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Font Geek Heaven

Thanks go to [info]gillen for posted this sweet linkage to music fonts. I am a typography geek and music fan, so it made my little day :o)

Current Mood Swing: geeky geeky
To The Tune Of: K-Os - Man I used To Be
I'm a hermaphrodite!

You scored as Both. You're a 50/50 person! You are balanced and are a rare one.







Male or female?
created with

Current Mood Swing: hungover hungover
To The Tune Of: Layton playing GTA San Andreas
"He's like a magic fairy!"

Dear GOD this is funny!

Current Mood Swing: amused amused
"Keep firing, Assholes!"

Spaceballs isn't as funny as I remember it being, although I do see why I thought so when I was 11.

InuYasha 2 was yummy goodness. They kissed! *sigh* I really am a hopeless romantic. there's one I thought I wouldn't find funny. Boy was I wrong. "Scuzi"
Also watched The Day After Tomorrow and Shrek 2.

I have my new Compy! Yay! It is Le Awesome!

I didn't buy the shirt I wanted ("WARNING! This person contains coarse language and scenes of nudity") but I did get a spool of 100 CDR's for $40 instead... practicality has to rule sometime.

More Broken Heart Syndrome... )

In manga-related news, I'm happily making my way through xxxHolic and Tsubasa. I asked them to order in InuYasha at the bookstore. Will see. I hope they get the manga, not the animanga.

I've decided I'm going to Truro next year for New Media Design and Development instead of staying here for Graphic Design. It's an extra year but it's more what I want.

I am not doing so well.

Current Mood Swing: lonely lonely
To The Tune Of: Rufus Wainwright - Complainte De La Butte
Mighty Hard!

Ok... in high school we had this game we played where one person would write a line of a story and the next person added their line and so on...not a full sentence, just 1 line.

Good to see we've matured since then... )

*shakes head*

Cross your fingers for me! I'm going to try to win a karaoke contest this weekend!

Current Mood Swing: juvenile juvenile
To The Tune Of: Same Girl Twice - Supreme Beings Of Leisure
You asked for it...

I'm getting bombarded with queries as to my lack of here you go!

[info]cyrusleigh is building me a new comp and bought me Spaceballs. I know you know this, but you kick ass. Thank you.

[info]shigity_schwai and Adrien made Spooge for [info]born_on_a_nub and I last night. That was DAMN tasty. I think you should post the recipe to [info]cheap_eats. It rocked mighty hard :oD

Welcome [info]tizzaho and [info]trihesta! There's so many of us now I started [info]nscc!

Make sure your speakers are on!

More later...time for Media Studies.

Current Mood Swing: depressed depressed
To The Tune Of: Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose
Phantom Power

EDIT: Ok, so I just wrote this and am already regretting it, but I posted it. I have this weird thing where I want to leave a post up once I've posted it, even if it's full of embarassing drivel. Might as well fess up to myself that I still slide backwards, if only for an hour.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother trying. I always remember, but the wonder seems to keep coming back. I'm getting so tired of it all again.

How desperately I wish for loving arms around me and sweet words whispered in my ear. I miss being in love. I miss loving. I refuse to just "find someone". I get so fucking lonely. People tell me I deserve someone as wonderful as I am. I ask myself if they realize they're cursing me. I was told that I have to stop tearing myself down. I know. I really do know. Easier said than done.

I know it seems like I do it for attention, for pity, for commiseration. Believe it or not, I don't. I'm just human, filled with self-doubt and struggling.

I think back on all the eyes I've stared into with love and I miss them. Six. Six pairs of eyes stare back at me. Three of those haunt me most. Two....two make me ache every time I think of them. It really fucks me up that two of the six ended up looking at me with pain and anger in their eyes. One doesn't even talk to me anymore. Two I hurt by not being able to give them what they deserved. Most of them seemed incapable of telling me what went wrong. One did. It was both eye opening and heart breaking.

I know that looking back is pointless, especially since I've taken most of what I can from the experiences, but I so terribly want to make things work. I'm so tired of putting the pieces of my heart back together. There are chunks missing. The pasted remains are becoming pathetic. I don't know how much more it can take. Why haven't I been more careful with it?

