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Statement by Terry McAulliffe on Bush's State of the Union

"George W. Bush had an opportunity to speak honestly with the American people tonight about the state of Social Security and his own plans to privatize the program. But he opted instead to carefully and deliberately mislead."


Take Action: Stop Bush's Social Security Cuts

The George W. Bush plan to dismantle Social Security has begun.

The administration floated a proposal to cut benefits to future retirees by changing the way those benefits are calculated. And these cuts are guaranteed -- whether you opt in to the Bush plan or not.

Here's what the Bush plan will mean for your retirement:

And this is just the first step of the Republican Party's plan to dismantle the entire Social Security system that has kept generations of America's seniors out of poverty. Soon Bush will launch a $40 million TV ad blitz to convince Americans that our grandkids will be left out in the cold if Social Security is not privatized.

We will not stand by and allow that to happen.

Help us take our first step today by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper demanding that President Bush abandon his plan to cut benefits for tomorrow's retirees. Click the link below to write your letter today:

Today on the Blog

The most corrupt Congress ever, continued: What's the logical first step when you're leading the most corrupt Congress ever? Make sure that there's no one who will investigate any real corruption.

Like apples and oranges: The critical difference between Social Security and the TSP is that the Thrift Savings Plan is on top of Social Security, not in place of it. TSP is a great way for federal employees to save for the future, but, as one part of a three-part federal employe

State of the Union Thread: Post your predictions, refutations, and comments here!


Help the victims of the devastating tsunami with a donation to an international relief organization. Click here for a list of organizations that need your help.


Kate Michelman, Founder and President Emeritus, NARAL pro-Choice America, writes in a special op-ed about the importance of upholding American values in the Supreme Court.

Click here to read the article.


We will never stop fighting for what we believe in. Join us today.

Help us fight for your values by making a contribution to the Democratic Party today.

Contact the Media
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper letting them know that Democrats are going to keep fighting for what we believe in.

Write Congress
Tell your members of Congress what you want them fighting for in the weeks and months to come.

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