HowieF's Livejournal
Feb. 6th, 2005 08:50 pm Busy Weekend We had a great time Friday night over in Cerritos watching Jose Feliciano in concert. He did quite a bit of old rock songs and a lot of latin songs from the sixties. I guess some of the music was older than most of his band members.. heh. Went for sushi Saturday night. Did the "Superbowl thing" today in between trying to fix my doorbell. First, I thought it was the switch, which was very corroded. Then I guessed that the chime unit was bad because the little plastic plungers fell out. I got a new unit, but I hate having to go drill holes in the wall for anchors. Since the electrician dude is coming over tomorrow to work on the pond electrical stuff, I might as well get him to put up the chime unit. I think part of it is that I only have these "Heavy Duty" wall anchors which would be a little ridiculous for such a light thing. So. I'd have to run down to the Home Depot a third time to pick up some smaller ones and then figure out if my drill is working. I really need to overhaul the whole garage and catalog where all the tools are and find out what still works and what doesn't.
Goodnight, all.
Howie Current Mood: tired
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Jan. 30th, 2005 08:22 pm Went Out to See the Smothers Brothers Glenn Yarborough and his folk music reunion opened at the Cerritos Theater tonight. They were pretty good, but I think most of the packed house was there to see the Smothers Brothers. Needless to say, Tom and Dick were great. It's almost hard to believe that they are actually older than I am. We couldn't stop laughing. They even had a retrospective video show of their careers. I wished the show went on longer. Before the show, we had dinner at T.G.I. Fridays. Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. By the way, we had great seats for a change. The show had been sold out but, being on the waiting list, we finally got these great seats. Eye-level with the performers, dead center.
Night, all...
Howie Current Mood: chipper
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Jan. 21st, 2005 10:09 pm I Was Feeling Better Had an appointment with travel vaccinations to get my shots for the trip. I probably wouldn't have bothered except China gets a little funny if you come from an infected country and the CDC reports on Roatan (Honduras) weren't clean on Malaria. Anyway, what I wound up with was a flu shot (and I thought I wasn't going to get one this year), a shot for Hepatitis A (I need a single booster in 6 months for lifetime coverage) and a box of four pills to take now for typhoid (live bacteria). So, both my arms hurt (too much flapping my wings at work?) and I'm a bit queezy. I guess it gets better.
Howie Current Mood: sick
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Jan. 19th, 2005 12:34 pm Out Sick I think I came down with a case of food poisoning. So, I'm off today. Still getting ready for the trip to the western Carribean and China. I get shots on Friday. Maybe we'll run into stacy down there. Who knows.
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Jan. 13th, 2005 09:40 pm More Vacation Coming Up Looks like we'll be taking two weeks of vacation at the end of February. First, we have that cruise in the western Carribean (Belize, Cozumel, Cancun and Honduras). We sail out of Houston. Anyway, will be doing the usual snorkelling and stuff. Then, when I'm good and water-logged, we fly back here to Long Beach, hop in the car, drive to LAX and catch a plane for Beijing, China. All that water will freeze so everyone there will just have to slide me around a bit.
Waiting for my shipment of Mandarin phrase books.
Howie Current Mood: listless
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Jan. 8th, 2005 06:47 pm Sorry That I've Been Vacant I have not had too much time for thinking about interesting stuff lately. It's all been about work and stuff. I've already bored all of you with stuff about work so, having it repeat itself would be agony for all of you.
I took down the Xmas tree last week and managed to break a Tiffany lamp. I didn't break it permanently. All I did was tilt it and the top part had this metal thing that just sheared off. So, I took it down (in the rain) to the little store where we bought it and the nice old guy fixed it and decided to rebuild the entire inside of it. We may go back there tomorrow as the guy is trying to retire and has everything on sale. Even his wife is hanging around the store with their little Mexican dog (all of 4 pounds).
