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Angie's Life

Below are the 25 most recent journal entries.

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  2005.02.09  20.40

Worked, Ash Wednesday Mass, Now home.... very tired.


  2005.02.08  15.40

I have done nothing today except work on my sister's wedding. Still sooooo much to do!


  2005.02.07  08.45

I still have a headache from yesterday so I slept in a bit. I should probably call work and let them know I am going to be late. Not that I really have a set time to go in, but i usually arrive around 9am.

ahhhh I don't feel good!


  2005.02.02  11.59

I was so tired this morning that I even slept through Scott getting up and out of bed at 7:20. I figured I needed the sleep so I called in sick to work. I just now got up at 11 and feel great. I am so glad I got that sleep that was much needed!


  2005.02.01  07.45

I went to bed at 9pm, and all I want to do is sleep allllll day long. Why am I sooooo tired?


  2005.01.26  10.51

I keep having these weird dreams. They make me feel mean and upset. Not what I want to wake up with.


  2005.01.24  10.51

Dude I just had the weirdest dream.


  2005.01.23  17.57

Went out and bought my first maternity pants. I had lost a lot of weight a while ago and bought all size 12 pants, well in the past 6 months I had been slowly gaining it all back, so when I got pregnant I was barely fitting into my size 12's as it was. So now i have the slightest pooch and my pants don't fit. So I splurged on one new pair of maternity jeans to wear to work. I have one size 16 pair of pants that still fit and my sweats. That will have to do until I get bigger.

Back to work on Monday, sucks having night shifts but it will be nice to be back at work.


  2005.01.19  14.24

So I have this headache that won't go away. There is a knot in my shoulder blade that really hurts and I think is causing my headache, so I am heading off to the massage place. Hopefully that will help. It is my only hope since I can't take any medications!

I was suppose to go to OMSI with Sarah today, but luckly she postponed it for tomorrow. I am glad seeing as my head hurts. It iwll be fun tomorrow!

I did manage to finish my review. After i get back I will look over it again and then send it off. I hate working when I am on vacation!


  2005.01.17  11.24

I have a week off of work. The short of it is I was too expensive for Gresham's budget and the dm told the gm I had to go back to portland. Which only gave like 3 days notice to portland to put me bakc in the schedule. So I volunteered a weeks worth of vac. to help out. I Hope that has some impact when it comes time for reviews and bonuses.

Today's list includes:
Play video game (harvest moon)
Oil change for car

Tomorrow I have to take my car to dmv.
Sometime this week I have to clear out hte baby's room too to get ready :).


  2005.01.14  12.01
Doctors appt #2

We got to hear the heartbeat today. It was really cool. At one point there were two heartbeats and I tensed up, the mid wife smiled and said the other one was mine. What a relief! Here I thought I was going to be having twins. A very short appt this time, but all is well.


  2005.01.07  11.03

Headin out in a half an hour to meet liz for Lunch at redwood bento.

Well we caught the guy who has been stealing from the registers. Apparently the gm and the loss prevention guy interegated him and he confessed, then paid back everything. What sucks is that we were missing $66 dollars again last night. I thought I would be done closing every night, but no, now I have to train another guy to close. It isn't horrible, inspecially since I like to sleep in, but I am tired of it. Next week I get 3 days off again, including Friday and Saturday. That will be nice! Oh and I thought it was really cool, Cost Plus World Market donated$100K to the red cross for the asian relief fund on behalf of it's employees. Very cool.


  2005.01.01  16.45

New Years was fun. We had a gathering of close friends over. I came home early from work so I could nap and then prepare the food for the festivities. There is a lot in store for all of us in 2005. I can feel it is going to be good year. 2004 was very kind to us as well.

Scott and I are off to his Grandmother's tonight for dinner, his uncle and aunt are in town from Seattle. Should be nice.

Then back to work tomorrow 11:30- 8:30. I have monday, tuesday and wednesday off. We should be able to clean the house and paint the bedroom in that amount of time.


  2004.12.28  12.00

I feel puky today. I am trying to get some laundry done, in fact the towells are drying right now so I can take a shower. I don't go into work until 4. I am working a half day since I only get one day off this week (new years day). I do however get three days off next week in a row. YAY.


