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User: [info]hysterium
Name: Hysterium
Visiting Hours:
Back February 2005
broken toys we are
waiting for a love to not
focus on our scars
inside Hysterium's head
(what is really written on the inside of his skull)
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time for a giggle
i actually like this one. BEWARE! it's contagious!

What kind of disease are you?


Hysterium is caused by sponges.

Hysterium compels infectee to keep Bjork playing at all times, out of fear of 'head splodey.'
Hysterium is curable by singing Michal Jackson songs at the top of your lungs, forever. You can never speak again, or you will die.

break out the Bjork, boys!

besides that, all is well here. its late in the work day. its too quiet. i feel myself slipping slowly away to a sweet slumber. but i cant! i must resist. so i post meme's about myself being a disease. i want to go home.

but its Baja Fresh for dinner! woohoo! that will wake me up!

Current Mood: giggly

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so... um...
kind of in a weird mood today. not sure if i want to be happy or sad or mad or pliant. perhaps i just want to be.

for now though, Rufus can talk for me.

Pretty Things by Rufus Wainwright

Pretty things, so what if I like pretty things
Pretty lies, so what if I like pretty lies
From where you are, to where I am now
I need these pretty things, around the planets of our phase
Everything's a sign of my astrology
From where you are, to where I am now
Is its own galaxy
Be a star and fall down somewhere next to me
And make it past your color TV
This time will pass and with it will me
And all these pretty things
Don't say you don't notice them.

thanks Rufus.

Current Music: Want One & Want Two, in repeat

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it's official! i'm dog meat.
well, just got the official word. the Soup Nazi said, "No soup for you!"

of the two positions, one they are choosing not to fill at this time. in other words - "we didnt find anyone that we think could fill the position from the group presented." so i'm not good enough for them. wonderful!

of the second position, they have selected someone else from the pool. i dont mind this one as bad because the lady they selected would have otherwise lost her position. also, with my moving to that position, it would have left a hole where i am currently, which they would have had to interview for, blah, bl-blah, blah. it was the lower of my wanted positions, so no big loss.

but where do i go from here?
- job seeking outside of this agency. yeah, time to make a move, away from the tax man.
- job seeking outside of the state. theres city, county... boards, commissions.
- job seeking outside of government. nothing says that i have to stay in government. it was supposed to be a stop gap kind of thing anyway. at least originally. so watch out private sector!
most of all, i'll just continue to do what i always do. i am sure that this has put some scare into a few people. good! they need some scare. there are a lot of things that i do that go undocumented, that i have taken on without being asked, that would be very missed, that would crumble without my tutelage. so they should be rightfully scared. yes, there are procedures but its more about understanding and less about following steps 1 to 5.

hmm, me thinks i need to buy a lottery ticket.

Current Mood: blah

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purposefully enigmatic
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...mysterious
Your hugs are...warm
Your eyes...light up a day
Your touch is...the only thing I desire
Your smell is...refreshing
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...eternal
Quiz created with MemeGen!

i dont know. but if thats what i have to work with, GREAT!.

i left the following voice mail message a few minutes ago.
"hi, its Robert. just wanted to call. dinner last night was fun. ordering the Shanghai Special was just right. and you made me feel relaxed and i appreciated your wit and candor. its not often that i find myself at a loss for words. you did that. thanks. i still owe you dinner. perhaps i will cook. i can run a mean kitchen. or a nice meal out, your choice. i just want to explore further conversations and conspiracy theories with you. i hope you do too."
here i go again. but taking it slow. after all this was date #5.
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like a dogs nose
cold and wet. in our beloved canines, its a sign of health. to me, its just not that fun.

(if you dont want to hear me extoll the virtues of a video game, skip this. )

started playing Resident Evil 4. what a total blast!!! the villagers coming after you is so real. sad to say, but I Killed myself just to see what would happen. but So much fun.

well my time is up. (i'm at the library)
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out of my hands
well, the interview went well. i always dislike judging how an interview went but i do feel confident that i was able to express myself fully and clearly. thats a good thing.

