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Current Mood:[mood icon] pissed off
Subject:ok for real
Time:05:17 pm
GEORGE BUSH SUCKS. there, i got on the posting my politcal views on LJ bandwagon. I feel better now.
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Current Music:"A Call to Arms" - Dropkick Murphys
Current Mood:[mood icon] relieved
Subject:and.....we're done.
Time:11:44 am
Finally finally finally Im rid of the unholy alliance that is Home Marketing Systems, Inc. I went down to Kalamazoo yesterday with Paul and Sam to give them their damn money. Honestly, I didnt want to pay them, but I dont have the time or energy to fight with them anymore about an apartment that I dont rent in a city in which I dont live anymore. Let the smear campaign begin. Bastards.

In other news, I got to have dinner with Lauren! and Paul and her little sis Emily, whos a pretty cool kid. She makes me feel old though. I acctually said the phrase "She reminds me of me at that age." And she does. And im old. But it was fun, Kansas City Dipping Grill fun with sauces :)

Think I got the job at Barens and Noble, so of course last night I found and applied for a job thats better that I think I have a good chance of getting. Damnit. Hopefully they say they want to interview me before Barnes and Noble want to schedule me offically. Its full time a opposed to part time, and I would get paid twice as much. The only trouble is that its at GVSU's library. And I know nothing about GVSU. (for those ofyou who are out of state GVSU = Grand Valley State University) ah well :) Wish me luck

Home this weekend again for a wedding. Ben's cousin Abe is getting married on Saturday. His fiancee is the cutest thing ever, I met her at 4th of July and she's so sweet. And her name is Carmen Mercedes Fernandez. Yay for Cuban weddings :) Going to be soooooo much fun. Plus, Ben is wearing his uniform....mmm....boy in uniform *drool*

Anyway, lots to do today, and I just woke up at 11:40......stupid interesting book keeping me up half the night......ta ta for now.

Oh oh oh , and one more thing: Kelli, I finally found that ad for the dresses, though now im not sure its not the one you already mentioned, but I'll give it to you anyway: Its called Eternity Gowns and their web address is www.eternitygowns.com, hope its helpful! :)
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Current Music:none
Current Mood:[mood icon] satisfied
Subject:i knew that...
Time:10:19 pm
The Hub
Category I - The Hub
You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your
blood. Consequently, you can move through most
social circles with ease.

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Current Music:none
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Subject:in the wee hours...
Time:01:48 am
Ok so i cant sleep.....so I'll do the next best thing: mess around on the computer

Today was uneventful.... read a book, worked on the jewelry database im doing for my mom... made a grocery list for tomorrow..... looked up things for grad school at wayne state.

John Kerry was in Muskegon today, but I didnt go down to see him because it was raining. Comfort over politics.

Im hungry but there is nothing in the house to eat, hence the grocery list.

St Louis was a whole bunch of fun, the botanical gardens rocked, and it was great to see steve and kelli and spend time with mom and ben. :) We went over to Ben's friend Michelle's because shes in town from California and they were having a barbeque, which was a good time. We didnt get home until 11 though, after what seemed like a never ending drive.

And now I still cant sleep. Damn.

I guess i'll see who else is still up and bug them.

Nighty night.

PS- I watched "Growing Up Gotti" on A&E; tonight, it's hilarious :)
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Current Music:"Shot Through the Heart" - Bon Jovi
Current Mood:[mood icon] busy
Time:10:42 pm
This is fun. Ok.. some of them are weird. Stolen from [info]kellsta.

Gizmo Meadowlark

Mentos Joseph

Part P.F. Changs (that one isnt too good)

EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS: (Favorite Spice + Last Foreign Vacation Spot)
Dill France

SOCIALITE ALIAS: (Silliest Childhood Nickname + Town Where You Were Born)
Kit Kat Detroit

"FLY GIRL" ALIAS (a la J. Lo): (First Initial + First Two or Three Letters of your Last Name)
S. Ben

ICON ALIAS: (Something Sweet Within Sight + Any Liquid in the Kitchen)
Popsicle Lemonade

DETECTIVE ALIAS: (Favorite Baby Animal + Where You Went to High School)
Puppy Farmington

BARFLY ALIAS: (Last Snack Food You Ate + Your Favorite Drink)
Popcorn Pepsi

SOAP OPERA ALIAS: (Middle Name + Street Where You First Lived)
Katherine Carl
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Current Music:"Ocean Avenue" - Yellowcard
Current Mood:[mood icon] bouncy
Subject:this one's for lauren...
Time:09:41 am
because i never update! Finally got a job interview.....at Barnes and Noble....some one kill me.... not exactly my dream jjob, but its a paycheck and ive been missing getting one of those for awhile now....stupid george bush and the recession and the crappy job market....