Why is everyone who's ever been in my heart still in there? Why am I filled with ghosts?

To taste your lips, to touch your face, to smell your hair, to see the soft look in your eyes, to feel your skin under my fingertips, to simply be...what I wouldn't give to hear your voice.

Current Mood Swing: depressed depressed
To The Tune Of: Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose
It's a flash flash revolution!

EDIT: Sorry about the links, they must have dropped the files off their server when the bandwidth usage shot up.

This man created the Mario brothers. I want what he's on, and lots of it.
Then I'll watch this.

Courtesy of [info]dawench, my mindmap. )

Current Mood Swing: busy busy
To The Tune Of: Clara Nunes - Canto Das Tres Racas

Good afternoon, or whatever it may be when you read this.

I'm struggling with all the things I want to say and all the blogging tendancies that tend to come out during the confusion.

[info]autodidactic posted a wonderful link to an insightful entry on pink collar ghettos and sexism concerning Livejournal.

All I can taste is basil....damn cantelloni. It was appreciated regardless of my attitude T. I have tried to nuke the taste with about 15 tic tacs to no avail.

It's hard to say anything meaningful when you're empty inside.

Current Mood Swing: quixotic quixotic
To The Tune Of: Silvia Torres - Take Sarava
Meanwhile, 20 minutes later....

Snow day!

There's a 3 foot drift in front of my door and we're having a movie day. Last night was a ton of fun, thanks [info]born_on_a_nub... we need to do that more. Jason needs to be our official storyteller.

Current Mood Swing: amused amused
To The Tune Of: Usher - Caught Up
My IQ, Schfifty Five

I have dragged several more unsuspecting people onto Livejournal! Welcome [info]born_on_a_nub, [info]shigity_schwai, and [info]star_candy309!

[info]born_on_a_nub and I are starting up on a regime I used to follow but got away from - we'll do morning yoga, some aerobic dancing, and evening tai chi.

Ok, the following lines won't make too much sense to anyone not from a NSCC couch.


T! That note you left me on my comp is SOOOO sweet! You rock :oD
I don't want to know your name, I just want Bang Bang Bang!

Nub, thank you for everything you said this weekend. I'm proud to be a Nerdy Kitchen Bitch. You are one awesome friend. Ok, so I just told you I was mentioning you in this entry and you did the "Oh my god!" hand wave. I am SO pissed I missed Layton doing that next to me! I look away at all the wrong times! Tonight is a great "girls" night . Just like every night. I need to go home sometime. Oh no! Toko just got up *cries* ... he was my hip warmer! You made one hot zebra, no matter what you say.

[info]shigity_schwai, I will have her yet, manly arms are no match for my cooking!

[info]star_candy309, you are a wonderful friend. I hope things start going better for your friend. If I can find a way home I'll let you know since Amherst is very close to Moncton. My cats thank you.

We really missed you [info]clueless_queen! We need to grab [info]eknock and [info]cyrusleigh again soon and have a MAC night. You can never have too many Mac nights.


So, it's January and I'm not crushingly depressed. I am depressed, and things with Mike didn't improve things, but I have a great group of friends, and I'm finally getting where I want to be in life.
I told Mike not to call me again 2 weeks ago. He hasn't.

I'm reinventing without changing me, if that makes any sense to you.

Time to go home and pass out. No school tomorrow methinks. We are blizzard queens!

Current Mood Swing: awake awake
To The Tune Of: K-Os - Man I Used To Be // Gavin Degraw - I Don't Wanna Be

She Blocked Me

I'm not usually a lyrics poster, but....

Lisa Loeb - Falling In Love )

Current Mood Swing: thoughtful thoughtful
To The Tune Of: Suzanne Vega - Eternal Flame (Lilith Fair accoustic version)
Cleanse your soul!!

Clean Your Screen
...a very useful tool!

from [info]frozentruth

Current Mood Swing: amused amused
Go Hashmeer, Go Hashmeer, Go!

They better just piss off. I don't want to have to go kick some Virginian political ass and end up incarcerated.

Many people in my livingroom last night. Fun was had.

