the restored PCF that was the centerpiece of the reunion. As was his habit, Kerry ignored many of his fellow Swiftees. He place himself front and center for the camera shot, pushing aside Swiftees like Jack Chenowith, an officer and one of the true heroes of the “Rassmann” incident.

    One of Kerry’s political aides singled out some Swiftees to participate in his video. Most declined. After filming the cameo and allowing one or two snapshots to be taken dockside, Kerry and his entourage disappeared, not bothering to attend a memorial service for the Swiftees who had died in Vietnam. To many, Kerry’s conduct at the 2003 reunion seemed exactly in character. Kerry’s service in Vitenam had been devoted largely to his own self-interest at the cost of comradeship, honor and tradition. So his staging a self-promotion video while ignoring a memorial service for dead comrades was not surprising.

    To cheat by getting a Purple Heart from a self-inflicted wound would be regarded as befitting the lowest levels of military conduct. To use such a faked award to leave a combat sector early would be lower yet. Finally, to make or use faked awards as the basis for president of the United States, while faulting one’s political opponents for not having similar military decorations, would represent unbelievable hypocrisy and the truly bottom run of human conduct. Anyone engaging in such conduct would be unfit for even the lowest rank in the Navy, to say nothing of the commander in chief.

    George Bates, an officer in Coastal Division 11, participated in numerous operations with Kerry from January 1969 through March 1969. In Bates’s view, Kerry was a coward who overracted with deadly force to protect himself when he felt threatened. Bates, a retired Navy captain, believed that Kerry treated the South Vietnamese in an almost criminal manner.

    Bates is haunted by a particular patrol with Kerry on the Song Bo De River in the first part of 1969. With Kerry in the lead, the boats approached a small hamlet with three to four grass huts. Pigs and chickens were milling around peacefully. As the boats drew closer, the villagers fled. There were no political symbols or flags in evidence in the tiny village. It was obvious to Bates that existing policies, decency, and good sense required the boats to simply move on.

    Instead, Kerry beached his boat directly in the small settlement. Upon his command, the numerous small animals were slaughtered by heavy-caliber machine guns. Acting more like a pirate than a naval officer, Kerry disembarked and ran around with a Zippo lighter, burning up the entire hamlet.

    Bates has never forgotton Kerry’s actions and was appalled by the complete hypocrisy of Kerry’s quick shift to the role of a peace activist condemning war crimes upon his return. Even today, Bates describes Kerry as a man without a conscience.

    “Kerry seemed to believe that there were no rules in a free-fire zone and you were supposed to kill everyone. I didn’t see it that way. I will tell you in all candor that the only baby killer I knew in Vietnam was John F. Kerry.” - William Franke, Swift Boat Veteran, Coastal Division 11

    Marine First Lieutenant Jim Warner had had a rough time, even for a POW in the gulag of North Vietnam in the spring of 1969. Having been interogated and tortured for four months by the North Vietnamese, who threatened to hold him after the war for trial as a war criminal, Warner (once the proud backseat navigator of a Phantom jet) had just been transferred by the North Vietnamese to the “place for punishment” outside Hanoi known by the prisoners as “Skid Row". Just as things didn’t seem that they could get much worse, they did.

    An interrogator confronted Warner with testimony from his own mother and father asking for his return at John Kerry’s Winter Soldier Investigation hearings. He told Warner, “Even your parents know you are a war criminal.” The interrogator showed Warner a large piece of cardboard with photographs of John Kerry and news clippings related to Kerry’s Senate testimony and demonstrations and said that “everyone know you are a war criminal.” Warner had resisted beyond caring, but he hoped that the North Vietnamese had made it all up. Upon reviewing his mother’s testimony in THE NEW SOLDIER, Warner asked: “What kind of ghoul would exploit my mother and father to claim I was a war criminal while I was in a North Vietnamese prison? How could someone do something like this for political advantage?".

    Comment by JR — 10/30/2004 @ 5:32 pm

  73. These ads expose Kerry the coward for who he really is.

    Comment by Skyweb Media — 10/30/2004 @ 5:34 pm

  74. dear Joe, how it is that a facist minded nut like yourself can conclude that people who don’t share your narrow minded ideology somehow are Saddam lovers. Maybe there is a good reason why shrub’s daddy stopped short of kicking the Iraq
    hornet’s nest with his cowboy boot. If all we had to do was nuke ‘em it would have been easy enough but unfortunately
    people live there although now 100,000 less people live there
    but hey, the’re just rag heads so you probably think it’s ok.

    Comment by owen — 10/30/2004 @ 6:03 pm

  75. Hey… great exerpts from Unfit for Command. How ’bout read to us from Harry Potter? If you believe one, you’ll believe the other. They’re both total fantasies, but the Potter books are at least well-written.