The weather really sucks here. Nobody can handle a little rain. Freeways flooding. Actually. the freeways are much improved as all of the idiots stay off of them or slow way down so we don't have too many accidents. Sounds windy out there now. I guess more rain is scheduled. I spent most of the remainder of today watching some Discovery Channel stuff. I bought another lottery ticket. I sure can use $68 million right now.
Howie Leave a comment | |
Dec. 31st, 2004 11:48 pm Happy Happy I guess this will be my last post. Of 2004, I guess. Unless something earth-shattering happens in the next 15 or so minutes. I don't feel like reviewing this past year. Although those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it, sometimes I just think the universe has stupidity and everything that goes along with it all planned for at least the next decade or so. So, 2005 will be one of those years that nothing will surprise me. Anything happens, I'll already be wearing the T-shirt. But for everyone's sake, I hope 2005 turns out to be an improvement for each of us in our own ways.
See you all after midnight. Only another 12 minutes more.
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Dec. 27th, 2004 07:18 pm Hope Everyone Had Great Holidays Spent a lot of money this season. Decided we needed new cell phones not to mention gifts. Didn't do much of anything this weekend. I really needed to veg as work has gotten totally stupid and is trying to get me to go along with that. The usual stuff.
I'm not sure if I should be asking my shrink if I should come off of all my meds so I can have better control of my life or double up on everything so I won't have to worry about anything. I actually got my regular docyor a Xmas present this year: both a cold and the flu!. Anyway, I hope everyone got nice things.
Howie Current Mood: cranky
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Dec. 18th, 2004 09:03 pm Welcome to Hell I think the universe is trying to send me a message. Friday, I went into work and noticed this horrible smell in the server room. I got Richard looking at it and he thought it was the air conditioning. Finally, we found that one of the UPS had a battery that was leaking surphur all over the floor.
This morning, I got up and went into the garage to feed the cats and there was a very similar smell. I checked the gas pipes and the dryer and the water heater. Nothing. Then I noticed this orange-yellow liquid flowing down the garage floor from my chemical cabinet. (Chemical Ali has nothing on this....). Anyway, a plastic bottle containing Dormant Oil Treatment had a gash in it and sulphur crystals were forming outside the cut and liquid was spilling all over the place. So, that makes two days having to deal with sulphur (the main component of brimstone).
So, it not only looks like I'm going to die soon, but I already know where I am going. Actually, I'm already there. And the dude with the red pitchfork, with the Austrian accent...... well......
Howie Current Mood: groggy
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Dec. 18th, 2004 08:48 pm They Can't Be THAT Upset With Me Budget Rent-a-Car just sent me an email with ads for discounts on all sorts of car rentals. So, despite the fact that I have to fill out this accident report for the last car I rented from them, they probably aren't too upset about it. Unfortunately, I'm just as in-the-dark about how the damage came about as they are. We didn't have an accident. At least, not THIS time. So, wait until I scan in the picture I'm going to use for this:
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Dec. 16th, 2004 11:38 pm Did You Ever Search for Yourself on the Web? Once in awhile, when boredom overtakes me, I put my name into a search engine to see what I've been up to lately. If you were to ask me what I'm doing, as my mother does often, the answer is NOTHING! Work...and...work.. Well, I have already found out that I am a senator from Florida. Not too far from where my mother lives! Tonight, I found out that I've been in a Canadian rock band! And doing really well. The real scary part was seeing one of "my" album covers and there's a picture of ME on it. How strange is that? OK, maybe it just looked like me. Short, fat, bald,...
Of course, I still can't speak French so Montreal just wouldn't be good for me, but I'll bet I can get a hotel room there almost free :)
I really should just go to bed.
Howie Current Mood: amused
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Dec. 15th, 2004 09:54 pm Real Busy at Work I keep very busy at work these days. Trashing Netware servers and putting them back together. I can almost load the whole operating system in my sleep. I think I fall asleep each night reviewing the process and trying to figure out why this one software install trashes the directory. I have such a wonderful life.....
Finally had Novell on the phone while I trashed the thing. Sent off a log file for them to look at. We had Xmas lunch last Thursday and some going away lunch for one of the web dudes yesterday. No plans to go anywhere for xmas. Will probably be busy rebuilding the server :( at least a few times.