Drama nerd








Ghetto gangsta








What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

Ripped off of [info]jaymosch.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

Nabbed off of [info]realitystylist's journal.

Current Mood Swing: depressed depressed

John just made my afternoon.

"What the hell is that?......Is that the ass end?..."


Current Mood Swing: amused amused
Group X ; Arabian Rap Sensations

Years ago, [info]haradachi introduced me to a song called Soccer and an obsession was born.

Don't Touch That (M.C. Hammer spoof)

The Group X website - gotta love the dancing hootchies at the top - one looks like she has to go to the washroom and the other looks like she should have to throw up. I love the celebrity "quotes" on the bottom left :oD

Not Group X, but funny - Everybody has more sex than me!

Current Mood Swing: weird weird
To The Tune Of: Group X - Schfifty Five
Two shots of happy, one shot of sad with a melancholy chaser

Fellow Canadian hockey fans watching the juniors - hell yeah! We did it!

Well, if any of you had been following the little melodrama after New Years concerning my ex and the emotional wringer he put me through over the holidays, you may be relieved to hear that I have cut off communication completely. He called two nights ago and put me through the last load of crap he ever will. He called the next morning to apologize, and the only reason he got an answer was because it was call waiting, so I couldn't see that it was him calling. I had promised myself I wasn't going to answer his calls anymore. I told him not to call ever again. I said "This trying to be friends thing is just not working out. I don't hate you and if we see each other down the road I hope we can ask how we've been, but I just can't do this." He agreed. He hasn't called since.

Thank you for your comments. I want to delete those posts because it was all so much bitter ranting that I've already worked past, and was really the sick, angry pain of finality. It was the breaking of an abcess. The infection is healing, and I already am regreting most of my fevered words.

So semester two begins. I am going to kick ass in my Digital Imaging course - it's mostly HTML and web page design....sweet. My prof already has me helping other students. I'm looking forward to my Media Studies course too.The best part of this semester is that I have four classes with my two favorite profs and only one with the jerk. The sad part is how many people have dropped out. I'm going to miss several of them :o(

I've become a personal chef! I am being commissioned to cook for a weekly get together. I love it when my cooking is appreciated! It makes my food better because I put love into the mix :oD

For the few of you who had to listen to me bemoaning the loss of my television, DVD, and VCR (they all died within a couple months of each other)...they are all replaced! I got a new TV for Xmas (20" flatscreen surround), took back the VCR, and bought myself a new DVD. Of course I promptly broke the card bus adapter for my ethernet card and you can't but just the adapter around here unless you're buying a wireless one which would be sweet, but would also involved the purchase of a 75$ router. *sigh* Bye bye high speed for a while. I have to talk to them about maybe giving me some extra dialup hours in light of the situation. I'm not going to hold my breath though.

Holy Crap! I just looked down and noticed my knee! I found a patch of black ice this morning and did the splits, landing on my right knee... sure it hurt a little at the time... but it's all skinned, apparently bled a bit, and is getting bruised.

Tomorrow I attack my kitchen in an all out organizing assault!

Current Mood Swing: okay okay
To The Tune Of: Group X - Mario Twins

Blah blah blah... I sure am full of hot air lately... )
In general, my mood is much better today. Ryan and Chantell dropped by to get me last night and we all caught up on how things were going. Seems none of us had a very happy holiday :o(
I told them about my newest malady (IBS) and my troubles with my ex. We were going to watch Twisted but we ended up talking instead, and Born-On-A-Nub put a hair extension in my hair. I conked out early because I had taken a gravol just before they came to my door. Haven't been feeling too hot. Obviously been feeling verbose though ;o)

Current Mood Swing: improving improving
To The Tune Of: K-OS - Crabukkit

Well, I've started the new year with a pity party!

(to the tune of "Let It Be")
The letter P
The letter P
The letter P
The letter P
After O, before Q
The letter P

Stupid heart
Stupid feelings
Stupid me.

Happy New Year.
If you think this entry is ostentatious kiss my pretentious ass. I get crazier when I'm in pain. )

Current Mood Swing: contemplative contemplative
To The Tune Of: Eric Clapton - Old Love
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