Ben is good, he's on duty as usual....we finally got a date set, June 24, 2006, so mark your calendars....although the way things have already been going with planning, we may just elope :P j/k, prolly not

Im heading down to St. Louis this weekend with Ben and my mom to see Steve, yay Steve! Stevie stevie steve :) I miss my bro something awful and after St. Louis hes moving to Alabama....boo hisssssssssss. Oh oh oh and Kelli will be there too, BONUS :)

I got into ECU in my Masters Program and Ive decided not to go. After looking at the job ads that are out there, ive decided that i want to try to get a masters in Museum Studies instead, so I dont make it so I cant get a job by being too specific... I think it'll be good though..... so now im on plan C for my life, but I think its good, at least i didnt spend 10 grand on a masters i cant do anything with and then realized its not what i should be doing. yay for me :)

Lauren came out to visit me last weekend, and it was splendid :) yay lauren!

Now im off to make last minute preparations for the trip, have a good day ;)
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Current Music:"Moon River" - "Breakfast at Tiffany's" Soundtrack
Current Mood:[mood icon] cheerful
Subject:one month mark
Time:10:23 am
ok yeah its been a long time, but some a-hole decided to put spyware on my computer and fuck it all up so i've barely been able to use it...its in the proces of getting fixed.

Im in Howell at my mom's, going back to Muskegon either tomorrow or the next day...

I got into ECU and my master's program....but im not sure yet if im going to go...still deciding

Everything is hunky-dory, still job hunting but hoping to remedy that situation next week, I have a strong prospect at Muskegon County Museum.....

Is too early to write anything profound, except to say that I miss all of you and come visit me god damnit.

Blian, nice picture selection, some of my favorite ladies there! You can tell which one is my absolute favorite though :)
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Current Music:"Everybody Got Their Something" - Nikka Costa
Current Mood:[mood icon] sore
Subject:happy wednesday
Time:05:16 am
Nothing much going on here, just waiting for Ben to get off duty..... he had to go do some training thing today in Holland....blah....

Worked out, have to go turn in some job applications, every day is pretty much the same for me without a job.....work out, watch sex and the city, read, look at wedding stuff......thats about it.....booooooooring. But we're going to the museum today (the one I applied to), i figured since I applied to work there, that maybe I should go see what its all about before I interview. Im one smart cookie, I tell ya what.

Have a spectacular day, whoever you are ;)
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Current Music:"Trick Love Da Kids" - Trick Daddy
Current Mood:[mood icon] crazy
Subject:I like the first one better....
Time:06:29 am
sarah has fragile contents which may break!


From Go-Quiz.com

blanketstealer may actually be a spider-human hybrid


From Go-Quiz.com
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Current Music:"Scarbrough Fair" - Simon and Garfunkel
Current Mood:[mood icon] relaxed
Time:03:36 am
Alright, so I know its been like a month and a half since I updated, but here's the scoop, a la list form:

Graduation was cool, got to see the family, Gbart and Ben came down too, good times... plus I actually found two people I knew in my graduating class to sit next to (we werent in alphabetical order), so that rocked. They kept the ceremony short and sweet, and I was the youngest member of my class of 2,708. Go me :)

Moved here to good old Muskegon, its been a lot of fun, Ben and I have finally adjusted to each others habits :) I've been back and forth a lot though getting mom ready to move, which is nice, I always like seeing the mom.

For the record, since I know there are some people who still dont know, Ben and I are in fact engaged, and no we dont have a date set yet. The End.

Steve's graduation was cool too, we got to meet Kelli's family finally, and they were for sure some nice people, there was some other people there too from her church in Memphis, and they were pretty cool too, especially Sister Pam :) Got Steve moved out of the frat house and into storage for the summer before he moves to Alabama for Grad School *sniffle*

-Speaking of which, Im still waiting to hear on my schools, I wish they would quit taking their sweet ass time and just tell me im in! :)

Still no job yet, Im a bum, what can i say? I applied for a couple museum jobs though, just waiting to hear from them...getting your first real job sucks ass..Ive resigned myself to the fact that I might be faced with another summer of retail work... oh the horror.