  2004.12.27  11.45

Christmas was good to us this year. Scott had to attend 4 Christmas gatherings, while i only had to attend 3. We went to his parents Christmas eve after I got off work. We made out with alot of Loot. Most notably a velour jogging set that will grow with me. Scott and I opened presents from each other after we got home. Then it was off to Midnight Mass. I got really sick in church and couldn't wait for it to be over with. Christmas morning we went to Breakfast at my parents. I got a fishing pole, which was a happy surprise. I would have never thought to ask for one, but it will come in handy hopefully this summer. Although I don't know how much camping I am going to do 8/9 months pregnant. Then it was off to Scott's aunts house where there were tons of people. I got the clock i was wanting for the living room wall. Scott and his cousin decided to play shot class checkers, luckly Scott won and was able to drive home. I was exhausted. It was back to work this week. I work every day until New years day. I should have had 3 days off, but becuase I need to train the new guy, I only have 1. Which gives me 3 days off next week, i requested that they be in a row so we can get the house completly clean and maybe paint the bedroom.
Off to work now :P


  2004.12.22  01.59

So Sarah and I tentevly planned to exchange gifts tomorrow. Is everyone at Voltron in?? If so I would love to make dinner for everyone since it is my day off. I will call you guys in the morning and see what is up.


  2004.12.21  01.42

Tonights drive home was much better than the past. In the past couple of nights it has been really foggy outside on 995, so bad I could barely see. We got out a little bit late but it wasn't too bad.

I hope I sleep tonight. I am trying to read so I can relax and make a list of things so my mind isn't working. I had a headache earlier tonight, but a little bit of caffiene fixed me right up. I can't remember the last time I had caffiene, I am sure it has only been a couple of days.

Ok off to search to see what to bring to christmas dinner and then off to bed!


  2004.12.20  11.52

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night again. I hate this closing shift! Today I need to run by Fred Meyers to finish up christmas shopping. I have my first family get together on Wednesday. The I think Sarah and I are going to exchange presents then too. I am not sure what we are doing Christmas eve since I work late. Then Christmas day we cram in Both families. Should be a good time. I am just ready for the christmas shopping season to be over with!


  2004.12.18  15.17

I don't really want to go to work. I am really tired. I work until Wedensday.. all closing shifts. I am praying I have new years eve and day off. That would be nice.

Last night I went to Voltron to hang but I was just too tired and really didn;t feel like watching people get drunk when I couldn't. I am sure I will get over that though.

I got all my christmas shopping done. YAY!


  2004.12.17  11.42

We had my dr's appt today. Everything is fine and the baby is healthy and 8weeks along. We couldn't hear the heartbeat yet, so that was disappointing, but next time.


  2004.12.15  11.02

my work scheduel sucks! I work tonight 2pm-12:30am, then I have thur and fri off. I work from Sat - Tues 330pm-1230am, have Wedensday off. work thur 330-1230 and xmas eve 11-830pm. Blah!


  2004.12.10  09.03

Today is my first doctors appt. They are going to take blood (which I have problems with) so I am not looking forward to it.


  2004.12.09  17.02

Off to dinner with Lisa!


  2004.12.09  09.48
Baby on the way!

Well Scott posted before I did So here is the good news:

I am very very excited!


  2004.12.06  09.50

So I got transferedt o our Gresham store for a couple of weeks. BLAH! It is a nice store, but there associates are hell. They had one person come in late, another person no call no show. Last week we had to sit two down and talk to them before they started fist fighting. No one wears dress code. Gah! On top of that I have been closing hte last two nights which has thrown my body way out of wack. I worked 2:30-11:30 (getting home at 12:20 in the morning) the last two nights. Today I work 11-8 and on Tuesday 8-5. At least i have wed, thur, fri off. Wed I am going out with my sister and her other bridesmaids to look at her dress and get bridesmaids dresses. Also I have the AVON meeting htat night. Thurs Imay make a doctors appt, I am going out with Lisa for dinner. Friday My mother in law is taking me tot he nutcracker since I have never been. Full week. Off to work I go!


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