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Live without the sunlight, love without your heart beat
Working without instructions
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I think I need more coffee...
That never comes out of my mouth right?

It's totally blah out right now, and I just can't seem to get
motivated or feel awake.

Excited to be having dinner with my Uncle tonight, and my cousin
is in from PA. I haven't seen her in several years, so that will
be neat.

I think I'm going to go register my car as being in AZ tomorrow or Saturday. *eep*
There goes $200. I would have had to do it next month if I still lived in MI anyway.
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And I finally saw the much talked about, Cult Classic, Blue Velvet
this weekend.
While I love a good and f**ked up movie.

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Good Weekend :) Lots on the brain this morning

Friday we did make it out to the Art Walk, but missed Joi and Greg entirely. Did you guys make it out there? I found a pic, I want, and my co-worker still wants that other one :)

It was pretty cool though. We didn't even hit a big section, we just walked up and down grand, and hit maybe 7 galleries. Very neat stuff out there though. Much of it more pricey then I wanted. It was facsinating to see everything from deranged ballerinas to man covered in chocolate thrown against wall *L*
What struck me as sorta cool was a few of these spaces were just peoples homes, with part of it opened up to the public.

Saturday was a gorgeous day to be out at the open. We really just watched a couple of guys play, I needed to be able to tell my mom I watched Michelson ;) Ate too much Cold Stone Ice Cream *mmmm* and walked around ALOT. The best part for me was getting to know Joe's partners wife a little better, it's nice to know someone else is putting up with the long hours too *L*

Sunday I cleaned and studied and Joe watched the Superbowl. I did too, on and off. I used to really like football when I was younger, I think I just fell out of it. Anyway I felt better after having cleaned, and we are slowly moving the kitten out of the main bathroom.

I think my parents are coming down sometime in March, so I want to have her fully out of the main bath before then. I also want us to get the chair we keep talking about getting by then, so everyone has a place to sit *L*
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We think we have named the kitten...Mina.
She slept with us last night, woke to no problems.
She is out roaming the house today, we'll see what happens.

Tonight should be fun. We'll be out for first friday, even if it rains.
I'm figuring we'll start with some yum coffee at Willow House and move on
from there, probably around 8 or 9. [info]agonybliss got your email about
when you'll be out, noted!

Tomorrow should prove interesting out at the FBR (phoenix) Open :)

My first skirt sewn all by my self is almost done (hoping to wear tonight)!
Might make a purse to match if I have time.

Met up with Joe at Applebee's for lunch today. I wanted to try the new
weight watchers stuff...not too shabby, but not a turkey club from 5 & diner
either *L*

I am craving sweets like it's going out of style...ugh.
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Snagged from [info]persephones_rev
Yeah Baby!
Oooo, hot.
Your boyfriend is Angel.

Who is your Buffy boyfriend?
brought to you by Quizilla

So this weekend is promising.
Art walk on Friday: Must start at Willow house :), Must Visit where [info]agonybliss is showing.
Saturday FBR (Phoenix) Open. Sunday, HOLY CRAP I have alot of reading for school. I fell behind on accident, apparently we weren't supposed to read chapters 1 and 2 *L*

Also, I volunteered to be a note taker in one of my classes for this guy who is disabled. Then I found out that the Americans with Disabilities act pays for it ! *L* I told him it wasn't a problem, but I guess it's like this big deal if I do it for him, and they don't reimburse (something to do with his benefits I guess). Anyway, neat.

The Topic of discussion in Tort Law last night was... cut for spacePossible defenses for the mother who kills her child )
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I guess life is pretty good
I have no major drama, except that which I create myself.
My biggest problem was bum guy and cranky co-worker.
Bum guy is getting a face full of pepper spray and a kick to the
groin if he comes too close, and cranky co-worker apologized.

I got a B on my first class assignment. Wasn't too happy, but I wasn't
upset either. This teacher grades on grammer, and well, mine blows! I
need to fix that. Otherwise, I got all the questions right (which shows you
how bad my grammer was).

The un-named kitten seems to be mostly litter trained, and she's adorable.
I think she's going to be a classy little lass.

We got tickets to the Phoenix (FBR) Open this weekend. Why, you ask, would I go
to a golf tournament. Because I never have, I'm sure it's mostly harmless, and
the tickets were free. I worked a Buick Open once for a charity, got to see Pane Webber,
the only golfer I had ever heard of at that point..which was kinda neat.

This Friday is First Friday, and come hell or high water we're going! One thing or another has
had us miss it since I got down here.

So aside from being pressed for time, Life seems pretty ok.
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Arizona State Legislature is voting tomorrow on the Pharmacist bill.
This no longer include general birth control, but is still allowing some
prescriptions to fall under the guideline, that a Pharmacist could refuse
to fill a prescription based on their own beliefs

I've already written the the people of our district.
I can't find a direct link to the bill, but this is a link to find your rep. if your
so inclined.

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Hey Michigan peeps. I got something weird in the mail from State of Michigan.
It looks like it's trying to varify my 2003 return. But I'm not sure.
Did anyone else get something like this, it's just this little post card.
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Evil Prairie Dog
Name: Evil Prairie Dog
Back February 2005