-I have no immediate plans for the summer, except a lot of beach bumming and relaxing.... im trying to make the most of my break since I'll probably be back in school in the fall

Today's project is to get some flowers for the balcony and plant them....just call me Martha :P

I feel like i might be leaving something out.... oh well.

I miss my friends though...they're all over the place...everybody is at school or at home or god knows where doing internships, wont someone come over to play? :P

The End.
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Current Music:"Girl for Tonight" - Mest
Current Mood:[mood icon] awake
Subject:and go!
Time:10:49 am
1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

Thursday, May 9th, 2002, 8:32 pm:

"today was good......went to summerset with hil, gigs, gbart and mark.... going to chill at starbucks.....im so suburban it hurts"

Hahaha I acctually remember that day too.... it was a good day. :)
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Current Music:The "Mad Madam Mim" song from Sword in the Stone
Current Mood:[mood icon] bouncy
Time:11:34 am
Ok so its the week before finals and surprisingly, i havent lost my mind yet. Im currently:

-packing to move to muskegon
-wrapping up loose ends at work
-wrapping up all the paperwork i need to graduate
-coordinating events the weekend of graduation
-trying to finish up my last paper and my last presentation

And im still sane! yay!

I got Kill Bill, Vol. 1 yesterday and promptly watched it. excellent film. mwahahah.

looking forward to my 21st and having a couple weeks off just to hang out and regroup, and go see my brother grad-gi-mi-tate.

i have waaaay too much stuff. Every time I have to pack to move (my 4th move in 2 years) i wonder how in the hell I got to have so much stuff. and then i remember im a pack rat. about that.

now off to write a paper about the status of women in victorian britain. how brilliantly redundant. considering theres an entire section in the library on the topic, i think it's been covered. really.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] uncomfortable
Subject:dain bramage
Time:01:36 pm
I think, through the magic of self inflicted head injuries, I may have just made myself dumber. I was in the bathroom, putting my hair up because I cant stand to have it down, but apparently I was standing too close to the sink and when I flipped my head over to make my hair go to the top of my head, i whacked my forehead full force on the edge of the sink. Ive been sitting at my desk with a splitting headache for half and hour, looking in a mirror every 5 minutes to make sure I dont have a bruise. Thus far, all clear. However, I havent had a coherent thought in that half an hour. I need a helmet.


This week needs to go slower, i never thought Id say that, but I have too much to do in the next 2 1/2 weeks for how fast time has been going. I have to pack all my stuff for moving, write 3 papers, take an exam, give a presentation, and take 5 finals. boo hiss. but then the peasants shall rejoice because:

1- I'll be all moved to Muskegon
2- I will have graduated from college
3- I will turn 21 one week after all this goes on

Whoo fricken hoo.

Anyway, back to my horrible job that I will make every possible atttempt to forget about once I no longer work here.

PS- for my birthday were going to Cowley's, anyone in the Det. Metro Area on May 1st is welcomed to come :)
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Current Mood:[mood icon] apathetic
Subject:i saw this guy in a wheelchair going down a hill really really fast and he was like wheeeeeeeeeee
Time:04:11 pm
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"After you receive a call from a staff member, contact the next person below you on the list.” (KPL Staff telephone directory, the Emergency Phone Tree page. Obviously, Im at work.)

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
a stack of folders containing a bunch of stuff I just sorted and filed.

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Saving Silverman, it was on last night

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is:

5: Now look at the clock; what is the actual time?
4:03 (wishful thinking)

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
other people’s computers humming, typing, and the woman across from me snuffling

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
When I got out of my car to come back to work after lunch

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
The news on CNN.com

9: What are you wearing?
Black high heels, kahki colored chords, a black shirt with white cuffs and collar, and a KPL name tage

10: Did you dream last night?

11: When did you last laugh?
when my boss called getting married “doing the dirty deed” (I thought that was what happened AFTER you get married)

What happened to #12? I ate it

13: Seen anything weird lately?
Yeah, last Wednesday I saw a car accident in which 2 cars traveled at least ¼ mile down a one way street in the wrong direction and then hit another car…the thing about it is, that even if it had been a two way street, as they had assumed it was from the direction they were going, they would have been driving on the LEFT side of the road…this isn’t England, for god sakes..

14: What do you think of this quiz?
Im at work, I have nothing else to do, that is the extent of my interest in it.

15: What is the last film you saw?
X-Men 2, with Sam last night

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
a house, I hate apartment living

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
Bears don’t really hibernate…they don’t, look it up.

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Make people knock off the whole hated thing....especially towards jews, gays, and women (George Bush are you listening?)