    Comment by Robert Sterling — 10/30/2004 @ 7:18 pm

  76. To the author of comment #72: parroting the chainsaw ultracon line is not impressive to the thinking, rational voter who knows that “Unfit” is nothing more than pumped up political propaganda. The fact remains that Bush walked us right into an unwinable war with IRAQ - that OBL is still walking around talking to his flock - and we never did find WMDs in country (if they were there, Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld really screwed up). Bottom line - time for a change!

    Oh - and Skyweb - Kerry a coward? Bush the AWOL.

    Comment by Spinoff55 — 10/30/2004 @ 7:26 pm

  77. You mean that coward who willingly went to Vietnam?

    For Christ sake vote for someone who is smarter than you.

    Comment by Joseph Christ — 10/30/2004 @ 8:12 pm

  78. Most of you leftist - liberal “citizens” don’t have enough sense to tell truth from lies, the ones that do, purposely choose lies and will not tolerate the truth. You loved the good ol’ days of Bill Clinton-a man who let his lack of morals be the cornerstone of his office. Yeah, he was a good one, all right, especially while he was busy with the business of running the country and Monica Lewinsky in the Oval office. No wonder you want Kerry - another liberal without the principals of his own religion, who only says what he thinks will get him elected. His positions change as often as Bill thought about sex.

    Comment by rj — 10/30/2004 @ 8:15 pm

  79. These ads expose nothing but those shameful liars who have no clue about democracy and democratic progress around the world.

    US needs an intelligent president who will win respect from the world. Bush has squandered US soft power and the only thing left in the rest of world is “America double standards", “Might is right". But the American people, those soft targets will have to pay the price for those unjustice Bush government has done to the world.

    Comment by Jack — 10/30/2004 @ 9:11 pm

  80. After reading this following, if you don’t sense it’s an utter lie then you are unfit to live!

    Liars get too desperate!

    Bates is haunted by a particular patrol with Kerry on the Song Bo De River in the first part of 1969. With Kerry in the lead, the boats approached a small hamlet with three to four grass huts. Pigs and chickens were milling around peacefully. As the boats drew closer, the villagers fled. There were no political symbols or flags in evidence in the tiny village. It was obvious to Bates that existing policies, decency, and good sense required the boats to simply move on.

    Instead, Kerry beached his boat directly in the small settlement. Upon his command, the numerous small animals were slaughtered by heavy-caliber machine guns. Acting more like a pirate than a naval officer, Kerry disembarked and ran around with a Zippo lighter, burning up the entire hamlet.

    Comment by Jack — 10/30/2004 @ 9:16 pm

  81. Leading into the election on Tuesday, Bush has only two platforms to base his campaign: FEAR and FAITH. “FEAR everything around you,.., the terrorist and the boogey man are after YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN",.. and “I AM the chosen one from God to protect you and your children,.., your FAITH in GOD and I is all you need". This is all they have! They can’t campaign on the economy, jobs, environmental protection, health care, civil rights, and education because they’ve totally screwed up our country.
    George Orwell could have used the Bush regime as a backdrop for his book “1984″. “Clear Skies", “Healthy Forests", and “Homeland Security” are the most obvious Orwellian themes of this administration. Think about it. A “Clear Skies” air pollution law that allows more pollutants to be released by power plants and factories than the existing “Clean Air Act"; A “Healthy Forests” policy that allows the timber industry to clear cut old growth forests deep in wilderness areas under the guise as forest fire prevention; and a “Homeland Security” agency that fails insure the security of nuclear power and natural gas plants, chemical factories, and other facilities that are potential sites vulnerable to terrorists.

    Don’t the people who intend to vote for Bush see the irony in this administration’s using their most obvious failure, to protect Americans from being attacked on our own soil, as their crowning achievement. At least Richard Clarke had the humility to admit failing the families of the 911 victims. And Clarke was one of the few in the early Bush Administration that was incredulous that Bush would choose Iraq as the focus of our “war on terrorism". It’s shameful that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and Rove can’t admit their mistakes. THEY should be the ones asking for America’s forgiveness!

    Comment by Mike J. — 10/30/2004 @ 11:44 pm

  82. How can anyone remain oblivious to the Bush administrations distortions, lies and God knows what else? It is depressing, really, to think that W even has a whisper of a chance at reelection! George Bush scares me just as much, (maybe more) than OBL. Ultimately George, you can run but you can’t hide from the truth.

    Comment by sherri — 10/31/2004 @ 12:17 am

  83. You people are a bunch of idiots. Four more years!!

    Comment by RNC Member — 10/31/2004 @ 12:20 am

  84. You right wingers are disgusting bunch. You are dictator type of person in any regime, having no sense of democracy. You would be Saddam if you were born Iraqi; you would be Stalin if you were born Russian. You and those dictators shared the same trait: narrow-minded, backward, liars, love killing, blood thirst, suppressing freedom and self centered.

