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Community Information
Below is information about the "Quiz Obsessed Freaks" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:superfreaks (474010)  
Name:Quiz Obsessed Freaks
Website:Join us!
About:Alright, I finally figured out something to do with this community!


You know when you're bored, and can't find a damn quiz to do?

WELL, I'm gonna store a bunch of them here... Bwee hahaha!!

Y'all can put yer's in too, or fill em out, or put em in yer own lj, I don't care.

What? I'm a loser. Fuck you.


Maintained by the spazz queen pixikat (aka rykani... LJ deleted tho...)

Interests:45: bored, boring, buttons, cats, click, clicking, cookies, dead journal, deadjournal, dogs, exam, exams, family, fire, friends, ghosts, goats, hamsters, how, inquisitive, kittens, kitty, life, live journal, livejournal, question, questions, quiz, quizzes, school, sheep, survey, surveys, test, tests, vampires, what, when, where, who, who am i, who are you, why, wonder, wondering
Members:162: 13magicpeaches, 1ightdragon, _ellie_, _sf_, aechick, aerojad, allergra, amazinggoatgirl, anarchycheese, angelbunny69, angelfly515, angelys, antipopulariti, aralyra, barbalootlola, bettiepage_luvr, bikinitobi, blissful_day, bunkiesgirl, cafegalprima, citylights03, cks1215, crazychele, crazypunkgirl, curiousalice, ddawg311, destinyofayn, devilchick6769, devious_lil_me, digitalcutie, disposable_teen, ditzyprincess69, divakate5420, dukefenton, echsendo, eeyorzbabe, elmolaffin, em0_sar, em0tionz, emmajean, eunmi007, eyeris, faeriemoonchild, fairytaleupdate, falconcat, falling_down33, flamedancer1, forsakenfairy, foxy_tina, frozenlolliepop, fungfupie, fuzzy_pickles, geep_bah, goddess666, goddessk, goddsschld, greg0davis, gullible, gurlygirl1487, happychaos, harmony314, haycee, huili, icezboo, jamiangel, just4fun15, kahoots7, kandydevil, kanetastic, katiekatiebug, kawaii_kitsune, kendala, kenziebee, kf, kuraryuuzaki, lasayla, lilbabex0, liljjc, lovina9830, lumicia, lycheechic, mancer, manolo_addict, maryberrylds, meeki652, meggiie, megwan01, mikeyvillain, misslunakitty, mitramitra, moon_star, mountainheather, mufinsonrampage, neonsunflower, niaskywalk, nikki223456, nocturnes, ok_jane, otterdi, pinkmoonmood, pisceschic013, pixikat, plathc, poky, polexxia, polomunchkin, punksafetypin, purejane, puretears, q_bomb79, qinn, quizdeeeva, raevenr, rckstar13, retrogrrl, ridingonacloud, rykani, sailor_sodomy, sallyanna, sapphorlando, sarah_bearah, sasandstacia, scarred_lemon, scoffing, shadowofself, shattrdstarlet, shedevil1985, shellebee, skapllnker, smellslikecher, spoiled24k, stacia831, stamatiki, starbelly000, starburst900, starceres, starchild22, starr717, statuesque, steakbagel, stephplum, sumperson, taintedspirit, teenagevictory, terree, tfbwhnpy, theycallmesarah, timew, tiredofdreaming, trixstar, tuftedpuffin, tuzeschica86, uniquechica, vedis, vividsoul, warpedredhead, wetxflame, wickedlilmiss, wontgiveup, woodstockbeatle, wyldmonkey, xsylph
Watched by:100: _ellie_, aechick, aerojad, allergra, amazinggoatgirl, angelbunny69, angelfly515, antipopulariti, aralyra, bettiepage_luvr, bikinitobi, blissful_day, bunkiesgirl, carpediem003, citylights03, crazychele, crescentfaerie, cuasterixt, ddawg311, destinyofayn, digitalcutie, dukefenton, eeyorzbabe, emmajean, eyeris, fairytaleupdate, falconcat, foxy_babe332, foxy_tina, frozenlolliepop, fungfupie, fuzzy_pickles, geep_bah, ginnywpotter, goddess666, greg0davis, groovygrrl, gullible, huili, just4fun15, kahoots7, kandydevil, kanetastic, katiekatiebug, kendala, kenziebee, lilbabex0, liljjc, lovina9830, manolo_addict, maryberrylds, medusa22, megwan01, miss_mandi, misslunakitty, mitramitra, moon_star, mufinsonrampage, niaskywalk, nocturnes, ok_jane, otterdi, pisceschic013, pixikat, poky, polexxia, quizdeeeva, raevenr, retrogrrl, ridingonacloud, rykani, sailor_sodomy, sallyanna, sapphorlando, sarah_bearah, sasandstacia, scoffing, shadowofself, shattrdstarlet, shellebee, skapllnker, smellslikecher, spoiled24k, stacia831, stamatiki, starchild22, starr717, statuesque, sumperson, tbstrumgirl, terree, theycallmesarah, tinaps, tri5morg, trixstar, vedis, wetxflame, woodstockbeatle, wyldmonkey, xrent03
Account type:Free User

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