I was at work until 12:30 AM (rebuilding...well, you know). I'm tired.
Nite all.
H Current Mood: exhausted
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Dec. 9th, 2004 06:59 am Still Have a Headache I don't know if I'm fighting off a cold or the flu or, otoh, maybe I'm coming down with a stroke. It must be all work-related.
Xmas lunch at work today. They can be such a hassle. I mean, you go out to a restaurant and there are usually at least 5 or 6 other companies having their xmas lunch at the same time and even simple things, like going to the restroom, becomes a major struggle. We'll see. It will all be over soon. Xmas, I mean.
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Dec. 8th, 2004 10:16 pm Feeling Queezy Today Have this weird headache. My stomache has been out of sorts too so I think I'm going to go downstairs and fix myself a nice, tall glass of metamucil.
Have to finish up stuff for our cruise in February. Then, Christmas shopping.
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Dec. 5th, 2004 05:16 pm Ugh, Rain It's just a steady rain. They said the "cell" was centered on Garden Grove. GG is two blocks away. I wish Garden Grove would take their rain (and their "communist-free zone") crap outta here. We went to Ikea, in the rain, for a meatball lunch...errr.. dinner.
Time to look at the weather maps. Californians can't function in rain. Fireplace is on, cats are inside. Both my brother and my mother have been called. Time for major Quickening.
Howie Current Mood: moist
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Dec. 4th, 2004 03:10 pm So Much to Do, So Little Energy Nice to have a bit of rain on the weekend. So much for mowing the lawn today. Maybe it will dry out for tomorrow. Despite the rain and the freezing cold, I managed to get the Xmas lights up. I'm thinking of going out to Home Depot to get more Xmas stuff. Maybe, a ten-foot snowman? (Will I get in trouble...???). I dunno. Meanwhile, since I finished putting the lights up, now would be a good time to apply band aids and maybe a tourneqet or two. I remembered to put the ladder away. I need a diet soda... :P
I also need to start my holiday shopping... soon....
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Nov. 28th, 2004 05:35 pm I'm back! Spent a few days hopping from one Indian casino to the next. Had lots of fun but I was feeling ill: a bad case of poverty! My overstuffed wallet was feeling all limp :(
I finally got to try out the Men in Black game (for hours on end). I mean, one minute you are up two cents, next you are down two cents.
Very nice hotels. Pechanga was very nice and the staff were friendly and teriffic.
It took us 3+ hours to get their on Thanksgiving Day and only about an hour to get home today (Sunday). We played some 3-card poker and blackjack (as well as slots) but the card-craps was so weird, we left that alone this trip. Had rain while we were down there but we were in the hotel when that really started.
I need to unpack.
Howie Current Mood: exhausted
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Nov. 24th, 2004 03:46 pm Be Back Sunday Night I'm off to a big pow-wow with the Pechanga Tribe of Luiseno Indians. I guess we'll go smoke the ol' peace-pipe and play a few hands of poker, Let it Ride, blackjack.
Anyway, it will be something new. It's kind of quiet here. No patter of little feet as cans of wasabi are gnawed open...
In any case, unless I get inspiration later or they have a decent tribal internet connection, I'll be back Sunday night.
Howie Current Mood: blank
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Nov. 24th, 2004 06:50 am Another Mouse Funeral A second mouse was pronounced dead at 2:00 AM. Cats Thelma and Louise say they stumbled upon the body just earlier and were just keeping an eye on it until the authorities arrived with the coroner. Curbside funeral was at 6:00 AM by the trash can.
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Nov. 21st, 2004 01:33 pm Japanese Mouse Well, I thought I'd seen everything when we found the mouse ate some of the sushi-grade seaweed. Now, the little rodent is into the powdered wasabi. If anyone sees a mouse with its fur sticking straight out, let me know.
In the meanwhile, it's cold here. VERY cold. I'm wearing socks AND a sweatshirt.
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