    The world is full of sorrow because there are people like you right wingers.

    Comment by Jack — 10/31/2004 @ 1:41 am

  85. […] oral votes, where Democratic Sen. John Kerry is leading is most polls, President George W. Bush has engaged in mailings which contain myriad graphic images of the burning World Trade Center on the mo […]

    Pingback by Andymatic » Blog Archive » Pre-Election Round-Up (T-2d) — 10/31/2004 @ 1:49 am

  86. RE: Comment #78

    Gee, rj (does that stand for “Real Jerkoff"?)… you’re right. Americans were suffering under Clinton. The economy was in the hopper, nobody had jobs or money and basic healthcare was out of reach, Americans were in dying in opportunistic wars overseas, and government gifts to corporations were in the process of backrupting the government.

    No, wait a minute… wrong president. Never mind.

    Comment by Robert Sterling — 10/31/2004 @ 9:05 am

  87. bush still has 50% at the polls. if you really want him out, you should make it out to the voting booth on tuesday…and make sure they cant discredit your vote. remember: every vote counts, aslong as they count every vote.

    Comment by zehra — 10/31/2004 @ 10:46 am

  88. Voat Kerry!

    Comment by Steven Brohain — 10/31/2004 @ 12:10 pm

  89. “It never occurred to us that the commander in chief of the US armed forces would leave 50,000 of his citizens in the two towers to face these horrors alone at a time when they were most in need of him.” Usama

    “He reckoned that it was more important to preoccupy himself with the talk of the little girl about her goat … than with the planes and their strike on the skyscrapers, giving us three times the time required to carry out the operations, thanks be to God.” Usama

    Q (March 13, 2002): Mr. President, in your speeches now you rarely talk or mention Osama bin Laden. Why is that? . . .

    Bush: So I don’t know where he is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him , Kelly, to be honest with you. . . .

    Q: But don’t you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won’t truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?

    Bush: Well, as I say, we haven’t heard much from him. And I wouldn’t necessarily say he’s at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don’t know where he is. I – I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when he had taken over a country. I was concerned about the fact that he was basically running Afghanistan and calling the shots for the Taliban.

    On September 17th 2001 George W. Bush, acting President of the United States, issued a proclamation to a worried and hurt populace. In the proclamation Mr. Bush stated that he wanted Usama bin Laden “dead or alive” for his participation in the criminal actions committed in New York, Washington DC and in the sky over Pennsylvania on September 11th, 2001.

    George W. Bush is tough on terror? I wish all my enemies were as tough as Bush. hahahahohohohahohahaha.

    -I’m Usama bin Laden and I approved this message.-

    Comment by Sarah — 10/31/2004 @ 5:01 pm

  90. Bush and Rove are counting on fear and hoping the American people are cowards and are willing to be manipulated and governed by fear. Politicians who use fear are not leaders. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” FDR. A real leader. Not like Dubya…a little chickenshit chicken hawk who never saw combat and spent most of his time drinkng booze and chasing skirt while America’s poor spilt their blood in Viet Nam.

    Comment by Seamore Monster — 10/31/2004 @ 6:01 pm

  91. Huge difference between Repugs and Dems, Repugs spew nonsense, insults and lies that are perpetrated by the ignorant douchebags on the “Lib” networks. Dems make intelligent points with plenty to back them up i.e..Chimpy’s and Dick’s attrocious Administrative(or lack of) record. Wow, and know this flyer with the 9/11 Disaster, trully scraping the bottom of the (oil )barrel.

    Comment by Will — 10/31/2004 @ 11:18 pm

  92. Be Particular

    Comment by Missouri Mule — 11/1/2004 @ 1:40 am

  93. What has Bush done to fight terrorists? seriously…Democrats have been attacking Bush for NOT attacking the god damn terrorists! He let them get away!

    What has Kerry done? He uncovered BCCI who were funding terrorism and Iran Contra where Republicans were selling arms to Iran…a member in good standing of the axis of evil.

    I don’t know how people can vote for someone who got endorsed by Iran! Bush thrives on ignorance. His most hardcore supporters have no idea what he stands for.

    Comment by joe — 11/2/2004 @ 9:40 am

  94. Bush won, by FIVE MILLION VOTES!!!! That’s all that matters! :-)

    Comment by Bill — 12/2/2004 @ 1:31 pm

  95. Each state Bush won narrowly happened to run on electronic voting machines all primarily designed by a single company.

    Guess what party the owner of the company donated money to….

    Bush winning by 5 million votes is as laughable as his pathetic excuse for a man sitting in silence as his country was attacked.

    THAT is all that matters Bill. Everything else is your typical pseudo-hetero American bullshit.

    Comment by George M. Bush — 12/28/2004 @ 2:03 am

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