Lets try this again =P This is too good not to post again... Few days ago, my fiancee, Kaycee ( pretty_fuck) made an entry in her journal about online drama - and how she hated it, but was determined to avoid it. Thanking, in fact, some of her friends for avoiding it, too... I made a reply - making some reference in it to "that crybaby" and said she'd know who I was referring to... low-key - didn't name any names or anything - just used a recent event to illustrate a point. Chris ( unequivocal) - who at the time was Kaycee's "best friend" - replies to my comment - with the simple phrase "oh go fuck yourself" or something to that extent... Kaycee, of course, responds - telling him that's unnecessary and asking what his problem was, etc. lol - all of this in an entry about online drama... it escalates from there into a 35 comment or so flame-war between me and Chris and Kaycee - her trying to be the peacekeeper, me flaming the shit out of him for being a moron, and him continuing to run his mouth and whine like the crybaby I referred to him as to begin with. Today - he IM's me on AIM - talking about "I have proof she's no faithful!" going on and on and on... IM'd me with 4 different screen names until finally I asked what the hell he wanted. He proceeded to give me the password to her private journal - a password which, I might add, she never gave him... and had me read the first entry. Obnoxious as this was - I did so, if only to see what drivel he was up to. And, imagine that - it was a post about how badly she wanted to fuck his ex-boyfriend - who is GAY... Chris didn't seem to understand why I didn't believe she'd written it - despite the fact that only 3 entries down she went on AT LENGTH about how "Chris was crazy" for thinking she was interested in his ex as anything more than a friend, and how she wished he'd grow up. He didn't bother to alter that when he made up his little "I wanna fuck Chris' ex" post. When he realized that I didn't believe him - and that she wasn't going to put up with his shit either - he did what any whining little child who isn't getting the attention they want does... he broke things. He proceeded to hack into all of her online accounts... deleted the communities she moderates - deleted her journal, her friends list, some of her entries, her icons - went on her screen name and fucked with her buddy list... etc. *shaking his head, laughing* It's so sad, it hurts... I used to think this guy was sweet and nice - a good guy who was just a little bit of an underdog - and I was rooting for him... Now - I understand why he has no friends and spends every waking moment online or on the phone with my fiancee... He's such a bitch - nobody in the world can stand to be his friend but her - and only her because she's a damn saint of patience when it comes to peoples' faults. I feel for ya, Chris - I really do. Hope all your passive-aggressiveness and shit works out for you in the end - because right now, I can honestly say - the only "waste of flesh" in this situation is you.
Current Mood: amused
I have decided that I hate people =) Not all people - just some... the blithering morons of the world who expect the people around them to bend to their every desire, harp on their every word, and tremble at their slightest discomfort. Fuck them. Yes, Chris - I'm talking about you. Fucking deal with it. Go write a poem or something. For the rest of you - thanks for being there... nice to have a support group. Ahh - on a totally off-topic note... if you haven't done so already, please perform the following experiment. 1) Go to Google.com2) Enter your home phone number in the Search box and hit Enter. 3) See what pops up... If what pops up is a set of links to MapQuest and such - pointing at your home address - you might want to fix that problem. =) The link for you to do so is here.
Current Mood: bemused
First of all... for those of you who have never seen what a soldier's memorial looks like - there's is a really good picture, here. It never fails to make me shiver. Secondly... there will be many of those in the coming days... The election is over... and I'm hearing reports that something like 60% of the registered voters in the populace turned out to vote - despite mortar attacks, snipers, and suicide bombers doing their best to kill them, to kill us, and to disrupt the process at all costs. Thank god, or Allah, or whoever you wish for that much... it inspires me that these people rose up and took their freedom to vote - despite the dangers of doing so. We lost some soldiers today... not from my unit - and I'm very thankful for that - but coalition forces, nonetheless, were lost. Iraqi civilians died today - as patriots - doing their civic duty in electing, for the first time in 50 years, their own leader. Iraqi's also died as patriots by defending their fellow citizens - as Iraqi National Guard members, Iraqi Police, and other law enforcement agents. And - insurgents died today... trying to stop people from exercising those rights - trying to disrupt the rise of democracy in this country - and, I suppose, trying to buy their way into whatever kind of sick and twisted heaven they believe in which they think can be attained by martyring yourself, blowing up civilian men, women and children. However... The Iraqi elections are over... and though I haven't heard who yet - and wouldn't know the difference anyway, to be quite honest - a leader has been elected to govern these people. I hope the zeal they showed in coming out to vote today continues. And yet, from my perspective, all I can really say is - wow. I woke up this morning to the sounds of an enormous explosion... followed by 2 or 3 more... in my half-asleep daze, I lost count... but by the time I actually got out of bed - it was up to something around 7. VBIED's, maybe (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices [eg - car bombs]), or maybe mortar/rocket attacks... I'm told later this afternoon the Apache's went back in and unloaded an enormous barrage of Hellfire missiles into a spot they believed insurgents to be firing from... there's not much left after a Hellfire's dust clears - but the shooting ceased abruptly... I guess I'm not quite sure that I have a point to relaying some of this shit sometimes - pointedly - now... but - I feel like I need to record it - at least for myself... and because I think some of the people who read this are actually interested. Not much more to say right now... maybe later. If you're the type, however... please keep the families of the people who died today - on all sides - in your thoughts or prayers.