19: Do you like to dance?
Shake your groove thang, shake your groove thang....

20: George Bush: is he a power-crazy nutcase or someone who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
N-U-T-C-A-S-E….. you cant just wipe your ass with the constitution and get away with it

21a: Imagine your first child is a girl; what do you call her?
Annabelle Rose

21b: Imagine your first child is a boy; what do you call him?
Ethan Joseph

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?
Oh yeah, that would be sweet, I really want to work in England or Ireland.
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Current Music:la la la la la la la la
Current Mood:[mood icon] bouncy
Subject:rock out with my....
Time:11:21 am
hum dee dum, last day of work for the week at the KPL....i hate this place. moving along.

Only 3 and a half weeks until graduation.....HUZZAH! Im almost done, Im almost done..... *happy dance*

I think I found a job. I sent the application yesterday. Its with the Coast Guard in Grand Haven. I can never escape it :) Its a good job though, good pay, and temporary, so hopefully i'll be leaving it to go to grad school....*fingers crossed*

I would finish my ECU application if the stupid server was ever up! I cant finish an online application if the site is NOT ONLINE.

Ben is grand, I got to see him unexpectedly yesterday because I'm retarded and left my backpack with all my work in it in Farmington. Boo. So he brought it to me after he went home to see his parents. And he's coming out this weekend. *and the peasants rejoice*

Went to Indiana this weekend where it was a glorious 80 degrees.... ahhhh....summers coming, thank god! Got to see my bro and Kellsta, and see a good play called "Blue Window"....another fine show by the folks in E-Ville.

Fun times this weekend, Sam's fashion show, dinner and movies and stuff.....wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

Back to work for now. :)

Aaron Brown, I miss you too. :(
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Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Time:09:57 am
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates anine
your best quality isyoure talented
your worst quality isyoure not perfect
this is becauselifes a bitch
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!
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Current Mood:[mood icon] tired
Subject:not Louisiana, Paris, France, New York, or Rome...
Time:09:22 am
and its monday... had a good weekened, Ben came, hung out with Lauren, went to Ellen's party on Friday, hung out around the house yesterday and looked for a dress for graduation. Speaking of which, only 5 more weeks! yayayayayayayayayay! and then one week after that, Im 21, wheeeeeeeeeeeee hooooooooo! I need to start packing stuff up and moving it to Muskegon, I need to get alot of stuff outof my room prior to moving day, as much a possible, acctually, so I dont have to worry about much on actual moving day..... I have a paper due tomorrow that I have to work on, and its L.A.B. night, so I'd better get crackin. Home again next weekend, have to help move furniture, and shopping with the mom. Im tired and bored at work, as usual, and I just want to go take a nap right now, even though Ive only been up for a couple hours. Oh well, have a good day, whoever you are ;)
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Current Music:"Call to Arms" - Dropkick Murphys
Current Mood:[mood icon] happy
Subject:Bombs over Dublin.....
Time:10:50 am
St Patrick's day was glorious. Shenanigan's were participated in by all. The Car Bombs flow like wine, and I woke up this morning with the following items next to me:

1- 3 bottles of half drunk water
2- 1 BB gun with an empty clip
3- a garbage can
4- my pants

and my socks were AWOL
Fortunately, I went to bed with my door locked and alone, so I know nothing bad happened.

I have no memory and or explanation of how these things came to pass....but holy fuck did I have a good night :) I needed that.
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Current Mood:[mood icon] curious
Subject:Does this seem strange to you?
Time:12:27 pm
To get into the Library building, I have to 1) Use an electronic key pass that lets security know when I enter and exit the building. 2) Use a seperate, uncopyable metal key to enter the floor on which I work. 3) Enter a 3 digit passcode to get into the office where my desk is. I do all this while being monitored by no less than 5 closed circut secuirty cameras which are recording all my activites on my way in.

All these thing installed for my protection as an employee of the United States Government, right?


To the left of my desk, approx. 15 feet from where I sit, there is a door. This door leads to the public areas of the library. This door is lways unlocked and 50% of the time is acctually open all the way.

Time it takes me to get through security measures: approx 4 minutes.

Time it would take some crazy person to get into my office: approx 2 minutes from the public entrance.

Not that I think this is a likely event, but, for god's sake, sell the security crap off and give me a raise.
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Current Music:"Last Train Home" - Lostprophets
Current Mood:[mood icon] excited
Time:09:21 pm

http://www.code16.com/cat/ < HILARIOUS, i dare you not to laugh

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