Current Mood: relieved

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follow up
well, the interview is friday morning at 8:15 in what we call the Triangle Room. its a meeting room on our third floor that is in the shape of... a triangle! funny how that works.

i figure that one of three scenarios will go forth:

1. they dont want me for either of the two positions. in which case, no skin off my nose.
2. they want me for the position in my division. i would have to seriously think about this one and would probably not accept the position.
3. they want me for the other position. while i have been in the same spot for nearly 4 years, i know things here. its comfortable. so i would accept in a heartbeat.

so, we will see come friday.

last night, i got home and decided that i didnt want to cook. so i opted for pizza. figaro's has what they are calling the "Ultimate All-American". its a 17"x12" (guessing) rectangle pizza with four different toppings - cheese in one quadrant, pepperoni in another, hawaiian in another, and sausage/olives/mushrooms in the last. this works perfect for us. the brother likes pepperoni. mom likes hawaiian. and i like pizza. not bad for $12.99.

i did restrain myself and my wallet last night. i was so tempted to run out and get Resident Evil 4. but i held back. until tonight that is! ha!

Current Mood: chipper

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i think its beginning to rain
well... after another full filled two hour meeting, i came back to my desk to find two voice mail messages.

the first was from a lady who apparently has the incorrect number. she was calling for a service that i dont even recognize. yes, i will have to return her call. she actually listened to my voice mail message because she addressed me by name. wonderful!

the second was to ask if i would like to take an interview as a transfer to one of two positions. after checking with a couple people, i think i will take the interview. the first position is in my same division, just another section. if selected for that position, i wouldnt take it. the second position is with a different division. from my conversations with people, it would be an interesting job. if selected for that position, i would have to consider it heavily.

its not that i totally dislike my current position. its just that some of the people that i have to deal with daily are really abrasive. (someone used that word earlier today and i fell in love with its visual.) i would even say that at least one is incompetent in their position. getting away from them would shine a light on their shortcomings.

so, let me accept that interview.

in addition, on the cell phone...

Rick called. he was boasting that he already purchased and has started playing Resident Evil 4 for GameCube. good for him. he just has to be an ass and try to shove my nose in it. for that, he still hasnt purchased his DS, which i have had since before Christmas. every time he is down, he drools over it. he just needs to get his priorities in the right place. (yes, i mean you!)

also, mom called on the cell. she wanted to know i there was anything that she could do to help with dinner tonight. i told her no, that i had everything under control. i know that she wants to help out but sometimes i would rather that she just wait until i am home to at least monitor things. yes, she is getting better every day. but, she is having dizzy spells (probably from the meds) and the kitchen is down two steps. i would rather that she not traverse that path too often.

with that said, dinner tonight will be polska kielbasa, noodles in a garlic butter sauce, served with a green salad. if you would like to join us, dinner will be at 6. please RSVP to my private line.

Current Mood: curious

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opportunity squandered!
damn! i am totally, utterly mad at myself. i had the most wonderful opportunity to seriously flirt with the really cute checker at safeway and blew it! argh!

i picked his line because i knew that he is fast, cute and personable. what more would one want in a grocery checker. well, he was wearing a sweatshirt but was getting too warm. so he started to remove it right before my order. he scanned my items then continued to remove the sweatshirt as i waited for the very-very-very slow woman in front of me to clear herself from the line. i started humming "the stripper". he heard me and we banted it a bit. during that, he continued to remove the sweatshirt.

i had two, maybe three, excellent chances for a flirty comeback. one was when he was starting and he said that he was getting hot. *MISSED OPPORTUNITY* second was when his shirt (dress shirt under the sweatshirt) started to come untucked and he said that he didnt want to take off all his clothes. *MISSED OPPORTUNITY* third was a sort of comment about his arms that i didnt catch completely. *MISSED OPPORTUNITY*

i think i need to cry now.

Current Mood: frustrated

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In a meeting. Bored. Wish I was home.