Current Mood: thoughtful
lol - greatest rant ever... posted by beautyxwithin here. And - since everyone is in a ranting mood - I have a mini-rant of my own to go on... Being in Iraq is a frustrating experience... some of that is probably obvious, even to those of you who aren't in the service, or who haven't been here. A year away from family and friends, surrounded only by co-workers who are lonely, too, love-starved, horny and over-eager to get home, with no good food to speak of, the same 5 DVD's to watch and re-watch again and again, and nowhere to buy any of the new stuff that comes out before it's already 6 months old... It's frustrating. =) But - you get used to those things - all of those things. You also get used to the nice stuff... friends who are really, honestly eager to hear from you - because they've been worried about something they saw on the news... your little cousins telling you how much they miss you, and hearing about how sometimes they cry when they think about you... getting letters from 3rd graders who's school is taking the time to "support the troops" by having all of them make hand-drawn Christmas cards for soldiers overseas... and the fact that everyone you know, everywhere, who keeps in touch is so eager to send you a box of "whatever you need" - anytime you ask. Those things make this place livable... they make it seem worthwhile... they make it an honor to serve. And it's not just the people back home who make you feel appreciated - it's the people here, too. Today I took the last of my boxes of clothes and shoes to the Iraqi's - as part of my Christmas project which one or two of you took the much appreciated time to be a part of... and watching the Iraqi's - who work here for something like $7 a day - with those big, happy smiles - so eager to get a new pair of shoes, and so thankful for the shirts... things which people back in the states have thrown away or donated because they don't fit, or are "worn out" or are "out of fashion"... it really brightened up my day. And - I guess it's because I'm so used to that kind of treatment - appreciation - respect... that companies in the US piss me off so much. Companies like Alienware computers - who sold me my laptop... who I've told - over and over again - that I'm in Iraq, and it's difficult, if not next-to-impossible for me to send things back and forth with them - and yet who INSIST on doing every possible transaction by mail, or making me call them rather than handling business electronically. Companies like NEXTEL - who have been hounding me and my family (who are taking care of my bills while I'm gone) for over a year now about a bill which I've resolved with them 3 times already - and yet they continue to call, and write, and bitch. I see on the Army news network sometimes, little clips of companies in the states getting together and sending out hundreds and thousands of care packages to the soldiers here... and that is great - it really is... but when it comes to dealing with individual soldiers who are in Iraq - there doesn't seem to be any kind of bend or sway or attempt to understand the situation and fix things. Just this cold, capitalistic "money now" reply. It irks me that after a year here in this country - the only thing I want is the ability to talk to my family... to ring for 5 minutes each day and say "Hi". But hell - my phone bill to my fiancee ALONE is over $500.00 a month... and yet - we see few, if any, calling cards donated by AT&T; or AOL - some of the biggest communications companies in the world... we see no companies offering 800 #'s for us to call in order to make morale calls... although there were for a few months - if you could stand to use the DSN line to make them... Hell - even our own Batallion and Brigade level units in the rear won't forward a long-distance call from Iraq for a soldier to talk to his family. Too expensive, I guess... for the government to provide internet and telephone access to deployed soldiers. At the same time - don't get me wrong about this... things are slowly improving... Some of the soldiers here have cellular phones, and I'm told that MCI has incredibly reasonable rates for calls from Iraq to the US. Similar rates to what you'd pay person-to-person back home. We have 5 or 10 internet cafe's here on post - and while much of the time they're pretty slow, they're functional, and usable - and that's how I'm writing this right now. My point isn't "oh - pity the poor soldiers overseas." This is our job - and god-damnit, I'm proud to do it - and proud to serve the greatest nation on earth, at home or abroad - wherever the need may arise... My point is - I'd like to see a little more support for us FROM the greatest nation on earth. Not you individuals out there - who send e-mails, and wait by the phones to hear from us, and send those wonderful care-packages... the big corporations - the Microsofts, the AOL/Time-Warner's, the CDW's... the companies whose corporate budget wouldn't be scratched by installing a high-speed internet cafe on every post in Baghdad, and paying the monthly bill... and you know what? Any company that would do that would earn my business for LIFE... but I just don't see it being done. I even know a lot of the soldiers in my unit have sent letters to some of those big corporations - asking for little donations. Not because they couldn't afford to buy the things they were asking for - but because those things aren't available here... and I haven't heard of a single reply. Not even a "we can't help you right now - but thanks for serving." I don't know... maybe I'm just bitching - and maybe I shouldn't be... but it makes me a little ill.
Current Mood: disappointed
And for the rest of you, you answer, too =D 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. What was your first impression? 9. Do you still think that way about me now? 10. What reminds you of me? 11. If you could give me anything what would it be? 12. How well do you know me? 13. When's the last time you saw me? 14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Can you tell me now? 15. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
Current Mood: playful