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Puff Katty
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Uma or Nicole???
OK, who here thinks Nicole Kidman is too frigid to pull of the yellow leather catsuit worn by Uma in Kill Bill?

I say Yellow = Frigid - so Nicole could do it. [info]wave doesn't seem to think so.

I'm right. I just know it.
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Good Luck!
I'm sending out happy vibes to [info]canuckgirl in hopes that her job interview turns into a job!

You go, Cathy! Knock 'em dead!
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Kryten Made Me Do It
OK, so I don't update enough. I admit it. I read religiously everyday. I comment every once in a while - but I haven't been putting my self out there, ya know?

So what's going on? Not much. Work mostly - and there's not much exciting to say about the electronics components procurement industry at the moment. Flash is on spotty allocation and lead time are stretching out. The manufacturing sector is recovering in spurts and I'm still gainfully employed.

The furbabies are all healthy and happy. Spring is in the air so the cats are enjoying the airflow, with the sounds of baby squirrels playing unsuspectingly across the street as my kitties plot their demise - if only they could figure out how to get past the damn screen.

I am looking forward to another active summer and this weekend is dedicated to getting my bike oiled and lubed so I can start riding to work a few days a week. That and a big long hike - possibly around Buntzen lake or a snowhoe on Grouse mountain.

Politics? Bush has got to go. Copps has got to fight. Martin needs to save face because I can not fathom Belinda Stronach as the next Prime Minister - or Peter McKay for that matter.

Hockey? OK, I can not see how any organization that promotes fighting as a part of the game can hold their players accountable for injuries. Isn't fighting what hockey is all about, anyway? Maybe I just don't understand, but it makes me think that the movie Slapshot called it all those years ago. Where did the game go? All I see is buffoons beating the crap out of other buffoons.

Also, I have a new-found love for Johnny Depp. I have always loved the guy, but I haven't had this kind of hormonal reaction to a celebrity since Scott Baio joined the cast of Happy Days.

I think that's it for now ...
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Entitlement rears it's ugly head
OK, so it looks like we won't be getting a bonus at work this year as our revenues were not on target. Now everyone's pissed at the company.

Hello? A bonus is just that - a bonus. It's not a guaranteed part of your income, it doesn't always get paid out, and if you are banking on it, you are bound to be let down.

I can't stand it when people feel they're entitled to a bonus. Sure, you worked hard. Sure, you did everything you could. We came up short. Maybe next year, bub. Yes, it looked like we were going to make it - BUT WE DIDN'T - for a number of reasons.

Don't like it? Go find a job with a company that is paying out bonuses ... in my industry, you'll have a hard time of it. I have been through rounds and rounds of layoffs in the last few years and I am grateful for every paycheque I get. I work, I get paid. period.

Why does everyone think that their employers must pay out regardless of results? No responsible company should. It's all about the bottom line and that's it. Some companies are better at the touchy feely stuff, but it's still about the bottom line. No company os going to reward it's employees for poor results if it means more poor results.
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Katscan in Officer Under
In this powerfully stated travesty, [info]katscan (Helen Hunt) is a disgruntled prisoner with a desire for revenge. She elects to protect [info]corto (Eddie Murphy) before her foe, [info]bohunk (Whoopi Goldberg), brainwashes him. Predictably, she demolishes Bohunk's fortress. Unfortunately, a cavalcade of elite male strippers stands in her way.
Produced by ianiceboy
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Bwaa haa haaa
Your soul is bound to the Ninth Totem, Titan:
The Bear

Titan appears as an umber colored bear. He
embodies strength, might, flair, and
. He is associated with the color
umber, the season of autumn, and the element of
earth. His downfall is overbearance.

You are most compatible with Cockroaches and

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ihave known some cockroaches and snakes in my time - and dated a few of them!
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There are lots of plans - made and to be made. It's starting to look like a very busy summer.

Went to the farm last weekend and drank lots of alcohol and watched the hummingbirds. We came back early to visit with friends who were out from Calgary.

So this weekend is spring cleaning as my parents are visiting next weekend.

The weekend after that is a kayaking trip around Saltspring Island. I already have plans for the Juan de Fuca Trail in August and the West Coast trail in September. There's also a possibility of a mountain biking weekend in Strathcona park and another weekend at the farm to pick apricots.

I have started to do some stuff with my photos now. Mostly greeting cards as gifts. However, if the reaction to the gifts are good, I might try selling some at work closer to Christmas. You would love these fluff, and as soon as you e-mail me your new address (and phone number), I will send you a set.

But you'll have to tell me what you prefer. Winter forest, flowers, Coast and coastal forest, what? They are on heavy recycled card (with matching envelopes), signed and dated, stamped with my little icon and tied with hand dyed silk ribbon. You'll have to let me know if you think they can be sold for $20 a set. Maybe I will set up a web site for ordering.

Other than that, weight loss is still going strong. 26 lbs and counting. Someone actually did not recognize me the other day. It was freaky.

It's back to work time for me. I hope you all have a great weekend. I know I have promised photos - I will get on that soon.
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Debra and Jenny were having lunch together, and discussing the merits of cosmetic surgery. Debra says, "I need to be honest with you, I'm getting a boob job."

Jenny says "Oh that's nothing, I'm thinking of having my asshole bleached!"

To which Debra replies, "Whoa I just can't picture your husband as a blonde!"
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Lessons in Communication
1. I posted to the wrong journal. Get over it.
2. Suger works better salt. Snotty will get you nowhere and the polite thing to do is to politely point out the rather obvious error than to confrontationally question why I posted the entry there. I'm a regular, moron. I'm obviously not spamming your community.
3. Give me a fucking break

Whew, now THAT feels better.

Current Mood: relieved

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Hand Update
It still hurts. You may now sympathize.

Puff Katty
User: [info]katscan
Name: Puff Katty
Back January 2005